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Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?

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posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:45 PM
Land of the free.. We're as free here as our bank accounts/debt. ratios allow For most, that ain't much.

Home of the brave.. Right. Sadly, we have become a stepford nation. Our people have become so thoroughly tuned out, harried, fattened, drugged up, entertained and coddled to ever think about doing something like, say, take to the streets to demand a complete RECOUNT of Ohio's votes. No. We'd rather just roll over and take it, like mindless little sheep.

I truly never thought I'd see our country get to this point.

Democracy inaction
If U.S. officials who are complaining about election fraud in Ukraine applied the same standards in Ohio, then our own presidential election certainly was stolen.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By James K. Galbraith

Nov. 30, 2004 | The election was stolen. That's not in doubt. Secretary of State Colin Powell admitted it. The National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute both admitted it. Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana -- a Republican -- was emphatic; there had been "a concerted and forceful program of Election Day fraud and abuse"; he "had heard" of employers telling their workers how to vote; yet he had also seen the fire of the resisting young, "not prepared to be intimidated."

In Washington, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski demanded that the results be set aside and a new vote taken, under the eye -- no less -- of the United Nations. In the New York Times, Steven Lee Myers decried "the use of government resources on behalf of loyal candidates and the state's control over the media" -- practices, he said, that were akin to those in "Putin's Russia."

Personally, I don't know whether the Ukrainian election was really stolen. I don't trust Lugar, Powell or the National Democratic Institute. It's obvious that U.S. foreign policy interests, rather than love of democracy for its own sake, are behind this outcry. Russia backed the other candidate in Ukraine. For Brzezinski, doing damage to Russia is a hobby.

But if the Ukraine standard were applied in Ohio -- as it should be -- then the late lamented U.S. election certainly was stolen. In Ohio, the secretary of state in charge of the elections process was co-chairman of the Bush campaign in the state. He obstructed the vote count systematically -- for instance, by demanding that provisional ballots without birth dates on their envelopes be thrown out, even though there is no requirement for that in state law. He also required that provisional ballots be cast in a voter's home precinct, ensuring that there would be no escape from long lines. Republicans fielded thousands of election challengers to Democratic precincts, mainly to try to intimidate black voters and to slow down the voting process. A recount, demanded and paid for by the Green and Libertarian parties, has been stalled in court, so that it won't possibly upset the certification of Ohio's electoral votes.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:46 PM
Oops. Sorry bout that. I forgot to add the link to that article. It's at

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:51 PM
Still got that "wailing and gnashing of teeth" thing going, huh ECK?


posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:52 PM
Ha, ha, the trolls are going to get to you for posting that.

But you are right is so much going on that is stinks and the rest of the nation that did not vote for Bush is just to mind numb to exercise their right to fairness.

Oh well I am a target now for saying that, but anyway I have bee a target for a while already so I got alligator skin is does not bother me.

Ohio is not a clear win not is not.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:56 PM
Nope. Thanks to the power of Dellusion offered by the Bush Administration and the Neocons. Why?

How can such a large percentage of the US population remain blinded by denial in the face of so much evidence which flatly contradicts their view of reality? When the rest of the world clearly sees and deplores what is happening, how is it that a majority of the US population-which prides itself on freedom of information and informed democracy-has not clue what is really happening? How is this delusion being maintained? Through a few simple techniques.

1. Promote a system of socialization in schools that trains people to respect and obey authorities and not to question the system.
The ideological purpose of school is to inculcate students into a system of obedience which will prepare them for the workplace and turn them into complacent, unquestioning citizens. Teachers are themselves indoctrinated while they are still in college. When I once looked into obtaining a teaching degree at a major teaching university, I was first given a verbal examination to find out how I would handle various situations. The exam concluded that I had a tendency to handle things in a non-authoritarian manner (that is, I tried to teach students to think for themselves and give them a voice in decision making), and I was told I would have to go through a program of behavioral modification before I could undertake a teaching degree.

Students are expected to obey teachers and to ask permission for everything, including attending to their own bodily functions. Free time is severely restricted and any child who shows a tendency to daydream is deemed afflicted with attention deficit disorder and recommended for medication. Creative and individualistic thinking is allowed only within narrow channels. To paraphrase Utah Phillips, our educational system equips us with the tools of the ruling class, but teaches us nothing of the history and the tribulations of the working class.

