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Firefighter chases dog and both are missing 411?

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posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: WanDash

Why would Herdmans death be explained for the most part. As an innocent
occurance, turned tragic story. That just so happens to parallel a certain
criteria, concatenated by an author in his recent best selling non fiction
mystery? But seal the case?

This case is sealed why?

Because there is an element to the story that is being kept hidden.

They tossed the drug thing in to sell it to the public and squash it.
Then moved away from the story quickly. Dropped it like a cheap suit.
Which explains perfectly why a firefighter doing dope isn't investigated,
charged or even reprimanded by his dept. In my opinion we've done
very well here Wan. The only thing we don't have? Is what thier hiding.
And that bugs me.

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 12:07 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
Why would Herdmans death be explained for the most part. As an innocent
occurance, turned tragic story. That just so happens to parallel a certain
criteria, concatenated by an author in his recent best selling non fiction
mystery? But seal the case?

...This case is sealed why?

...Because there is an element to the story that is being kept hidden.

Could be protecting "sensitive" information -
Could be the muscle of a secret society -
Could be deals with aliens or the devil...
But - as you say - something is being kept from the light.

...The only thing we don't have? Is what thier hiding.
And that bugs me.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: randyvs
…there is an element to the story that is being kept hidden.

If that is true, then – Who is doing the hiding?

If not Byars - - Who?
…the Sheriff? – the Fire Brigade? – City Hall? – National Parks / Forestry / Wildlife /…Services?

It would have to be hidden at or near the source…high-enough up the chain of information, that only 1, 2 or a handful of people were privy…and all of them stood to lose something, should the circle break.

Otherwise - the implication would be multi-disciplinary collusion on the story/issues…which would (imo) raise a host of other questions --
-- such as… Who would be in position to orchestrate such…complicity?
--- someone/something with power over each/all of the colluders…to purchase blindness &/or assistance.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: WanDash

If that is true, then – Who is doing the hiding?

Okay, not sure were on the same page here so, for me,
the fact that I did confirm for myself, that the case was sealed.
When I called and spoke to the deputy? Does make it true
that something is being hidden. That may not be the case for you
and I understand that. But as far as I'm concerned the only reason
to seal a case like this is to hide something. So for me there isn't
any, " If this is true?".

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: randyvs
...Okay, not sure were on the same page here so, for me,
the fact that I did confirm for myself, that the case was sealed.
When I called and spoke to the deputy? Does make it true
that something is being hidden. That may not be the case for you
and I understand that. But as far as I'm concerned the only reason
to seal a case like this is to hide something. So for me there isn't
any, " If this is true?".


IMO – unless there is some arcane law on the books that is so rarely used that we don’t have a “name” for it…behind “why” the case is sealed…something is being hidden.

If some arcane law, so rarely used that we don’t have a “name” is behind this seal…who needed that dug up?
Who was told to find some law to support the sealing?
If not – why isn’t the law/reason for the sealing included in the announcement…that it was sealed…?
I realize that we only heard/read of the announcement, through your report…so, there are no official published announcements that I am aware of, and thus, they cannot be accused or questioned in said regards, with no record of the decision/announcement.
Would be nice to know that this “position/stance” of Law Enforcement is recorded…somewhere.
You didn’t happen to record the conversation…did you?

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: WanDash

You didn’t happen to record the conversation…did you?

Yeah that's a negative. But I bet they did! If I'd have known
I might hear anything like that I sure would have. But I did
provide the numbers for anyone else who wants to check
it out. In thread. I could even make another inquiry from my
cell this time.

posted on Dec, 15 2014 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: randyvs
There is one thing I hate, in this world ---- talking on the phone.
I despise it. I abhor it. Lost a number of jobs, because of it.
But - if no-one-else will - I will do the honors. It's that important (to me)...seeing how I hate/love dangling loose ends.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: WanDash

I would love to see what you come up with because there's
no way you hate phone conversations more than me. And
I'll even bet you're better at them than I. If you need help with
the numbers or anything Wan, leme know? But do call and
see what you can find out. At this point, every piece of
info, no matter how seemingly unimportant, could be the
key to the whole puzzle esse.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: randyvs
I will do so, Randy
I probably won't record the conversation, but, there will be two separate witnesses with no ties past friendship on ATS.
Presuming I get the same story given to you.
Will let you know!

posted on Dec, 19 2014 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: WanDash

Cool baby.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 10:07 AM
Maybe Byars was confused, dazed & etc because he was involved
in something evil that happened whether he was directly involved
or knew about it & was part of the cover up.
Incident happened & he is FREAKING OUT...can't eat, sleep or barely
function because he cannot believe he is involved & there is NO
escape for him at least not in his mind. Now he has to live with it.

