So my take aways from this...
When I posted the OP, I titled it in what I felt was clearly a
tongue-in-cheek fashion. I chose the forum I did because the news article in the
OP specifically hit on the point that this was a Social Media meme that had gone viral.
In doing so it garnered enough of a following and did seemingly cause enough of a scare to local residents which in turn caused various local and
federal agencies to be on alert due to perhaps the potential for violence occurring against citizens in the city of Louisville. what I found the most interesting. The notion that the citizens of this city (as well as other cities that have also had their own versions
of this, or will have) actually felt threatened by a Social Media trend that began as a joke/rumor/hoax (call it what you will). Though this thread is
rightly in the HOAX! bin based on this particular event it is imho still worthy of discussion and monitoring as it was in this thread.
"The Purge" (movie) was a government allocated annual event whereby all crime had free reign for
X amount of hours with no fear of criminal
From the article
ArchangelOger posted above (bold emphasis added):
"Due to circumstances that have trended nationally in regards to flash mob violence, in light of what occurred
this past spring here, we realize that these things can occur in an instance," said Louisville Police Sgt. Phil
This is also one of the main reasons why I posted the thread. "these things can occur in an instance"... You have to wonder at what point in the
human thought process does mob mentality take hold? Given the viral nature of this "rumor" opens a path to a potential for "who shot first"
chain of events.
With the amount of people that were concerned with the actual validity of this event and their own safety (be it by protection from the authorities,
or worse protecting oneself/family by whatever means), combined with what is seemingly an endless supply of idiots these days, that have a seeming
apparent difficulty separating fan-fiction from reality, that may or may not have minorly or majorly enacted some element of a "purge
act due to a "everybody's doing it mentality" a.k.a. mob mentality potentially on all sides of the spectrum... the actors, the potential victims,
and's not out of the realm of possibility that something major could have easily occurred...and still could.
Luckily, it doesn't seem that we are that far gone and there are enough sound minded & level headed folks on the planet to reel these situations in
before they spiral out of control. That's not to say that future memes of this caliber will not catch on, a simple air of one-upmanship would be all
the spark something like this needs.
I apologize to anyone that thought this was an actual scheduled event that was going to leave the city of Louisville in ruins come 6:30am this
morning. I would like to also clarify that the Police Scanner app and Broadcastify/Radio Reference sources are legitimate and were not part of this
rumor. They were merely used as a method to keep abreast of unfolding events related to "The Purge" Social Media meme that swept the Louisville KY
Thank you all for your participation I appreciate each and everyone of you!