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Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?

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posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
Who is being manipulated? Could it be you? Me? I certainly don't feel maipulated. And who is doing it? And how? We want to know!

That's the whole point. It's what makes the system work. If people felt like they were being manipulated, then they would do something about it, i.e. revolt. That's where the genious lies, if you allow people to feel like they are in control of their lives, they will be content and will not ask questions. It's basically like someone allowing you to pick the color of your bullet, while the whole time sidestepping the fact that they are still gonna shoot it into your head. Anyways, I guess you don't have to feel manipulated if you don't want to accept it, as they say, ignorance is bliss. But the rest of us are going keep working dispell the mental prison we are kept in by tv, marginilization, cars, what MrMoulder said, etc....

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by ColonelForbin

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
Who is being manipulated? Could it be you? Me? I certainly don't feel maipulated. And who is doing it? And how? We want to know!

That's the whole point. It's what makes the system work. If people felt like they were being manipulated, then they would do something about it, i.e. revolt. That's where the genious lies, ........

First MrMulder didn't say any of that, rather, as I stated earlier, he "borrowed" it from this website:

Now, to your point. You seem to say the media, tv, your car, etc. are manipulating you. Ok, lets say that is true. What is thier plan? What exactly are they doing to hold you back? Who is really behind it and what do they want? Is it only you they target or all of us? What horrible truths are they hiding from you? Are they holding you back at work? At school? Is it thier fault you can't get a raise?

My point is it is very easy to blame everything on "them". Maybe the problem really lies within ourselves. Change starts from within.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 03:40 AM
Differenet back then-

The government spun a little more, the news media attacked and stirred more, 50,000+ young Americans had died in a war no one ended up wanting, close to a million South East Asians were dead, Nixon was about to be impeached, seemingly half the young adults in America were either drugged out, lost or in hiding . . .

Yeah, those were the good old days.

No AIDS, no HIV, lots of syph but who cared, no power to question the government, campus riots by middle-class kids with nothing better to do for causes most didn't believe in, migrant workers on strike, spitting on guys in uniform, cigarettes were cool . . .

Yeah, those were the good old days.

I'm glad they are done and gone.

[edit on 2-12-2004 by JoeDoaks]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by ColonelForbin
F*** insanlely awesome post MrMoulder. What are you a freaking scholar or something?!?!? You just perfectly expressed the jumble of ideas i've had in my head for years in a concise, logical manner. I'm going to print your post out and put it up all over my dorm and campus. Maybe someone will pick it up and it will actually make sence to them. Anyways keep up the coolness and what not

Hehehe thankyou ColonelForbin, you just perfectly expresseed what I was thinking about MrMulders post.
to both of ya...LOL

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 04:41 AM
Our citizens need to take a step back and take a look at whats going on. Its not the government taking away your rights. Its individuals who feel it is so detremental to their child to here a word in school ,just a word GOD because he is an athiest and his individual rights are steped upon. I am not religous or even follow anything but I dont burst into flames saying it.

When are people going to stop and take a good look around. This politicaly correct swing we are in is getting way out of hand. Are we so willing to cater to each individual that now the Declaration of Independence cannot be read in a California school because of a word that may hurt someones feelings? Next kids wont be able to say mom or dad at school because a same sex couple has a child and might not understand? ParentalUnit 1 and 2.

This is very close to out of control. Well the ACLU sues to have a tape about homosexuality shown in school. Next they will sue on behalf of the child who was offended or worse traumatized by seeing the tape when the kid probably cares less but told mom oops parent unit 1 about it and SHE was offended. Talk about a racket.

Well we can just let self centered individuals who belives the country revolves around them pick away at the right of the majority.

Keep blaming the government while its individuals filing lawsuits that start to encroch on everyone. Lets see if we can take all the way down to where it is decided you can no longer use the First Amendment and talk because every word has a meaning to someone that is bothered by it. We can all wear some soft color jump suit because your red tee shirt bugs the person next door and said it hurt her right to look around without seeing someone in a red shirt.

It may sound absurd but step back and take a look. Slowly things are being banned or taken away because an individual belives their right not to sit through a moment of silence at school harms them because some might be silently praying? It happend here in Virginia.

Sooner or later you will not be allowed to be an individual like they thought they were winning because everyone is going to have to be the same so as not to encroach on the right of one, everything will have been so nitpicked at that no mater what you do someones indivdual right get trampled. Great looking forward to that. Its happening and we are sitting back watching it. As a Republic it sure seems that the right of the majority would superceed the few. Aparently not anymore. If 1000 people want the Declaration of Independence taught as written why can a small few or even one person take that away.

Hard to have a UNITED STATES when everyone is so wrapped up in themselves that they don't care what a million others think and have no give and take. Me me me. This is a society made up of many with give and take not an expanse of land made up individuals where every possible single person can be totaly happy. There are things you like and things you don't and if we let people trample all over the the majority because they cant compromise then we are in trouble. Terrorist should take a look at it and realize if something does not stop individuals from pushing the majority around we won't survive as a country unless it becomes a sterile cookie cutter everyone is the exact same so no one is offended environment. Heck we wont need a President because there is nothing to negotiate, everything is the same. Yep you can have your model T in any color as long as its black. That will probably offend someone too.

