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Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?

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posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 03:06 PM
The problem, as I see it, is that too many americans think that their elected leaders (or in some cases, not elected) have their best interests at heart. This is the first and greatest misconception. The leaders of every capitalist nation, and indeed the capitalist mode of production, is inherently counterposed to the interests of the worker. The wage labour system is the most monstrous human invention in history, and is the centrepiece of the exploitation of the working class by the capitalist. The worker is paid just enough to not starve, and be in reasonable physical and mental health in order to work effeciently, while not paid enough to eventually raise himself out of the working class. The worker only leaves his slavery when he becomes too old to continue working efficently. At this point, hopefully, he would have put away enough money to not starve for the last 25 or so years that he has left.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 12:01 PM
One thing is for certain, this is not the country I grew up believing in. Things are so warped beyond reason. Elections are manipulated, the treasury is looted right before our very eyes, the constitution is subverted, human rights are being thrown out the window... I fear there's no turning back, no hope for getting back to our nation's greatness.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by General Zapata
The wage labour system is the most monstrous human invention in history, and is the centrepiece of the exploitation of the working class by the capitalist. The worker is paid just enough to not starve, and be in reasonable physical and mental health in order to work effeciently, while not paid enough to eventually raise himself out of the working class.

Workers are paid enough, generally. It's just that they don't always make the financial choices necessary to prepare for the future, and choose comfort items for the present over skill-building. Work that anyone can do is worth less than work that fewer people can do. If someone wants to be paid more, they can find a way to to free up the money to take classes. Cut the cable subscription, quit smoking, get a smaller car, pretend to be absolutely broke and mooch off of friends for social activities--whatever. It's not quite like slavery. I've known my share of poor people. Those who made it higher made do with lesser accomodations for the present in order to save money. Those who spent their entire paychecks on all the comforts they could afford didn't make it anywhere farther. This isn't 'misfortune' or 'corporate exploitation', it's a result of choice. Some people do get screwed over by The System, but it's not widespread class warfare.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
The power of Dellusion (sp) you attribute to Bush and the Neocons may well work, given time. There is absolutely no way these socializing methods can possible have an effect in four short years.

When they control the media they certainly can. If you don't believe the control now at work I have one word for you: SINCLAIR. They've proven just exactly how idiotic and lock-step they are recently. Two examples: Refusing to aire "Saving Private Ryan" and trying to brainwash the public with their pitiful attack on John Kerry b4 the election.

In other words, as long as you can pin it on Bush, you feel good. It seems like I am always defending Bush here on ATS

You're not doing yourself any favors on that count.

when in actuality I am trying to point out to people that, while he has his faults, he cannot possibly be responsible for everything you blame him for.

He shares the blame for being a wolf in sheep's clothing and fronting for traitors to America. You're right in one way, though. Bush isn't nearly talented enuff to be behind much of anything. But hey - he is a great cheerleader.

Everything I have seen offered as proof so far has been debunked.

That's b/c everything you disagree with you toss out. Broaden your horizons and you might come to see the truth.

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 06:25 AM
People are only as "free" as their economic position allows them to be. An American person who goes to bed hungry in the pacific northwest has much less "freedom" in life than does a wealthy person who lives under the Saudi dictatorship.


posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by FreedomToons
People are only as "free" as their economic position allows them to be. An American person who goes to bed hungry in the pacific northwest has much less "freedom" in life than does a wealthy person who lives under the Saudi dictatorship.

Exactly. Money is freedom, pure and simple (spiritual freedom notwithstanding). It's amazing.. in Saudi the ruling elite keep the population so under religious foot, and then, they turn around and hop their jets to Europe for fun. By the time their aircraft is airborne, they've slipped out of their robes and head gear into Armani. What a bunch of hypocrits.

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