Once he starts talking to the fishermen he gets some relief
because he has finally communicated with a human & he
began to feel comfortable enough to tell them the details.

Just something that just popped in me head....
Any more info?


edit on 30122014 by Ektar because: left out info

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Ektar
I have wondered about this, as well...and still do.

If he's involved (intentionally, accidentally, or heat-of-the-momentarily) in something that is virtually driving him insane...then bumps into the fishermen, and convinces them of the gravity of the matter...
...What were they going to do?

They obviously decided to help him to his vehicle...
They, then, apparently, hiked 6+/- miles through intense terrain...searching...

(I suppose there is the possibility that Herdman & Byars had crossed paths with the fishermen in the two days of hiking that preceded the Friday Night escapades...and said familiarity might have been enough to inspire them to risk such an adventure - but - if so - why was that component of the story omitted from ALL public accounts * ?)

And then, again, we would need to consider the possibilities that (1) Byars' involvement resulted in the death of Herdman, and Byars knew it..., (2) Byars' involvement was incidental/accidental, and he knew when, where, how & that (and perhaps, 'why') Herdman died..., or (3) Byars witnessed a tragedy (in part or in whole) and withheld aspects of the story that he feared might implicate him (or - actually told them to investigators, who chose to accept his tale for whatever reason/s, and they withheld those details).
In these possibilities - if Byars did not tell the fishermen that Herdman was dead & the general location of Herdman's body...but only directed them to the campsite...then, we could deduce that he wasn't such an emotional/ psychological wreck that he could not discern "how much to tell"...

Happy New Year, Ektar...and To All.
I was a little saddened that this thread was not on SO's 2014 in Review thread... IMO - this remains unsolved, and continues to bear a strong resemblance to the Paulides' Missing 411 theme.

edit on 12/30/2014 by WanDash because: everything

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: WanDash

I'm with you...& look how much time went by...incident
happened on Friday night...Byars is freaking out, maybe
he doesn't know what to do, he's in panic mode & has to
possibly come up with a believable story. It's going back &
forth through his head...what am I going to say & really
having to piece something together. He had a day & a half
before the fishermen? OK he has told them his story & they
believe him so he then becomes more settled to continue on?

I mean this is the only thing that makes any sense to me
because it's all bunk. It just doesn't make sense, especially
with the actions of the dog & the way things happened don't add up.

The only other thing that would make sense to me would be aliens.
Yeah then all 3 of them would be scared...Herdsman, Duke & Byars.

Happy New Year!
I hope to get back to chat after the New Year!


posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: Ektar
…look how much time went by
- incident happened on Friday night
- Byars is freaking out,
- maybe he doesn't know what to do,
- he's in panic mode &
- has to possibly come up with a believable story. …

…some random thoughts spawned in the same waters…

If Byars, Herdman & Duke had met/passed the fishermen on the first or second day of the trek…and Byars did not stumble into them 'til Sunday* morning/noon/afternoon…
…& if our story comes from Byars being either or both aware and culpable…
… …what was he doing all day Saturday?
…if he knew that things had gone south (two-edged) for Herdman during the night (Friday night)…whether he was culpable, witness or in jeopardy as well, you don’t think he would have sat/waited around the campsite all day (& possibly being seen by someone --- like, the fishermen)………do you?

Honestly --- I don’t think “Byars did it”………unless he had help.
To be new to that locale (presumably)…in the middle of the night (reportedly)…and either chase or carry Herdman 2+ miles, and up a steep incline another 1,000’+…and…kill him (by shoving from the precipice or otherwise)…and lead the police down the creek…in the direction Herdman could (/would) be proven to have travelled (being in the direction of Herdman’s body)…and then trust that he had chosen the right spot to dispose of the body…where normal people looking for someone trying to stay alive might be…given the starting story and starting point… And …even if…S&R might have given effort to climbing/searching the steep incline/s that led to the final* resting spot, any evidence that might have been in the landscape would be likely destroyed in the simple efforts of ascent & descent…but…how would he have known if this was his first trip there?

