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We have not yet reached the advancement of Noah's era.

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posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: edward777

You misunderstand what the flood represents. It is a story to point to one reality. We are the animals in the ark. The flood is baptism into the material world. 1 Peter 3 gives us the key to the symbolism of the flood.

1 Peter 3

19 After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits— 20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, 21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God.[e] It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22 who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.

It is not destruction. It's is renewal. Baptism is the involution and evolution of the soul into a material body for the sole purpose of discovering good and evil. We are images and copies of our true selves above. The flood is water baptism, or our immersion into the waters of the mother. Read my first thread.

Noah is symbolism for baptism. Baptism is symbolism for involution into a material body.


The cup is the womb. The bread of Christ is seed, or ears from grain that is crushed to make bread. The bread is the body made form letters (DNA). Consider it from the words of Matthew.

Matthew 3

7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? 8 Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. 9 And do not think you can say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. 10 The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

The flood is still happening.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: edward777

Actually violence, as well as wickedness, was the reason for the flood, and this comes from the actual Bible... the inspired Word of God... not some fake uninspired "lost book" like Jasher, Enoch, etc... Genesis 6:5-8 clearly states...

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: edward777

I think we are way beyond the attitudes and ignorance of the people in the Noah story whether it is historical or mythical.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: edward777

You put too much stock into these bodies. It doesn't matter what genes we have, and the flood wasn't a physical event. The perversions that were done to mankind (using your words) occurred on a spiritual level.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Nechash

Are who's to say that comets or asteroids containing large ammount of hydrogen were not hurled at the planet in the passed?

Would not the extra addition of hydrogen create a vast ocean? There would of been plenty of oxygen to mix....
Assuming the planet didn't have all this water and was englufed in lushed rainforest.

As ice core samples show, That oxygen levels were much much higher. That would mean there would have to be more vegitation. Far more than what we have right now.

And the ocean itself produces much of our oxygen now anyways... So how does the level of oxygen go up? If not incerated by impacting asteroids made of hydrogen based substances.

If you look at the earths mantle it is badly cracked.

There is a vast scar in the Atlantic ocean. Huge portions of Earths crust are missing and was replaced by water.

To say that some catasrophe of the like didn't happen is like saying all the water in the ocean was held up by glaciers that poked out into space like some spinny top toy.

I seriously doubt that. Its impossible for the ocean to freeze over in such a way that settlments could be created on the ocean floor.

What did these supposedly stone age people do? Swim to the bottom and build cities of stone to purplex us in the future?

Sorry. But there may have not of been a *wooden boat* that saved a bunch of pair of animals. Il give you guys credit for pointing the obvious how that is not possible.

But come on. No flood? Everything around us contradicts these statements.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 06:19 PM
Things that were once above water, as time passes, get covered up by water.

You simply cannot compare their current position with where they used to be. There are sea creatures on top of mountains because MOUNTAINS RISE.

This is fact. There is no debate. We have GPS trackers on mountains and call tell which ones, and by how much, they are growing each year.

The land that was once the sea floor moved and rose to form a mountain.

This is REALLY not that hard to grasp. If you refuse to believe plate tectonics and mountain building then at least that explains why you can't understand it, but if you accept those things as real then there zero mystery on how sea shells got on top of a mountain.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 06:19 PM
Things that were once above water, as time passes, get covered up by water. Just as area that was once underwater, over time, gets to a place and elevation where they are no longer under water. We have examples of this type of thing within recorded history (sea becoming land or land becoming sea)

You simply cannot compare their current position with where they used to be. There are sea creatures on top of mountains because MOUNTAINS RISE.

This is fact. There is no debate. We have GPS trackers on mountains and call tell which ones, and by how much, they are growing each year.

The land that was once the sea floor moved and rose to form a mountain.

