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I am exhausted.

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posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: Fylgje
I know it's tough but you have to disconnect yourself. Go out in the country somewhere, grow a garden, only focus on your immediate surroundings. Just take a time out. I rarely watch American news media or much of anything else on American TV anymore. I cannot stand what it has all become. When they call Tina Fey a great actress and comedic genius, my lip snarls up and I vomit in my mouth. Same with todays Hollywood actors. Same with most musicians in the spotlight. I grew up in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's, and I can tell you that most things past 1995 suck bad(my opinion). This is the worst time of all times in all areas. We still have a few Sharknado movies to endure before we get out of this rut of #.

I just come home and leave the TV/Radio off many days. I cruise and news aggregate site or two and then I might play some Sims or another video game or read a book. It lets me unplug. After about two to three hours of that, it helps me get ready to face the day. Sometimes, I might pray or find a nice sermon on YouTube if I really feel especially lost.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

You and me both, DeadSeraph.
I'm exhausted, demoralized, tired, and sad.
Last night I let it all out in a crying jag.
Today I'm back at the news. It IS much easier to ignore it - but somehow I cannot.

Taking flack from people who misconstrue and assume what you're all about is hard, hard work.

Hang in there - you are NOT alone. I weep, literally, for this world.

Expat has the right idea, btw. Get out into nature. Only reason I'm on here now is because it's been raining all day - but now the sun is breaking through!! So - out I go!!

hug to you.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Thanks so much Buzzy. Coming from someone who I have argued with on subjects before? It means SO MUCH. Hugs right back at you.

I really do appreciate it. You and I haven't gotten along on a few issues before and quite frankly I've been an asshole to you from time to time. Means the world to me.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: ParasuvO

This kind of thinking, is the very Demonic presence at hold over the entire world, and is the REASON why everything goes on unabated.

Your own Bible says that this consciousness will be here till the end of the age, then a NEW one gets instituted, it will be by another name, and one that no one recognizes, unless WE doing something about it.

Your God, has proven itself to not exist, or I should say, it NEVER DID exist as the tales are being told, too deep for you I know, but not for much longer.

Trust me, their is NO OVERSEER GOD, anywhere in ANY Universe that has a plan for ANYTHING.

But you can go ahead and side with the ones who call themselves GOD, and TRY to not be a part of this HELL.

Many of us are going to forge something ELSE, because in this Universe of TRUE FREEWILL, the only ones telling us that we are limited scum that know nothing, are the ones that need us to believe that FOREVER!!

Then by all means, "do something about it". Jesus left His believers with two charges: to spread the news that fogiveness of sin is through His death, and to treat others as you want to be treated. If every one at least lived by the second objective, the world would be a much better place. By no means do I see that as a Demonic ideology. I do my best to live by those rules, so Im doing my part in preserving the world, but I can not and will not attempt to legislate morality by force.

It is the activist mentality the makes our situation worse. It was activism that pushed Palestinians off their land, it was activism that spread communism in Cuba and Russia, it was activism in the White House that lead to the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan for the sake of democracy.

The last thing we need is another activist. The best we can do is follow God's will until He personally steps in.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 04:46 PM
There honestly isn't much more deception, hate, wars, disease (much less of this), etc.. than in centuries past. The only difference now is that you can hear about it all within an hour of it happening. You just need to realize it's a huge world.. and these things happen. Pay attention to the big stuff and the local stuff, and don't fret so much about the rest. The U.S. government needs to realize it can't fix the world. And neither can you.

So stop stressing over it, and learn to see the good news stories they hide on the last page of your newspaper or in the last 5 minutes of your newscast, enjoy life most of all.. it really can be enjoyed. If you let the weight of the world rest on your shoulders, you are really gonna feel it.
edit on 3-8-2014 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

The whole idea is communication, isn't it?

Thanks for your thread, friend.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: mwood
There is NO "PTB". Nobody is running your life but you, if it sucks it's because of you, not some mysterious group. I know it's easier to blame others. Once you realize then you will be better off.

I know there is bad people running things on a governmental level but they still don't control "you".

I think some of the people here may be suffering from plain old life problems, and instead of dealing with them, solving or accepting them, they conveniently blame world events like - "this world is f'ed up. It's because of this reason, that I am not happy." I had a friend who used to complain about the Illuminati all day, so frustrated and upset, however I suspect that it was not the Illuminati that made him unhappy.
edit on 3-8-2014 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

I guess it's just a question of how the heck do you pick yourself up and drown out all the misery?

You may very well have answered your own question...

I think most people tune out all the crap going on in the world because they can't handle the overwhelming feeling of depression and helplessness against it all.

On the other hand.... apathy is our worst enemy.

It IS our fault that the world has become such a friggin mess.... We let it happen. While the PTB have been screwing us over a barrel, we've all just merrily been running around shopping to our hearts content, turning a blind eye to everything and everyone so long as it didn't effect our own backyards.

