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LEGO movie, deconstructing, the

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posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:01 PM
LEGO movie, deconstructing, the

(or) how to make a tinfoil hat - part 2


take 1: in the beginning yadda yadda & darkness was over the face of the deep..

the movie begins with fake lego clouds dropping into/onto a fake lego sky (i don't know why there's string holding those clouds) the warner brothers logo appears & spins around to reveal 'wag' ..lacking a tail *rimshot* i assume this is some new propaganda factory animation house to rival ILM and/or pixar? in any case the mysterious wb logo & the entire lego sky fly up like studio backgrounds to reveal a black lego ...well, it's up to you what to call that, a night sky maybe?
after a plug for village roadshow the black scene can be seen to move.. the music picks up & we're travelling along in this blackness when all of a sudden some red lego bits are drifting by..

..explaining the movie like this would take forever & be way too subjective (that's a nice word for crazy)

take 2: the movie begins in a lake of fire river of lava, another subtle reference to primordial forces & a creator.. or maybe this work really did emerge from the underworld? (note how very quickly a whole cosmology has been put in place) during a well-timed lightning-flash, we get a glimpse of some vast lego tower-of-babel citadel as we move towards it..

"this is what transpires in the opening scenes, in the moments of the logo's, when the black lego sky thing was made" ~book of lego 2:4

the sequence then ascends a stairway (seen quickly like this i can't help but compare it to the family guy intro.. as you can see, i tossed in some various pics & went overboard highlighting things back there)
we're introduced to our encoded peter griffin light-avatar, "vitruvius" (da-vinci's balanced vitruvian man) (curiously through the encoded light avatar of morgan freeman)

the first words spoken are; "he is coming.. cover your butt" (..i expect nothing less from hollywood these days)
the door of the apparent sanctuary bursts open *rimshot* & in comes our encoded dark-avatar, "lord business" (the unbalanced global 'system') (curiously through the encoded dark avatar of will ferrell)


their exchange is brief but significant

lord business overpowers vitruvius & steals the ark mysterious relic known only as 'the cragl' & the defeated vitruvius lays down the usual prophecy; the framework being laid down is something a university scholar or star-wars fans could be familiar with ..during this revelation the term "master builder" is referenced (for the second time, with all the symbolism & other stuff going on why not throw that in too?) the term is repeated constantly through the movie & (more or less) explained, which reminds me to mention lord business' supposed developed third eye here, represented on his overbearing black headpiece (seen above)

^ thought i'd mention interesting "coincidence" #27; (another layer to the film) how lord business steps over that 'DNA chasm' & completely occupies that background 'helix stone' when delivering the monologue over the fallen vitruvius (i won't reference gandalf here -"we shall pass!") (DNA chasm? helix/stone? ~if you understand how the two oppose eachother at the broken bridge [with the helix between them, in the background] it should make sense why lord business is now presenting himself completely in front of/dominating the thing they [as duality] struggle over.. it's all symbolic)

i'm assuming you're familiar with most of this stuff, dear reader & you are already nagging having pleasant conversations with your friends & family..'s probably around here it might be nice to include a
*spoiler alert?

(towards the end of the movie the 8 years later makes more sense when we see will ferrels kid playing with the lego)
the next sequences of the movie introduce the protagonist (lego guy) to the unsuspecting viewer (all of what happens here is un-funnily relevant back in our 'real world' too)

we see lego man 'waking up' *eyeroll* to what seems to be his usual routine.. within the opening minutes lego man presents himself as a.. well, it's difficult to define lego man (even as the movie unfolds) he's an enigmatic maxwell smart wrapped in a mysterious 'stifler' hidden in a drone..
an over-the-top representation of an unawakened mind (definitely not a master builder yet already involved in a vast building project, we'll get to that after our lego breakfast)
..a few moments here to examine lego man & his little home

