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Rioting, looting reported in Ferguson (Missouri)

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posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: Thefarmer
Yeah they notice alright. Keep the crap up and they won't bother setting up shop in your hoods no more. You will be happy when you gotta take the bus/taxi/drive an hour to buy food because you tear up your own hoods when you get upset? LEarn to focus your efforts where they belong, not on your neighbors houses and businesses.

Oh yeah, not aiming that at you personally, just speaking in general.

If not aiming at me personally why keep saying 'your' sounds like it was aimed at me

Anyways I'm not from the 'hood' as you put it but yeh I'm from a deprived council estate

And no my neighbours don't own jack in the area

And when we had riots around here it's because the police was holding a notorious pedophile Sidney Cook at there station

And all the focus of said rioters was directed at the police not shops or houses

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: Thefarmer

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: Thefarmer
Yeah they notice alright. Keep the crap up and they won't bother setting up shop in your hoods no more. You will be happy when you gotta take the bus/taxi/drive an hour to buy food because you tear up your own hoods when you get upset? LEarn to focus your efforts where they belong, not on your neighbors houses and businesses.

Oh yeah, not aiming that at you personally, just speaking in general.

If not aiming at me personally why keep saying 'your' sounds like it was aimed at me

Anyways I'm not from the 'hood' as you put it but yeh I'm from a deprived council estate

And no my neighbours don't own jack in the area

And when we had riots around here it's because the police was holding a notorious pedophile Sidney Cook at there station

And all the focus of said rioters was directed at the police not shops or houses

Which makes sense if you are mad at the police, not trashing your neighbor's house. OTOH, they were rioting in support of a notorious pedophile or trying to get at a notorious pedophile they thought was being protected by the police? One cause is understandable the other is not.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: Thefarmer
Did I say that? No most of the shops that got burnt or robbed wasn't owned by people from council estates they were multi national company's

Is that so? You know this how? You fly in from Europe and survey the area?

You do know most gas stations and convenience stores are franchises, right? As in owned by locals.

And the ones that wasn't was owned by outsiders not from the areas rich people trying to get richer from the poor folk

Yeah, God forbid someone open a business in a poor area and try to cater to the local populace. Are you looking for any excuse to condone this reprehensible behavior?

No matter what I've said you've twisted my words to you're own ends

I'm saying that when peaceful protests don't work there is only one option left well two

Take it on the chin and let the problem persist or by means of violence

Your words need no twisting as they are repugnant in there violence-condoning clarity. Considering there were no peaceful protests prior to the looting what is your next excuse?

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:04 PM
Contrary to some posters insisting on comparing this to the Boston Tea Party, no Nikes or Reeboks have been sighted floating down the Mississippi.

32 arrested, 2 officers injured after riots, looting, gunfire and chaos in Ferguson


These thugs are the forefathers of tomorrow???
I'd say this qualifies them for the first no return colony on Mars, terraforming needs lots of fertilizer.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: SuperFrog
a reply to: NavyDoc

Oh, here it goes - strait from NRA booklets - second amendment and rights to own guns and protect against government overreach...

Does killing of unarmed teen count as government overreach??

I never mentioned books, you did, in absence of better argument.

You know that if we, citizens, one day decide that we had enough of this gun-loving abuse and non-sense, we might decide and add new amendment that will make second amendment obsolete. Or even, some bit smarter (and less republican) future supreme court might decide to take the case again in their hand and end this non sense that more guns make our country more safe and make better explanation of second amendment, giving guns to coast guard and real military.

I am still waiting to see how did gun protect people from that 'government overreach'.

Killing an unarmed teen, if that is indeed the case, is an example of government overreach. Would you want a monopoly of force in the hands of those who would kill an unarmed teen? That you use that as an example to support gun control actually makes no sense. In fact it would support my premise. This is exactly why the state should not have a monopoly on eh means of force and it is rather illogical to state that, because it was not used in this instance, that it is neither needed nor appropriate. In this instance, people were able to use guns to protect their businesses from theft and arson,. without s shot being fired--that deterrent value of a law abiding citizenry is a fact and all of your utopian myths do not change that fact.

As for citizens using guns to keep corrupt cops in line--let me direct you to the Athens, Tenn. revolution. It seems a corrupt sheriff did not want to have votes counted and the police took the votes to "count" them. They didn't figure on some WWII vets who didn't agree with that so they got guns, took over the police station, and counted the votes publicly.

