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Has anyone ever met anyone who was a member of the illuminati or other society?

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posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Stillalive
u dont just join so you can steal info and reveal it like some snake man.
there is a swear and if you ruin it by telling anyone the secrets
there is kinda a possibility of demons raping your soul,and some pretty angry masons after your toushy

And what makes you think I am a Man ????

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 07:25 PM
One doesn't need to join a secret society to find out what they're doing or about. One merely needs to see through the fray of reality of their daily lives, if in fact secret societies do heavily influence the world around us. Look at architecture, ancient architecture, see where religion is compared to others, look for syncronicity, read up on Albert Pike if you haven't yet. Or the history of cults around the world. Secret Societies are a giant mask for one circle of men, maybe women.. who are in a vast amount of power, and struggle generation from generation to control the masses, whether it be slow kill methods, or just mass deception and mindless enslavement.

"The only secrets are the secrets that keep themselves"

I forget who wrote that, but Star Trek Voyager mentions it..

Bernard Shaw..I think.

[edit on 19-8-2010 by trutherman]

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 07:26 PM
I think people have place far to much faith in the fact that Masons today carry much power in the world. Maybe along time ago in the 1700's but now i do not think they are world dominators.

Everyone says Secret Society. How secret can they be when you can openly find information about chapters, joining and function they provide or attend.

I would imagine that they are not so much secret societies as societies with secrets.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by clarity jane
It is easily available knowledge that QE2 is boss of Free Masonry...

I am quite happy to learn that my superior is a crusie ship. I will gladly report for duty.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 07:43 PM
oooh..well sorry. well...hmm the only good way to know what you want is to join the order of the eastern start that accepts women.
and i dont think you will get any of the good secrets there : D i just dont know
and again why would you want to infiltrate a society of good man and expose theyr secrets? isnt the world bad enough yet? that you have to make more evil?
if masonry has some evil satanic secrets you think you will learn it just by joining? and lets not talk about how as much as i learn the more i think its just jealousy and masons are just honorable men.

[edit on 19-8-2010 by Stillalive]

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by clarity jane

There is no "boss" of freemasonry, sorry to break it to you. I am a prince hall mason and I know many other masons that are ph's and regular masons and there is no such thing as a leader of freemasonry, or boss as you put it.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by jeasahtheseer
reply to post by clarity jane

There is no "boss" of freemasonry, sorry to break it to you. I am a prince hall mason and I know many other masons that are ph's and regular masons and there is no such thing as a leader of freemasonry, or boss as you put it.

I would imagine the Duke of Kent to be the current head of Masonry. After all, the 'united lodge' of England symbolically unites all masonic lodges worldwide. Just as imperial England has spread its culture and language worldwide.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

Obviously there is lot more to free masonry than meets the eye but I stand by my original post. below are links to help you understand. Most or probably all blue lodges and Scottish rite lodges are autonomous these days so they are not aware that they are actually controlled by the Queen. The biggest and wealthiest society is the Royal Antediluvian order of Buffalo which the Queen is still the public head of. R.A.O.B. is the music department of Masonry and is what all Masonry is founded on. Ma sonic (the sound).
Blue lodges have 1 to 17 degrees and Scottish rite has 18 - 29 32nd and 33rd degrees so where are the 30th and 31 st degrees.We will get there later. When you get to guts of degrees, it all a pile of crap, degrees are meant to get you think about any thing and every thing else accept for the real issue, and the real issue is Music, who controls it and who makes money out of it.
Because of religion and what it really means to be christened in any of the various denominations this has a huge impact on the music industry. The music industry is where it is at as far as control ans secret and not so secret societies go, simply because of the indisputable fact that every body loves it, and what you love is where your power goes, and we all agree that love is the greatest power in the universe, don't we.
It's not really about the money, that is just a bonus.

My grand father was 3 rd degree blue lodge and my great great grand father founded Scotia rite (Scottish rite) in Australia, both musician, like myself. So yeah I know what I am talking about. No I have never joined, mainly because of the prejudiced against left handers in free masonry, which led me to my investigations into the masonic orders, Illuminati and religion.

I could be wrong but there are so many ways on cross checking this info that I totally convinced. I can only say what I believe and if you want to have a look into thats cool and if you want to ask me reasonable questions, thats cool to.
But I would probably hold of being a knocker until you have had a bit more of a look into Illuminati and Masonry from the angle that I put to you.