upon waking (by an alarm) & enthusiastically getting out of bed (see, this is already believable) he enters his hallway & personifies everything in his house, "good morning door, floor, ceiling" etc (because that's just what we do when we wake up all cheery & go to work) all the pictures in the background (besides being inane & stupid) reference the union of opposites; "macho nerd", "teen copz" (i can't make the other one out, it looks like a man & a dog are leashed together & the title says something about a pacifist?)'s the real world mirrored back to the viewer in a very subtle way (these could be images of lego reality shows or magazines) the surface layer is just a joke but like the eric cartman family portait these things can mean so much more.. (it should soon become apparent after more time in lego mans home, the lego world is a rendition of our own world ..we learn why towards the end of the movie) i didn't bother mentioning the embedded pyramid-motif-with-golden-idol-for-capstone furniture in that image above
maybe what i should've just typed is lego man is a consumer of system propaganda & his entire worldview is ..just 'wrong'

he goes on to his lego bookshelf, "ready to start the day", a clock in the background positioned right next to his head, didn't screenshot that (..i'll ditch the alex jones theatrics & mostly use a few other little screenshots i MSpainted-up, the movie is almost kubrikian, i think whoever put this together knew what they were doing)

"instructions" (i especially liked the shark bit) ..all of this just here (& elsewhere in the movie) reminds me of another film, "they live"


this seems to be the max. post limit just now so i'll split this into sections as it goes.. i'll continue this nonsense after a healthy lego breakfast

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:17 PM
Took my grandson to see this and I noticed all the symbolism....and the message!


posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: UNIT76
a reply to: VoidHawk

I saw this and realized the symbolism here.... its way too obvious! way too over the top, in multiple contexts.

I could go on and on with specific examples and create an entire thread, but theres no point... whoever realizes does, whoever doesnt, doesnt!

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:44 PM
I told you it was way over the top symbolisim, and even the message in it its just creepy! Im glad i was watching it with my kids they wont be watching that one again!

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: VoidHawk

hehe, yep.. the funny thing is, even thought there *are* quite a few layers in this complex yarn & it's still nebulous and debatable at the end, there are *still* going to be lego people who'll have great things to say about the movie & not-so-great things to opine here & other internet locations with topics like this

thanks for the feedback

here's hoping you & our grandsons go on to build better lego worlds


continuing on from the "they live" reference back there..

also in these scenes there was another one of those meaningless background references in a band poster (simply captioned: a popular band) all of this is meant to show how lego man just believes in empty, meaningless system # (it's dark days when the system propaganda is actually telling you everything is crap)
i couldn't help but laugh as lego man followed step 1 (breathe) & step 2 (greet the day) the scene then shifted to the exterior of the building (with lots of other little lego houses, pulling out to a wide-shot where they all chant cried "good morning city!") so the movie has just referenced everyone as drones like lego man (like him, they're all involved in the actual building of their own city, that's why they all just personified greeted it & probably do that each morning, this is all important to tinfoil hat building & will come up soon) ..oh, and they were all just breathing together

the camera then withdraws from lego mans house to reveal the happy lego city (note the hi-rise cityscape dominating the background (my caption: the ideal skyline) keep it in mind as we go here, the whole zoom-out scene ends up showcasing that hi-rise cityscape, it almost looks like some terrible huge fire approaching lego mans little lego city.. hmmmmm)

my screeny didn't quite do it justice.. if you thought everything has been bat# crazy this far just keep your eye on the billboard

(suddenly this "kids movie" just took on another layer) lego man then exercises (in front of a poster that shows a lego hockey player with the caption "sport!") he then showers (& stifles a crude gag) and performs other morning rituals (there was a checkerboard tile pattern in his bathroom, but that's not the droid we're looking for) culminating with sitting on the couch for his required daily intake of recommended lego family breakfast but.. well, he doesn't actually have a family ..something important is missing here

maybe that's got *something* to do with lego mans earlier personification of objects ..and the whole bunch of them, worshiping their strange endeavour every morning.. although i did like how the ideal lego baby was referenced by his croissant, i know of a roman emperer who certainly would've swallowed that

uhh, so anyway, lego man is enjoying breakfast with his companion/plant, this is about the perfect time to work in further plot advances, it now shifts over to something on lego mans TV..
it seems in the lego world there is an all-powerful dictator (it's lord business on the TV) who first introduces himself as president of the 'OCTAN corporation' and the world who's just here to remind everyone to "follow the instructions or you'll be put to sleep" and about something called "taco tuesday" where everyone apparently gets a free obama phone taco..

