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Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip

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posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: palmalBlue2
a reply to: Stuyvesant
Thank you very much for responding to me openly and honestly. It means alot to me.
I can't respond to you tonight because its getting late for me.
I need to take the time and reread your post before I respond and thank you again for being truthful and not hateful like I have experienced before. I look forward to a continued discussion tomorrow

Thank you as well - honest and civil dialogue is possible - and I appreciate your demeanor about it all.

People have a tendency to "one up" each other on these forums. I have occasionally been guilty myself, it is sometimes hard to restrain oneself when faced with snarkiness and animosity and prejudice (and outright idiocy). Plus the issues we are discussing are extremely divisive.

Have a good night. I don't know if I'll be on this site tomorrow, but I'll check the responses/thread when time permits.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: aboutface

Iran? What the hell have they done, they are calling for the end of Zionism also... After seeing what is coming out of Israel, they may well be spot on.
edit on 5-8-2014 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Don't know what makes me more riled...

The Israeli Nazis or the Right wing Americans who support this little
monster (Netanyahu).
I seriously think Netanyahu will go too far even for the Americans.

He's going to overstep the mark more than he has already and get a response from
somewhere. This can't go on for ever without some country lashing out at Israel

...and who would blame them.

IMO Israel has already past the point of no return... They actually believe
that they are untouchable.

Pride comes before a fall.

EDIT: Here is the face of the evil little man suggesting Genocide..

Just been reading the actual article about this piece of crap...
this man should be hunted down by the International community
and arrested.

I have absolutely had with Israel..... The world needs to act NOW

edit on Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:29:07 -0500292America/ChicagoTuesday4 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: Stuyvesant

The Muslims have a problem with the Zionist regime, they couldn't care about Israel itself... Jews live in places like Yemen, Iran etc, the issue isn't the Jews but the Secular Politicians who control Israel. This country was designed to incite hatred and insult all 3 monotheistic religions at the same time... It's as simple as that.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: Blackmarketeer
Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip

An Israeli official has called for concentration camps in Gaza and ‘the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters’.

Moshe Feiglin, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, posted the inflammatory message on his Facebook page at the weekend.

He lays out a detailed plan for the destruction of Gaza - which includes shipping its residents across the world - in a letter he addressed to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The message, which received more than 2,000 likes on his page, lists four action points which he wants to be enforced as soon as possible.

Coming from a member of the ruling Likud party... This is how Nazis talk. Moshe Feiglin, Joseph Goebbels, two different people, same plan.

I love the bit about shipping them across the world, OK Mr Feiglin how about to pay for the people you want shipped out we as the rest of the world cast you out of our social order, stop sending you relief aid in the form of money and other items such as food, tools and equipment, stop all transactions in the financial industry and maybe you would like your citizens back to your country as well?
Do you feel Mr Feiglin that maybe your country is too good for any other citizen of the world to share? that maybe that the people living in Gaza are beneath you?
If you told your citizens and the Jewish community that in order to rid Gaza of the people living there, the Jewish community would have to return to Israel and have no further contact with the outside world would they endorse you and your ideals?

I also appreciate Hamas not helping the situation by being nothing more than ISIS under another name, fighting for freedom by forcing schools to hold missiles? hiding amongst the citizenry when attacking, shooting anti war demonstrators? Hamas - for shame
edit on 5/8/14 by DataWraith because: Additional text

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Posted on facebook ... sounds like a fake.

For the rest of this anti-jewish campain. Maybe if you guys stop the rhetoric, and start with facts and logic instead, maybe it would get you somewhere.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: bjarneorn

And what facts would they be?

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: aboutface

I want to share with you an interesting prespective about the base of this conflit. I will only quote some of the the words shared in this thread. They are from Suad Amiry gaven at this interview:

“If you ask the Palestinians to give two or three dates or events in their lives, certainly they will gone a tell you 1948, because an all society was dismantled to other society flourish; everybody probably would tell you 1967. But I’m sure, everybody would tell you the wall. That concrete wall that separate Palestinians from Israelis, supposedly for “security reasons”. – I will tell you that as nothing to do with security reasons.”

“What the western world do if it was us Palestinians or Arabs building this wall around Israeli state? Let’s look at this from the other side… Somebody come and asks: who built this monstrous thing? And if you said: We the Palestinians. I’m sure the NATO would be bombarding us!”


“Even though the idea of having a Jewish state was there since the 19 century. They contemplated a Jewish state in different parts of the world; Palestine was one of them…”

“I think it became a reality at the second WW. The second WW made it a reality and also made us the Palestinians became the victims. I always say: We are the victims of the victims.”

“We Palestinians were not part of that (war). All the sudden we were receiving, we were at the receiving end. And don’t forget the British mandate that gave them a promise to help them in Palestine.”

“So here we are a simple nation (..) A society, that had a city called Jaffa, a city called Haifa, a city called Lydda, a city called Ramla.. There were peasants working in their lands, and then the Jews came here... How can you create a Jewish state inside an Arab state? (..)
Unfortunately that created a racist country from the very beginning.”

