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Brown Autopsy Report Leaked by NYT

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posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Well, the body has six holes minimum in it from what I read in another article, two of which were in his head. Now no matter what, the six bullets in this unarmed guy are enough to put this cop away for something.

There were witnesses to this.

No. Six bullets in a charging bull hellbent on perpetrating violence and taking your service weapon is not enough to put this cop away for anything. But, let's wait for the full scope of the investigation.

And, let's see if these "witnesses" are unbiased and truthful. Sounds like one of them has already stretched things a bit now that the autopsy reports have come out.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Bilk22
This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser and apparently tried to grab your gun.

Are either of those two events confirmed? Just wondering because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere?
Here's a link with a video and transcript. Pertinent info at about 6:30


Not confirmed then, just another witness statement. Other statements saying otherwise so as yet we just dont know.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: skunkape23
The only way a bullet could enter his eye, exit his jaw, and reenter his collar bone, is if he was shot while he was down.
There is no excuse for that.

think J.F.K and magic bullet

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: backwherewestarted

Well the "shot in the back" just went out the window. The witness report - someone was caught on a cell phone talking to police - said that Brown was initially running away, but when the cop got out of his car, Brown turned toward him and tried to "bullrush the cop". Not sure if that is posted here in one of the many threads or not. The witness also said that Brown was seen leaning into the cop car and then ran from it. Shots or a shot was heard while Brown was leaning into the car.

I don't think people, or at least some people, want to know the truth or let it be known.

The report said that the shot he received at the top of his head appeared to happened when he had his head angled downward, so that could fit in with "bull rushing" the cop. I do think that many people don't want to know the truth. I agree with you 100% on that. They will feel like they can't let this go or the conversations that we've maybe needed to have will be gone. Nothing will be resolved and so on. That doesn't have to be the case though.

Everyone should seek out justice. Not their form of it or what they hope/think it needs to be and then continue the conversations and working for change afterwards. If it didn't happen like so many were led to believe it did, accept that and move forward to try and make the changes you were protesting for to begin with. There are conversations that need to be had, and there are things that need to be changed... That doesn't change if Michael Brown was not murdered in cold blood.
Not sure I follow. So in order for there to be "justice" they need to find that Brown was "murdered in cold blood"?

No!! I am saying that if it comes to light that the cop had no alternative than to fire, there are still conversations that need to be had and changes that need to be made. That doesn't change if they do not find fault with the LEO in this situation. I was saying that I hope that the conversations and talks for change don't stop if the cop is found blameless.
What conversations are you referring to? Serious question.

For starters why this still happens....

If that wasn't so prevalent then maybe people wouldn't rush to judgement when something like this happens. Maybe cops wouldn't be so antsy and quick to pull their gun?? I don't know, but I do know that they are apparently still not being treated equally in all areas. Perception is reality, they are saying something is wrong and it needs to be looked at.
Well I think a different conversation needs to be had. This just happened and no one is talking about it. You want to talk about a guy that robbed a store, assaulted a cop and then ran back at him for more. That's pretty messed up when there are multiple shootings happening every day in our inner cities. The conversation you want to have just further divides. Maybe it time for a different conversation. We've had the one you want to have, dozens of times.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Bilk22
This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser and apparently tried to grab your gun.

Are either of those two events confirmed? Just wondering because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere?
Here's a link with a video and transcript. Pertinent info at about 6:30


Not confirmed then, just another witness statement. Other statements saying otherwise so as yet we just dont know.
LOL what is confirmed? The cop shot and the guy died? OK so be it.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:44 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: rickymouse
Well, the body has six holes minimum in it from what I read in another article, two of which were in his head. Now no matter what, the six bullets in this unarmed guy are enough to put this cop away for something. The people in that town have to settle down already. The vandalism and hateful protesting are uncalled for. There are people high up overlooking this to make sure justice is served, it is not a local issue that can be covered up anymore.
I'm not big fan for LEOs, but put yourself in that cops shoes. This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser and apparently tried to grab your gun. So you have to assume he is either on meth or just crazy. After running he decides to turn and rush you even when you have your gun drawn. Are you going to stand there and get taken out or are you going to shoot? And, after you shoot, you're not even sure you hit him because he keeps coming at you. What do you do brave boy?

What you are saying is an assumption of the cops statement. I haven't actually seen a released official statement from the cop yet. It is in major conflict with eye witnesses statements. This sounds more like an opinion.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Bilk22
This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser and apparently tried to grab your gun.