Ask David Icke if the Queen is at the helm of Masonry.

paste below links and go from there, but Masonic is as it sounds, about sonic vibration, sound, music. the more a lodge becomes full of professionals, doctors, lawyers etc, the more likely it is to become autonomous and the queen not give a hoot about it. the best performers in the world that the royals like go and play at specially organized royal family events.
Masonic lodges are by conception and in there name itself rock & roll venues, well you know, music venues. In the good old days, Musicians were as good as Gods.

look into it for a while, before you ditch the subject, or I suppose Snake Aliens from the Orion Galaxy is much more likely. Get real and don't look to skies for help, it ain't coming from up there.
Please, before you go chasing reptiles and alike have a long hard look at the music industry, who controls, whose making the money, who lives and who dies after saying or singing about certain subjects, e.g. Imagine no religion (John Lennon). The connection to secret societies religion to dead rock stars and there lyrics is blaring.
look what happens to most musicians who become passionate about saving the world, educated about secret societies and then powerful enough though money and fame.
Sitting duck even if the Queen ( who just so happens to be head of Church of England) loves your music. because not only does it take away from false gods it costs the various religions big bucks and would bring religion and royalty to it's knee's.
So # religion and # royal families.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:21 AM
Common freemasons are NOT "Illuminati".
Illuminati are higher up in the pyramid.

I have met one person who is a "brilliant one" and evidence of who they are is all around us. But many of these "brilliant ones" are being farmed in their own kind of slavery, just like the rest of us.

Some of the symbols and icons of the higher factions are not so apparent.

One group uses the symbol of the Eiffel Tower.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by clarity jane

What do you mean lodges have 1-17 degrees? There are only 3 degrees. Master mason being the highest. All the degrees after that are optional, all master masons are equal, once you are made a master mason thats the highest you go in freemasonry. a 32nd degree scottish rite mason for example does not outrank a master mason or anything.

Scottish rite has 32 degrees, the 33rd degree is a "honorary" degree. Once someone becomes a master mason they are free to join the scottish rite or any other body. Most people who join the scottish rite go away on a weekend retreat type thing and get degrees 4-32 all in one weekend.

I have been a pha freemason for almost 3 years now and have studied freemasonry heavily since I was a young man. My fathers side of the family all the men are prince hall masons going back a long time and on my mothers side all the men are "regular" masons going back to the early 1900's. I have been around freemasonry and freemasons my whole life, so I am not uneducated when it comes to freemasonry.

I will check out your links though when I have some spare time.


[edit on 20-8-2010 by jeasahtheseer]

[edit on 20-8-2010 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:06 AM
I've met at least 200 or so high level Masons and most will be open with you as long as you do not try and trash them or the order as well as not telling a single thing mentioned to anyone. I've also met at least 25 members of Bilderberg, 40 or so of Trilateral Commission and at least 25 members of The Council On Foriegn Relations and they are the ones we gotta worry about. I've met at least half of the membership of The Omega Agency. Omega itself isn't for dictatorial rule but for hardened rule. Bilder, Tri's, CFR wants utter and total global domination by enslavement, war and violence. I've also met quite a few members of The Rothschilds, Rockerfeller families.

Most of what many are calling "secrets" are nothing more then things that make sense in common sense, logic and reasoning. This is the factor that most either pay no mind to or ignore completely. The only thing I will say is study "Cause and Effect" and connect news items and you too will become enlightened the way I am today. I will not ever reveal the item but in 2007 I put two and two together on two items and discovered a truth that many wouldn't've resulting in definitive confrimation of said truth.

I can assure ATS and the Above Network, LLC family of sites that The International Order Of freemasonary is an ally of both the people of The United States and of The United States itself. Right now the way everything is alligned between the people, the Govt and the Order is where it should be as we can get them to work for us to stop TPTB cold in thier tracks.

However, as a respect to The Order I will not discuss what we spoke about or with whom I spoke with as that is not to be made public. Just trust what we did speak about is now begining to be felt just won't get into specifics not now or ever and do not U2U me phising as it will fall on deaf ears.

[edit on 21-8-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
I've met at least 200 or so high level Masons and most will be open with you as long as you do not try and trash them or the order as well as not telling a single thing mentioned to anyone. I've also met at least 25 members of Bilderberg, 40 or so of Trilateral Commission and at least 25 members of The Council On Foriegn Relations and they are the ones we gotta worry about. I've met at least half of the membership of The Omega Agency. Omega itself isn't for dictatorial rule but for hardened rule. Bilder, Tri's, CFR wants utter and total global domination by enslavement, war and violence.
[edit on 21-8-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

Goodness golly, will it ever stop with these people spreading BS fantasies on this site?
If it weren't so laughable, I'd find it disgusting.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by NichirasuKenshin

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
I've met at least 200 or so high level Masons and most will be open with you as long as you do not try and trash them or the order as well as not telling a single thing mentioned to anyone. I've also met at least 25 members of Bilderberg, 40 or so of Trilateral Commission and at least 25 members of The Council On Foriegn Relations and they are the ones we gotta worry about. I've met at least half of the membership of The Omega Agency. Omega itself isn't for dictatorial rule but for hardened rule. Bilder, Tri's, CFR wants utter and total global domination by enslavement, war and violence.
[edit on 21-8-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

Goodness golly, will it ever stop with these people spreading BS fantasies on this site?
If it weren't so laughable, I'd find it disgusting.