For a thorough discussion of the educational system, please read The Underground History of American Education, written by John Taylor Gatto, New York State teacher of the year in 1991. Mr. Gatto subsequently resigned from his teaching position, and dedicated his life to teaching people about the true nature of the educational system and the development of alternatives. You can read his book online or purchase a print copy at For a short article by Mr. Gatto on the first six lessons all school children in the US are taught, go to this site Another short overview of the US educational system can be found at For a classic alternative to the US educational system, read Francisco Ferrer's The Origin and the Ideals of the Modern School,

2. Encourage and rely on a social system where anyone who dissents is viewed as deviant.
This factor ties in with the socialization process of the schools mentioned above, and with the religious fundamentalism mentioned below. Once you vocalize your dissatisfaction with the current socioeconomic system, you become an outcast and may even be viewed as a pervert. This ostracism has been observed and commented on by social psychologists in a number of social settings. This mechanism is responsible for the insular quality of most social groups, and breeds the "either you're with us or against us" mentality espoused so recently by George W. Bush. Through this mechanism, the influence of the social pariah is limited. The dissident's only hope is to join a social group which shares his or her views. See Whistleblowers: Broken Lives and Organizational Power by C. Fred Alford (Cornell U. P., 2001).

3. Rely on and encourage family dysfunction, so that people are reacting from their own inner wounds and seeking acceptance and forgiveness.
Coming from a dysfunctional family, a man or a woman is less likely to practice critical thinking and more likely to think in a reactionary manner based on his or her personal emotional wounds and immature psyche. A member of a dysfunctional family generally harbors some feelings of inadequacy and will strive to conform and be a good citizen in order to gain acceptance and to be forgiven for his or her perceived faults or failings. For a powerful study of the relationship between authoritarian parenting and the espousal of punitive and authoritarian policies in adult life, see The Politics of Denial, by Michael Millburn and Sheree Conrad (M.I.T. Press, 1998).

4. Reinforce the atomization of society so that people have fewer opportunities to communicate openly.
The atomization of society is an effect of the commercialization of everyday life and the privatization of the commons, along with the growth of private car ownership. The barn raising, the fall harvest, the sewing circle, the Sunday picnic, and barter have been replaced by freeways, shopping malls and television. The effect of this atomization of society is the limitation of public discussion and social activity. Instead of basing your view of reality on the world you perceive around you and an open discussion of issues, reality largely becomes a construct of the electronic media. Neighbors become nuisances at best, and the community at large is perceived to be a hostile place of drug fiends, rapists and muggers. The friendly stroll is replaced by the harassed drive where you must vie for the road with other aggressive drivers. The friendly barter or community market is replaced with an impersonal commercial outlet where you must compete with other shoppers for overpriced goods which are generally supplied by underpaid workers. See Geography Of Nowhere: The Rise And Decline of America's Man-Made Landscape, by James Howard Kunstler (Free Press, 1994), and Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, by Robert Putnam (Simon and Schuster, 2000).

5. Keep people stressed, afraid and insecure, while reporting that the economy is improving using only data for the upper percentiles of the population.
This factor actually comprises several factors which interact to keep people in a state of confusion, frightened, insecure and wondering where they went wrong.

Though it is instilled in us at public schools that this is a free country where anyone can become a millionaire if she simply puts her mind to it, people find themselves struggling just to stay afloat, working long hours or holding down two or three jobs. The effect is to keep workers stressed, preventing them from thinking clearly and leaving them without the time and inclination to study the important issues and take a critical look at major events. The stressed individual is, instead, inclined to simply accept what is presented to him or her in a few minutes of televised news broadcast or in a glance at the headlines of the daily newspaper.

While struggling to stay afloat, the stressed worker is presented with a picture of a healthy and robust economy, where the stock market is bounding and the economy is awash in prosperity. This picture of economic prosperity is not tainted by statistics such as the number of chronically unemployed who have used up their unemployment benefits, or the number of underemployed. This economic picture does not mention that in comparison with the cost of living the wages of the average worker have actually been in decline for the past thirty years, or that CEOs now make up to 500 times what their blue collar employees earn. It does not mention how overvalued the stock market has become, the derivatives bubble, the housing bubble or any of the other bubbles which are preparing to burst with disastrous effect. It avoids discussing how our economy is subsidized by money laundering, or the large scale looting of our economy. Nor does it portray the level of personal debt, or the skyrocketing number of bankruptcies and foreclosures.

In short, the struggling worker is given a picture of the economy from the perspective of a CEO, to go along with the ruling class history which was taught to him and her in school. In trying to reconcile this image of reality with their own struggle to stay afloat, the stressed worker is often left to conclude that he is at fault for failing to take advantage of all the opportunities around him, or that she is simply plagued by bad luck.