to his credit lego man actually picks up on the 'put to sleep' bit, but the TV isn't finished yet.. along comes an ad to divert the attention away (told ya this was all like real life) for some popular lego show called "where are my pants?" (..i made a little pic for that too)

lego man ends up on the floor (laughing) then says to himself "..what was i just thinking? ..ah, who cares" (there's that unawakened mind again)
the movie then shifts to step 11 (greeting our neighbors) lego man is strolling through the city, giving us further insights into himself & his lego world, to his credit lego man is gregarious & seems to know his fellow lego people (even stopping to greet a series of lego cats) but all this soon comes to nothing..
he continues to rattle off rules instructions (obey all road rules) as scenes of lego life are displayed (traffic)

we get to step 13 "enjoy popular music" (i had some fun with MSpaint there too)
it's here in the movie we're introduced to the song "everything is awesome" i couldn't be bothered dragging out some earlier corresponding simpsons references, suffice to say "hooray for everything" this mind-numbing ditty doof-doof's its way into our brains we see more of the lego city & a few more mentionable 'real world' references (above) ..a few short instructions later, we're up to "compliments" & overpriced coffee (since this is all about fakeness taking over & i had "they live" on hand, i had some fun with MSpaint there too & forgot to mention in their lego utopia they were still all packed in the train like lego-sardines)

the movie continues on to lego mans work scene (here's more on how lego man actually builds his own world) this is all worth dwelling on here for a few reasons.. (first) as the lego people enter regimented-like, an alpha-male is bleating amongst the crowd & lego man hurriedly falls in with his $37 coffee, curiously, as the camera pans out, they all walk under an archway comprised of a piece of machinery in the foreground, i didn't include that particular image but had some fun in MSpaint with this part of the movie, to try & get something across
(the archway is referenced again in just a few moments.. oh, and there's more on the archway in the butterfly dunes topic & others)

it's here we hear "orders from central, take everything weird & blow it up!" finally, this is lego mans "job" (the job of every blank slate)

we hear "make it look like it does in the instructions" remember, the movie earlier referenced them all together involved in this work, greeting each day as that huge cityscape/fire looms in their background.. there's a few other ways of explaining the significance of this, in how you & i (the lego people) are all involved in what's going on in our own (real people) world & how we all go about it.. sadly, what i'm trying to get across here is wasted by a buffoon like me

what we're he's ultimately involved in, is not so much out with the old & in with the new but destroy things that don't conform & in their place, rebuild according to the instructions
it's not just about physical objects either
all of what i just typed is "somehow magnificently embedded" in the movie anyway, as these scenes of the "everything is awesome" induction go on to reveal...


this is the max. post limit again, so i'll do a bill cooper here & save this shocking little revelation for the next installment..

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: Shana91aus

So your kids get to go without because you are overly paranoid?

Holy christ gimme a break... its a LEGO movie, nothing else.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 09:13 PM

originally posted by: Poppcocked
a reply to: Shana91aus

So your kids get to go without because you are overly paranoid?

Holy christ gimme a break... its a LEGO movie, nothing else.

What are you on about im not overly paranoid i just dont want my kids exposed to illuminati bs theyre 1, 3 and 6 i think if i wanna be over protective with them at this age i have every right too be thanks for your opinion though but i really dont care what you have to say, sorry.. this is where the brainwashing and conditioning starts and its not just this movie so many kids movies are full of for going without me um what? I dont even know what your trying to say.. Have you even watched it? Within the first 30 seconds i knew it was going to be one of them movies..just a lego movie.. Yeah totally.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: Shana91aus

I don't entirely agree that the movie is bad, in fact, it carries some very valuable messages about our real world regarding capitalism, but you need to be able to point them out and explain them to your children.