Are either of those two events confirmed? Just wondering because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere?
Here's a link with a video and transcript. Pertinent info at about 6:30


Not confirmed then, just another witness statement. Other statements saying otherwise so as yet we just dont know.
LOL what is confirmed? The cop shot and the guy died? OK so be it.

You wrote

I'm not big fan for LEOs, but put yourself in that cops shoes. This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser
I thought maybe you'd seen this confirmed, your post read that way to me.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: rickymouse
Well, the body has six holes minimum in it from what I read in another article, two of which were in his head. Now no matter what, the six bullets in this unarmed guy are enough to put this cop away for something. The people in that town have to settle down already. The vandalism and hateful protesting are uncalled for. There are people high up overlooking this to make sure justice is served, it is not a local issue that can be covered up anymore.
I'm not big fan for LEOs, but put yourself in that cops shoes. This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser and apparently tried to grab your gun. So you have to assume he is either on meth or just crazy. After running he decides to turn and rush you even when you have your gun drawn. Are you going to stand there and get taken out or are you going to shoot? And, after you shoot, you're not even sure you hit him because he keeps coming at you. What do you do brave boy?

What you are saying is an assumption of the cops statement. I haven't actually seen a released official statement from the cop yet. It is in major conflict with eye witnesses statements. This sounds more like an opinion.
You've already convicted the cop in the many posts I've seen from you, so your "let's wait and see" is BS.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: backwherewestarted

Well the "shot in the back" just went out the window. The witness report - someone was caught on a cell phone talking to police - said that Brown was initially running away, but when the cop got out of his car, Brown turned toward him and tried to "bullrush the cop". Not sure if that is posted here in one of the many threads or not. The witness also said that Brown was seen leaning into the cop car and then ran from it. Shots or a shot was heard while Brown was leaning into the car.

I don't think people, or at least some people, want to know the truth or let it be known.

That's not what was said in the cellphone conversation. I posted a transcription here as well as a link to the video so you can listen for yourself. Neither "bull rush the cop" nor anything about leaning into the car appear anywhere in it. There is one line,"'Cause when he ran, the police got out and ran after him and then the next thing I know, he's coming back toward the (truck?). The police had his gun drawn already." You're mixing up what "Josie," the supposed friend of Darren Wilson and his wife, said that Darren Wilson's wife told her.

One shot was fired from inside the car, that's by ALL accounts.

What's most interesting here is that the eye witnesses were all wrong about him being shot in the back AND there appear to be not one, but two shots to the head, one entering through the top, and at least six shots in total.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:49 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: backwherewestarted

Well the "shot in the back" just went out the window. The witness report - someone was caught on a cell phone talking to police - said that Brown was initially running away, but when the cop got out of his car, Brown turned toward him and tried to "bullrush the cop". Not sure if that is posted here in one of the many threads or not. The witness also said that Brown was seen leaning into the cop car and then ran from it. Shots or a shot was heard while Brown was leaning into the car.

I don't think people, or at least some people, want to know the truth or let it be known.

The report said that the shot he received at the top of his head appeared to happened when he had his head angled downward, so that could fit in with "bull rushing" the cop. I do think that many people don't want to know the truth. I agree with you 100% on that. They will feel like they can't let this go or the conversations that we've maybe needed to have will be gone. Nothing will be resolved and so on. That doesn't have to be the case though.

Everyone should seek out justice. Not their form of it or what they hope/think it needs to be and then continue the conversations and working for change afterwards. If it didn't happen like so many were led to believe it did, accept that and move forward to try and make the changes you were protesting for to begin with. There are conversations that need to be had, and there are things that need to be changed... That doesn't change if Michael Brown was not murdered in cold blood.
Not sure I follow. So in order for there to be "justice" they need to find that Brown was "murdered in cold blood"?

No!! I am saying that if it comes to light that the cop had no alternative than to fire, there are still conversations that need to be had and changes that need to be made. That doesn't change if they do not find fault with the LEO in this situation. I was saying that I hope that the conversations and talks for change don't stop if the cop is found blameless.
What conversations are you referring to? Serious question.

For starters why this still happens....

