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Bush, a "conservative"?

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posted on May, 21 2005 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
If we actually got a real conservative in office, liberals would wet their pants.

The problem is that conservatism, real conservatism, makes sense. It's hard to get elected if you make too much sense, you get drowned out. What people think conservatism is nothing close.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 03:23 PM
Agreed. It's been said that liberals are cowardly, want the destruction of America, are hateful, are immoral, etc while conservatives are bigoted, want the destruction of America, are hateful, and are immoral.

Humans are the problem and the lies we feed ourselves to provide our own "right" sides seems to be coming to a head sometime in the near future I estimate.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Humans are the problem

Care to be more specific? I mean, come on, that's the case for every problem.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 08:02 PM
Bush a Conservative?

You got to be kidding.

He is spending money like a drunk sailor on shore leave, he is against States rights, has increased both the size and power of the federal government to a unheard of degree, wishes for Washington to dictate our lives from birth to grave and is wiping his butt with the Constitution.

Does that sound like a Conservative to you?

If a Democrat had done this the Republicans would be howling for his head instead of lining up to kiss his......uh.....hand. But you still hear a lot of them that think he was sent from GOD to save our country.

And they done it all by painting the Democrats as baby eating devil worshiping who plan to force your children into Homosexuality. When in truth the two parties are almost identical.

You have got to admit it has been one of the greatest propaganda coups in history.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by Amorymeltzer

Care to be more specific? I mean, come on, that's the case for every problem.

And? It simply points out that the Republicans aren't the problem. The Dems are the problem. They system is the problem, because we WILL not excert control if none is placed on us, especially when money or power is concerned.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
And? It simply points out that the Republicans aren't the problem. The Dems are the problem.

Is this a typo or do you honestly see the Republicans as our saviours? I personally see VERY little difference between the two parties. If the Democrats were the problem and the Republicans the answer sghouldnt we be living in Utiopa now? The Republicans have run the country since Clinton. You say the liberals would ......uh.....faint
if a real conservitive were in office and that is true but the so-called conservitives in offife would faint right allong with them.

99% of the Republican party are just slightly to the right of Ted Kennedy. If you want Conservitive you have to Go Libertarian
or maybe Constitutional (although I disagree with BOTH on some counts)

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 03:04 PM
AH HA!!!!!!!!!!

Pardon me good sir. You are correct. Let me correct the passage below.

...the Republicans aren't the problem. The Dems aren't the problem. They system is the problem, because we WILL not (as humans) excert control if none is placed on us, especially when money or power is concerned.

I hope that clears things up. Thanks for catching that one Amuk.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 03:41 PM
How are humans the problem? Want clarity? Okay, here is how I would go about to clarify that. I'll leave out any NWO conspiracy theories as best as possible.

In the beginning, we had the founding documnetation, and it was good. The nation was predicated on the belief that our rights are from the Creator, and the government had no authority to take away or alter the God-given rights, and we were somewhat safe, for a while.

Then came man's natural way of screwing things up. We decided that we didn't need an unwaivering foundation, but a maleable one, so that we can change with our perverted little fancies.

Now, after a few decades of going down this road, most people have no idea how the nation was intended, they believe the lies taught by those who want to change things for their own personal desires and sacrifice, not only our nation's moral health, but also that concept that protected our fundamental rights from a tyrannical government.

Because we have allowed the nation to be untethered from a solid foundation, we have the opportunity to blow in the wind and with the whims of those in control.

Congratulations to all of us idiots who were asleep for the last 60 years. We've allowed for the inevitable dashing of this ship upon the rocky shores of history. It's just a matter of time.

Ok, a bit dramatic, but I did manage to steer clear from conspiratorial ideas, didn't I?

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 11:41 AM
Thomas, I agree that there is no grand conspiracy involved in the undoing of America but rather the comfort of our people.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Amorymeltzer

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
If we actually got a real conservative in office, liberals would wet their pants.

The problem is that conservatism, real conservatism, makes sense. It's hard to get elected if you make too much sense, you get drowned out. What people think conservatism is nothing close.

Riiight, Conservatism makes snese,uh huh.
That's why their not elected........[/sarcasm]

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 09:53 AM
Are you guys crazy!!?? Bush is a tottal conservative!! maybe got 2 liberal bones in his body. But to be a good politition or a good person on political matters you have to have a little bit of the other party in you. Iam a proud conservative, but i still take the time to see what the democrats have to say on issues or their ideas for a issue...( when they come up with one :lol

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 07:35 PM
There's a book out called "America Alone," which is written by two conservatives (by Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke, both Reaganites). It's a very good analysis of the neoconservative movement and argues that it doesn't resemble traditional conservativism at all. While it doesn't focus on Bush specifically, it deals with the Bush administration, which is guided in many areas, particularly foreign policy, by neocons. Not trying to sell the book, but I've just finished reading it and it seemed appropriate to this thread.

-koji K.

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Proud_Red29
Are you guys crazy!!?? Bush is a tottal conservative!! maybe got 2 liberal bones in his body. But to be a good politition or a good person on political matters you have to have a little bit of the other party in you. Iam a proud conservative, but i still take the time to see what the democrats have to say on issues or their ideas for a issue...( when they come up with one :lol

Hey, there's a bridge in New York that's up for sale. That along with some good beachfront property in Arizona.

If Bush is a conservative, answer me this:

--Why is he rolling out the red carpet for illegal aliens and dissing the Minute Men?
--Why was he pandering to the Log Cabin Republicans (gay GOP group) ?
--Why does he increase spending to Title X, which in a nutshell funds pro-abortion groups?
--Why is he spending like an out-of-control teenager with a no-limit credit card?
--Why is he for banning certain weapons, in violation of the Second Amendment?

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