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Feeling Manipulated

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posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 07:40 PM
The media is used in conjunction with several different tools in order to accomplish goals. Written, audio, or visual are all used in the same way, because it is the words themselves that are at the core of the manipulation.

It allows for control over the predominant thought patterns of the populace, as well as incite emotions. There is no specific plan, other than very large events. Current, everyday events are used to shape how people perceive the world around them. Kind of like when you get a red car, you start seeing red everywhere. Once we see it, read it, or hear it, the more likely we are to see it in the world around us in the context it was originally delivered.

On a real hot button topic, the more it is talked about, the more it is thought about and the more people start taking sides. During this time, one can flip the story back and forth in order to perpetuate confusion. This can allow for a window of opportunity to accomplish other goals that might have been noticed more readily during calmer news periods. String together multiple events, and it allows for the window to be open longer.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum

I have the impression that you are asking a question here that is only reciently beginning to formulate in your mind, and in this you are writing about senses you are experiencing that are still not concrete.

In a recent thread by Beezer, I think you had ventured into these feelings which you have more thoroughly attempted to describe here. In that thread, I concurred that I too have been questioning all of this stuff that is flying at us so fast, one after another after another.

My take for the moment is this. If we take human beings as a 6000 year old creation then one set of answers will come forth. I look at the whole question with the take that human beings are an adaptive species which have been developing over a much greater period of time.

Our brains and minds have developed in an adaptive manner for most of this time having only to focus on much smaller scales than we do to day. The immediate surroundings and survival from day to day. How long has this been the prime focus for tribes and individuals within the tribes. Boo-coo. Information assaulted the human brain in smaller amounts for millennia. There was no thinking on a daily basis about life on the other side of the desert or the hamlet on the other side of the mountains. We were all day to day, within the context of whatever the prevailing belief system was for our family or tribe or what have you. For ages and ages

Now all of that, to me, seems different. We have information assaulting us that is well beyond our capacity to integrate into our age old patterns of understanding. Some of us are experiencing what you describe I think because we are adaptive, we do seek integration, and we do have an abstract ability to coordinate information from one neural set with other neural sets within our brains. However, I am wondering that maybe we are stretching the limits of what any of us as individuals can make of this world. It seems to be demanding more and more complex understanding of things as the world continues to offer us more and more complex problems to solve.

One guy says just bomb em to hell. No complexity there. But that world of simplicity seems to be long gone where a simple solution like that will not suffice to solve any problems. I personally, am at a point of tossing my hands in the air, saying a prayer and being nice to my neighbor because in reality this whole thing here has appearances of being a Titanic.
I myself am reaching thresholds of understanding that I can find no way around.

Now I don't know if any of that fits your questioning at all. I just had a sense that you are asking a "deeper' almost existential question. To this possibility I have gone beyond my own personal comfort zone and tossed out some of my own as yet uncoordinated mind meanderings.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

I remember saying that whole desensitization thing was a lie, because I still have to cover my eyes during scary movies. But, you're right people are not understanding what compassion is. If we are being manipulated for some cause its not going to end well.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum

I worked on 'Chicago'.

It's interesting to note the current president of 'The Motion Picture Association of America' was the Democratic Connecticut Senator during the Sandy Hook event and a former Presidential candidate.

This relationship between Hollywood and the White House explains the "Fictional Feeling" you're getting from the MSM.

Propaganda and PsyOps are a multi billion dollar business that pivots on the technical ability of the motion picture industry to create semi-believable illusions and the television industry to broadcast them.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 11:49 PM
I think I get what your saying. It not necessarily that the news is propaganda. Its just that lately it seems like we are all in our very own version of the Truman Show. Like the news is shaped specifically for YOU. Like every new cycle is an episode of the TV show YOU. That every news cycle ends in a cliffhanger designed for YOU. Like reality is trying to manipulate YOU into feeling and reacting a certain way. Like we are being sold the illusion of coming together and freedom more than ever thanks to things like smart phones and the internet. While actually living on prison bubble islands all by ourselves. Why trap people when you can get them to trap themselves. Feed them information they agree with. Then feed them things that make them angry. Them feed them nonsense. Then feed them truth. Then feed them lies. Then feed them what they agree with. Then feed them things that make them angry. Then feed them truth. Then feed them lies. In rapid succession over and over. Constantly mixing up the order.Until they can not tell the difference.