This is REALLY not that hard to grasp. If you refuse to believe plate tectonics and mountain building then at least that explains why you can't understand it, but if you accept those things as real then there zero mystery on how sea shells got on top of a mountain.
edit on 17-8-2014 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 06:24 PM

originally posted by: Jesuslives4u

originally posted by: Hanslune
a reply to: edward777

Its always a bad idea to start off an idea by including in it the Biblical flood. Putting an imaginary event into anything kinda makes it toast before you even get started....

I always smile when I read how many people reject the flood even though it is a story known around the world, stories and drawings found in caves around the world concerning the flood.

I always smile when I read the same reply which only means they don't understand the difference between a FLOOD that killed everybody and covered world and all the other floods that happened.

So are you saying that the children of Noah moved back into caves? lol

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: OptimusSubprime

Actually, Noah was "perfect in his generations". Something that was never meant to be was going on if you read carefully. The further you go back into the translations, the clearer it becomes. Obviously, the intermingling of the fallen angels had not only the destruction of a pure bloodline (out of which the Messiah could be born) as a purpose, but also the creation of a host body, through which some sort of redemption was possible. We don't know in details how this was done, but the bible (and the book of Enoch etc.) offer a lot of insight. In Numbers (if I remember correctly) we read of the size of Og of Bashan's bed, and Goliath, who seem to be the result of the second incursion Genesis speaks about. The Israelites were as grasshoppers in their sight. We can say that's symbolic, but when you read the context, older translations and God's command to completely destroy all the people and animals (yep, animals again), the picture becomes clear. A God of love wouldn't command the destruction of ordinary people and animals. Have you ever studied ancient myths and legends about hybrids? History is full of them, even monks wrote about encounters with half man, half bull like creatures, who begged for redemption. Everything has a connection with real events, even myths. Anyway, there's too much to talk about. I've read a lot on this subject and the rabbit hole goes deep. If I wasn't on my phone I could quote some interesting things from books.

Violence and wickedness is of all ages, that couldn't be the reason for the flood. Something massive was happening. Something that threatened the future of God's plan.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: Jesuslives4u

originally posted by: skalla
a reply to: Jesuslives4u

Except in the story he clearly did not destroy all living creatures, some got a ticket on a big boat.

ETA: those *cough* depictions of floods that you mention could be from the extremely well known precursor story, or just entirely totally unconnected, yunno?

Why is it that star fish and other salt water species were found on top of Mount Everest inside a cave or the saltwater found all over the pyramids in Egypt and South America ?

The mountains rise. Everest I think started forming some 30-50 million years ago. That'd indicate any starfish fossils are millions of years old - as far back as when dinosaurs were roaming and there was no atlantic ocean completely separating north america and asia, neither had north amerca merged with south america.

No idea about the saltwater claim.
edit on 17-8-2014 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: Jesuslives4u

Mount Everest is over 29,000 (twenty nine thousand) feet above sea level. On the top was various sea creatures found along with large salt deposits. Can you explain this?

How about the collision of the Indian subcontinent at such a (relatively) fast speed leading to the rapid uplift of the Himalayas.
Link 1 USGS

Link 2 Berkeley

Also, there is no evidence in the geologic record of a global flood a la Noah's flood. Large, 'local' floods, yes, but global, total inundation? Nope.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: OptimusSubprime
a reply to: edward777

Actually violence, as well as wickedness, was the reason for the flood, and this comes from the actual Bible... the inspired Word of God... not some fake uninspired "lost book" like Jasher, Enoch, etc... Genesis 6:5-8 clearly states...

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

And your definition of "evil?" Think about a race of beings who have reached the stage of trans-humanism and even post-humanism envisioned by many of our top scientists today. A race that has conquered the limits of longevity and cured all manner of disease. Come on, what would people engage in? And add to this the ability to alter the gene code at will?????

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: Jesuslives4u
Mount Everest is over 29,000 (twenty nine thousand) feet above sea level. On the top was various sea creatures found along with large salt deposits. Can you explain this?

So if Mount Everest was covered in water what land on this planet would not have been covered in water?