“ Israel was based in one thing: In not seeing the Palestinians, refusing to see the Palestinians. Unfortunately what happened 1948 happens today(..) In two months, april and may, they kicked 1 million Palestinians.”

“I want the Israelis to stop seizing our land.”

“People don’t realize the kind of concessions Palestinians had made to the Israelis. That really hurts me.”

“We have accepted to live in a state that is 22% of historical Palestine and the Israel that we had recognized is on 78% of our homeland.
And what the Israelis do? No! We Want more of yours 22%. Every single day they build more settlements and they put more people here. They create facts on the ground.”

“So what started in 1882 is going on until now; is an ongoing tragedy. This is the problem.”

“If you want my opinion, we Palestinians haven’t resisted the occupation enough. I’m surprised how tolerant we are.”

EDIT: Can you please comment the statements made here.
a reply to: Stuyvesant

edit on 5/8/2014 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 07:28 AM

A senior Israeli politician has called for the “conquest of the entire Gaza Strip” and the deportation of Palestinians to make way for Jewish settlers.

originally posted by: bjarneorn
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Posted on facebook ... sounds like a fake.

For the rest of this anti-jewish campain. Maybe if you guys stop the rhetoric, and start with facts and logic instead, maybe it would get you somewhere.

There you go. It's obvious you're not interested in the truth, because you would've found it in two seconds....


Israel-Gaza conflict: Right-wing Israeli politician calls for Gazans to be ’concentrated in camps’ – and then all resistance ‘exterminated’

A senior Israeli politician has called for the “conquest of the entire Gaza Strip” and the deportation of Palestinians to make way for Jewish settlers. Moshe Feiglin, the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and a member of the governing Likud party, outlined his plans in an open letter to Benjamin Netanyahu published on Facebook. Writing last week after the reported abduction of an Israeli soldier Hadar Goldin, he called on the Prime Minister to vastly increase the aggression of Operation Protective Edge, which has already killed more than 1,800 Palestinians and destroyed thousands of homes. Demanding the end to the two-state solution, Mr Feiglin called for the “annihilation” of Hamas and its supporters and the creation of camps where civilians from Gaza will be “concentrated” until they can be deported to other countries. He wrote: “What is required now is that we internalise the fact that the Oslo [accord] is finished, that this is our country – our country exclusively, including Gaza. “There are no two states, and there are no two peoples. There is only one state for one people.” His vision for the Gaza Strip is to rebuild it into a “true Israeli tourist site” like Jaffa, described by Mr Feiglin as a “flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians”.

edit on 5-8-2014 by samsamm9 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-8-2014 by samsamm9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: bjarneorn
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Posted on facebook ... sounds like a fake.

For the rest of this anti-jewish campain. Maybe if you guys stop the rhetoric, and start with facts and logic instead, maybe it would get you somewhere.

Don't drag the Jews into this because this is about Zionist. If you were to do a little research you will find that the Zionist thugs in Israel treat the Jews the same way the treat the Christians and the Muslims. They have their thugs in the IDF and police forces beat them and imprison them. Even now the Zionist want to force the Jews to serve in the IDF and Israel has the gall to call themselves a Democracy.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: DarknStormy
a reply to: aboutface

Iran? What the hell have they done, they are calling for the end of Zionism also... After seeing what is coming out of Israel, they may well be spot on.

Oh. Iran used to be Hamas' main supporter from all I've read, and although they apparently had a falling out over Syria, Iran still offers support to Hamas to some degree. I am not ready to stand by this particular viewpoint of late though, because I'm not certain about the current source of their funding.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: Stuyvesant

"The problem with Americans dying in wars on Israel's enemies is that Israel is making enemies faster than Americans can kill them! " -- Michael Rivero

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: buster2010

Even now the Zionist want to force the Jews to serve in the IDF

did feel the same way about the United States, when your brother fought in Vietnam???

i can look up your quote if u wish,, if u dont remember.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: voyger2

In reading your post I am reminded of the North American indigenous populations who were the original land claimants. Attachment to the land based on tribal traditions and treaties throughout the world is well known, but I ask myself if that is what keeps people from developing and fulfilling their personal destinies in the way our Creator wanted for each of us.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: palmalBlue2
a reply to: Stuyvesant

Could you answer my questions?
I would like a dialogue, not baiting.
Do our religions matter:?....we both believe in God and goodness, so why do our counterparts in the ME want to kill each other?

I find it interesting that both of your religions worship the same God of Abraham, I wonder what he thinks of the hate between his followers over how to worship him.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: Stuyvesant

originally posted by: palmalBlue2

originally posted by: Stuyvesant

originally posted by: rickymouse
The whole world is going crazy. I think everything is going to fall apart.

It is already crazy. It's not "going" anywhere.

Everything will fall apart, but only if the USA abandons Israel.

Why does isreal need the u.s. support so desperately? They don't look like a starving third world nation to me.

BTW.... if I support Islam, than you would support my death? I am asking....
If your house was burning down, and you were my neighbor, I DON'T CARE what your religion is.....I would try my best to save you...
Why do the Isrealis want to kill us all??

I'll try to answer your questions as best I can.

