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Young thug cracks 18 y.o. Girl in back of head *wal-mart*

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posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:24 PM
Weak.. I don't approve to what he did, infact the act was totally uncivilized.. But I hate when people say it was a hate crime when evil people have been mistreating black people since we was brought over here.. Now all of a sudden they crying when something occurs to them.. a reply to: Bashka

edit on JunX61000 by MX61000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: MX61000

This is 2014. This just happened. If you read up on the knock out game, many of them have been racially motivated. Granted I havent heard of many of them since last year when they seemed to be in the media more.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:29 PM

originally posted by: SpaDe_
a reply to: 3u40r15m

What was exaggerated about his comment? I think what he said was spot on. This piece of excrement strolled the store clearly looking for a white victim that would have the least chance of fighting back, so he chose a white 18 year old girl. What a coward, hope this guy gets hit by the karma bus sooner rather than later.

For one. She didn't die, so now we just execute everybody that assaults people? And for two he's ASSUMING it's all about race for whatever reason, because she's white.... And for 3, I doubt he was playing a knockout game made up by teenagers in ONE city that happen ONE week. They said he was off his med's and wanted to impersonate a movie.... Their you go......

Now I'm going to assume he wants him executed because he is black.....

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: Bassago

A few kids posted a few videos last year that's all it was.... Random assaults always have and always will happen. I doubt you would be saying anything if the girl was black and the guy was white....

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: LoverBoy
a reply to: MX61000

This is 2014. This just happened. If you read up on the knock out game, many of them have been racially motivated. Granted I havent heard of many of them since last year when they seemed to be in the media more.
so what do you think 400 years of slavery and mistreatment of a people gets you...

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: 3u40r15m
a reply to: Bassago

A few kids posted a few videos last year that's all it was.... Random assaults always have and always will happen. I doubt you would be saying anything if the girl was black and the guy was white....
exactly, never would be thought about..

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: 3u40r15m
a reply to: Bassago

A few kids posted a few videos last year that's all it was.... Random assaults always have and always will happen. I doubt you would be saying anything if the girl was black and the guy was white....

No you are incorrect in that. I am not unaware of the white on black hate crimes hat have been perpetrated and denounce them just as well. The KKK, voter suppression, not even being able to drink from "white" drinking fountains and almost too many to list. All were evil. I will not turn a hypocritical blind eye to the hate when it goes in the reverse. Hate crimes come from all races.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: MX61000

Oh is that the excuse in Africa they use to justify the selling of Africans into slavery by their own people? Its rather pointless to justify violence because of something that happened 400 years ago.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:42 PM
And you wonder why America is crumbling right before your eyes... Lol a reply to: LoverBoy

edit on JunX61000 by MX61000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: MrWendal

originally posted by: evc1shop

I do not see it as a black on white crime. It is exactly what it appears to be, a young thug really wants to crack someone in the head with a bat to see how it feels... he looks around the store searching for the perfect victim who happens to be white but I do not think that is the reason for the choice, rather the fact that she is a female and appears to be smaller in stature and, most-likely, of lesser physical strength he felt it would be an easy target.

He wanted to see what if felt like to do that to someone. The victim should be given a bat and get a chance to play piñata with him to show him how she felt.

His mother must be so proud! She wants to play the 'he is mentally ill" card but if she knew that, she should have made sure he was accompanied by someone to ensure his mental condition didn't effect those around him. If she makes him out to be a known danger she should be arrested for failure to supervise him properly.

You may not see it as a hate crime but that is exactly what this is by definition. If this was a white guy who attacked a black female, chances are he would be charged with a hate crime. I recall a case roughly 5 or 6 years ago in Upstate South Carolina where a homosexual male pursued a straight male and picked a fight with him. The straight male did all he could do to avoid the fight. Even leaving the bar he was at. The gay guy followed out to the parking lot and assaulted the straight guy. The straight guy defended himself. He punched his attacker and the attacked went down hard and hit his head on the concrete and later died from his injuries. Simple self defense right? Wrong. The straight was charged with a hate crime even though the sexual orientation of his attacker had nothing to do with anything.