That would be a valid argument if the Earth were a static, dead planet, but its not. The Earth is very much alive and active, geologically speaking. The oceanic fossils found on the peaks of Mount Everest are far, far older than the mountain itself, ie. it wasn't a mountain when they were deposited there. I hate to sound derisive, but seriously, they teach basic Earth sciences in middle school....

This basic Earth sciences you like to quote has been shown time and time again to be wrong. Carbon dating also C14 is very accurate up to 4,000 years ago only due to objects calibrated with objects of known age.

For object over 4,000 years old the method becomes very unreliable for the following reason: Objects older then 4,000 years run into a problem in that there are few if any known artifacts to be used as the standard. Libby, the discoverer of the C14 dating method, was very disappointed with this problem. He understood that archaeological artifacts were readily available. After all, this what the archeologist guessed in their published books.

This is what is taught in universities and not middle school. You need to go back to school.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 02:01 AM
There is almost complete agreement among the hundreds of flood legends found among nearly all the nations and tribes worldwide.

The simple fact that so many of these accounts agree in so many vital points makes it very obvious that they could not possibly have originated from separate events.

originally posted by: FatherLukeDuke
And here is the clincher that is unarguable proof of the great flood: Petrified clams in the closed position (found all over the world) testify to their rapid burial while they were still alive, even on top of Mount Everest.

originally posted by: CherubBaby
Native global flood stories are documented as history or legend in almost every region on earth. Old world missionaries reported their amazement at finding remote tribes already possessing legends with tremendous similarities to the Bible's accounts of the worldwide flood. H.S. Bellamy in Moons, Myths and Men estimates that altogether there are over 500 Flood legends worldwide. Ancient civilizations such as (China, Babylonia, Wales, Russia, India, America, Hawaii, Scandinavia, Sumatra, Peru, and Polynesia) all have their own versions of a giant flood.

originally posted by: Sun Matrix
It's hard to find a culture without a flood story........Noah is the real deal.

originally posted by: lonewolf19792000
I hate to burst your bubble of self delusion but it must be done. Archeaology has already proved the "great flood" in fact has happened. Archeaology has also proved Jericho did exist and in the spot the bible said it did and that it was also razed and burnt to the ground. Archeaology has also proved that Troy actually did exist and that it too was razed to the ground. Archeaology has also proved that Herodium in fact did exist and many ancient cities in Israel that are in the bible actually did exist like Caesaria and even the Temple of Herod and jewish coins from the first century A.D. were in fact discovered at the base of the Mt. Moriah with maccabee inscriptions on them. Archeaology is a well established and well respected science by the world scientific community world wide, it is hardly "psuedo-science".

originally posted by: Lazarus Short
Flood myths are almost universal, and the one of the Miao people in China has preserved the names of all the patriarchs of Genesis PHONETICALLY for all those centuries. Yes, they got the names of Noah, his wife, and his sons all correct, sounding more than merely recognizable. I can't buy the local flood theories - I mean there were and are local floods, but the big one is preserved in the entire sedimentary layers around the world. You can interpret them as laid down during millions of years if you want, but I think rapid deposition is at least a valid an interpretation.

"And the odds become even longer that Noah's Flood is not an historical fact when one considers the hundreds of tribes from around the world that have ancestral knowledge of the global Flood. And yet, we are expected to ignore this overwhelming evidence because it contradicts current mainstream science and archaeology.

Hundreds of tribal legends and ancient accounts from Egypt, Babylon, and the Indus confirm the account of Noah's Flood from the book of Genesis. These tribes and ancient cultures obviously had no interest in copying a Hebrew account about a global Flood, therefore, all of these accounts must have been independently derived by the various people-groups' ancestors from the eight who were on the vessel that endured the global Flood. When the eight reproduced and spread out across the Middle East, and soon thereafter, much of the world (as some were demonstrably excellent mariners), the memory of the worldwide Flood was retained, and to a not-surprisingly great degree."