As for the sub-concious messages, I use it against the programmers, I help my kids to understand the underlying messages. This material is targeted at those parents who sit their kids in front of a TV to babysit them.....otherwise you can effectively educate their sponge-like brains against the messages they are trying to teach.

The first thing I taught my kids was triangle symbolism and black and white symbolism (masonic floor).

You should see the two of them watching Rihanna vid clips (none of the inappropriate clips of course)....shouts of 'Illuminati!!! Dad, it's illuminati!!!"

I lol very hard....
edit on 17-7-2014 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: UNIT76

Holy crap are you people serious...symbolism? The movie was about breaking out of the norm when using lego's. The kids dad is lord business in the movie...Lego was trying to push the idea that you can be creative when it comes to kits..don't be afraid to mix up the pieces..the dad or lord business wanted to keep the sets the way they were...and then eventually glue them together..

I'm sorry but you folks are missing the point of the movie...I thought the ending was great as it reminded me how I look at legos when my kids finish the sets...I don't want them to mix them up but then you realize what good are they after that if the kids can't be creative with them...

Some of you really need to take a break from TV and the internet...
edit on 17-7-2014 by chrismarco because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: LightAssassin
a reply to: Shana91aus

I don't entirely agree that the movie is bad, in fact, it carries some very valuable messages about our real world regarding capitalism.

As for the sub-concious messages, I use it against the programmers, I help my kids to understand the underlying messages. This material is targeted at those parents who sit their kids in front of a TV to babysit them.....otherwise you can effectively educate their sponge-like brains against the messages they are trying to teach.

The first thing I taught my kids was triangle symbolism and black and white symbolism (masonic floor).

You should see the two of them watching Rihanna vid clips (none of the inappropriate clips of course)....shouts of 'Illuminati!!! Dad, it's illuminati!!!"

I lol very hard....

I agree with what your saying and i lol'd when i read about your kids too! lol.. I try do the same with my oldest, bit harder with the little 2 but thats what i do aswell try educate hence why i watch movies with them.. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and thats totally fine thats why i come on here to see others opinions i just dont like being attacked for being 'over protective' no one likes being told that how they go about parenting is wrong we all just do what we think is right and thats all im doing..

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: Shana91aus

I was going to bite back but i'll just refer you to chrismarco's post up there ^

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk
Took my grandson to see this and I noticed all the symbolism....and the message!


Ummm....The movie was about NOT all being the same.

The Lego world at the beginning of the film was a world where everyone was supposed to build the Lego sets as per the instructions, but the hero of the film taught them that they did NOT always need to follow the instructions, but instead build what they wanted.

The message of the movie was summed up in the live-action sequence at the end when the father (Will Ferrell) learned the lesson from his son that Legos did not only need to be built one regimented way, and it was OK to be imaginative with them.

I'm not sure what movie you were watching if the message you got out of it was that "everyone should be the same".

edit on 7/17/2014 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: Shana91aus sure did
i'm glad i pay attention to every kook on the internet

(look, listen & learn they say..) thanks again for putting me onto the movie
your kids one day will thank their observant mom (maybe not for a long while yet, hehe)
..i can understand what my own parents & grandparents were trying to do to me now and appreciate it


the presentation i cooked up only covered the first 10 minutes of the film & it's still ongoing O_o (ATS is getting skinnier or i'm getting fatter) this one ought to cover things for now (another example of how movies can cram in *massive* amounts of info in such a small time)

uhh, ok.. so we were at the lego man rebuilding of babylon..

