Where I live, basic necessities for living and healthcare are pretty much guaranteed.
Now, as an american, I was sure, at first, that that must mean people are all lazy bastards as a result.
For, if we don't have our survival instincts stimulated, why would anyone bother working??
So far, what I observe is that there seems to be people who are naturally more individualistic, and ambitious, and others which are not. No matter
what the upbringing and cultural education. Sometimes within the same family, siblings will differ on this point.
I have been a business owner here in the capitalist side, and have experienced being an employee in the socialist public sector.
I mingled with other very individualistic ambitious colleagues, and with the other more social minded and less ambitious colleagues.
Two very different systems.
I observe that individuals, when not in the sector that they are naturally "made for" don't do well. They have handicaps of a sort, which challenge
I am not doing well in the public sector, though I excelled in the private one. What happens is that you get natural drives which have to be
repressed, and cause problems for you.
I have an innate drives for problem solving, intellectual stimulation and growth, and independance, that don't get met in the public socialist area. I
had that in common with my colleagues in the private sector. We were taxed heavily, and working long hours, sometimes for no pay... so why did we do
it? Why did we bother creating our own business? Because of those drives! -NOT money.
Now, I sit in front of a woman who has worked for 20 years as a
cooks aide in a hospital, and cannot understand why she is content there! She
loves it. She is always on time and happy to come in whenever needed, even on her days of vacation, if needed. Jesus, I think,
how do you find the
motivation to get out of bed each day???
She can stop at any time and just stay at home with her small child, and get the same pay, for the rest of her life! She doesn't NEED to be there to
survive. She will never be promoted to anything more interesting, and she doesn't care.
But she still does it. She has drives I just don't feel so much. She has the need for familiarity, for being with others, for a feeling of
inter-dependence in a group, for automatic reactions and movements. It makes her feel good to be doing same-old, same-old. She has no drive for
challenge, for independence, or intellectual growth. The fact that she has financial security, her basic necessities met, does not stop her from
working, because work provides something else she needs- social interaction and bonding, the physical pleasure of familiar structure and ritual.
She would do horribly in the private sector. She would hate the challenges of problem solving; she would hate the long hours alone into the night
working out her accounting, or organizing her stock. She would have problems adapting to the changing needs of her clients and the experimentation
necessary to find the best response to the market. She would, quite simply, fail miserably. Even if she had been raised in a country which taught her
from an early age that all people love independence and challenge- even if she believed it was true of herself.
I say that because I see people all the time that have grown up with the values of this society (which teach that all people feel a need for social
inter-dependence, familiar ritual, security) and believe it is true of them, and yet they seem to be wrong. Their need for independence, ambition,
and challenge still bleeds through, but in negative (subconscious) ways. They get competative, where the naturally social people don't- at all. They
get very resentful and nasty when someone else coms up with a solution, or does something alone- as if they are jealous- a part of them wanted to do
that and they repressed it.
The naturally social in the private sector get jealous of those who live out their social nature, not competing to get ahead of each other, and
staying within comfortable familiar environments and movements. A part of them wishes they could do that too, but their education has taught them to
repress those needs.
What I am suggesting here, is that within any nation, any culture, you will get perhaps half the people naturally inclined to innovate and
entrepreneur, and half naturally inclined to stay secure in working conditions and teamwork. (or perhaps different percentages, I don't know)
No matter what the cultural values, that is true on a deep level, and if the system they have grown up with is not one their natural drives are
appropriate for, they get bitter and resentful for anyone that dares to live them out.
Here, if you are independant and innovative, you are a bad guy. That is actually what the Chambre of Commerce warned me about when I set out on my
own. (you a corrupt egotistical bastard)
In the US, if you are not that, and you are more social and less competative, you are the bad guy. (a lazy bastard)
Capitalist education teaches us that everyones motivation is money. But I suspect that everyones motivation is
self fulfilment.... and selves
Sorry I got so long. I had been pondering yesterday why two women at work just hate me and are making my life hell, seemingly for no reason. My
intuition simply said "because they are Alpha females, like you." I had to think hard about what that meant. They don't believe in trying to get ahead
individually, in the need for leadership, or independence. But it seems clear to me that, regardless of their beliefs, they have those drives, and
trying to repress them causes them much discomfort- and resentfulness when they see me go ahead and do something alone, or peep up with a solution to
a problem (which they probably thought of, but repressed speaking, out of fear of standing out from the group). They show an amazing amount of
intelligence in creating "traps" of various kind for me, and I keep thinking, it is too bad such creative intelligence is being channelled into
destructive acts instead of constructive endeavors!
Those that don't have those drives just don't feel any reaction to my actions. They don't care. They are fulfilled.
edit on 31-7-2014 by
Bluesma because: (no reason given)