We have no one to blame but ourselves.

Just my two coppers.

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph Wow, your post really resonated with was like you were reading my mind...maybe even my soul. I, too, tire of the horror that is the human condition of today! It shrivels the soul, breaks the human spirit and produces a weary mind. I know what you are saying. There isn't a day that goes by that something new and even more terrible than ever, takes place...either locally or world wide. I try and not check the news too much but I do anyway. I figure, I have kids and grandkids and I wanna know what's if there is much we can do about some of it and therein lies the frustration and the reason to rant. I hear of kids hurt from war or hunger or abuse or pedos and my heart just feels like it shrunk into the size of a raisin. It is hard to sleep at night a lot of the time, isn't it? I think of the photos of the Gaza kids, all torn up and weep. Sure, I wish there was some way I could help or stop it. We all do.

I want to say to you that I love you as a human being. I understand. I try and love myself and be good to myself too but it is difficult. I feel guilty too somehow/sometimes. We carry the weight of the world on our shoulders....gosh, it gets awfully heavy! I usually try and find some small, joyful things out of everyday to try and balance it all out but....sometimes it helps a gardens, flowers, fresh cut grass smell, bake homemade bread, watch the hummingbirds and butterflies and such...listen to kids at the park next door laughing. On one level, it helps...yet, the "real" world always creeps in sometimes when least expected. Best we can do is keep on keepin on, live our lives to best serve our loved ones and keep waiting for a better day, a better world. Your are right though, I often feel like I just wanna "go home" and this place ain't it. Take care. Best wishes to you. You have humanity and compassion. That means something!

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 06:29 PM
I'll never know how folks can think somehow that "we", the common man somehow are to blame for all this mess. On some level, maybe, relevant to folks that really think that their vote makes a difference...that there is really a 2 party system and that they are not the same faction. Yeah, those dummies may be to blame to an extent. Yet, in the scheme of things, how often can/does one person raging against the machine make a difference. the "game" is rigged and we can try all kinda things....writing to Congress critters/Senators,POS...letters to the editor...protests. letters, emails...I have tried them all relevant to many issues and guess what...#e changed. The human race as a is everyone to blame. Maybe if we are it is because violence is in our nature. I hope not.

Like I say, the game is rigged...maybe a long time ago, we had better chances...maybe we still do but fear too much for our own families to buck the system in a radical way...yet, maybe that is coming.Maybe we all will reach a tipping point and take a stand...but, playing the blame game is counter productive.

We don't all just have shopping orgies and fast food orgies and what all...many of us care....the opposite of apathy. What we will ever do about it all in the future...who knows....may be just down the road we will all find out.

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

I haven't read all the pages on this post but I can say I am thinking of you and my best advice is to walk away.


I do this every day...... I go to local sites and 'check the weather' , then I go to Drudge to check the latest BS going on......then I come to ATS to see if the latest is here and talked about.

Get away from this if you have a family.

The real world can be a beautifal place if you get out there and look for it'

Who do you have right now and today that loves you and looks to you? .... Don't answer me.

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: DeadSeraph

You and me both, DeadSeraph.
I'm exhausted, demoralized, tired, and sad.
Last night I let it all out in a crying jag.
Today I'm back at the news. It IS much easier to ignore it - but somehow I cannot.

Taking flack from people who misconstrue and assume what you're all about is hard, hard work.

Hang in there - you are NOT alone. I weep, literally, for this world.

Expat has the right idea, btw. Get out into nature. Only reason I'm on here now is because it's been raining all day - but now the sun is breaking through!! So - out I go!!

hug to you.

I am thinking of you both and yes, please get out there and see whats around you. I walk by this one lady's house down the street who seems to have every flower know to mankind. And they are beautiful to see and smell.

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 09:28 PM
I feel you man. The amount of hatred and outright animosity towards someone not of you "bent" is fatiguing. I'll see your Jpeg and raise you a YT video:

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

You subconsciously feel like a "victim," but actually it`s a word that doesn`t exist.
You want to be here in this time, in this moment and be so conscious about it all.
That`s a choice you have made before you were born, as so has everyone else.

So you can`t feel like a "victim," because it was your own choice.

You`re just here on earth to grow your conscious.

Everything that`s happening on earth now and is going to happen is already set in stone, and is just fine as it is, as it should be. ( I know, you are aware it doens`t have to happen, but it simply needs to ).

Once you realize the things above, the burden will fade, and dealing with it will get easier.

It`s simply all about realizing you`re not a "victim," and things are going the way they need to go.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 04:55 PM
I know how you feel.

In fact, I think you summed up exactly how I've been feeling all day, and its been eating at me. You should watch a little movie called God Bless America... although, that might just sink you into an even deeper profound mood...

I recently heard something about a citizen militia attempting to form and gather in New Hampshire. There are people prepping and helping the homeless all over the country, some of which have very little to give apart from their simple services.

