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What are US Biological Warfare Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone?

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posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: soficrow

In order to understand the whole picture behind the "ebola" pandemic, we most look into how ebola was first diagnosed, from where it came from and how it spread from primates to humans.

Then we can come to conclusions that this disease like many has trying to point out was indeed perhaps created and then intentionally pass on to humans.

Its more than meets the eye, is not boundaries to capitalistic greed in the world.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: HarbingerOfShadows
a reply to: SubTruth

Does that mean they are doing it now?

Just like in your personal life would you trust someone who is a proven liar time after time. I have no idea if this is planned,but they have done things in the past that will make me question them.

At what point do we not trust them anymore? In my opinion it does not make sense to do lab work in a insecure third world country with deadly viruses. Why when we have the facilities and scientists here? Maybe it was because they did not want people asking questions. Also this lab is under investigation that is kinda telling in itself.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: SubTruth

Also this lab is under investigation that is kinda telling in itself.

Not really.
Because it's "them" who are investigating the lab.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: soficrow
S&F for this informative post, and major S&F for all of your reporting since the beginning.
As for this topic, imho this wasn't a "natural" event or natural evolution of a filovirus. Where there's smoke (or bugs in a lab), there's fire (or infestation outside the lab).

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: VashKonnor

originally posted by: soficrow

originally posted by: TerrorAlertRed

All it take is one ticked off mad doctor/scientist and all hell breaks loose....

Or a cowboy with an agenda.

(Assuming a cowboy with an agenda gave the order to spread the virus in those countries) What is your opinion on that? And with this questions I mean: motive and objectives.

Erm. I'm just reviewing the facts. From the OP: Of note, Guinea cancelled mining permits issued by the previous corrupt government earlier this year, and renegotiated for a whole lot more money with another corporate partnership, which not incidentally, included interests from China. As it happens, China is not real popular in Washington: Threatening China: Influential Washington Think Tank Pushes US War Drive in the South China Sea. So surprise, surprise - the Ebola epidemic started near the research facilities.

That's motive, ability, opportunity.

Revised objectives might include: Destabilize Guinea's popular government that cancelled previous mining contracts and brought in the Chinese; demoralize the increasingly socialized workers in the region, who were starting to make demands and go on strike, and decimate the leadership; and thereby,

orchestrate the opportunity to "rehabilitate" the region and fund it's post-epidemic "economic recovery" by building infrastructure for mining iron ore, bauxite, diamonds, gold, uranium and whatever else might be lying around, and mining same.

edit on 2/8/14 by soficrow because: sp, pnt

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Thanks for posting marg. ...Genetic testing shows Ebola is an ancient virus, about 40 Million years old: Unexpected Inheritance: Multiple Integrations of Ancient Bornavirus and Ebolavirus/Marburgvirus Sequences in Vertebrate Genomes.

That said, it's obvious the new Ebola sub-clade causing the current epidemic is ...well, new: maybe it mutated naturally, but more likely it was tweaked accidentally or on purpose.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 06:48 PM
Just discovered this thread in diseases and pandemics forum - same article, different publisher BUT posted 1 day before this one:

What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: soficrow

Is interesting to point out that the first human known contact was in 1976 after scientist were experimenting on infected primates, remember sofi, the article I read can not explain how it happens but they blame the use of infected needles on humans, this is something that to me sounds like intentional. no wonder the US has been interested on Ebola, perhaps as a bioweapon? and now our own government has allowed ebola to come to our soil.

edit on 2-8-2014 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Clinics in Africa can't afford to buy needles and stuff... When I was kid they used the same needle on everyone to give us vaccinations in school - we lined up, the nurse just kept jabbing. That's how they did vaccinations from the very beginning right up to AIDS, I think. (my gawd eh?) And that's how they still do it in Africa . Even though they know better.


Ebola would make a better bioweapon than any of the airborne infectious diseases - mainly because it is supposed to be easy to contain and control. Was this a little test run? Give it a tweak, let it go, and see what happens?

The fools. They always think they can control nature.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: soficrow

I see it as the arrogance of the capitalistic greed, we humans are never to be trusted when it comes to the safety of human kind, we are after all our worst enemies.

Still how eboal became transmittable to humans was something that has to do, with what in the heck scientist were doing in Africa experimenting with primates.