1. Israel does not look like a starving third world country for several reasons. Under the Foreign Assistance Act, they have benefitted from massive economic support from the USA. Israel has lucrative business with various countries - primarily Germany and India. Israel has a thriving private business scene. The Bank of Israel is extremely solvent. The nation of Israel is very self-sufficient and has a strong skilled work force. Israel is a world leader in solar and water technology. Israelis have a very high literacy rate. We stopped giving economic aid to Israel in 2007 because they no longer need it. They are economically thriving on their own (now).

Israel needs support from the USA to maintain our (USA) policy of Qualitative Military Edge. We provide them with the superior firepower, and this provides Israel a guarantee of military advantage over a region that basically wants to wipe them out. It gives the USA a major foothold in a democratic Middle Eastern country - a country not dedicated to Islamic Jihad. Our intelligence agencies share information and we work together to undermine mutual threats (and protect mutual interests). In my own (admittedly limited) view, the USA probably needs Israel more than Israel needs the USA at this point.

2. I don't support anyone's death, unless that person (or people) are trying to kill me, my family, my friends, - or, as in the case of war, my countrymen. In those cases I am in favor of survival, and if that means killing the enemy, then I'm on-board. At least that is my position at this current time in my own mindframe. I'm open to pacifist ideas, and have been considering them from a different angle (so to speak) for the last few years.

So if you support Islam, that's your business (even if I think you're crazy for doing so). I appreciate your compassion. If your house was burning down, I'd try to save you too. Even if you're Muslim. But it still wouldn't change the fact that I would view your religion as a psychotic and violent one, and I'd be keeping my eye on you because of it. I'm highly suspicious of Muslims. It's not bigotry, it's just vigilance. I have studied Islam and know its history. I do not view it favorably in any way, shape, or form.

3. Israelis don't want to "kill us all." You've got that part confused. It's Islam that wants to see you conquered (or killed). If you're a Muslim, then hey, you're okay. You're safe. If you're a Jew, or a Christian, or a Hindu, or a Buddhist - heck, even if you're not religious at all - you're an infidel and an enemy to Islam. That's what the religion teaches. Be sure to read the fine print with Islam... and keep an eye on what Islam has done historically to advance itself. There is usually a sword involved.

I get tired of repeating myself over and over and over again.... Every Muslim on this site will agree with me.

As of 22 years of studying and practicing Islam, you are WRONG and sound like one of those lame dis info doom porners..

edit on 5-8-2014 by unphased because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 09:41 AM
If you people cannot understand that Hamas is a entire terrorist group there is no hope for Palestine and Israel .How in the world do people lack the common sense to understand how crazy Hamas is.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: samsamm9
They've started the genocide already. At least the US and the UN have condemned Israel's action.

The United States and the United Nations have condemned Israel after an airstrike killed 10 people near the entrance of a United Nations school sheltering Palestinian civilians. The school was reportedly being used as a shelter for about 3,000 people. It was the second attack on a U.N. school in less than a week, and the seventh over the course of Israel’s offensive in Gaza. The coordinates of the school were reportedly communicated to the Israel Defense Force no fewer than 33 times, the last time just an hour before the shelling. Shortly after Sunday’s attack, the State Department issued a statement saying: "The United States is appalled by today’s disgraceful shelling outside an UNRWA school." U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon characterized the attack as "a moral outrage and a criminal act." We get an update from Christopher Gunness, spokesperson for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

"Disgraceful," "Criminal Act": Israel Condemned as 10 Die in Another Strike on U.N. Shelter in Gaza

The US and UN have condemned Israel's actions LOL ! In 1988 the US and the UN condemned Iraq's actions, of course that didn't stop the CIA and the US state department from selling a billion dollars in weapons to Saddam on the down low through France with Israeli help (ADS).

The public noise bits are "bad bad Israel, we gonna bitch slap you" and the in the background it's "don't worry, you keep that AIPAC/ADL graft, er, I mean bribes, er, I mean political contributions running and we got your back."

Most of congress and pretty much all politicians have become addicted to Israel's system of fractional reserve central bank debt usury. They have their heads so far up Israel's collective ass, you can't tell where one ends and the other begins.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 8/5.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

First I think your source is dog crap.
Second....I highly doubt they are calling for concentration camps.
If they are,my sympathy is out the window for them as a people.
They should know better and deserve the same as what they are asking for.

It might not be a popular opinion but who gives a crap.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: Jobeycool
If you people cannot understand that Hamas is a entire terrorist group there is no hope for Palestine and Israel .How in the world do people lack the common sense to understand how crazy Hamas is.

Everybody understands that the Hamas is a terrorist group, but does this change the fact that Israel is killing civilians?
Does this justify war crimes and crimes against humanity?
In the end the Hamas will only gain more support from Palestinians that are fed up with Israel.
The hate in the young generation is growing, because they lose family member through bombs thrown onto them by Israel.
These people are not free, but they want to be free.
If you consider the conflict between Hamas and Israel, you always have to consider that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Hamas is fighting from Gaza and a lot of Palestinians are falling for them, because they just want Israel to leave them alone. They have to fight for a normal life.
The same people might still understand that the Hamas are terrorists, but they have no other choice in fighting against Israel.

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