The books comment is is a direct philosophical parallel, that you ignore and cannot debate it demonstrates you can't think beyond HCI talking points.

No, hopefully we citizens will realize the state is unwilling and incapable of protecting us 24/7 and that leftist laws do nothing but make the law abiding citizen defenseless and we'll have even less stupid gun control and more criminal control.

20 years ago only a handful of states had CCW, now almost all do. That goes to show that people are beginning to see through HCI's lies and realize that they are responsible for their own protection and, contrary to anti-gun hysteria, crime has gone down, not up.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: NavyDoc
leftist laws do nothing

Well, they upset the rightist folks, so at least they're good for something

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: Thefarmer
What would you have me use in place of your? I know it sounds like I was aiming it at you, that is why I said I wasn't afterwards. I don't know how else to say it without using you and your.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
Raw: Michael Brown's friend gives eyewitness account of shooting


posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: ForteanOrg

originally posted by: NavyDoc
leftist laws do nothing

Well, they upset the rightist folks, so at least they're good for something

Well, if your goal is discontent and not actually helping anything, they worked slpendidly.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: Thefarmer

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: Thefarmer
Yeah they notice alright. Keep the crap up and they won't bother setting up shop in your hoods no more. You will be happy when you gotta take the bus/taxi/drive an hour to buy food because you tear up your own hoods when you get upset? LEarn to focus your efforts where they belong, not on your neighbors houses and businesses.

Oh yeah, not aiming that at you personally, just speaking in general.

If not aiming at me personally why keep saying 'your' sounds like it was aimed at me

Anyways I'm not from the 'hood' as you put it but yeh I'm from a deprived council estate

And no my neighbours don't own jack in the area

And when we had riots around here it's because the police was holding a notorious pedophile Sidney Cook at there station

And all the focus of said rioters was directed at the police not shops or houses

Which makes sense if you are mad at the police, not trashing your neighbor's house. OTOH, they were rioting in support of a notorious pedophile or trying to get at a notorious pedophile they thought was being protected by the police? One cause is understandable the other is not.

Umm do I even need to explain this one, I can for sure a hell tell you it wasn't in support of a pedo

The crowd wanted him strung up from the nearest lamppost

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I was talking about the riots in the uk comparing them to what's happening now in the US there aren't any council estates in the us is there?

So opening a barging booze (a cheap liquor store franchise) in an area where it's known to have a high rate of alcohol abuse by an outsider is not profiting of a poor area and someone's plight?

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Thefarmer
I was talking about the riots in the uk comparing them to what's happening now in the US there aren't any council estates in the us is there?

Frankly, what happens in your country is irrelevant to this conversation.

So opening a barging booze (a cheap liquor store franchise) in an area where it's known to have a high rate of alcohol abuse by an outsider is not profiting of a poor area and someone's plight?

It is not the business owner's responsibility to teach the residents drinking responsibility. No one forces them to spend their money and this too is very irrelevant to the conversation.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Lol whatever mate sort it out jeeze get off you're high horse and stop being so arrogant

I'm explaining my oppinion on things the same as I respectfully view youre oppinion

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Thefarmer

Well, in that case. I'm with them.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: Thefarmer

We are discussing facts, the opinion of someone residing in Europe who postulates that the looters and rioters targeted specific classes of businesses without supporting evidence renders that opinion woefully irrelevant.

If you do not like being called out on this then stop inventing anecdotes.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: ForteanOrg

originally posted by: GreenMtnBoys
BS! The black kids I went to school with had the same F'ng opportunity I did in K-12!

No, they simply went to the same school.

Most washed out, got a girl pregnant, or went to jail.

And that never happens to non-black people in America, right?

It does not happen to responsible people who have morals. Black or white.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Footlocker was looted major multi national company

Car phone warehouse was looted major multi national company

Jd sports was looted major multi national company

Santander bank was burned major multi national bank

The list goes on I never made anything up and those by the way are facts

Take a look for yourself

And you might think my opinion counts but like I said I respect yours

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: NavyDoc

Good man

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Thefarmer

This is not about London riots, stop derailing. The looters and rioters being discussed are in Ferguson.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: Thefarmer
a reply to: NavyDoc

Good man

I get what you are saying. The riot that you experienced was because the police was protecting a pedophile and those people upset by this rioted against the police, not their neighbors, in contrast to the thugs we are discussing who use upset at the police as an excuse to steal from their neighbors and you were contrasting the two. Is that about right?

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