Because to me it was not to find a cure for sick monkeys.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: soficrow

In addition to the CDC, USAMRIID (the cdc military counterpart) also does research into this area for cures / vaccines etc.

Just because the disease is naturally occurring does not mean a nation may wish to try and weaponize it one day.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: JHumm
People said the US government would not infect people with a virus or disease.
Didn't the US government infect a bunch of people with Syphilis in Guatemala?
Im not saying that the US started this outbreak, but it would not be unheard of if they did.

The US Government has done far more than that to it's own! 9/11 would be a good example! But for the moment how about these examples:

Mustard Gas Tested on Soldiers via Involuntary Gas Chambers
As bio-weapon research intensified in the 1940’s, officials also began testing its repercussions and defenses on the Army itself.
In order to test the effectiveness of various bio-weapons, officials were known to have sprayed mustard gas and other skin-burning, lung-ruining chemicals, like Lewisite, on soldiers without their consent or knowledge of the experiment happening to them.
They also tested the effectiveness of gas masks and protective clothing by locking soldiers in a gas chamber and exposing them to mustard gas and lewisite, evoking the gas chamber image of Nazi Germany.

Deadly Chemical Sprays on American Cities
Showing once again that the U.S. always tends to test out worse-case scenarios by getting to them first and with the advent of biochemical warfare in the mid 20th century, the Army, CIA and government conducted a series of warfare simulations upon American cities to see how the effects would play out in the event of an actual chemical attack.
They conducted the following air strikes/naval attacks:
The CIA released a whooping cough virus on Tampa Bay, using boats, and so caused a whooping cough epidemic. 12 people died.
The Navy sprayed San Francisco with bacterial pathogens and in consequence many citizens developed pneumonia.
Upon Savannah, GA, and Avon Park, FL, the army released millions of mosquitoes in the hopes they would spread yellow fever and dengue fever. The swarm left Americans struggling with fevers, typhoid, respiratory problems, and the worst, stillborn children.
Even worse was that after the swarm, the Army came in disguised as public health workers.
Their secret intention the entire time they were giving aid to the victims was to study and chart-out the long term effects of all the illnesses they were suffering.

It's nice to know your Government cares about people. Yeah Right! From Nuclear Weapon testing on people and STD's you know that they will never and have never cared. Never will. They are a Government representing themselves and their investors.

When people get that into their thick heads maybe they will wake up to the truth of what is going on!

The 13 most evil US Goverment experiments on Human Beings!

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: soficrow

In addition to the CDC, USAMRIID (the cdc military counterpart) also does research into this area for cures / vaccines etc.

Just because the disease is naturally occurring does not mean a nation may wish to try and weaponize it one day.

The purpose stated by Tulane, and for which the funding was granted was specifically to "develop diagnostic tests." I do agree they probably were looking to develop cures and vaccines too. The important point is that ALL these endeavours require live virus cultures..

I've focused on the facts illustrating opportunity, ability and motive - and avoided making direct accusations. However, it is entirely plausible that a select group of cowboys in the facility was arrogant enough to think they could modify an Ebola strain to infect a select population - and stupid enough to think they could contain "the outbreak" when the goal was accomplished.

Funny thing about viruses - they mutate in the wild. Even when they're engineered NOT to do so.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Thing is marg, viruses DO mutate in the wild - especially when the environment changes. And Ebola outbreaks are definitely linked to deforestation and development. ...It's like digging up corpses infected with flu from the 1918 pandemic - or bringing up ice core samples from 100,000 years ago. 'Y a never know what you're gonna find.

...BUT - there seems to be a lot of circumstantial evidence suggesting this particular Ebola virus was modified and released accidentally or on purpose. ...There was motive, opportunity, and ability - AND this Ebola virus is a new sub-clade (suggesting epigenetic modification or nano-tinkering).

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: Hilux1996

Thanks for posting. S&

...I posted this bit on another thread, but it belongs here too.

I can easily imagine that some people think this epidemic is working out beautifully: West Africa's almost under control (read desperate and vulnerable - which is how predators like their prey), the better to access their resources; the USA now has the legal framework to institute equally Draconian quarantine measures for all kinds of unspecified reasons, the better to whip Americans into any given corral; and the list goes on. What more could any global corporate dictator ask?

