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Originally posted by Edward-Alexander
I'm a member from birth, and have been part of many orders and societies, including involvement with the so called "Illuminati".
Originally posted by demonbuster
i think ive met members of satanism and illuminati before.. ... you can tell by the look in their eyes. their souls are infested with demons... its quite sad, really....
Originally posted by jeasahtheseer
reply to post by clarity jane
There is no "boss" of freemasonry, sorry to break it to you. I am a prince hall mason and I know many other masons that are ph's and regular masons and there is no such thing as a leader of freemasonry, or boss as you put it.
I knew a msaon once, he was a perfectly normal guy though, and didn't make it sound like there were any real secrets going on except in terms of business deals and that sort of thing. I believed him, maybe I was wrong.....
Today's global food crisis shows "we all blew it, including me when I was president," by treating food crops as commodities instead of as a vital right of the world's poor, Bill Clinton told a U.N. gathering on Thursday. UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 23, 2008
President Bill Clinton, now the UN Special Envoy to Haiti, publicly apologized last month for forcing Haiti to drop tariffs on imported, subsidized US rice during his time in office. The policy wiped out Haitian rice farming and seriously damaged Haiti’s ability to be self-sufficient.
So Where Do Anti-Hoarding Laws Come In?
These ideas of anti-hoarding legislation may have stemmed from two areas of confusion:
First is from Executive Orders in place dating back to 1939 which Clinton has grouped together under one order, EO #12919 released on June 6, 1994. The following EOs all fall under EO#12919:
10995--Federal seizure of all communications media in the US;
10997--Federal seizure of all electric power, fuels, minerals, public and private;
10998--Federal seizure of all food supplies and resources, public and private and all farms and equipment;
10999--Federal seizure of all means of transportation, including cars, trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and water ways;
11000--Federal seizure of American people for work forces under federal supervision, including the splitting up of families if the government so desires;
11001--Federal seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private;
11002--Empowers the Postmaster General to register every single person in the US
11003--Federal seizure of all airports and aircraft;
11004--Federal seizure of all housing and finances and authority to establish forced relocation. Authority to designate areas to be abandoned as "unsafe," establish new locations for populations, relocate communities, build new housing with public funds;
11005--Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, both public and private;
11051--Provides FEMA complete authorization to put above orders into effect in times of increased international tension of economic or financial crisis (FEMA will be in control incase of "National Emergency").
These EOs are not aimed at anti-hoarding but rather at seizure or confiscation of items...
Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholarships
Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902, South African financier, British statesman and industrialist, who wanted to make Africa a "British dominion from the Cape to Cairo"), with the financial support of Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild (1840-1915) and Alfred Beit, was able to control the diamond mines of South Africa with his De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., by buying out the French Diamond Co. and then merging with the Barnato Diamond Mining Company. He eventually controlled the production of diamonds throughout the world. His Consolidated Gold Fields was also a prosperous gold mining operation. He made $5 million annually [a huge sum in those days --ed].
In 1877, while still studying at Oxford (it took him 8 years because of having to run the diamond mines), he wrote the first of seven wills, in which each became a separate and legally binding document. It called for the establishment of:
"...a secret society with but one object -- the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, (and) for ... making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire."
Frank Aydelotte, a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Secretary to the Rhodes Trustees, wrote in his book, American Rhodes Scholarships:
"In his first will Rhodes states his aim still more specifically: 'The extension of British rule throughout the world ... the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the interests of humanity'."
When he died, his third will, drafted in 1888, called for the establishment of a trust, run by his son-in-law Lord Rosebury, a Rothschild agent, to administer his fortune. His seventh and last will, named [Nathan] Rothschild administrator of his estate, and established an educational grant known as the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University (which was controlled by the Fabians). The Scholarships provided a two-year program for young men, and later, women, from the United States, United Kingdom and Germany, to carry on the Illuminati conspiracy......
The Rhodes fortune, through the Rhodes Scholarship Fund, has been used to promote the concept of globalism and one-world government. Up to 1953, out of 1,372 American Rhodes Scholars, 431 had positions in teaching and educational administration, 31 were college presidents, 113 had government positions, 70 held positions in the media, and 14 were executives in foundations.....
