posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 09:00 PM
When it comes to the use of the said word, and how it is used, look at the age of the person.
At one time it was correct to say the N word and use such. There are many examples on how it was used in everyday language and culture. As time went
by it went from meaning one things to being something derogatory. Yet what should be noted, is that the very people who it offends often are the ones
who will use it more times than not.
How can it be correct for one group to use such to refer to each other, and not correct for the rest? Better that all lets it go and not use it, than
one person use it and the world wonders why or how is it correct in the first place.
And it is still around in some of the popular songs, and some of the more great works of literature. Should we now ban those works of art, for the
sake of not offending? Do we now censor such, as being inappropriate for people to read or view? And what about comics, do you ban them from using
such in their art form, actors and comedians or the past like Richard Pryor or Don Rickles? Or how about the comedic styling’s of Chris Rock and
Eddy Murphy, are they now banned from performing in public cause they used said word, something forbidden in their comedy? Even Whoppie, told a very
racist joke once, but turned around to ask people if they laughed, why did they find it so funny or if they did not what was it not so funny. Is she
now to be censored for such? Kind of makes you think.