The Ancients Knew of the Global Flood

What is the significance of the various flood legends? The answer seems obvious: (a) we have well over 200 flood legends that tell of a great flood (and possibly more than 500); (b) many of the legends come from different ages and civilizations that could not possibly have copied any of the similar legends; (c) the legends were recorded long before any missionaries arrived to relate to them the Genesis account of Noah; and (d) almost all civilizations have some sort of flood legend. The conclusion to be drawn from such facts is that in the distant past, there was a colossal flood that forever affected the history of all civilizations.

Preserved in the myths and legends of almost every people on the face of the globe is the memory of the great catastrophe. While myths may not have any scientific value, yet they are significant in indicating the fact that an impression was left in the minds of the races of mankind that could not be erased.

Legends of the Flood

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: skalla
a reply to: Jesuslives4u

Except in the story he clearly did not destroy all living creatures, some got a ticket on a big boat.

ETA: those *cough* depictions of floods that you mention could be from the extremely well known precursor story, or just entirely totally unconnected, yunno?

ok, "cough" how did gilgamesh get all over the world?

and most likely the stories are unconnected from a central copycat story.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:40 AM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: Jesuslives4u
Mount Everest is over 29,000 (twenty nine thousand) feet above sea level. On the top was various sea creatures found along with large salt deposits. Can you explain this?

So if Mount Everest was covered in water what land on this planet would not have been covered in water?

That would be a valid argument if the Earth were a static, dead planet, but its not. The Earth is very much alive and active, geologically speaking. The oceanic fossils found on the peaks of Mount Everest are far, far older than the mountain itself, ie. it wasn't a mountain when they were deposited there. I hate to sound derisive, but seriously, they teach basic Earth sciences in middle school....

ROFLMAO, So now the star fish on Mt Everest are simply there because they were there from further back and it isn't due to a deluge type flood? And Mt Everest was at sea level then, (our current sea level) so that is how they got there?

Now that IS what I call a fairy tale! Or perhaps De Nial was the river that caused the flood which caused the sea creatures to be cast unto the mountains of the earth, which is the house that Jack built?

Even the Sphinx has ended up with modern day science showing evidence of a great flood.
MOUNT Everest is over 60 Million years old and the flood happened much later than that.

And the idea that sea creatures were just there before everest was a mountain should then mean that sea creature evidence should be all over the place, or do they only migrate to where they think mountains will be in the future?

whether or not you are right or wrong, you sound REALLY desperate for the flood NOT to be true. Why? IF it is true will that crucify you? why be so fearful of a flood happening anyway? (I know why),

I think you have your own reasons why you resist things just because the book called "The Bible" has these things in it, and to me it is very obvious why. Everyone has their own battles to fight, but winning that battle where everyone wins only takes perfect honesty. That is all it takes. Just honesty.
edit on 18-8-2014 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: Jesuslives4u

originally posted by: Hanslune
a reply to: edward777

Its always a bad idea to start off an idea by including in it the Biblical flood. Putting an imaginary event into anything kinda makes it toast before you even get started....

I always smile when I read how many people reject the flood even though it is a story known around the world, stories and drawings found in caves around the world concerning the flood.

Care to provide images from caves about flood?

Speaking of stories, how about Zeus and other gods from Greek mythologies? Why do you believe in flood story or your God, but not in Zeus and rest of Gods?

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: tsingtao

originally posted by: skalla
a reply to: Jesuslives4u

Except in the story he clearly did not destroy all living creatures, some got a ticket on a big boat.

ETA: those *cough* depictions of floods that you mention could be from the extremely well known precursor story, or just entirely totally unconnected, yunno?

ok, "cough" how did gilgamesh get all over the world?

and most likely the stories are unconnected from a central copycat story.

Gilgamesh got all over the world after the tablets were excavated, translated and published in the modern era, cough.

And of course the many depictions of floods are unconnected, except representing the commonly occurring phenomena known as flooding.

ETA: The tablets relating to the overall Epic story were excavated in the mid 1800's iirc. The name appeared in some ancient writing known prior to this but not the overall story i believe. The popularisation of the story took longer than this ofc. Personally i came across the story via Robert Silverberg - i was a fan of his books as a teen/pre teen so i came across his "Gilgamesh the King" in this manner.

