Yes, the US has a rich history of funding both sides of a conflict. If the news is going to talk about one side's economy it should talk about the
other and it should disclose the countries supplying aid. Without doing so, the media looks like a puppet rather than an information source.
That's not a subjective view, that's a societal fact. I think my statement made that quite clear. Your point has nothing to do with my original
comments. If your point was to show that Palestine and Israel are the same then I agree and would ask you, why can't Israel respect their basic
human rights if they both behave the same way?
The US gives "some" cash to a lot of places that have established militaries, infrastructure and sovereignty. Palestine does not have a military,
has substandard, and in some parts sub-human infrastructure, and the sovereignty of the land has been abused for centuries, Israel is just the most
recent squatter.
The US's involvement in the area, as I routinely noted, is one of the major issues and using the money of any country's citizens to further a
governments military industrial complex is criminal. None of the pro-zionists can answer my questions because they would have to acknowledge the
truth: "If the Jews are able to get their land back based off of a supernatural belief, why are other civilizations not allowed the same
opportunity?" Based on that thought model, we should give many states in the US back to the Native Americans and return Texas and the entire
southwest back to Mexico. If we as Americans support Israel than we are unconsciously admitting that we believe in one supernatural belief but that
other supernatural beliefs are not believable. "Hi, I'm Earth, have we met?"
I've taught the history of Islam, Zionism and many subjects involving this area and the views of Islam on this thread are bigoted and completely
misrepresenting the ideology. For many many centuries Jewish people were regarded as "Protected Citizens," in Muslim countries, throughout their
various empires. The new spat between Muslims and Jews simply has to do with Israel. Once we realize how easy of a problem that is to solve, we
will see an opportunity at peace staring us right in the face. At some point in history every faith has been persecuted and because of that, all of
them contradict each other and deserve no privilege over the other. Islam is simply being used a motivator to get citizens of these countries to
rise up against their oppressors which is the West. There are people who are using Islam to try and inspire large groups of uneducated and in many
cases, illiterate people, to fight back against the west. It's literally the same strategy and psychology that was used to get the colonists to rise
up against the Crown. Many of these people don't have any choice but to accept an occupation of the West or fight for someone who at least shares
the same religion. Religion, more often than not, is used to provide strength to underdog factions in war, through psychology.
What are Jewish people complaining about? Your country squatted on another culture's land and you don't want them to fight back? You just want
the land handed to you because you really think, from a completely egocentric and childlike view, that you are "chosen people"? Only people would
that view would think they have a right to another person's land without having to fight for it. You limit their ability to live, push them off
their land, prevent them from having a defense force and then you get upset that they use guerrilla warfare? Do you think the colonists were moved
when the Crown complained about the same thing during the American revolution? The British Crown was upset because the colonists wouldn't fight the
way they British military was accustomed too so they tried to shame their strategy. Just google some history and the illusion of Israel quickly
becomes unwound, leaving a culture stark naked for the world to see. You don't have to be pro-Hamas to think Israel is wrong, you just have to be
pro-human. Adults and not sycophants, realize that if you squat on someone's land you should be ready for them to want to take it back. We learned,
in elementary school, that if something doesn't belong to you, and you take it without asking, then it's called stealing. If that concept is too
difficult to comprehend than I think we don't need to look much deeper when trying to understanding the current state of the world.