Thats fu***d up and it doesn't matter if Bush or Kerry is at the helm because we are the ones not standing together when something such as the Declaration of Independence which means so much to the country gets tossed out because of word and let them break down everything to such a minute detail that was not intended to be. ohhh the me states of america. The delusion Mr Mulder is being diverted from what happening by a squabble over who is playing the big cheese. Look around at your fellow citizens taking away things from you. If you don't think our children should learn about the Declaration of Independence in an unadultered original fashion the we really are in trouble. We can go ahead an burn the Constitution and Bill of Rights now because it will be hacked up long before our President will get to it. Its happening daily. Now I look around ATS and see more people so interested or worried about a base in dried up lake bed that has been there for years that has secrets we dont need to know about yet when it won't matter what is there if they don't start thinking about not letting the train derail. I really think this a rough road that will end abruptly if people don't start asserting the right of masses over the few. The Romans fell after 2000 years. I hope we make it to 300 at this rate.

[edit on 12/2/2004 by just_a_pilot]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock

Why don't you tell us what you think is wrong and how to fix it instead of calling good people names. All this bellyaching will get you nowhere. Honestly, I can no longer tell what you are complaining about.

That's simple. Voting machines WITH a paper trail.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 09:26 AM
I do agree with you that political correctness is at new and ridiculous extremes. I abhor it. It is a part of this mass conditioning that has plagued our public school system for at least 40 years now. The product? As others have stated, a completely mindless, self-centered, doped up, frighteningly ignorant population. Sheep who will believe anything they hear on tv, sheep who will mindlessly obey. Fear is their pavlovian weapon. That power over the many is by far more scary than any enemy we may face on the field of battle.

As for the 70's.. I also remember going with my mom to NO NUKE! concerts and rallies out in Washington state. People weren't so conditioned (tv) back then and knew that power was with the people and their strength was in numbers and movements. Based on this whole Iraq fiasco and the widespread voting irregularities, it's time for us to wake up and start making our voices heard again. It's our only hope!

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
First MrMulder didn't say any of that, rather, as I stated earlier, he "borrowed" it.

So I borrowed it. Big deal. Besides I didn't get it from that website. I got it from here: Only problem is if you try to get it from here you have to be a registered member so you wouldn't have been able to view it in it's entirety anyways from that site. Sorry.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 10:39 AM
It doesn't matter whether or not mrmulder borrowed it. It's the truth. It needs to be passed on to any and all who seek wisdom and truth.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I do agree with you that political correctness is at new and ridiculous extremes. I abhor it. It is a part of this mass conditioning that has plagued our public school system for at least 40 years now. The product? As others have stated, a completely mindless, self-centered, doped up, frighteningly ignorant population. Sheep who will believe anything they hear on tv, sheep who will mindlessly obey. Fear is their pavlovian weapon. That power over the many is by far more scary than any enemy we may face on the field of battle.

As for the 70's.. I also remember going with my mom to NO NUKE! concerts and rallies out in Washington state. People weren't so conditioned (tv) back then and knew that power was with the people and their strength was in numbers and movements. Based on this whole Iraq fiasco and the widespread voting irregularities, it's time for us to wake up and start making our voices heard again. It's our only hope!

Yep and its only getting worse. Dont fail the kid for poor grades, he might get low self esteem. The dope had nothing to do with it.

Yep unless we want to be human androids run by the few who think they need to rip the constituiton apart to fit their self centered "needs".

You have to build on framework. Lets just tear down the whole framed out house because you want to move door four feet to suit them. Hell why not. Burn the bill of rights and lets start all over. Maybe we could let Castro stand in as our dictator until we have had enough again.

I wonder when they are going to take Archie Bunkers chair out of the Smithsonian because someone didn't like such a show?

But I do have an Idea. You take the kids to a soccer or baseball game and the rule of the leauge is every kid must play to feel included in every game instead of some players one game others the next.

Sounds like our elections, one player this game, another the next. Its perfect. We dont even need elections. All the candidates who want to be president rotate in and out each quarter. Then no one feels cheeted that their party didn't win and it must be a conspiracy against them.

If we don't start looking at what we as a people are doing to ourselves, it won't matter whos in office anyway.

[edit on 12/2/2004 by just_a_pilot]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 10:53 AM
I don't think it does matter at all anymore. Both parties are totally bought off. We need to make room for and vote for third and fourth party candidates. Break the stranglehold of this idiotic two-party system. Only then will independent voices be heard. Only then will the criminals in leadership positions be held to account.