On top of this, we are bombarded with sensationalized news stories (murders, rapes, robberies, drive-by shootings) which serve to frighten us and make us more wary of social interaction. And then there are the terrorist alerts issued periodically by the Department of Homeland Security: vague, undefined alerts whose purpose can only be to increase public paranoia.

So in reality we as a nation were handed dellusion, no freedom and fear on a silver platter without even a choice.

[edit on 1-12-2004 by mrmulder]

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Still got that "wailing and gnashing of teeth" thing going, huh ECK?


Not at all, Seekerof. After completely ignoring any and all news for about 10 days, I actually feel refreshed.

It's just pathetic that the only way Bush can ever get anywhere or make anything of himself is when things are handed to him. Or stolen for him. And the majority of Americans are so STEPFORD they're content with letting him get away with it.
They're hardly what I would call patriotic or brave as the saying goes.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:02 PM
I believe that since the protest of the seventies all our rights and will has been taken away littler by litter to the point that people just do what they are told and not question about it.

I feel that is not independent thinking anymore. I even see it in this boards, when someone starts a thread and you see the same people blindly following what the original thread say with not questions about it, even if the thread is misleading they still agree blindly.

Truly sad.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:17 PM
Kids in public school are so conditioned, as mrmulder listed. Then you have all the people who are so medicated its insane. Back when I was a kid in the 70's it was WAY different. Everything was different back then. People still had their their cajones!

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Kids in public school are so conditioned, as mrmulder listed. Then you have all the people who are so medicated its insane. Back when I was a kid in the 70's it was WAY different. Everything was different back then. People still had their their cajones!

I was a kid in the 70's too. I agree it was lot's different from now. I remember my mother helping picket the company she used to work for. She was in a union. I still have pictures of her with her fellow "strikers" holding up their signs. The employees blocked the driveway so that no one could drive in or out. LOL.

[edit on 1-12-2004 by elaine]

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:39 PM
My god Elaine, your brought back memories of my college I remember the protest in my university and how my father used to tell me to stay away from it.

But I was young and silly so I went to some, I remember the gas and the police thankfully I was safe.

But it was difference people used to tell the government their disappointments and they used to listen. Now is like everybody is on Prozac and we agree with anything not questions ask.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:53 PM
I entirely agree that education turns young people into dummies, but I would not agree it turns them into good employees. My business partners and I have terrible difficulties finding young people with any initiative at all.

As has been so eloquently stated, business is more competitive than ever, taxation has never been higher, or the clerical responsibility of financial and tax compliance more onerous. Business needs people and todays school leavers are like zombies, lacking initiative, knowledge and self confidence.

It may make for an easily controlled workforce, but in this day and age the workforce needs to be able to control itself, the days of middle level management are gone forever.

The most appalling aspect of todays children is that none of them seem to read, they actually beleive that watching stuff on the TV is somehow better, it's impossible to convince them that so often a movie is vastly inferior to the book/s on which it was based...

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 04:00 PM
''But you are right is so much going on that is stinks and the rest of the nation that did not vote for Bush is just to mind numb to exercise their right to fairness. ''

you can say that again ..

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 04:28 PM
Will the crying and whining never end????

Stpeford people my fanny. Go on kid claim doom and gloom just cause your guy did not win.

You have enough sour grapes to open EastCoastKid Winery.

Funny, isn't it, how when the majority of the people don't agree with you, they must be raving idiots or brainwashed or "mindless little sheep". Whatever.

Why don't you tell us what you think is wrong and how to fix it instead of calling good people names. All this bellyaching will get you nowhere. Honestly, I can no longer tell what you are complaining about.

MrMulder, dude, it is customary to post a link when you quote some left-wing propoganda site. So here it is for you.

And Marg, funny you would say this:

I feel that is not independent thinking anymore. I even see it in this boards, when someone starts a thread and you see the same people blindly following what the original thread say with not questions about it, even if the thread is misleading they still agree blindly.

Are you not one of the worst offenders? This thread is a perfect example.

A new political board is comming to ATS. I hope, when it arrives, we can quit the whining and talk about the issues again.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 04:28 PM
Well thought out. Well spoken and well actuallized!

An interesting side note to your ideas could be found in the study of the demonization of Dr. Wilhelm Reich in this country in the 1950's.
Aside from his more esoteric studies of "orgone" and weather control machines, he believed that he had found the "physiological" mechanisms behind authority and fascism.
He believed that the puritanical structure of american society actually bred a population that would seek out "strong and paternal" authority figures. He thought this could be seen in the way they walked and breathed..and that through several "release" techniques like primal scream, Rolfing and sensory deprivation a patient could break free and become their own "programmer".
Some believe that it was these ideas more than his weather control that got his laboratory smashed, his books burned (in the USA!??) and himself jailed until he died.

