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Let's be honest about political correctness

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posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: Diderot

A very wise man once said that "content of character" was more important than color of skin. But everything PC focuses on the color of skin.

PC ignores the content of character.

PC inhibits free speech. PC stifles free speech.

PC cares about what offends.

Well guess what?

Everything offends everyone sometimes.

And it is PC that has legalized/legitimized "butt-hurt", or simply put, "I didn't like that".

It's too bad that around here content of character is judged conversely to what you state. I'm so tired of being aggressively questioned and aggressively stared out of stores on Main Street in the "desirable" towns in my area and just because of the different physical traits my genes express.

I almost want to hate myself, but I know that would only be counter productive.
edit on 2014 by BlubberyConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: neo96

You can insult anyone anytime you want to but just as you open your mouth so can others, you can let your opinions fall out of your mouth filter free (here within TCs) anytime, anywhere you like... no one is going to lock you away for it... BUT in what reality do you live in where you can do such but anyone that disagrees with you can't?

Really ?

The terms I use are Identifiers used to identify a group of people I happen to be talking about at the moment.

There is, and never has been any malice behind it.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 04:22 PM
I guess I am the only one who remembers PCU from 1994

That points out just how utterly ABSURD PC is.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 04:26 PM


posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 04:27 PM
I had a really weird situation happen last night; i feel in falls into this topic.

My hometown is very mixed race, to the point I didn't notice until I moved into a very white section in a different town. When you have an equal distribution of races at work, at school, on the bus, etc., maybe you don't notice so much.

Last night, at a traffic stop, and my car was full stopped when this happened four people walked right in front of my car, and the two men accused me of trying to hit them. They weren't joking. I looked at them in disbelief, because I couldn't believe they were serious.
They started threatening to beat these honkies #less for laughing at them. I wasn't laughing, I just couldn't get over the gall.
They positioned themselves at our windows, the women they were with wanted them to stop, but since no one was in front of the car, I drove on, leaving them yelling.
I'm glad they didn't go further, because I have my CCL, as does my wife. We were armed.
We weren't afraid, we were just confused as to what set these men off.

Only once before have I experienced this, and it was in fifth grade, when a fellow student decided not to receive any Valentines or cake from white people.
My town was so small and so mixed, racist behavior on either side doesn't last very long if it goes on at all.

I'm starting to wonder if all of this specializing and segregating people by words is becoming a problem?
edit on 11-7-2014 by TheCounselor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: neo96
Either their bedroom is no ones business or it is.

Some people need to stop throwing their bedrooms out in the public spot light.

You're seeing gay people in terms of what they do in the bedroom. Do you see straight people that way? When a man and woman hold hands, do you think they're "throwing their bedrooms out in the public spot light"? I didn't think so. That's not even the topic. You're trying to justify your political incorrectness toward gay people.

Last time I checked minorities are not minorities any more. Which is the biggest problem with the LEFT and their nonstop demagoging the right how the right hates them.

It's clear you see this as a one-sided issue and no matter how many examples I give of the right being politically correct, you're not going to admit it. It seems you're firmly welded into the right/left paradigm.

The same could be said about the RIGHT.

Thank GOD!

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 05:09 PM
Insurgent minority?

I stopped reading after that.

What exactly is a Insurgent minority?

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: Cuervo
Excellent post, but when it comes to the following:

"So when somebody is offended by my political correctness, I hold ZERO empathy for them."

I somehow question that. From your post it seems that you would have a very hard time feeling no empathy.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: neo96
Hello neo, thanks for answering my question about whether you practice PC, but let's exclude the rules of ATS and transport ourselves out of this venue. In the wide open marketplace of ideas that is the USA, do you practice political correctness? Let me pose a hypothetical. I am sure that you, like myself, have been in certain situations where someone (someone as white as I am) tosses out the "N" word. And you're thinking to yourself "Chill out, man, cool it.", or "Oh no he didn't!" Unless you think that I am speaking Greek, then you are being PC. Kapish?