I did not say that I do not see it as a hate crime, I said I did not see it as black on white. Clearly there was some form of hate involved, maybe he harbors a hate for his mother or a teacher but being too weak to face them or act out upon them, he decided that he could do that thing he saw in a video and set out to Walmart to find a target. Did she happen to be white? Yes. Do we know if he picked her for that reason or was it just convenient and any girl would have been fine as long as he had opportunity? It is an assumption and, yes, the law will see it that way no matter what.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: 3u40r15m

First, the last time I checked you don't have to die for a crime to be considered a hate crime. Second, you're assuming that it wasn't racially motivated which is exactly what he was doing, and the video is good reason to believe that it was. Third, the knockout game wasn't in one city for one week. It was across the entire country in many major cities and still continues today. I don't care if he was on or off his meds.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: MX61000
Weak.. I don't approve to what he did, infact the act was totally uncivilized.. But I hate when people say it was a hate crime when evil people have been mistreating black people since we was brought over here.. Now all of a sudden they crying when something occurs to them.. a reply to: Bashka

edit on 6/25/2014 by SpaDe_ because: not worth it.....

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: w8tn4it
A perfectly good reason for "concealed carry".

And I agree with you but....

It would have done her or anyone else in that situation any good what so ever.

You have to continuously be aware of your surroundings and the people close to you.

In Walmart or any other place I am constantly surveying the people around me to look for anything unusual....
Like a kid walking around swinging a baseball bat or carrying one around the store.

If you don't see it coming I don't care what kind of weapon your carrying it won't do any good.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: Hr2burn
Just mind blowing. I consider this attempted murder. The knock out game is escalating. This jack off picks a young girl and uses a baseball bat. I of course do not condone the game...but a weapon?! The opposite sex?
The new knock out game

The targets aren't the opposite sex in all these cases; the targets are chosen by race. This is a huge problem these days, and a growing one. The police and media refusing to call it what it is only adds to the issue.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: 3u40r15m
a reply to: Bassago

A few kids posted a few videos last year that's all it was.... Random assaults always have and always will happen. I doubt you would be saying anything if the girl was black and the guy was white....

A few?!?!? No, not a "few"; there are a LOT of these cases, and they are most certainly racially motivated.

Check this story - link - then check all the many, many links to the right, with story after story after story.

Yes, this is most certainly racial.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 09:58 PM
If all of these "knockout games" are motivated by race alone, then please explain the motivation for "white" on "white" and "black" on "black" victims and perpetrators of the "knockout game". I've seen that tripe all over youtube but no one wants to comment on it, like somehow attacking someone of similar color makes it ok. There is no grey area, either you condemn it all or you condemn none of it.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 09:58 PM
We don't know that this crime was racially motivated. Who knows what goes on in the head of someone that can do something like this. What I find most disturbing is that a fairly menacing guy is strolling aimlessly around a Walmart store with a baseball bat and the top notch security that will tackle a person over a stolen candy bar did not notice.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 10:13 PM
Before I even watched it I knew the culprit was black, what a shocker!

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: Bassago

originally posted by: 3u40r15m
a reply to: Bassago

A few kids posted a few videos last year that's all it was.... Random assaults always have and always will happen. I doubt you would be saying anything if the girl was black and the guy was white....

No you are incorrect in that. I am not unaware of the white on black hate crimes hat have been perpetrated and denounce them just as well. The KKK, voter suppression, not even being able to drink from "white" drinking fountains and almost too many to list. All were evil. I will not turn a hypocritical blind eye to the hate when it goes in the reverse. Hate crimes come from all races.

I'm not bringing up the past I'm just talking about in this video, I don't think he hit her because she is white... He could just have easily hit someone with the bat outside. He had her targeted IMO.. But who knows what the reason was, who cares, he got caught that's all that matters right?

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: SpaDe_
a reply to: 3u40r15m

First, the last time I checked you don't have to die for a crime to be considered a hate crime. Second, you're assuming that it wasn't racially motivated which is exactly what he was doing, and the video is good reason to believe that it was. Third, the knockout game wasn't in one city for one week. It was across the entire country in many major cities and still continues today. I don't care if he was on or off his meds.

How in any way is this a hate crime?

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