There IS no enemy anywhere - Lao Tse

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 04:49 PM
Seth Bullock

With your post you show how intolerant people gets when others try to use their intellectual to see what is going on in our country, one patriot act is here now a second one will be here and more and more of our freedom are taken away.

If you feel comfortable with that then again the blindness is taking away also your reasoning.

I am glad that at least are people like me out there that is recognizing that something is not right in our society and that the American person has been manipulated.

One day you will thank the ones that still have visions in this word. If it was not for visions, our forefathers will never have created this great nations.

Politicians and big interest are making our nation a country of lambs, ready to by slaughter for their benefit.

By the way I don�t need big letters like you to prove a point, only the insecure do that. But occurs you are not insecured just a littler bit misguided.

great post mrmulder.

[edit on 1-12-2004 by marg6043]

[edit on 1-12-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 05:25 PM
Marg, Marg, Marg.

Lets look at your statements here.

Originally posted by marg6043
With your post you show how intolerant people gets when others try to use their intellectual to see what is going on in our country, one patriot act is here now a second one will be here and more and more of our freedom are taken away.

Marg, I want you to give a concrete example of how the Patriot Act has affected you personally. You certainly seem free to express your opinion and discount the opinion of others so your free speech seems intact. Has your mail been opened? Have you been taken away and held without bail? C'mon Marg, tell us. Or is it that you have been "programmed" to believe the Patriot Act is "evil", and if so, isn't that "mindless sheep" thinking?

I am glad that at least are people like me out there that is recognizing that something is not right in our society and that the American person has been manipulated.

Easy to say, much harder to prove. Just what is "not right" and how will you fix it? Who is being manipulated? Could it be you? Me? I certainly don't feel maipulated. And who is doing it? And how? We want to know!

One day you will thank the ones that still have visions in this word. If it was not for visions, our forefathers will never have created this great nations.

Oh I see. Only you and the other people of the left have vision. The rest of us just plod along eh? Well I got a surprise for you, when it comes to vision and looking to the future, nobody does it better than the people of The United States of America. All of em, right, left and in between. We will continue to grow and strive to make things better for all people of the world in spite of the "sky is falling" attitude of some.

Politicians and big interest are making our nation a country of lambs, ready to by slaughter for their benefit.

Do you feel like you are being prepared for slaughter? If so, plese tell me exactly what makes you feel that way cause I sure don't. Remember, one good example speaks volumes.

By the way I don�t need big letters like you to prove a point, only the insecure do that. But occurs you are not insecured just a littler bit misguided.

Yeah, yeah. If I don't agree with you I must be misguided. Okay, whatever.

great post mrmulder.

Actually, if you liked it, credit goes to Dale Allen Pfeiffer and Elizabeth Anne Pfeiffer who wrote the thing. Way too over the top for my taste though.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 05:32 PM
Seth, seth seth,

Not matter what I said to you and "others" you will never agree, is in your genes, hard die political party affiliation.

You will defend your leader even if you die doing it, but as me I have not loyalties to any politician or political parties so it makes me more open minded about what is going on in our nation.

I tell you, a bad president is a bad president not matter how sweet you sugar coated it.

[edit on 1-12-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Not matter what I said to you and "others" you will never agree, is in your genes, hard die political party affiliation.

Really! I am a diehard? Don't think so. Let me tell you something aside from President, I voted for the Democrat in every other race on my ballot November 2nd. Senator, Congressman, Governor, State and local reps (All of which, every single one lost by the way
) and would have srongly considered Joe Liberman had he recieved the nod from the Deomocrats.

Although I support President Bush, I disagree strongly with some of his opinions. Gay marriage comes to mind first, as many of my posts on ATS illiustrate.

But Kerry? No way. To paraphrase Mr. Kerry himself: Wrong man at the wrong time. I think even the staunch liberals on this board would admit that after a couple of drinks.

Still waiting for answers to my questions Marg.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 05:58 PM
F*** insanlely awesome post MrMoulder. What are you a freaking scholar or something?!?!? You just perfectly expressed the jumble of ideas i've had in my head for years in a concise, logical manner. I'm going to print your post out and put it up all over my dorm and campus. Maybe someone will pick it up and it will actually make sence to them. Anyways keep up the coolness and what not

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:00 PM
Ha, ha, ha, well believe or not I come from a Republican family with very strong religious views, and this elections are the first one that I didn't voted Republican.

I thinks is hilarious.

By the way I am not a religous follower.
I got enough as a child.

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