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: kruphix
Hello again. Have you hugged your tree today?
I think that the great appeal to the right in moaning about PC is sort of like the question "Have you stopped beating your wife?" This ties us libtards (if I may) up in knots. It's an effective distraction from the issue. It goes from liberals pointing out possible bigotry to liberals defending against charges of possible bigotry. The PC card is most deftly played by those on the right.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6
Interesting point. Let's not conflate freedom of speech with PC. They have virtually nothing to do with each other.
You seem to have a rather healthy attitude about the effect of speech upon one's wellbeing. But perhaps you are like me. I am a white male who has never, ever experienced institutional bigotry. I have never, ever walked into a store and received the evil eye, thinking that maybe it was because I was white. I have been pulled over by a black cop and ticketed, and it never entered my mind that it was because I was white. I have never been turned down for a job, or an apartment, or a contact, etc. with a nagging doubt in the back of my head that maybe it was my pasty, white skin.
Sorry, Burdman, I guess I got carried away.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

That's not true at all.

Yeah it is.

While the left is usually PC about gays, minorities and immigrants

Usually ?

The left created the term. That is where the hypenated American name comes from.

God forbid Americans just be called Americans.

The right (generally) does not like hearing insults against the military, so they stand up and say we should respect all military, just because they're military.

Why should they ?

The military doesn't decide to go to war all on their own its CIVILIAN leadership does that.

And it is totally PC to trash talk the military.

Just like it is totally PC to trash talk Christians, and Isreal.

I honestly don't give a ratts snip about Israel.

All the animosity towards them on this board is lead by the NEOCONS under the PC term 'zionists'.

For crying out loud even with the creation of PC doesn't matter in the slightests.

Right wingers still get called every name in the book from:

Racist,facsist,homophobe,islamophobe,xenophobe, and EVERY other term they can come up with to INSULT anyone with a different thought.

PC is a joke.

Insulting people is TOTALLY acceptable.

Just can't insult anyone the left has labeled a GD 'victim'.

that and what gets me is when/how they use "brown people", how very PC of them. NOT!

it's an insult to the accused and to the "brown people"

the left is obsessed with race and misogyny and sexual preference and religion and basically everything.
they created PC to try to tone themselves down, otherwise they would be totally out of control.

now they invent "code words" and "dog whistles" change meanings of words and make crap up as they go along, to the point that one can't have a conversation without being "corrected"

i'm a middle "boomer" i've seen, heard, said, been called, everything you can think of.
lived a lot of different places so i haven't grown up in a bubble.

PC is about the most ridiculous invention in my lifetime.

and the hyphenated-American thing. wtf?

(post by spurgeonatorsrevenge removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: BlubberyConspiracy
Dear BC, Who you are is the essence of your reality. Where you came from is a path behind you. Before you lies your future. No one is more important that you. Just reach out and grasp life.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: neo96

I didn't say you DID, I said you COULD.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Diderot

PC Then:

"...ask what you can do for your country..." - JFK

PC Now:

"...I know what I can do for my country JFK! I'll vote for the black guy...because...he's black and it'll make me feel good to do that, since I'm white and some white people have not always treated blacks with respect, even though I always have, of here is my chance to prove it and make up for those evils, and he can't be any worse than anything Bush did anyway...

I don't care if he never ran a business! I don't care if he has no foreign policy experience! I don't care if he was a junior Senator for only 140 days before declaring his campagn to run for the POTUS. I don't care if he's a disbarred lawyers from Illinois and so is his wife! I don't care that he was member of a racist/marxist "social justice" church for 20 years, where he had both his daughters baptized by the racist/marxist/anti-semite Rev Jeremiah Wright. I don't care if his backround is shady at best and non-existent at worst. I don't care of he got everywhere he did because of affirmatve action. I don't care if his policies will, by their very nature, subvert the US Constitution. I don't care that one of his political benefactors from the very beginning in Chicago was Bill Ayers, terrorist Weather Underground bomber, and that the other is George Soros. Yes, two very unsavory sponsors, but I don't care!

