posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 11:02 PM
For some reason this group or craft or even entity wanted to create fear, for whatever reason, perhaps as a cover report so you don't probe into
anything else that may have happened. Or it was something negative like you thought possibly.
I do believe that faith in rebuking, is akin to mind over matter, law of attraction and if you believe something strongly with emotion that this can
help, and that there are also Higher Ups, angel-ets, angels and Source/God/Goodness protecting as well.
But the fear and alarm that this generated, needs to be addressed by your inner work, ie prayer, meditation, writing it out, and even asking within,
and to God/Source to show you what you need to know about this.
That wasn't a positive experience, and there has to be a reason it wasn't, either their intention to leave you in fear to hide something, or
they're not good guys.