Or maybe that is not what your saying.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: karmicecstasy

Like reality is trying to manipulate YOU into feeling and reacting a certain way. Like we are being sold the illusion of coming together and freedom more than ever thanks to things like smart phones and the internet. While actually living on prison bubble islands all by ourselves. Why trap people when you can get them to trap themselves. Feed them information they agree with. Then feed them things that make them angry. Them feed them nonsense. Then feed them truth. Then feed them lies. Then feed them what they agree with. Then feed them things that make them angry. Then feed them truth. Then feed them lies. In rapid succession over and over. Constantly mixing up the order.Until they can not tell the difference.
Absolutely brilliant synopsis! I wish I could give you more than one star.

To the OP:

I found myself to be nodding in complete agreement with your thread topic, especially in regards to a book I'm reading, which is seeming to cover the same theme - the "Stage-Play" that you so aptly described. It is called "Handbook For A New Paradigm" by George Green and a free PDF version can be found online, should you be interested. I would comment more on it, but I have only just started reading it...and I am finding it very interesting so far.

Along with many other posters, I have also placed the news on the back-burner of life; I no longer watch televised news, read newspapers, and not even online news (save for headlines I may scroll past, here on ATS). I rarely even log into Facebook these days. I will keep abreast of the headlines (the ones that scroll on the bottom of our main news channel here in Canada) perhaps once a week if that. If I want more information I can look online if needed but in most cases do not bother. I found the manipulations to be sapping my energy (and I do think that might be part of the goal) and in withdrawing from anything that does not give me joy, I have found "myself" to be a much happier person, with a lighter spirit. =)

The news often paints things in black or white, but there are very nuanced shades of grey, which become more apparent, the less emotionally and energetically involved one is.

It seems as though access to all of the events in the world today, keeps the energy of fear afloat in every one of us. I don't know if I am saying this correctly, because while I do care (in the past perhaps TOO much so), there is little I personally can do to effect change in the areas that need it most. But I CAN do that around me, and with the people I meet. I believe this energy is contagious, and its effects channel ever outward. The media is but one segment in a long line of divisions that imprisons our emotions and thought patterns. Keep abreast of the news if you wish, however refuse to allow it to consume your being and consciousness. Our collective energy has -great- power to effect change globally, but it cannot do that if it is negatively charged by the media we choose to consume.

Even with the apps people follow, the world seems very much like a "hurry, hurry - keep up, keep up" kind of place these days and I am so over that, because to what end? I am choosing to spend my time with that which brings me joy, that I can then turn around and impart to others.

As great as technology is, there is something very profound going missing - the connections with each other, and a lightness of being that existed before this age of overwhelming access to everything.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

If that's how you look like.... I am wealthy, originally French, and like smart ladies.

The only drawback, average looking, almost 40, yikes

And now not to get banned from ATS, YES I agree with what you wrote OP, it is very serious

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

Well, the methods of manipulation will always evolve. Technology offers more advanced and better tools for it. So must we keep up with the pace and become ever more cautious about falling into others manipulative nets.

I've gone trough the same stage as you said. For example: where at one point things like RT or other alternative media's seemed like they hold the answers, now it's well evident that they only offer their own twisted version without considering, or addressing what opposition media outlets present. And vice-versa.

Take solace in the fact that you're on the right track. Use a combination of gut instinct and brain and most importantly open mindedness to all possibilities, in a reasonable margin (by that I mean, not to fall into the ridiculous spectrum like the Earth is hollow, kind of stuff).

