a reply to:
Don't confuse WMDs with chemical weapons. Assad had chemical weapons, but that does not mean he posesses WMDs. The WMD card was played in Iraq mainly
because somwhere around the 70s, it actually had a nuclear program. The USSR aided them and helped build an experimental nuclear reactor. Half a
decade later, Saddam came to Moscow, asking the Russians to help him build an even bigger reactor. Moscow said they have no problem with that,
provided IAEA watches over the whole process, because as we know, such reactors can be used to synthesize all materials, necessary for making a
nuclear bomb. The size of the reactor is crucial to the speed at which this can be done. Moreover, it provides groungs for acquiring the nuclear
material. You don't just go and buy uranium. You buy it for something and for a peaceful purpose, so it's all good on paper. So if you have to face
international court for arming a psychopath with nuclear bomb materials, parts and means of creating the bomb, your lawyers can wriggle their way of
it and the country will not face any charges.
So Saddaam does not agree to the Russian terms and heads off to France, where he strikes a deal with Jacques Chiraq instead. As per the terms, France
is to build the Osirak reactor and sell Iraq 72 kilos of military-grade Uranium. Then he strikes a deal with Italia for gas centrifuges, capable of
enriching Uraniun to Plutonium. Now, you CAN make a bomb with >90% enriched uranium. Reason for enrichment is that plutonium gives a "bigger bang",
roughly put and because weapon-grade uranium deteriorates bomb components in a way, which makes it "uncontrollable", meaning it will either not
explode at all, or it will go off randomly.
Anyway, soon after all the fuss, Israel bombs the # out all these reactors, centrifuge arrays, science labs, material storages.
Officially it has not stopped research on the subject. Iraq, fearing international isolation, used this card to play with the West, with UN and IAEA
running around like a bunch of horny dogs, sniffing out the bitch. While they did so, Iraq was in the game and had a voice in the world. This goes on
for a decade, but right before the war Saddam makes an official statement, claiming Iraq does not possess WMDs.
Now chemical weapons was never the issue. Everyone knew Saddam had them, everybody knew he USED them, but the WMD issue was raised specifically over
the nuclear program.
For example, Ukraine is a not a WMD country. Officially. But id DOES possess chemical weapons.
Same with Syria.
And the list goes on and on and on.
So ISIS does NOT have WMDs. What it DOES have is chemical weapons. No "holy crap". Same as Al-CIA-da in Syria. And mostly the same scenario too. We've
seen it all before. We see the same in Africa, where CIA backed Boca Haram carries out the same scenario. Nothing new. Move along. Move along.
edit on 20-6-2014 by thegeck because: (no reason given)
edit on 20-6-2014 by thegeck because: (no reason given)