What was your point?
edit on 18-8-2014 by skalla because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: jonnywhite

TextThe mountains rise. Everest I think started forming some 30-50 million years ago. That'd indicate any starfish fossils are millions of years old - as far back as when dinosaurs were roaming and there was no atlantic ocean completely separating north america and asia, neither had north amerca merged with south america.

Could you explain to me just how anyone can state, as fact, that Mt. Everest is 30 or 50 million years old? Where in the world does this so called science get their calendar? In order to have a date don't you have to have a zero or start? In order to have a date of 2014 CE don't you have to have a zero CE or is that too much to ask of all these parrots who claim to be scientists.

Have you even considered that just perhaps there was a great global turmoil along with the flood and that Mt. Everest is not as you suppose. Don't believe all that you read about so called secular or even biblical science. Most science today is the money game as well as the good ole boy network.
Read the following ----

Creationist Scientist Sues University for Terminating Him Following Big Dinosaur Discovery
Jul. 25, 2014 3:33pm Billy Hallowell --

A former scientist at California State University, Northridge in Los Angeles is suing the public college over the claim that he was wrongly terminated due to his religious views.
Mark Armitage, a scientist for over 30 years, reportedly lost his job after discovering soft tissue on a dinosaur fossil and subsequently publishing information about the find in an academic journal, according to a press release from the Pacific Justice Institute, a conservative legal firm.
According to the lawsuit, Armitage discovered a triceratops horn back in 2012 at the Hell Creek Formation in Montana, a well-known fossil site. Later, after examining it under a high-powered microscope, he located soft tissue that hadn’t yet fossilized.

The development surprised some faculty and students, according to the press release, “because it indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago.”
“Since some creationists, like [Armitage], believe that the triceratops bones are only 4,000 years old at most, [Armitage's] work vindicated his view that these dinosaurs roamed the planet relatively recently,” the lawsuit reads, according to KCAL-TV.

After discussing the horn with students at the school one day, Armitage, who taught students how to use high-powered microscopes at the school’s Electron and Confocal Microscopy Suite, was apparently reported by one of the students to his supervisor, World News reported.

That supervisor then allegedly questioned Armitage’s motivation, telling him that the school would not “tolerate” his religion in the department and slamming his creationist views.
While the professor was reportedly assured by the head of the biology department that this was an isolated incident and that his views would be respected, his problems apparently intensified thereafter.
Just two weeks after publishing his soft-tissue findings in the peer-reviewed journal “Acta Histochemica,” Armitage was reportedly told that his 38-month appointment was only temporary and that there weren’t funds to continue his position, according to World.

Now, Armitage is fighting back against what he believes was an unfair dismissal, filing a lawsuit against the school’s board of trustees.
“Terminating an employee because of their religious views is completely inappropriate and illegal,” Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, said in a statement. “But doing so in an attempt to silence scientific speech at a public university is even more alarming.”
California State University, Northridge spokeswoman Carmen Chandler told TheBlaze in an email that the school currently has no comment on the case.
“I am afraid we have not been served with the lawsuit yet, so there is nothing we can say about something we have not seen,” she said in an email.
Armitage is a member of the Creation Research Society and has served on its board of directors since 2006.

As I said the sheep get feed only what the shepherd wants them to eat. Would it shock you to learn that Mt. Everest is but a few thousand years old and that it was created as the result of Noah's flood? Of course it would shock you just as the above article shocked the little mush minds and showed them by their own biology that dinosaurs walked this earth right along with people. Bah Humbug you say?

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: Seede

Already covered in this thread so you can discuss it there. But the lawsuit is pending by the looks of things, although he was fired for intellectual dishonesty and poor method related to him using such erroneous claims to make money as a creationist speaker by the looks of things..... this is off topic though, the very reason i suggested that Jesuslives4u start a dedicated thread on his Everest claims with sources etc

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