If that wasn't so prevalent then maybe people wouldn't rush to judgement when something like this happens. Maybe cops wouldn't be so antsy and quick to pull their gun?? I don't know, but I do know that they are apparently still not being treated equally in all areas. Perception is reality, they are saying something is wrong and it needs to be looked at.
Well I think a different conversation needs to be had. This just happened and no one is talking about it. You want to talk about a guy that robbed a store, assaulted a cop and then ran back at him for more. That's pretty messed up when there are multiple shootings happening every day in our inner cities. The conversation you want to have just further divides. Maybe it time for a different conversation. We've had the one you want to have, dozens of times.

You speak as if you have seen me write anywhere on this site about his innocence or his guilt. I have already stated that this is BIGGER than Michael Brown. People are tired. This was just the proverbial straw.

And why is no one capable of caring about more than one thing at a time?? Every time I see someone post "Well you care about this but not this" it screams ridiculous. Nobody can pay attention to more than one situation, nobody can care about more than one news story, don't have two kids because you can only love one...

And I'm all for a different conversation if it makes this hell hole any more peaceful. I'm sick of the ignorance, violence, etc. like everyone else. I'll have a conversation about monkey nuts and blow pops if it'll change anything to make it more positive.

So you start the conversation you think will do it and I'll show up when you start it.
edit on 8/17/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Bilk22
This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser and apparently tried to grab your gun.

Are either of those two events confirmed? Just wondering because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere?
Here's a link with a video and transcript. Pertinent info at about 6:30


Not confirmed then, just another witness statement. Other statements saying otherwise so as yet we just dont know.
LOL what is confirmed? The cop shot and the guy died? OK so be it.

You wrote

I'm not big fan for LEOs, but put yourself in that cops shoes. This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser
I thought maybe you'd seen this confirmed, your post read that way to me.
I heard the video. It was inadvertently recorded. That's probably as good as it gets. So yeah I believe the accounting vs those that have come before it that the media chose to release without them being vetted.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: backwherewestarted

Well the "shot in the back" just went out the window. The witness report - someone was caught on a cell phone talking to police - said that Brown was initially running away, but when the cop got out of his car, Brown turned toward him and tried to "bullrush the cop". Not sure if that is posted here in one of the many threads or not. The witness also said that Brown was seen leaning into the cop car and then ran from it. Shots or a shot was heard while Brown was leaning into the car.

I don't think people, or at least some people, want to know the truth or let it be known.

The report said that the shot he received at the top of his head appeared to happened when he had his head angled downward, so that could fit in with "bull rushing" the cop. I do think that many people don't want to know the truth. I agree with you 100% on that. They will feel like they can't let this go or the conversations that we've maybe needed to have will be gone. Nothing will be resolved and so on. That doesn't have to be the case though.

Everyone should seek out justice. Not their form of it or what they hope/think it needs to be and then continue the conversations and working for change afterwards. If it didn't happen like so many were led to believe it did, accept that and move forward to try and make the changes you were protesting for to begin with. There are conversations that need to be had, and there are things that need to be changed... That doesn't change if Michael Brown was not murdered in cold blood.
Not sure I follow. So in order for there to be "justice" they need to find that Brown was "murdered in cold blood"?

No!! I am saying that if it comes to light that the cop had no alternative than to fire, there are still conversations that need to be had and changes that need to be made. That doesn't change if they do not find fault with the LEO in this situation. I was saying that I hope that the conversations and talks for change don't stop if the cop is found blameless.
What conversations are you referring to? Serious question.

For starters why this still happens....

If that wasn't so prevalent then maybe people wouldn't rush to judgement when something like this happens. Maybe cops wouldn't be so antsy and quick to pull their gun?? I don't know, but I do know that they are apparently still not being treated equally in all areas. Perception is reality, they are saying something is wrong and it needs to be looked at.
Well I think a different conversation needs to be had. This just happened and no one is talking about it. You want to talk about a guy that robbed a store, assaulted a cop and then ran back at him for more. That's pretty messed up when there are multiple shootings happening every day in our inner cities. The conversation you want to have just further divides. Maybe it time for a different conversation. We've had the one you want to have, dozens of times.

You speak as if you have seen me write anywhere on this site about his innocence or his guilt. I have already stated that this is BIGGER than Michael Brown.

Any why is no one capable of caring about more than one thing at a time?? Every time I see someone post "Well you care about this but not this" it screams ridiculous. Nobody can pay attention to more than one situation, nobody can care about more than one news story, don't have two kids because you can only love one...

