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Russia pulls plug on 'last independent TV show'

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posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: Cantbebothered
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

What garbage.....Show me one media outlet promoting another economical system that is based on say the GOLD STANDARD. This is how Russian economy works btw..

Er, no they don't! What a crock of crap!

Russia is actually running a deficit like many other nations and in 2013 issued bonds worth 600 Billion Rubles - the exact same method used by the Western economies.

No nation uses the gold standard.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: stumason

sorry my mistake i should have said Russia is going back to the gold standard.

edit on 3-8-2014 by Cantbebothered because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: Xcathdra

originally posted by: Terminal1
Like we don't have censorship in this country and agenda driven media.

To an extent sure.. However I don't see people being dragged outside of their homes for voicing their opposition to our government, our governments actions, those calling for Obama to be impeached, and I certainly don't see US citizens being required to register with the government for blog sites or independent media.

originally posted by: Terminal1
Flag draped coffins anyone?

3 immediate issues come to mind -

#1 - The return of military remains via military jets usually land at military facilities, which are generally off limits to media and private citizens for obvious reasons.
#2 - In some cases privacy laws will apply.
#3 - The "Dover Test"

originally posted by: Terminal1
Let's be real. What the public is "informed" about in any country is determined by the top and not the reporters on the ground unless it fits an agenda.

and I completely and totally disagree with what you are stating here. Iraq, Libya, Syria... I dont see people being quiet on those topics in the US press / population. We see quite a bit of argument on this site over those topics.

This is my point with Russian media... We can challenge ours without being killed. If we are killed others can challenge it still.

Can you say the same for Russian media and its people?

To answer your last question, no. That is just one of many issues. Also, the COTUS does not apply to them (Russia). So what is the issue here really? Is our Fourth Estate freer (for lack of a better word) than Russia's? On a general theme I would agree that our "press" in the good ol' U. S. of A. is freer (I really don't like using that word in this context. Just sounds funny). But that really isn't the issue. I am not sure what the OP is driving at other than a lot of finger wagging.

As for the flag draped coffins comment, it still applies when it comes to the freedoms the press has, which BTW, the COTUS explicitly states that the "press" shall not be infringed. The Fourth Estate is "supposed" to be a politicians nightmare and government watchdog per se. So, at one point the "press" did "enjoy" the freedom to report on the dead returning home from Iraq/Afghanistan. What happened to change this? Why was the court decision rendered basically infringing on the "press's" rights? Underlying is one word that springs to mind. Agenda. On both sides mind you, the federal level of government as well as the agenda driven by the "press".

The U.S. was set up with informing the public in mind so that people can come to the voting booth and make informed votes. Do you really think that is really happening?

Look... personally I don't trust any of them and to watch today's events, and the reporting of it here in the U.S. is just a comedy of horrors. To sit and complain that "others" are not "as free" as us is simply laughable when we have huge stories being shut down by pressure from the White House. When stories are reported that goes against the agenda of whatever administration is in power, they are called leaks. Our "press" is a mess and I am sorry if I don't have the outrage that Russia has shut down the last independent press office in their country.

Is the Russian populace repressed? Sure they are but on the other hand so are we even if it is to a lesser extent. Brave New World indeed.

Orwell vs Huxley

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: SLAYER69

originally posted by: SurrenderingAmerica

Putin = save Millions of Russian lives & prevent WWIII (stated several times already)

Ah save it!

I hear the same crap from bible thumpers on my own doorstep, It would violate the sites T & C if I posted my responce to them towards you.

as you do presently?

Carefully choosing your words I see. lol. Wouldn't want the U.S. govt hearing/seeing that you typed that

It would violate the sites T & C if I posted my responce to them towards you.

Go ahead, say it. Plus I think you're too chicken sh1t to say it to the 'bible thumpers' anyways. Thats NOT very american of you.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: SurrenderingAmerica

Putin = save Millions of Russian lives & prevent WWIII (stated several times already)

By invading and annexing sovereign countries is the way he's going to do it...Sounds reasonable to me.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: Cantbebothered
a reply to: stumason

sorry my mistake i should have said Russia is going back to the gold standard.


What is discusses in that "article", if it can even be called that as it seems more of an ad for an author and his new book, is nothing like a Gold Standard. It simply discusses some possibilities from the point of view of the interviewee, who is just some author/analyst.

There is nothing in there to suggest Russia is going to going back to a Gold Standard - in fact I doubt they will at all, because doing so is actually quite restrictive and Russia relies heavily on foreign investment. In fact, simply put, the only thing of note is that Russia is increasing it's gold stockpile, but then so have a wide variety of countries and none of them are planning on going back to any Gold Standard.

I was hoping you would do better - it seems to me you just did a quick search and posted the first thing that came up without even reading it.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: SurrenderingAmerica

John Mccain is telling RUSSIA & CHINA that an ARAB SPRING IS COMING TO THEM!!!

John McCain seroiusly?

You do know that nobody takes what John McCain says seriously, as he is as relevant as your neighbor.

After his ridiculous campaign for president, many Americans saw him for what he really is...incompetent.

LoL -- if he's incompetent, then WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU ELECT HIM???

Not my problem that you cannot keep control of your own officials.


"Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran"?

Now we have a "Arab Spring coming near you & China" . . . Plus the other links how U.S. & EU use social media sites & media to fulfill their "Destabilization" efforts globally errrrrr -- I mean "Spread democracy".

Bit hard to refute those inconvenient facts, eh?
edit on 3-8-2014 by SurrenderingAmerica because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: SurrenderingAmerica

Carefully choosing your words I see. lol. Wouldn't want the U.S. govt hearing/seeing that you typed that

Why would he be worried about the government hearing or seeing what he says, as we do have something called Freedom of Speech which is guaranteed by our constitution.

