I am just going to throw this out there and you can decide whether or not you've been feeling the same thing or something similar.
If any other examples can be made please add them at your own discretion, I will be most happy to read them since you obviously took the time to read
what I wrote. When I speak of media I am commenting on all forms from news, to facebook, to ATS.
First off, several months ago a jet liner MH370 went missing with 239 people on it. All that was on the news, specifically CNN, were experts, stories
and theories as to what happened to this jet for about a month straight. It ended somewhat unfinished in a most undramatic way, since nothing was ever
found. Then next came the Ukrainian annexation/hostile takeover by Russia, which I believe if I remember correctly, overlapped a bit with Israel's
issue with Hamas once that heated up. Then the next jetliner incident, MH17 being shot down. Finally ebola, ISIS and then recently we end up at
Mr.Brown's death by the hand of a police officer. There are many other stories, but that's the news right?
Well as noted in other threads, some media outlets have their own agendas in mind. Whether it is propaganda or commercialism really doesn't make a
difference to me, because I am only looking for the story.
But what if the story is not about what we are reading, but what we are reacting
For instance when MH370 went missing everyone went into terrorist mode in the first few days. I remember the threads of some believing this jet to be
used to deliver a nuke to Israel via. Africa. Then came the more or less rational mode of thought, it must have crashed but where? Then more
conspiracies to the location it crashed and how. Then speculation of each and every person, item and satellite that came close to this jet.
almost play's like a script. The problem I'm having is to what purpose is all this?
Recently we had the Brown incident, as I will call it for ease, not out of disrespect to him. We start off with a murdered, big teddy bear, black,
urban, college bound youth killed by a racist cop. Next we have groups forming to avenge this travesty of justice by doing nefarious deeds, I speak of
anonymous and those that partook in the riots. Then we have our pentagon funded, militarized police shooting tear gas at reporters and pointing sniper
rifles at civilians. Ultimately protests are springing up all over the USA and then BANG! He's not an innocent murdered, big teddy bear, black,
urban, college bound youth killed by a racist cop. Instead he is a suspect to a felony, in which went terribly wrong for many reasons and died by the
hand of an over zealous police officer. If that's even the case now.
So why is the news feeling more and more like the stage of a play, that we all end up performing in?
Well lets look at the Brown incident again, what happened this past week due to all this. What changed?
The world knows the USA has a police force, even in the smallest of suburban areas, that would rival some armies. Anonymous may have had some good
intentions at first but now is just another radical group of untrustworthy individuals. The police were right in their actions(I'm being very
forgiving here) but not in their procedures. Is this the real message? The message that we all helped create given the stage?
I find it very 'fishy' how certain aspects of the MSM have gone down in the past few weeks. And this is in no way a new idea, the play/movie Chicago
delves into a court related version of just what I'm talking about.
Razzle Dazzle 'em
Give 'em an act with lots of flash in it
And the reaction will be passionate
Give 'em the old hocus pocus
Bead and feather 'em
How can they see with sequins in their eyes?
What if your hinges all are rusting?
What if, in fact, you're just disgusting?
Razzle dazzle 'em
And they'll never catch wise!
I constantly feel like the news is trying to push me in one direction or another, even if the report is objective. Just the act of putting the story
out there is like some social engineering experiment. And given some of the frequent outcomes by social media fueling the fire, even the smallest of
events can be pushed to create the biggest of episodes.
So is this just modern media, psy-ops/social engineering or something more devious? Do you feel manipulated by the media also?
Sorry, my apologies if I didn't get my point off correctly, I am not the best writer. In actuality I do not like to write at all, but since painting
a picture takes too much time, I hope you can bear with me. Mod's please move this because depending on your point of view, it could go to several
different places.