I find it one of the greatest and hardest endeavors of life, to try to find the absolute truth to our human world of today and past. Then we have a chance of influencing the future in a positive way. Otherwise we'll just be the tools of the higher-up manipulators who know better.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 08:30 AM
I originally was going to write to all you individually but last night I waisted about 1 1/2 when it wouldn't post my work. So I am about to try this again this morning.

a reply to: Serdgiam
I agree with you and believe you described an aspect of how they are manipulating the system.
I went into detail about my association with game strategist AI and its uses for modeling different scenarios. From Wall Street to the DOD, they use it and can program in counter intuitive ways to achieve goals to fend off those looking for trends.

a reply to: TerryMcGuire
You have taken a more psychological approach as to what it's doing to us. And yes this is an idea that is forming in my head almost as I type, so I'm in research mode for the moment until I can collect lots more pertinent info and put it all together. Pushing us to sensory overload is a great tactic for use as misdirection.

a reply to: Iamthatbish
If we are being manipulated, just the act of doing that is cause for alarm regardless the future outcome.

a reply to: Psynic
Can you give more information between the hollywood/government connection or examples?

a reply to: karmicecstasy
I'm starting to think the news is trying to get us 'attached' or 'connected' to individual stories and events, then they can push us left or right just by throwing out more information. I'm starting to feel clairvoyant because when a news story changes I'm predicting in my mind what is going to happen next. Yesterday I said the protesters will again revolt and embrace Anon, today we have protesters/looters all calling themselves Mr.Brown wearing the same clothes!
Coincidence? It's happened to me many times now.

a reply to: MoonBlossom
Thank you for the book, I will read it when I have some time.
ATS is a gathering place for all the news stories not just people. This site is a news story dump, it all ends up here over time. That means being exposed here just like CNN or anywhere else. Just here we can comment.
You sound like my mom with the collective energy affecting the world. She is very into the new age holistic teachings, I believe her and you 100% when it comes to these things. At the same time I feel and always have felt something is overwhelming OUR signals(humans) and thus rendering them useless. Like turning up the radio to drown out the TV then someone with a Harley drives by.

a reply to: FootBig
I am single with 2 kids and plan to stay that way for as long as it takes. But thank you for the compliment!
I have never relied on a man for money(other then dad) for anything. My ex is still my best friend(he should be we have 2 kids together) and this picture is @8 years old. ATS took down the more recent picture, which if you saw it you would have gotten a good look at my back and noticed a few changes.

a reply to: Odyssian
What are you talking about, the Earth is hollow - haven't you seen the pictures of Antarctica? There is even a video of a plane flying through a big hole down there and the pilot met with ant people.
Did I fool you! Sorry just trying to be cute and I couldn't agree with you more. If you see me stray off into the unknown let me know. I will probably debate you kicking and screaming, but you kind of have to expect that, right?

Thank you everyone and again I'm sorry my computer failed last night and screwed everything up.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: AnteBellum

a reply to: Psynic
Can you give more information between the hollywood/government connection or examples?

Senator Chris Dodd (d- Connecticut) after orchestrating the Sandy Hook Hoax became President of the MPAA.

See what has been done by Hollywood since then in conjunction with the MIC to ridicule and marginalize Fukushima in the latest GODzilla movie.

Billions are being spent on PsyOps and THIS is where they're spending it.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum
The Human mind is capable of being guided to project reality and behavior
Perhaps some have learned this long ago and know or mastered how to basically
control the perception of "reality" being generated through various social interactive
mechanisms. Some you mention in your OP but there are others. These mechanisms in turn
control the reality being perceived as they guide the human mind from one interest to another
and as the interest of the masses is "guided/controlled" the human in turn physically follow and behave
(forget) within these designed social perimeters. Keeping somewhat and invisible leash attached to the conscious
minds in MASS...


posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 09:23 AM
@ feeling manipulated-
Increase your conscious potentials so that these manipulations you sense cannot further affect you...