(i was saying typing about) all of what i just typed is "somehow magnificently embedded" in the movie anyway, as these scenes of the "everything is awesome" induction go on to reveal, an interesting helicopter comes along, delivers a load of material & well, the picture below just speaks for itself

the building efforts were all "somehow" referenced by a pyramid with a blazing eye of light (all just "a strange coincidence" of course)
like the scene below that unfolds mere seconds later, that interesting helicopter again

uhh, anyway, everything continues to be awesome & we see another one of those huge lego billboards being hoisted up

(directly after the billboard was hoisted, another cleverly embedded symbol-set flashed past)
..ever felt like someone was trying to tell you something? i don't know, a movie perhaps? or some random unit posting on an internet forum? the whole dazzling mindf___ work induction (bee movie pales to this) continues with a surveillance camera going through the motions...

isn't everything indeed awesome here? with scant regard for human lego decency the assault continues, lego man is then seen standing in the pyramid, completely affiliated with this great work..

lego man then happily exclaims "this is so awesome, i could listen to this for hours!"
to cut this short here, 5 hours later (that's not quite a checkerboard pattern on the floor either) this all results in a spectacular destruction sequence & it's time for the drones workers to call it a day (there was also a curious shiva-like image involving a person & lots of mechanical crane arms [not seen] in the bevy below)


section 2: giving the tinfoil-hat sharp edges
as this "end of the days work" section unfolds now, we're back onto the arch again...
alpha man bleats something about "going to a bar" while his colleagues form the archway

lego man overhears all this in the background "croissants!? i love croissants!" & rushes to get involved

but there's no lego arch for lego man

how about a sight-gag instead?

lego man: "giant sausages!? i love giant sausages! you know what i love to do? share a meal with the speacial people in my life.." (lies, lego man shares his meals with his lego house plant ~he proceeds to rattle off a series of names, presumably these work colleagues, again this is something that ends up coming to nothing for lego man as things develop)

some bonus DVD content on that arch..


if there's one sentance that sums up the movie, everything expressed by the movie, the scenes in the movie right at this particular point, lego man himself & my own typing just now, it would be all this effort going into such a futile endeavor

..something else must've apparently had a similar 8 and a half year old thought, as the movie now brings fate & destiny into play, about to toss lego man into a whole new world..
a gust of wind blows those beloved instructions out of his hands while he's trying to be part of the crowd, it's here that the polarity union makes its appearance in a form we all recognize; a love interest ~ "the girl"

right about here lego man ends up falling into a hole (no jokes please, we're british) the sequence is reminiscent of warner brothers cartoons, there was an interesting "underworld judgement" (heaven or hell) reference in the comic-fall sequence also..
lego man ends up landing in an ancient passageway & finds the next embedded image quest object

lego man: "..what is that?" (...well, uhh, i know what it looks like to me, hehe)

lego man seems to hear voices in his head (or is that just us?) & seems compelled to "touch the piece" (as lego man steps over one of his instructions "don't touch strange pieces", the harbinger from cabin in the woods came to mind..)

making "contact" with the piece induces a "vision" in lego man (i whipped up a little montage of the journey in MSpaint) there are a few curious images in there, some of them just foreshadow future movie events, some of them show strange other-worldly beings (the humans; will ferrell aka: "the man upstairs" & his kid, there's another interesting layer added to the movie, curiously one of the frames of will ferrell as deity is upside down, make of it what you will)

the theme of "contact" is further played out in the vision (ever seen the movie Dune?) note the symbol on lego mans shirt as he touches the piece


everything goes black & lego man then slowly awakens to a menacing voice, another embedded pyramid symbol & a light blazing in his eyes (there's about four significant keywords & discourse in that one sentence alone)

we start to get an insight into what that octagon is all about..
..well ladels & jellyspoons, this is only about 9 and a half weeks minutes into the movie & i'm going to reign it in just here for a little while & add to this another time (there's still a lot to be said of this movie yet but we're all tired, cranky and in need of coconut biscuits) thanks for reading & hope it made enough sense so far (there's some parts i've alluded to but left out; the interrogation scene coming up now is where we learn lego man, in all his efforts to befriend the other lego people, has only resulted in him being recognized for what he is, a blank slate, there's also a really cool part just ahead where lego man has an epiphany about all history books & voting machines)

feel free to post other stuff about the rest of the movie here, comments & medical advice are welcome too
..oh, and remember everything is awesome

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 10:50 PM
I love this movie. I definitely noticed a lot of what you pointed out when I saw it in theaters. However, I am still confused on WHY movies have this stuff in it when they still come out with a good message? It is kind of like the Hunger Games where people are finding a bad message, but I find that it is telling them to break free. Just like the Lego Movie. That is something I have not understood. With Hollywood and their symbols and crap...what are they trying to accomplish? Unless they are wanting people to break free??

