posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to:
They're not trees. Our Higher Selves are the Trees. They chose to strive for dark wings, ie. to be overlords of a smaller hellish system, and not
grow beyond it. Whether they can pass that, dark side doesnt give promotions line or not is another story, perhaps why they try so hard to be evil.
They're making a huge train wreck of their smaller soul orb lives. Consciousness is Understanding and Compassion and Empathy, its more awareness not
less. They're smaller than we are in reality. Not trees at all. Predators aren't trees. They're also following, groupies too, the AI Pyrana's in the
system, sharks, the virus, Agent Smith and all that.
We're not as powerless as we think yet when some of us try to seek hard, what to do, their families fall apart and worse things happen, so its really
an attack, and you wonder when the help will arrive, whether external, or empowerment within/internal. Because I keep being shown this big mud pile,
and a big mess, but reminded its clay and we're not through with our tests yet. So, shining some Love at this system and showing the way may be good,
if we can nudge others on the same page, but keep doing it, even if it feels lonely. Until more answers come. This would be over if we'd learned
enough so obviously there is still work to do.
edit on 7-8-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)