The Fabian Socialist Society (1884- )
On October 24, 1883, in London, a group of 17 wealthy Socialists gathered to discuss a 'Fellowship of the New Life,' which was based on the writings of scholar Thomas Davidson, who hoped to start some sort of monastic order.... On November 7, 1883, this group met to discuss the establishment of an organization "whose ultimate aim shall be the reconstruction of Society in accordance with the highest moral possibilities." However, they split into two factions, and on January 4, 1884, one of the factions established a group known as the Fabian Society....
In 1887, their pamphlet Facts for Socialists maintained that any person who knew the facts of Socialism, had no other choice but to be one. It was their best selling piece of propaganda. By 1889, 6500 tracts had been distributed, and 31 speakers had delivered 721 lectures. From 1891-92, there had been 3,339 lectures given by 117 Fabian members. Their membership rose to 400 by 1892, 681 in 1894, and 881 in 1899. They had 74 local chapters in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Spain, Denmark, and Germany.....
H.G. Wells was unimpressed with the [effectiveness of the] Fabian organization, and called for expansion by raising money, getting new offices, appointing a new staff, and relaxing the guidelines for membership. He wanted to initiate an all-out propaganda campaign... These ideas had been fleshed out in his 1897 short story A Story of the Days to Come, and his 1901 book, Anticipations of the Reaction to Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought.
The character, William Clissold, had called his project for world revolution, the "open conspiracy," which meant:
"...the establishment of the economic world-state by the deliberate invitation, explicit discussion, and cooperation of the men most interested in economic organization, men chosen by their work, called to it by a natural disposition and aptitude for it, fully aware of its importance and working with the support of an increasing general understanding ...
It is not a project to overthrow existing governments by insurrectionary attacks, but to supersede them by disregard. It does not want to destroy them or alter their forms but to make them negligible by replacing their functions. It will respect them as far as it must. What is useful of them it will use; what is useless it will efface by its stronger reality; it will join issue only with what is plainly antagonistic and actively troublesome."
His plan was to be accomplished by "an intelligent minority ... without the support of the crowd and possibly in spite of its dissent..."
He further elaborated:
"The Open Conspiracy will appear first, I believe, as a conscious organization of intelligent, and in some cases wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction, who will presently discover, with a sort of surprise, the common object toward which they are all moving. In all sorts of ways, they will be influencing and controlling the ostensible government."
According to Wells, expansion would occur through:
"...branching and development ... (with) the Open Conspiracy as consisting of a great multitude and variety of overlapping groups, but now all organized for collective political, social and educational as well as propagandist action. They will recognize each other much more clearly than they did at first and they will have acquired a common name ...
The character of the Open Conspiracy will now be plainly displayed. It will have become a great world movement as widespread and evident as Socialism and Communism. It will largely have taken the place of these movements. It will be more, it will be a world-religion. This large, loose, assimilatory mass of groups and societies will be definitely and obviously attempting to swallow up the entire population of the world and become the new human community."
Two years later, in a published article titled "The Banker," Wells even included the international banking houses in Clissold's "open conspiracy" through a three-point program that would by-pass governments...
It is obvious that Wells either based his writings on the actual plans of the Fabian elitists, or used his knowledge of what they had already done in order to formulate a theory of what they were going to do in the future. Since he did quit, were these writings meant to be an exposé or a warning, or was he just stating facts, daring people to try and stop them? We don't know his intent, but what we do know was that he was incredibly prophetic in his description of their methods. It would indeed be a 'blueprint' for the manner in which the Illuminati would entrench itself in our governmental affairs....
* Dean Rusk (CFR, Secretary of State, 1961-69)
* Walt Whitman Rostow (Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, 1966-69)
* Harlan Cleveland (Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs in the Kennedy administration, Ambassador to NATO under Presidents Johnson and Nixon)
* Nicholas Katzenbach (CFR, U.S. Attorney General, 1965-66)
* Sen. James William Fulbright (Arkansas, 1945-74)
* Sen. Frank Church (Idaho, 1956-81)
* Sen. Bill Bradley (New Jersey, 1979-97)
* Sen. David Boren (Oklahoma, 1979-94, CFR)
* Sen. Richard D. Lugar (Indiana, 1976-)
* Sen. Larry Pressler (South Dakota, 1979-97, CFR, Phi-Beta-Kappa)
* Sen. Paul Sarbanes (Maryland, 1977-)
* Rep. Elliot H. Levitas (GA, 1975-85)
* Rep. Carl Albert (OH, 1947-77, Speaker of the House from 1971-77)
* Rep. John Brademas (IN, 1959-81, later New York University President)
* Gov. Bill Clinton (Arkansas, 1979-81, 1983-92; President, 1993-2001; CFR, Trilateral Commission -- he didn't graduate from Oxford)
* Gov. Richard Celeste (OH, 1983-91)
* Supreme Court Justice Byron 'Whizzer' White (1962-93, also Phi Beta Kappa)
* Brig. Gen. Pete Dawkins
* Gen. Bernard W. Rogers (Supreme Commander of the NATO forces in Europe, 1979-87)
* Gen. Wesley Clark (Supreme Commander of the NATO forces in Europe, 1997-2000)
* Stansfield Turner (CIA Director, 1977-81)
* R. James Woolsey (CFR, CIA Director, 1993-95)
* Charles Collingwood (TV commentator)
* Howard K. Smith (TV commentator)
* George Jerome Goodman (writer known as 'Adam Smith')
* Hedley Donovan (former Editor-in-Chief of Time magazine, later a senior advisor to President Carter)
* Robert Penn Warren (Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and novelist, best known for his book All the King's Men).
