a reply to:
..you sure did
i'm glad i pay attention to every kook on the internet
(look, listen & learn they say..) thanks again for putting me onto the movie
your kids one day will thank their observant mom (maybe not for a long while yet, hehe)
..i can understand what my own parents & grandparents were trying to do to me now
and appreciate it
the presentation i cooked up only covered the first 10 minutes of the film & it's still ongoing O_o (ATS is getting skinnier or i'm getting fatter)
this one ought to cover things for now (another example of how movies can cram in *massive* amounts of info in such a small time)
uhh, ok.. so we were at the lego man rebuilding of babylon..
(i was
saying typing about) all of what i just typed is "somehow magnificently embedded" in the movie anyway, as these scenes of
the "everything is awesome" induction go on to reveal, an interesting helicopter comes along, delivers a load of material & well, the picture below
just speaks for itself
the building efforts were all "somehow" referenced by a pyramid with a blazing eye of light (all just "a strange coincidence" of course)
like the scene below that unfolds mere seconds later, that interesting helicopter again
uhh, anyway, everything continues to be awesome & we see another one of those huge lego billboards being hoisted up
(directly after the billboard was hoisted, another cleverly embedded symbol-set flashed past)
..ever felt like someone was trying to tell you something? i don't know, a movie perhaps? or some random unit posting on an internet forum? the whole
mindf___ work induction (bee movie pales to this) continues with a surveillance camera going through the motions...
isn't everything indeed awesome here? with scant regard for
human lego decency the assault continues, lego man is then seen standing
in the pyramid, completely affiliated with this great work..
lego man then happily exclaims "this is so awesome, i could listen to this for hours!"
to cut this short here, 5 hours later (that's not quite a checkerboard pattern on the floor either) this all results in a spectacular destruction
sequence & it's time for the
drones workers to call it a day (there was also a curious shiva-like image involving a person & lots of
mechanical crane arms [not seen] in the bevy below)
section 2: giving the tinfoil-hat sharp edges
as this "end of the days work" section unfolds now, we're back onto the arch again...
alpha man bleats something about "going to a bar" while his colleagues form the archway
lego man overhears all this in the background "croissants!? i love croissants!" & rushes to get involved
but there's no lego arch for lego man
how about a sight-gag instead?
lego man: "giant sausages!? i love giant sausages! you know what i love to do? share a meal with the speacial people in my life.." (lies, lego man
shares his meals with his lego house plant ~he proceeds to rattle off a series of names, presumably these work colleagues, again this is something
that ends up coming to nothing for lego man as things develop)
some bonus DVD content on that arch..
if there's one sentance that sums up the movie, everything expressed by the movie, the scenes in the movie
right at this particular point,
lego man himself & my own typing just now, it would be
all this effort going into such a futile endeavor
..something else must've apparently had a similar
8 and a half year old thought, as the movie now brings fate & destiny into play, about to
toss lego man into a whole new world..
a gust of wind blows those beloved instructions out of his hands while he's trying to be part of the crowd, it's here that the polarity union makes
its appearance in a form we all recognize; a love interest ~
"the girl"
right about here lego man ends up falling into a hole (no jokes please, we're british) the sequence is reminiscent of warner brothers cartoons, there
was an interesting "underworld judgement" (heaven or hell) reference in the comic-fall sequence also..
lego man ends up landing in an ancient passageway & finds the next
embedded image quest object
lego man: "..what is that?" (...well, uhh, i know what it looks like to me, hehe)
lego man seems to hear voices in his head (or is that just us?) & seems compelled to "touch the piece" (as lego man steps over one of his
instructions "don't touch strange pieces", the harbinger from cabin in the woods came to mind..)
making "contact" with the piece induces a "vision" in lego man (i whipped up a little montage of the journey in MSpaint) there are a few curious
images in there, some of them just foreshadow future movie events, some of them show strange other-worldly beings (the humans; will ferrell aka: "the
man upstairs" & his kid, there's another interesting layer added to the movie, curiously one of the frames of will ferrell as deity is upside down,
make of it what you will)
the theme of "contact" is further played out in the vision (ever seen the movie Dune?) note the symbol on lego mans shirt as he touches the piece
everything goes black & lego man then slowly awakens to a menacing voice, another embedded pyramid symbol & a light blazing in his eyes (there's
about four significant keywords & discourse in that one sentence alone)
we start to get an insight into what that octagon is all about..
..well ladels & jellyspoons, this is only about 9 and a half
weeks minutes into the movie & i'm going to reign it in just here for a
little while & add to this another time (there's still a lot to be said of this movie yet but we're all tired, cranky and in need of coconut
biscuits) thanks for reading & hope it made enough sense so far (there's some parts i've alluded to but left out; the interrogation scene coming up
now is where we learn lego man, in all his efforts to befriend the other lego people, has only resulted in him being recognized for what he is, a
blank slate, there's also a really cool part just ahead where lego man has an epiphany about
all history books & voting machines)
feel free to post other stuff about the rest of the movie here, comments & medical advice are welcome too
..oh, and remember
everything is awesome