Do they have that in Russia, because it seems they aren't even close with their freedoms.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: Nikola014
Also, he has a plan that's bad for everyone? Want to share what that plan might be with the rest of us?

It's good for Putin. His modest presidential salary does not reconcile with the fortune he has apparently amassed during his time at the top - reputedly upwards of 70 billion dollars. He is surrounded by people he has made very rich and therefore !owe" him their loyalty. Keeping in power is part of the plan. One wonders whether he'll do a Mugabe and orchestrate a "life president" term and/or manipulate events so he can pop in and out of office i.e. not changing the current constitution, but being the de facto puppet master.

Keeping control of the media keeps the population docile and compliant. Look at China.

People complain about the way the West is run!

edit on 3/8/2014 by paraphi because: changed million to billion!

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: SurrenderingAmerica

if he's incompetent, then WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU ELECT HIM???

Unlike those who voted for him and then later denied it some of us Didn't

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:00 AM

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
One wonders whether he'll do a Mugabe and orchestrate a "life president" term and/or manipulate events so he can pop in and out of office i.e. not changing the current constitution, but being the de facto puppet master.

He is already doing that. The Russian constitution puts a 2 term limit on President, but no overall limit, so he rotates with his buddy Dmitry Medvedev.

Putin did 2 terms as President (1999-2008), stood down, Medvedev is "elected" President, he does a term (2008-2012) while Putin is his PM and now Putin is back in the mix (2012-?).

Wash, rinse and repeat

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: SurrenderingAmerica

LoL -- if he's incompetent, then WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU ELECT HIM???

Guess what genius...I didn't elect him as I don't live in his state and if I did I wouldn't have voted for him.

"Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran"?

Yes that was a good spoof song in 1980 when it came out.

So what's your point?

Now we have a "Arab Spring coming near you & China" . . . Plus the other links how U.S. & EU use social media sites & media to fulfill their "Destabilization" efforts globally errrrrr -- I mean "Spread democracy".

Again your using what John McCain says as the voice of all Americans and that is far from being the truth...learn before you speak it will help you from looking silly next time.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: Cantbebothered

lol, ok... An article from 5 years ago which, in actual fact, is simply a Russian response to the ongoing financial crisis at the time which isn't even suggesting a return to a "gold standard", but instead including a gold system into a special basket currency to stabilise the world markets. It also points out that this should be a global measure, not a unilateral measure.

It also goes on to say they would bring this up at that years G20 - but it also points out that it is unlikely to be taken up as it is quite radical.

I think, as it is now 5 years later and Russia has been booted out the G7, it is unlikely to ever happen.

Once again, you've just pulled a random link based on the article title without actually understanding what it is your posting.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:09 AM

Carefully choosing your words I see. lol. Wouldn't want the U.S. govt hearing/seeing that you typed that

Well duh, yeah.

You still haven't learned anything after Lois Lerner & the "lost IRS emails" targeting certain groups within the U.S. that didn't tow the govt BS. . .

Obama administration wins Jefferson Muzzle award for restricting free press

The United States Department of Justice and the White House Press Office are this year’s top winners of a dubious award extended to those considered to be “responsible for some of the more egregious or ridiculous affronts to First Amendment principles.”

On Wednesday this week, the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression announced that the US Justice Dept. had topped this year’s list of “Jefferson Muzzle” recipients, an award handed out every April since 1992 “as a means to draw national attention to abridgments of free speech and press and, at the same time, foster an appreciation for those tenets of the First Amendment.”

The White House Press Office was listed in the second slot among this year’s “winners,” trailed immediately by a third-place tie between the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.

Why would he be worried about the government hearing or seeing what he says, as we do have something called Freedom of Speech which is guaranteed by our constitution.

Try again?
edit on 3-8-2014 by SurrenderingAmerica because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: SurrenderingAmerica

I think you're too chicken sh1t to say it to the 'bible thumpers' anyways. Thats NOT very american of you.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: SLAYER69

Here I think this fits better...

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: SLAYER69

You have something.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: stumason
a reply to: Cantbebothered

lol, ok... An article from 5 years ago which, in actual fact, is simply a Russian response to the ongoing financial crisis at the time which isn't even suggesting a return to a "gold standard", but instead including a gold system into a special basket currency to stabilise the world markets. It also points out that this should be a global measure, not a unilateral measure.

It also goes on to say they would bring this up at that years G20 - but it also points out that it is unlikely to be taken up as it is quite radical.

I think, as it is now 5 years later and Russia has been booted out the G7, it is unlikely to ever happen.

Once again, you've just pulled a random link based on the article title without actually understanding what it is your posting.

LOL whatever you say. LOL you know very little and to point it out i need to make a new thread just for you but you are not that important. Just got 2 words for you BRICS BANK.
You might not have heard something that recently happened through the western media but those sites that deal with economy will tell you. lol

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: Cantbebothered

Righto, I'll take that little prissy princess swipe as a tacit admission of defeat...

BRICs bank... Why is that everyone thinks the BRICs is something new and great? It's the worlds 5 almost rans, who have been known as the BRICs for at least a decade, who have dire internal problems and massive gulfs between rich and poor, not to mention questionable human rights issues.

And the BRIC's bank? It has less money than my employer....$50 Billion dollars? All it does is invest in infrastructure projects or shore up budgetary problems in those nations concerned, it isn't the "answer", it's simply their version of the IMF with less money...

Moving on...
edit on 3/8/14 by stumason because: (no reason given)

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