Israel and Palestine... Again. Or is it still?
Three Israeli kids found dead. Murdered by persons presently unknown.
Later, a Palestinian kid found dead. Murdered by persons presently unknown.
...and the hatred flows, yet again.
But not just in Israel. But not just in Palestine.
But here on ATS, as well.
Armchair heroes demanding blood for blood.
Death to 'em all... They're all evil...
For thousands of years, literally... These folks have been slaughtering each other over resources. ...over religion. ...over many an other thing.
Nothing new here.
Or is there?
What is new, or more recent, anyway...and rather disgusting, is the seeming glee that many of you seem to take in calling for the murder of which ever
side you hate today. Blood for blood, you scream.
So caught up in your self-righteous fury that it completely escapes , and will continue to do so, your attention that the "other side" is just as
There are no angels in this conflict.
The only angels
I see are the little kids being killed/maimed on both sides.
Still you prattle on, and on, about the evil whomever.
Then religion gets brought into it... As if that excuses it somehow... Really? How does it excuse anything of this nature? Those kids are still
dead, and still maimed.
The Israelis are wrong. The Palestinians are wrong. Both. BOTH.
They're all of them wrong. ...and will continue, by all appearances, to be wrong.
But you know what? They, at least, are honest in their hatred of each other.
Wrong-headed. Stupid. Foolish to the point of absurdity. All of those, and more... But honest.
What's your excuse? You with your smug self-righteous call for more blood? You, sitting in your computer chair on the other side of the world.
What's your excuse for hating that of which you know little to nothing?
You've never met, in all likelihood, an Israeli. Yet you color them all with the same brush.
You've never met, in all likelihood, a Palestinian. Yet you color them all with the same brush.
You know nothing of them, yet you presume to judge them. You?
You know nothing of them, yet you call for their blood? You?
I save a special loathing for you. You, you armchair warrior, who has never lived the lives that some of these people live. You dare?
Do the world a special favor, would you?
Shut the Hell up!! You aren't helping solve the problem. If anything, you're making it worse by your tacit, if not outright, approval of whichever
side you're rooting for.
Yes, you read that right. Let me repeat it for you...
You aren't helping solve the problem. You're only helping to make it worse.
Get it through your thick skulls. There are no angels in this conflict. Only victims. Only murderers. ...and you, the fan of blood
edit on 7/2/2014 by seagull because: (no reason given)