And I'm all for a different conversation if it makes this hell hole any more peaceful. I'm sick of the ignorance, violence, etc. like everyone else. I'll have a conversation about monkey nuts and blow pops if it'll change anything to make it more postive.

So you start the conversation you think will do it and I'll show up when you start it.
I didn't make any claims of your assessment of this instance. However this instance isn't one for the conversation you said you wanted. Would you put Michael Brown on that poster? He was no innocent kid. That is clear and all in one day he proved it.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Bilk22
This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser and apparently tried to grab your gun.

Are either of those two events confirmed? Just wondering because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere?
Here's a link with a video and transcript. Pertinent info at about 6:30


Here's another link for the video.

Yeah, that's not a witness statement. That is a woman calling into a radio show and saying that she is a friend of Darren Wilson and his wife and that she is relaying what was told to her by Mrs. Wilson who was told this by Darren Wilson.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: Bilk22
This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser and apparently tried to grab your gun.

Are either of those two events confirmed? Just wondering because I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere?
Here's a link with a video and transcript. Pertinent info at about 6:30


Here's another link for the video.

Yeah, that's not a witness statement. That is a woman calling into a radio show and saying that she is a friend of Darren Wilson and his wife and that she is relaying what was told to her by Mrs. Wilson who was told this by Darren Wilson.
? It's the original cellphone video in both links. The first link has more than one video.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: feldercarb
a reply to: VoidHawk

Nope but there is some sketch eyewitness testimony suggesting that those incidents might have occurred. One thing is namely that multiple witnesses said that Michael was leaning into the car via the window.

Could you please point to any of these multiple statements that said he was leaning into the car?

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: rickymouse
Well, the body has six holes minimum in it from what I read in another article, two of which were in his head. Now no matter what, the six bullets in this unarmed guy are enough to put this cop away for something. The people in that town have to settle down already. The vandalism and hateful protesting are uncalled for. There are people high up overlooking this to make sure justice is served, it is not a local issue that can be covered up anymore.
I'm not big fan for LEOs, but put yourself in that cops shoes. This big dude just assaulted you inside your cruiser and apparently tried to grab your gun. So you have to assume he is either on meth or just crazy. After running he decides to turn and rush you even when you have your gun drawn. Are you going to stand there and get taken out or are you going to shoot? And, after you shoot, you're not even sure you hit him because he keeps coming at you. What do you do brave boy?

What you are saying is an assumption of the cops statement. I haven't actually seen a released official statement from the cop yet. It is in major conflict with eye witnesses statements. This sounds more like an opinion.
You've already convicted the cop in the many posts I've seen from you, so your "let's wait and see" is BS.

Yup, the cop did not act appropriately. At minimum he should lose his job and face some charges.
The link you posted to show your evidence showed no video that backed anything and the witness was a friend of the cop who was not at the scene. I don't know what kind of a news thing the brenner brief is, looks like some people got together and decided to get an online paper together to voice their beliefs.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: backwherewestarted

Well the "shot in the back" just went out the window. The witness report - someone was caught on a cell phone talking to police - said that Brown was initially running away, but when the cop got out of his car, Brown turned toward him and tried to "bullrush the cop". Not sure if that is posted here in one of the many threads or not. The witness also said that Brown was seen leaning into the cop car and then ran from it. Shots or a shot was heard while Brown was leaning into the car.

I don't think people, or at least some people, want to know the truth or let it be known.

The report said that the shot he received at the top of his head appeared to happened when he had his head angled downward, so that could fit in with "bull rushing" the cop. I do think that many people don't want to know the truth. I agree with you 100% on that. They will feel like they can't let this go or the conversations that we've maybe needed to have will be gone. Nothing will be resolved and so on. That doesn't have to be the case though.

Everyone should seek out justice. Not their form of it or what they hope/think it needs to be and then continue the conversations and working for change afterwards. If it didn't happen like so many were led to believe it did, accept that and move forward to try and make the changes you were protesting for to begin with. There are conversations that need to be had, and there are things that need to be changed... That doesn't change if Michael Brown was not murdered in cold blood.
Not sure I follow. So in order for there to be "justice" they need to find that Brown was "murdered in cold blood"?

No!! I am saying that if it comes to light that the cop had no alternative than to fire, there are still conversations that need to be had and changes that need to be made. That doesn't change if they do not find fault with the LEO in this situation. I was saying that I hope that the conversations and talks for change don't stop if the cop is found blameless.
What conversations are you referring to? Serious question.