People definitely care, look here ---> US Militia

I feel incredibly hopeless and useless as well.. I have all day. Haven't visited ATS in quite a while, but today I scrolled through the forums and found another disappointed soul with a great heart. You've got at least one random anonymous person in the world who feels exactly the same way... and I'm sure you and I aren't the only ones. Look at the comments. How and why do you think this website got started?

The question is; What do you do when you can't just sit back and do nothing, but there's nothing you can do?

And the answer is this; You do what you can.

Chin up, and YANA. You are not alone.

"I don't wanna live my life, like everybody else
And I don't wanna be destroyed, like everybody else
And I don't wanna get a job, like everybody else
Cause I'm NOT... like everybody else."

edit on Xx20150531PM85 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 09:55 PM
It's so bad now they don't even pretend anymore, whoever "they" are. I grew up in a very Christian home, albeit strict and unloving. By the time I was 16 God was long since gone in my life but after many years of research there's no disputing a "something" that exists just outside our ability to see.

What concerns me most is watching the macrocosm of society and there is no doubt that the general direction we are heading is pure evil and unjust. The methods to achieve this goal is worse yet. If there was ever a time to question ones faith (really odd coming from me, I know) it's now. When the common man is generally loving and the trajectory of mankind is so negative, something must be at work.

Than what gets to me is knowing a direct and intentional plot to distort truth with "truthiness" to quote a word coined by Stephen Colbert. The Mirage Men will have us believing we are all wifi connected supercomputers that churn data and break intergalactic codes on behalf of the Ol'Mighty himself if we let them. The fact that we all know better yet this insanity ensues, has me questioning whether this is even real at all. Even my dreams hold to better logic than half this real world crap.

Skyscrapers pancaking on themselves in free fall, passenger jets dropping from the skies like lead balloons, modern day genocide, renewed Cold War. The Twilight Zone would be a respite at this point.
edit on 5-8-2014 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:52 AM
Human beings are tough hardy organisms. We survived an ice age. But our design hasn't changed in ten thousand years. We are hunter gatherers designed to live in small groups of around a dozen people. The current world situation falls outside our mental performance envelope so to speak. Then add to that multiple channels of real time news and information, the majority as of late being extremely disturbing and bad, and people burn out. Not to mention coping with the myriad of personal and familial problems the average person is dealing with on a daily basis now, it's almost soul crushing.

You are NOT alone. We are all going through something similar to this. We are living in the most difficult period in history since the Great Depression and the war that followed it. These are not easy times. No, you aren't imagining it to be so.

How do we deal with it? It is not easy but it's also not impossible. Study astronomy. Make something delicous to eat. Love the ones that matter to you and tell them every day. Try to make your world perspective bigger in space and time than a human scale, and make your personal perspective your family.

I read this post by a blogger yesterday expressing almost the same thing you did in this post. It's profound reading although the language is a bit strong at points

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

We live in a fantastic world which is unfortunately dominated by stupidity.My mind cries when i think about this....WE don't know how to observe,from simple to complicated things,everything is connected.

I am tired. Tired of the death. Tired of the wars. Tired of the propaganda and the agendas. Tired of the talking points. Tired of the disease, of the suffering. Tired of the hunger and the tears.

I have the same thoughts like you.This world is destroyed by the lust for money.We kill each other for money,we destroy the environment for money,we killed species of animals for money....And the bad thing is that intelligent people can't do anything....

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 06:55 AM
I'm also tired of the negative news messages and the way things are going. I actually wouldn't mind if US/EU/allied governments started conscription and have armies to send to those places where things are less to take out the bad guys and get good guys in power, add to education, infrastructure, disarm people, have trials where the bad guys get convicted and put into prisons to end evil in the world once and for all. But instead it appears like evil doers get more influence and don't have any opposition while most countries hope this will all just pass while not losing or losing least of what is there and things will settle by itself. We need more good in the world and a long term plan encompassing the entire world to keep it that way so everybody can grow up in a peaceful world and have a chance at happiness.

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: BornAgainAlien
a reply to: DeadSeraph

You subconsciously feel like a "victim," but actually it`s a word that doesn`t exist.
You want to be here in this time, in this moment and be so conscious about it all.
That`s a choice you have made before you were born, as so has everyone else.

So you can`t feel like a "victim," because it was your own choice.

You`re just here on earth to grow your conscious.

Everything that`s happening on earth now and is going to happen is already set in stone, and is just fine as it is, as it should be. ( I know, you are aware it doens`t have to happen, but it simply needs to ).

Once you realize the things above, the burden will fade, and dealing with it will get easier.

It`s simply all about realizing you`re not a "victim," and things are going the way they need to go.

That's crazy speak for why bother, it's all predetermined, the abuse of little children was all going to happen any way why hold the POPE to account for the Global Organization of Child Abusers he runs.

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