Confused....but I do like this movie.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: chrismarco
a reply to: UNIT76

Holy crap are you people serious...symbolism? The movie was about breaking out of the norm when using lego's. The kids dad is lord business in the movie...Lego was trying to push the idea that you can be creative when it comes to kits..don't be afraid to mix up the pieces..the dad or lord business wanted to keep the sets the way they were...and then eventually glue them together..

I'm sorry but you folks are missing the point of the movie...I thought the ending was great as it reminded me how I look at legos when my kids finish the sets...I don't want them to mix them up but then you realize what good are they after that if the kids can't be creative with them...

Some of you really need to take a break from TV and the internet...

I completely agree. This movie is about change. It's about being different.
The message the movie portrays is you don't have to do everything everyone else is doing, you can be your own person, you don't need instructions, you are special you can build what you want.

Vitruvius prophecy which he told Emmit was a farse. It was for hope. It made Emmit feel special, he was able to convince Lord Business that he is special too and there is no reason to superglue the world together_you can do/build whatever you want, be creative, be you.

I thought the message this movie have was AWESOME and would recommend it to anyone. The game is fun too, it's a must have if you are into the LEGO games.

Side effects include: "Everything is Awesome " getting stuck in your head for weeks, but it's a good song, very cheerful and optimistic.

"Lost my job, it's a new opportunity, more free time for my awesome community"

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: chrismarco

"i'm kinda tired..."
~forrest gump

usually my topics just gather dust like so many unused lego bricks, your comment wasn't all bad, i'll reply again soon(ish) when the crazy glue settles..
there's heaps of tinfoil stuff in the movie..

lol'd hard at "daddy!'s illuminati!"

fwiw~ there's even a relevant *checkerboard* in the lego movie, just haven't got around to it yet

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 07:04 AM
I think it was a good movie with a lot of messages. Not just the contrast of those following instructions leading a 'dull' but safe life vs those who break all the rules and use their imagination but are targets. The RL father obsessed with order and structure so much he glues pieces together which makes the lego go stale and stagnant vs his son who uses the lego very differently, animated and always in motion.

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 07:53 AM

to quote myself

the funny thing is, even thought there *are* quite a few layers in this complex yarn & it's still nebulous and debatable at the end, there are *still* going to be lego people who'll have great things to say about the movie & not-so-great things to opine here & other internet locations with topics like this

i've actually presented material here that goes BEYOND the usual paradigms & noone is picking up on it.. that's how i KNOW without all the usual fear porn the "debunkers" have nothing left to work with..

give it some time yet.. there are some units lurking around these parts who know EXACTLY what i'm putting forth here & elsewhere

posted on Jul, 18 2014 @ 09:17 AM
When I was a kid in the 60's, the Legos were just bricks, no instructions. NO guy's, wheels, special pieces.

Now everything is a "kit", with instructions. My kids are torn between mixing them up and keep the "kit" together.
I tell them to mix them up, just save the instructions so you can build it again if you want. We were working on exporting lego digital designer files to STL for the 3d printer, then you can have the toy & the pieces too.

They compete building robots with NXT, but are allowed ONLY to use lego's. I remind them that nobody builds REAL robots with NXT, you use whatever you need and maybe incorporate NXT if necessary.

The movie seemed to have an anti-conformist message, no matter how much you sing that everything is awesome it ain't really awesome. We are subjected to the same "vision" of awesomeness, Safety above Freedom, Conformity, boring pablum.
If you don't conform you are labeled a terrorist, & the militarized police will take care of your boredom.

NO matter how creative the Lego Hero was, he's still stuck using ONLY lego's.

(post by thenaturalist removed for a manners violation)

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