All I know is, he's BLACK, and now's my chance to prove to everyone how great I am by voting for a black guy! I'll feel proud as a peacock then, showing everyone how much better I am than they are, if they didn't vote for him. Yessir, I'll show them, and I'll show black people too! I'm not as racist as they think I am, and now is my chance to prove it, and I'm going to! Who cares about the guy under the skin? Who cares about content of character as per MLK? He's black! Woohoo! He can't do any worse than all the white debils we've had, I'm voting for the black guy!"

(exiting voting booth, beaming like a proud new parent...)
"...AAAAaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Boy, did that feel good to vote for the black guy! Better than sex even! I feel better about myself already! I told everyone all the time I wasn't a racist, now I proved it! I voted for a black guy to take it in the rear from instead of a white guy! Aren't I great? Aren't I modern? Aren't I enlightened? I know I'm better than everyone!

What? He's a radical leftist revolutionary?

I don't even know what that is, nor do I care! I voted for the black guy! So proud of myself! I might have to mount totally indefensible arguments just to try to feebly explain why he sucks so bad for the next 8 years, but who cares! I'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD ABOUT MYSELF! I NEVER KNEW I COULD REALLY DO IT, AND I DID! I VOTED FOR A BLACK GUY! " -Modern PC zombified US voter

Hey, you said you wanted honesty.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: Gozer

What a bunch of crap, honestly. What you're saying is totally racist. It's as bad as me saying you didn't vote for him simply because he's black. In reality, his race has NOTHING to do with it... on my part, anyway.

If you think Obama was voted in by people who voted for him because of the color of his skin, you're insulting everyone who researched his positions and voted for him because they thought he was the best man for the job. I still think he and Biden are a better choice than McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic
a reply to: Gozer

What a bunch of crap, honestly. What you're saying is totally racist. It's as bad as me saying you didn't vote for him simply because he's black. In reality, his race has NOTHING to do with it... on my part, anyway.

Racist? lol. No, what I'm saying is what REAL Obama voters told me 6 years ago. Maybe they're the racists?
Didn't accuse you of anything specific, unless, of course, you voted for him for the very reasons I laid out. Only you know that for sure.

What's crap is being accused of being racist just because you disagree with Obama and his politics, and all of us who do disagree with him and his politics know full well that's what we've heard for the last 6 years, whether from you personally, or not.

If you think Obama was voted in by people who voted for him because of the color of his skin, you're insulting everyone who researched his positions and voted for him because they thought he was the best man for the job. I still think he and Biden are a better choice than McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan.

Nope, never said "no one" who voted for him knew who they were voting for, just saying millions and millions didn't. Stop living in denial. Millions of moderates voted for the guy for the very reasons I just spoke of. Why do you think that was? Because they thought he'd be more conservative than Romney, who by no means is a conservative?

This thread is a functional example of PC in action. Even a simple parody of one type of Obama voter is deemed "racist!" automatically if it involves Obama and race. lol. Millions of people had no clue who they were voting for. Maybe I will find the tape of Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw talking about "we don't know anything about this guy really...we really don't know who he is or what he thinks about lots of things...we really haven't looked at that...blah blah blah..."

I tried the ytube vid link. It said an error occured. Here's the url.

Millions WERE in denial, and Millions STILL are.

edit on 12-7-2014 by Gozer because: posted bad link to vid?

edit on 12-7-2014 by Gozer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: Gozer

Maybe you just asked some idiots.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: Gozer
What's crap is being accused of being racist just because you disagree with Obama and his politics,

I didn't do that. What you put forth (that "millions and millions" voted for him because of his race) IS insulting.

never said "no one" who voted for him knew who they were voting for, just saying millions and millions didn't.

Here's the url.

After what you've said here, I'm really not interested. Have a nice day.

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