....There WAS a good epidemic plan - but it centered on having the resources (manpower etc) to identify patients and trace contacts. However, the US messed up in Kenema so Liberia and Sierra Leone had them over a barrel, and meanwhile, the world's nations decided to cut the WHO's funding.

* The first Ebola patient was in December 2013 near Kenema - but because of the US Army's involvement in the research there, the cover-ups went into gear - meanwhile, corrupt government officials from Sierra Leone and Liberia used the opportunity to start negotiating for cash (aka blackmail).

* The only hospital in the area was in Kenema - and it was affiliated with the US research teams. From the getgo, people from the region said the hospital in Kenema was bad, and made people sick. They said they got injections for Ebola - but there is no treatment for Ebola and no reason to get injections - and the injections made them sick.

* By February, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) was on location dealing with the mess, and

* By March, called the epidemic. Area residents still kept insisting there was something "bad" about the Kenema hospital.

* And the WHO basically said "we can't fit it into our budget - we have other, greater priorities."

* By the time more doctors and medical finally started showing up, the rumors about the Kenema research hospital were circulating everywhere - and people were terrified of doctors.

.......The $100 million earmarked for the epidemic went through the WHO to the 3 governments, who were responsible for developing (and implementing) their strategy - Guinea is good and responsible, but it's just another windfall to Sierra Leone and Liberia. They'll buy votes by paying their friends to set up military-style hierarchies with generals and sergeants and grunts to patrol the streets and jungle and "enforce the quarantine." It's all a really bad joke. But yeah, business as usual.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: soficrow

call me crazy but we have also had an increase in both background,,Fukushima,, and Gamma,, sun bursts,, so mutation may be mother nature doing the ,,suggesting epigenetic modification or nano-tinkering

just a thought.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: soficrow
a reply to: Hilux1996

Thanks for posting. S&

...I posted this bit on another thread, but it belongs here too.

I can easily imagine that some people think this epidemic is working out beautifully: West Africa's almost under control (read desperate and vulnerable - which is how predators like their prey), the better to access their resources; the USA now has the legal framework to institute equally Draconian quarantine measures for all kinds of unspecified reasons, the better to whip Americans into any given corral; and the list goes on. What more could any global corporate dictator ask?

....There WAS a good epidemic plan - but it centered on having the resources (manpower etc) to identify patients and trace contacts. However, the US messed up in Kenema so Liberia and Sierra Leone had them over a barrel, and meanwhile, the world's nations decided to cut the WHO's funding.

* The first Ebola patient was in December 2013 near Kenema - but because of the US Army's involvement in the research there, the cover-ups went into gear - meanwhile, corrupt government officials from Sierra Leone and Liberia used the opportunity to start negotiating for cash (aka blackmail).

* The only hospital in the area was in Kenema - and it was affiliated with the US research teams. From the getgo, people from the region said the hospital in Kenema was bad, and made people sick. They said they got injections for Ebola - but there is no treatment for Ebola and no reason to get injections - and the injections made them sick.

* By February, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) was on location dealing with the mess, and

* By March, called the epidemic. Area residents still kept insisting there was something "bad" about the Kenema hospital.

* And the WHO basically said "we can't fit it into our budget - we have other, greater priorities."

* By the time more doctors and medical finally started showing up, the rumors about the Kenema research hospital were circulating everywhere - and people were terrified of doctors.

.......The $100 million earmarked for the epidemic went through the WHO to the 3 governments, who were responsible for developing (and implementing) their strategy - Guinea is good and responsible, but it's just another windfall to Sierra Leone and Liberia. They'll buy votes by paying their friends to set up military-style hierarchies with generals and sergeants and grunts to patrol the streets and jungle and "enforce the quarantine." It's all a really bad joke. But yeah, business as usual.

this is one of the best posts in all of ats.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: manna2

people from the region said the hospital in Kenema was bad, and made people sick.

no,,no it was the "witch Doctors" who said " hospital in Kenema was bad," and spread that rumour NOT THE PEOPLE.

witch doctors.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: BobAthome
a reply to: manna2

people from the region said the hospital in Kenema was bad, and made people sick.

no,,no it was the "witch Doctors" who said " hospital in Kenema was bad," and spread that rumour NOT THE PEOPLE.

witch doctors.
now you are just lying. Shame on you

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: soficrow

Tom Clancy's book Executive Orders is a good read and deals with the weaponization of Ebola.

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