For starters why this still happens....

If that wasn't so prevalent then maybe people wouldn't rush to judgement when something like this happens. Maybe cops wouldn't be so antsy and quick to pull their gun?? I don't know, but I do know that they are apparently still not being treated equally in all areas. Perception is reality, they are saying something is wrong and it needs to be looked at.
Well I think a different conversation needs to be had. This just happened and no one is talking about it. You want to talk about a guy that robbed a store, assaulted a cop and then ran back at him for more. That's pretty messed up when there are multiple shootings happening every day in our inner cities. The conversation you want to have just further divides. Maybe it time for a different conversation. We've had the one you want to have, dozens of times.

You speak as if you have seen me write anywhere on this site about his innocence or his guilt. I have already stated that this is BIGGER than Michael Brown.

Any why is no one capable of caring about more than one thing at a time?? Every time I see someone post "Well you care about this but not this" it screams ridiculous. Nobody can pay attention to more than one situation, nobody can care about more than one news story, don't have two kids because you can only love one...

And I'm all for a different conversation if it makes this hell hole any more peaceful. I'm sick of the ignorance, violence, etc. like everyone else. I'll have a conversation about monkey nuts and blow pops if it'll change anything to make it more postive.

So you start the conversation you think will do it and I'll show up when you start it.
I didn't make any claims of your assessment of this instance. However this instance isn't one for the conversation you said you wanted. Would you put Michael Brown on that poster? He was no innocent kid. That is clear and all in one day he proved it.

I think we may actually be somewhat agreeing and not recognizing it. I will see if I can clarify (and I am not meaning that in a sarcastic way).

I do not think Michael Brown should be the poster child for anything. Seriously. Judging from the (theft and shoving) video, I would assume that Michael Brown was probably a bit if a bully who enjoyed using his size to his advantage. I don't know what actually went down that day. I would hate to think a man was killed simply because he stole some cigars. But I am also not ruling out the possibility that the cop was justified in what he did to save his own life. I am ok with that outcome as I don't have a dog in that race so to speak. I think it's sad either way.

My point here is that the community (those who are not looters and rioters) came together and they have discussed how they have felt the PD has treated them many times in their neighborhoods. They feel there is a racial divide. I was stating that I hoped they would not cling to a false story IF it came about that the cop was justified just so they could continue to address those issues. I hope they can accept either decision but still continue to discuss how they feel they have been treated (prior to this whole incident) by those that are supposed to serve and protect them.

So I do agree that he was no innocent kid. He should not be a poster boy for anything but this incident did start a dialog that needs to be continued regardless of the decision. If they can fix how the residents feel about their PD, or even just let them air their grievances while they actually listen it could only help to improve any future situations IMO. They would face less hostile residents and the residents might actually be encouraged by that. Maybe I'm naive in that thought.

But that was what I was trying to say. You may still not agree and that's ok too. It's what makes the world go round.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 12:14 AM
If this man was shot in the knee he'd have been on the ground. Period.

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: Iamthatbish
This is the evidence of poor training. Too many bullets. None to the lower extremities to keep him put and a top of the head shot?

This shows serious issues on the police officers value of this mans life.

You don't shoot lower extremities. When you shoot you shoot for the chest. Shooting should be a last resort.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian

originally posted by: feldercarb
a reply to: VoidHawk

Nope but there is some sketch eyewitness testimony suggesting that those incidents might have occurred. One thing is namely that multiple witnesses said that Michael was leaning into the car via the window.

Could you please point to any of these multiple statements that said he was leaning into the car?

Tiffany Mitchell MSNBC interview.

Tiffany Mitchell MSNBC interview

I hope I did that right.
edit on 18-8-2014 by feldercarb because: bad at linking

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse

Yup, the cop did not act appropriately. At minimum he should lose his job and face some charges.
The link you posted to show your evidence showed no video that backed anything and the witness was a friend of the cop who was not at the scene. I don't know what kind of a news thing the brenner brief is, looks like some people got together and decided to get an online paper together to voice their beliefs.

No, there is no evidence that the policeman; Darren, acted inappropriately. We do not have enough information yet. We need the first autopsy, Michael's toxicology, Darren's medical evaluation, Darren's toxicology and even the third autopsy before we can start to piece the situation together. Do not rush to judgement. Wait for all the information first.

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