Originally posted by crimvelvet
Clinton - preparing for insurrection and conversion into a collectivist society.
Collectivism (aka Kibbutzism) and enforced birth control are the only practical solutions to the problem of human impoverishment; food prices rocketing by 83% in the last year, and causing violent conflicts in Haiti and other parts of the world,” ” reports African Energy News. ”Food riots have also taken place in Egypt, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mauritania, Madagascar and the Philippines in the past month“ (and in Pakistan and Mexico, too).
Unable to afford food, hungry Haitians are now eating “cookies made of dirt, vegetable oil, and salt.”
“International Monetary Fund (IMF) President Dominique Strauss-Kahn has warned that hundreds of thousands of people will face starvation if food prices keep rising.”
Millions of poor people in the Third World now risk being evicted from their homes and becoming homeless
David Rockefeller . . . It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. [/v]The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
Originally posted by crimvelvet
You missed the vital parts of Collectivism.
First what is the actual opposite of Collectivism? The opposite is not capitalism or Christianity it is individualism.
For an individualist, government derives its power, not from conquest and subjugation, but is given its powers by the people. This means the state does not have any legitimate powers unless given by its citizens AND (big and) the citizens CAN NOT give the state powers that they themselves do not have in the first place! In other words if it is immoral and unethical for me to rob a person than the government, derviving its powers from me does not have that right either.
"All citizens were eligible to speak and vote in the (Athenian) Assembly, which set the laws of the city-state. However, the Athenian citizenship was only for males born from a father who was citizen and who had been doing their "military service" between 18 and 20 years old; this excluded women, slaves, foreigners (μέτοικοι / metoikoi) and males under 20 years old. Of the 250,000 inhabitants only some 30,000 on average were citizens. Of those 30,000 perhaps 5,000 might regularly attend one or more meetings of the popular Assembly. Most of the officers and magistrates of Athenian government were allotted; only the generals (strategoi) and a few other officers were elected. "
Perhaps the biggest difference in beliefs is that individualists believe everyone has equal rights, where as collectivists think the "group" has more right than the individual. This allows laws to be applied differently to different people. There is no equality under the law.
So where does that belief the "group" has more right than the individual, aka "Mob Rule" lead us?
The loss of liberty can always be justified as necessary "for the greater good"
The ultimate group of course is the State, Therefore it is perfectly acceptable to sacrifice individuals if it is to the benefit of the government.
This mindset of the collectivist leads to this:
“The Collective Farm Policy was a terrible struggle, Ten million died. It was fearful. Four years it lasted. It was absolutely necessary." Joseph Stalin
or if you prefer - Bill Clinton's legacy Manufacturing the food crisis food prices rocketing by 83% in the last year, and causing violent conflicts in Haiti and other parts of the world,” ” reports African Energy News. ”Food riots have also taken place in Egypt, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mauritania, Madagascar and the Philippines in the past month“ (and in Pakistan and Mexico, too).
Unable to afford food, hungry Haitians are now eating “cookies made of dirt, vegetable oil, and salt.”
“International Monetary Fund (IMF) President Dominique Strauss-Kahn has warned that hundreds of thousands of people will face starvation if food prices keep rising.”
Millions of poor people in the Third World now risk being evicted from their homes and becoming homeless
Do NOT try to tell me this was cause by "Capitalism" because it was not. It was the deliberate policy of collectivists. If people are unhappy then collectivists can move in with their sugarcoated poison and take over the government.