I never have understood why non-believers make such a big deal outta a little quiet time for some prayer. A moment of silence never made me get a rash or feel excluded.
These days people are so spoiled and pampered, they live in la la land. It ain't good, either. I remember something my grandpa used to say when we were being whiney kids... "Now! Dry it up, or I'll give ya somethin' to cry about!" It was hard to hear as a kid, but right. These days so many of us don't have any idea what hard is. That's one reason, among many, I'm thankful that I had went through the Gulf War. It gave me a most tremendous appreciation for life back here "in the world." Life can be so much harder than most can imagine.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:14 AM
Yep, I guess I have been fortunate enough to travel all over the world. I saw amazing beauty with great people and I saw some toilets that I would wish my mother in law to live in. Well maybe. Met great people and sorry France you have to be the most outright rude dudes in the world. Yep I called ya dudes. Go ahead and change it to some fluty french word so it doesn't spoil your language. But most the people from any country were gracious and downright fun to talk to and learn from.

I don't know what has happened lately to make people feel like just because they are a citizen here they have the right to rip apart a document, song or whatever it is because a couple hundred years ago it was added with thought and not just thrown in like they want it tossed out. I don't get it. Im not religous but I don't want the word God taken out of any of our historical documents that guide us.

What do these people do if they are listening to the radio and someone says God. Do they flip out in the car and sue the radio maker, and studio since they happened to be listening to NPR and were not warned it was going to be said and the couldnt hit the button fast enough?

They think church going people have a problem? wow.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:20 AM
Yeah, I don't get it, either. It's ridiculous. Talk about sensitive. These people wouldn't have made it back in the day.

I've enjoyed traveling, too. It's cool to meet new people and experience their different cultures. I wish everyone had that opportunity. My experience in the Gulf gave me a much better perspective/understanding on the current situation. It's been very hard for me, tho; seeing the writing on the wall and no one seeming to get it. Especially our worthless mainstream media. Our inexperience and lack of knowledge of Mesopotamian culture/history has greatly hurt us.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:32 AM
Yeah the Gulf was grand. Loved the suede boots we got. I actually had some airmen laid out in Kobar Towers. I have a reason to be a bit tiffed.

I don't understand these people who want to remove a word so it suits them. And it probably only suits them at the time. They stub their toe or bonk their head and it probably god damnit that shoots right out. Then, I would not want this to happen to anyone, their child is seriously injured and they suddenly find the need to pray. Love it, the church of whats happening now.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:54 AM
What I don't get is how one can get so bent outta shape about something they don't even believe in?
They need to learn to live and let live. I don't go around telling non-believers that they're gonna burn in hell. How does it hurt anyone to hear or see the name of God or to bow their head in silence out of respect for a moment? There are so many bigger problems to worry about.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
MrMulder, dude, it is customary to post a link when you quote some left-wing propoganda site.

Here we go again.
Tell me you're not serious. I guess anything you don't agree with must left wing propoganda. Am I right? BTW, I'm not a democrat or a republican so I didn't vote for Kerry or Bush. I'm just after the truth.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 03:56 PM
The problem with so many people is if they see a magazine or website that they sense is not in line with their partisan view, they will automatically reject it. That's how so many people get such warped, one-sided views. Limited is the word for them.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by mrmulder
Nope. Thanks to the power of Dellusion offered by the Bush Administration and the Neocons. Why?

Do you see the fallacy, the flaw in your reasoning at the very beginning of your post?

The power of Dellusion (sp) you attribute to Bush and the Neocons may well work, given time. There is absolutely no way these socializing methods can possible have an effect in four short years.

In other words, as long as you can pin it on Bush, you feel good. It seems like I am always defending Bush here on ATS, when in actuality I am trying to point out to people that, while he has his faults, he cannot possibly be responsible for everything you blame him for.

And these conspiracies that he is supposedly involved in, well there are so many of them that at least half of them must by reason cancel out the others, so the net effect is zero. Not to mention the enormous amount of people required to carry them out. They must be conspiring about the hundred or so people here on ATS, because everyone else is busy being involved in carrying out the conspiracies.

I don't mean to flame. But please, use some reason. If people are going to argue that the election was stolen, offer some proof. Everything I have seen offered as proof so far has been debunked. This is why the libs are looking like wild-eyed fanatics. You cry wolf too often.


posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Home of the brave.. Right. Sadly, we have become a stepford nation. Our people have become so thoroughly tuned out, harried, fattened, drugged up, entertained and coddled to ever think about doing something like, say, take to the streets to demand a complete RECOUNT of Ohio's votes. No. We'd rather just roll over and take it, like mindless little sheep.

I truly never thought I'd see our country get to this point.

Final nail in the coffin regarding Ohio's vote, ECK. Nowhere to turn.

Thanks to Seekerof for the post.

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
In other words, as long as you can pin it on Bush, you feel good. It seems like I am always defending Bush here on ATS, when in actuality I am trying to point out to people that, while he has his faults, he cannot possibly be responsible for everything you blame him for.

I'm not blaming everything on just him. All I'm saying is that he's a part of it. There are alot out there who are in this as well. Furthermore did I say Bush is soley responsible for what's happening?

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