posted on Jun, 22 2014 @ 05:04 PM
originally posted by: BobAthome
a reply to: crazyewok
or 4 options,, they were moved through a network of Intermediatories. u know for a price,,Back,sheesssh it never ends.
There is no evidence of that.
And don't say chemical weapon use in Syria cause Syria has its own chemical weapons program.
In fact it stupid as why would Syria have taken that risk? He had hes own WMD that were legally owned (up until he used them) so why take the illegal
WMD of a failing nation 100% guaranteed to be obliterated by the USA and risk painting a huge target on yourself too?
Makes no sense.
Even if Syria were hoping that the USA would leave Iraq and Saddam to come back in power there would be no point in keeping them as the all the
transport and waiting times would be high risk and the weapons likely degraded. May as well supply Iraq with fresh new ones off the Syrian production
line instead.
Makes no sense.
In fact why did Saddam not use his WMD when invaded! He knew if Iraq fell that was it for him, it was win or die. It was a war of survival against a
for 100x more powerful! Thats what WMD are meant for! And dont use the "o but the USA would have nuked Iraq" line. We both know Russia and china
would not have allowed nuclear use, Especialy if the WMD's were used on Iraq soil in defence not USA soil (IF WMD had been used in the USA diffrent
game), plus Saddam was dead anyway may as well have gambled.
Makes no sense.