posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 06:06 AM
originally posted by: golden23
If they can prove we won't be alone in 20 years then why can't we prove it now
They already know and probably have or near have "proof" (whatever that may be) to indicate life.
What they are doing know is starting their disclosure agenda getting ppl buttered up with small bits of info and seeing how much of a backlash from
everyone (religious groups/conspiracy theorists etc.) with the help of NSA data mining from reactions on the net to get a picture "OK guys from out
initial data it looks like no one really cares, so we can continue with the slow disclosure roadmap".
They're trying to be "the ones" to prove it. Trying to be some sort of ppl's champion for disclosure so everyone will love them for it like some
Hollywood movie heores when they themselves are the ones who have at least lied by omission
because they knew about all this a long time ago as well as have their own data on other happenings we don't know about regarding actual intelligent
(read as superior intelligence) life.
It won't be even reach small mammal intelligence level, just some lame-ass microbial life.