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

If they were clever, they would be datamining apps and "wargame" type games for strategies. Its the same concept as anything else they do. An app like "Plague, Inc." if written properly, could be an absolute goldmine for information on such scenarios all while the public does the work for them. This is done openly with medical research type games like "Play to Cure: Genes in Space."

The important part is that there are ways to nullify these things, and protect you and your own. At the risk of sounding "0ut there," much more is going on than meets the eye. What is happening, at its core, is not nearly as straightforward as one might think. All of the things we see and interact with, like the police, the media, consumerism, are an airlock of sorts. What the general public perceives is the front line, and only part of it at that.

There are those who are fighting against this though, at the deepest and highest levels. It is a conflict the likes of which has not been seen by anyone here before, so most will fall back to violence as a defense. This is expected and even important to the plan.

Funny, isn't it, how so many think of anarchy as violence and chaos when it simply places the sovereignty and responsibility of the individual at the core of society, rather than something to be quelled.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

You are right most done have a clue what a true anarchist is.
Your also right about the airlock analogy, there is a world, behind the world, behind the world. It is there, I have seen it personally but just what they allowed me to see. I don't get to into most of the crazy, outlandish stories that come through this place but it's funny, at times some are based on the real deal or contain snip-its of factual information. I get a kick out of looking for them now and then get a bigger kick out of how fast they get thrown into deliberate obscurity.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: AnteBellum
a reply to: Serdgiam
It is there, I have seen it personally but just what they allowed me to see.

Id be interested in hearing about that if you are willing to share. Even if not publicly, then through PM.

I don't get to into most of the crazy, outlandish stories that come through this place but it's funny, at times some are based on the real deal or contain snip-its of factual information. I get a kick out of looking for them now and then get a bigger kick out of how fast they get thrown into deliberate obscurity.

Its pretty incredible to watch. Its amazing how many threads touch on some larger "truth" but then halfway through the post, I start to see cringe-worthy stuff. Especially when dealing with "spiritual" topics. As humans, we sure do seem to have a knack for shooting ourselves in the foot!

I'm not convinced there are many, if any, "paid shills" though. Why pay someone to do something when you can simply program a contrarian mindset to do all the work for free? Its compartmentalization in one of its strongest forms. It was initially used (and still is) to keep smart people from knowing what they are working on. It was found to be just as effective in the general population, as long as individuals are willing to give up their personal responsibility and sovereignty. At that point, people compartmentalize themselves along ideological lines.

(post by MessageforAll removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 02:44 PM
To me it seems that our leaders have many different levels of grips on their people. To distract the lowest IQ's in our community we have huge amounts of propaganda on TV, Radio, everything. Now public schools run for more of the year, they teach less, and what they do teach now does not even pertain to modern day life. Next we have people like us here on ATS, who have a thirst for knowledge, and we are concerned about what is going on in the world. The propaganda we are thrown is more intelligent than TV and radio but it is very distracting and time consuming nonetheless. There are only a few people in this world who can see the uncensored, uncut news, but if all of us knew it would be chaos. Knowledge is being held back from us knowledge-seekers and we need to find it.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 03:41 PM
I've recently taken the stance that I have to play the game to beat the game. That being said I go through phases where I can't watch the news because gots too upsetting.

Yes information is key. But, when we know we're being spoon fed lies. I will choose my moments of ignorance.

a reply to: AnteBellum

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: MessageforAll

wrabbit2000 did a great thread on it:
ATS Link
edit on 8/16/2014 by AnteBellum because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum

Shh, don't talk about the ant people here... they have antennas everywhere

And of course I'd expect you to put up a big fight if I'd try to "correct" your path. We don't get as far as we do without a lot of healthy debate wars (a moment of silence some of our fallen Ego's). Also, the greater the struggle to convince someone of one's view the better the feeling will be when you do. And who knows, maybe one day I shall be the one who needs "correcting". Anything's possible, hah!

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