David Rockefeller . . . It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. [/v]The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
auto-determination is a government derived from the individual. What the collectivist want, once all the do-gooder facade, is torn away is a return to feudalism. No individual rights, no individual freedom, a privileged ruling class in complete control of everyone and everything.
As H L Mencken said "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it."
Originally posted by enochrodofiron
Cooper told us. ‘They practice Hegalian conflict/resolution. They appear to oppose each other at the bottom ranks, but at the highest levels they are actually organizing and controlling the conflict which they have created to produce the solution that they see The Illuminati are extremely powerful, very wealthy men. They believe that they are the guardians of the secrets of the ages. They believe that the vast majority of people would not know what to do with the real knowledge and the real truth and the real science — and would, in fact, misuse them all. They further believe that everything that they do is for the ultimate betterment and survival of humankind — even if it means killing two billion people to reach their goal…’” -William Cooper
ENOCH ROD OF IRON WRITES: you are almost right, they plan on leaving only 2 billion alive, Enoch rod of iron my job is make sure “they” are held accountable for every needless death
Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by Lucifer777
Collectivism (aka Kibbutzism) and enforced birth control are the only practical solutions to the problem of human impoverishment;
You missed the vital parts of Collectivism.
First what is the actual opposite of Collectivism? The opposite is not capitalism or Christianity it is individualism.
For an individualist, government derives its power, not from conquest and subjugation, but is given its powers by the people. This means the state does not have any legitimate powers unless given by its citizens AND (big and) the citizens CAN NOT give the state powers that they themselves do not have in the first place! In other words if it is immoral and unethical for me to rob a person than the government, derviving its powers from me does not have that right either.
Perhaps the biggest difference in beliefs is that individualists believe everyone has equal rights, where as collectivists think the "group" has more right than the individual. This allows laws to be applied differently to different people. There is no equality under the law.
So where does that belief the "group" has more right than the individual, aka "Mob Rule" lead us?
The loss of liberty can always be justified as necessary "for the greater good"
The ultimate group of course is the State, Therefore it is perfectly acceptable to sacrifice individuals if it is to the benefit of the government.
This mindset of the collectivist leads to this:
“The Collective Farm Policy was a terrible struggle, Ten million died. It was fearful. Four years it lasted. It was absolutely necessary." Joseph Stalin
or if you prefer - Bill Clinton's legacy Manufacturing the food crisis food prices rocketing by 83% in the last year, and causing violent conflicts in Haiti and other parts of the world,” ” reports African Energy News. ”Food riots have also taken place in Egypt, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mauritania, Madagascar and the Philippines in the past month“ (and in Pakistan and Mexico, too).
Unable to afford food, hungry Haitians are now eating “cookies made of dirt, vegetable oil, and salt.”
“International Monetary Fund (IMF) President Dominique Strauss-Kahn has warned that hundreds of thousands of people will face starvation if food prices keep rising.”
Millions of poor people in the Third World now risk being evicted from their homes and becoming homeless
Do NOT try to tell me this was cause by "Capitalism" because it was not. It was the deliberate policy of collectivists. If people are unhappy then collectivists can move in with their sugarcoated poison and take over the government.
If you ASK those in the third world countries that the collectivists are trying to "help" they will tell you bluntly, "GO AWAY and leave us to direct our OWN destinies"
You can see this starting at the post post in Hues and Cries Of People Living In Third World Countries !
Collectivism has been tried again and again. It failed in the USA in the collectivist experiment of 1621, It failed more recently in Soviet Russia and many other places.
When you take all the appeals to "saving the poor and helpless" away you find the wolf under the sheep's clothing as depicted in the Fabian society Stainglass window
David Rockefeller . . . It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. [/v]The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
auto-determination is a government derived from the individual. What the collectivist want, once all the do-gooder facade, is torn away is a return to feudalism. No individual rights, no individual freedom, a privileged ruling class in complete control of everyone and everything.
As H L Mencken said "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it."
Originally posted by vcwxvwligen
You don't go to them, they come to you.
It's like business: unless you are recommended by someone who's trusted, they will not want to discuss secret societies and the like.
If you deal with men of any significance then you probably unknowingly meet a few regularly. It's likely that you aren't aware their secret affiliations because you aren't trustworthy enough.
Your best bet is just to know what they know.
Originally posted by enochrodofiron
reply to post by enochrodofiron