It is because of responses like this is why most will never know anything beyond what's been written for them. Too many people will try to poke holes in a story they do not nessecairly agree with or know of.

Look at all of my posts on ATS and you will see so many similarities.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1

It is because of responses like this is why most will never know anything beyond what's been written for them. Too many people will try to poke holes in a story they do not nessecairly agree with or know of.

Look at all of my posts on ATS and you will see so many similarities.

I have a different view. It is because of the absolutely astounding ratio of hoaxers-to-real-victims that, if something along these lines does eventually take place, won't get noticed.

It's like with the UFO-phenomenon. There will never be an honest, open discussion about the subject as long as every credible sighting is burried under a heap of people with delusions of grandeur spreading their own BS and Hoaxes.

If there were indeed such a thing as the Illuminati (the Bavarian? what others are there?) their best protection would be the juvenile posts on ATS from people making up stories about their "inside connections".

Edit: I just looked through your thread history and noticed that you haven't posted a thread about your "inside connections". I wonder why that is? You seemed to imply that your post history is consistent with having "inside knowledge". I don't know about you but if I ever had the unprobable luck of getting to "talk to the Illuminati" and they would share their nefarious plans with me I'd be inclined to tell people about it. Not in making assinine short posts hinting at my knowledge but by fully disclosing what I learned and witnessed in one place - coherently. And I wouldn't be so touchy about the whole thing as that tends to diminish overall credibility on the internet.

[edit on 21-8-2010 by NichirasuKenshin]

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin

Proof is contained in the following :

Israeli 7 year peace deal.
(I knew early on during the Israel-Hezbollah 30 day conflict that Israel first striked Lebanon)

Codex Aluminatrius Implemented
(I was amongst the group of people who used the law to block this)

The Spear Of Destiny

Terror Nuke, hunker down for 72 hours
(Info provided by me that is not mentioned in the vid link I posted courtesy of FEMA, US Dept of Homeland Security)

Tesla Car
(Contains info that was ordered by the people to TPTB)

Chinese Society threatens Ulluminati
(No comment, items too sensitive)

$11 Million discovered at The WTC
(Everyone knows of money there but very few knew where it was kept and for what purpose)

My complete posting history on ATS can be found here : earch#1019

Have an open mind and read between the lines as I give away more secrets then I keep. The next item before the Congress will be Clean Energy Independance.

[edit on 21-8-2010 by TheImmaculateD1]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Stillalive

My friend. Take a walk to your nearest Lodge and look inside. We are peace-loving and friendly. If you decide to join, I am sure you will bring value to your Mother Lodge.

[edit on 25/8/2010 by TheLoneArcher]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 02:25 PM
No but I never even checked them out on the web until a few years ago.
It seems a whole web forum was created in response to hearing about
the existence of the 13 families of the illuminati.
The forum creator showed up on a job one day and some one told
him the 13 families of the illuminate controlled all the money in the
world. Well something to that effect.
He had never heard of the illuminati and so disliked not knowing
he went on the web with his own personal site to find out more.
So thats when I search the web and since have seen the mention
in various conspiracy tales.
So looks like the illuminati would own whatever Tesla technology
existed or continues to exist and perhaps the Tesla aircraft better
known as what has been observed by witnesses such as Zamora,
Heflin, Walton and Hudson Valley and Belgium accounts of unknown
craft, even the Landrum case.
How secret is that and how much money spent to conceal those

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:47 PM
I'm in a secret society.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

On the surface I see nothing. We built schools and orphanages all over the usa.

We have password systems gatemen to keep outsiders out and all that. But all around nothing so secret that anyone need to wage war agaist the group otherwise I would have been out a long time ago.

Though in the initionation ceremony we do used a human skeleton. To represent life and death and all that.

The bigger lodges require you wear robes. The small ones require you just wear their necklaces that say your role. In my lodge anyone can take on any role aside from the finacial one and the the lodge head. In the bigger ones I'm sure its more strict.

All we do is donate to the families of people within the lodge and keep in order to keep each other alive and well. Sending cards to hurt members or dead members relitives.

Also one major thing. Your not alowd to talk about politics

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:52 PM
I'm in a secret society.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

On the surface I see nothing. We built schools and orphanages all over the usa.

We have password systems gatemen to keep outsiders out and all that. But all around nothing so secret that anyone need to wage war agaist the group otherwise I would have been out a long time ago.

Though in the initionation ceremony we do used a human skeleton. To represent life and death and all that.

The bigger lodges require you wear robes. The small ones require you just wear their necklaces that say your role. In my lodge anyone can take on any role aside from the finacial one and the the lodge head. In the bigger ones I'm sure its more strict.

All we do is donate to the families of people within the lodge and keep in order to keep each other alive and well. Sending cards to hurt members or dead members relitives.

Also one major thing. Your not alowd to talk about politics

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:52 PM


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