Rambling isn’t always a waste of time & effort…
Or, perhaps, you disagree… (?)

Since we're speculating - what if the anomalous spire that juts 225' from the hillside just east of the campsite is an instrument of arcanity?
What if it is the site of initiation/s into such a fraternal/sororal fellowship?
That would not explain this mystery…as it would rely on zipped-lips, covered & turned & averted & blind eyes, and some kind of Good-Ole-Boys club that extends further & stronger than one might expect from Ventura County (with L.A., Hollywood and the rest of the West Coast all & each staging for the same spotlight)…and the dog, Duke, would be an X-factor in such a plan/plot…

If it were an initiation, my money is on the fishermen being part of the society/affiliation…

If not a Skull ’n’ Crossbones...then, perhaps, the spire holds some paranormal or other-worldly secrets…that can make men &/or animals go mad…

Back to Zep’…

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Ektar

Man o man you guys. I've been so busy at work my hands
are raw. But Ektar your current thought rings most plausible
to me. I have often thought that a sinister group of society's
controlling figures is at play in so many of the headline stories
we see in the media today. Involving peoples from all different
classes, hoping to achieve status by cutting corners shall we say.
Some members might be used in any number of ways. And there is
always a chance that those who are deemed less useful to this
" Cult "over a period of time? You may then stand the chance of
having your name dropped into a hat with others so to speak.
But being semi prominent in society your disappearence would
need to be explained some how. So the story is mostly fabricated
from the ground based truth.

This would explain everything we seek answers for even beyond
this case.

Great post IMO

edit on Rpm11015v19201500000050 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2015 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: randyvs

Maybe now that some time has past. I might turn very
onry and seek out this Byars. After all, I am geographically

Hmmm, I wonder if Wan might play a roll here? You are very
astute in online investigations by your participations and
could save me some time? If you'd be willing to find out all that
is available on Byars. Locations, numbers etc. Anything that would
make the man more attainable and list it?

to be continued.

edit on Rpm11015v44201500000017 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 03:35 AM

originally posted by: GreenMtnBoys
Here is Byars instagram page……

I've been following all these cases. I actually just had to create this account and point out that in Taylor Byers Instagram profile pic he has devil horns on his head. I am not lying I saved a screen shot as well. What kind of firefighter who lost his best friend recently would portray himself with devil horns? Didn't a devil name have something to do with this case as well? Secondly is this really Taylor Byers??? I'm freaked the f out guys. One of my neighbours is in the missing 411 book by the way, god rest their souls but screw Byers I wish we could invite him here and interrogate that demon.

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 03:46 AM

originally posted by: Mehmet666Heineken

originally posted by: GreenMtnBoys
Here is Byars instagram page……

I've been following all these cases. I actually just had to create this account and point out that in Taylor Byers Instagram profile pic he has devil horns on his head. I am not lying I saved a screen shot as well. What kind of firefighter who lost his best friend recently would portray himself with devil horns? Didn't a devil name have something to do with this case as well? Secondly is this really Taylor Byers??? I'm freaked the f out guys. One of my neighbours is in the missing 411 book by the way, god rest their souls but screw Byers I wish we could invite him here and interrogate that demon.

My mistake for spelling the douche with the devil horns' name wrong, it's Taylor Byars and I have a screen shot saved of this Instagram profile in case he changes it. Seriously even if this guy isn't connected to the Herdman case, who in their right minds sits there with intricate movie quality devil horns on their head on your social network profile? He looks near 30 for gods sake I've not even seen kids do that. What a twisted and blatantly evil person.

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 03:56 AM
This Taylor Byars guy could be a key to not only this case but many others. Ritual murder involving cults? Are there other Taylor Byars out there that potentially slaughtered who they were with and hid the evidence to make of look like some paranormal UFO abduction?

If those cases in David Paulides books are 100% accurate and not exaggerated or twisted slightly in any definitely seems paranormal but humans are capable of making murders look like UFO and Bigfoot abductions even though I believe it's perfectly possible it's all paranormal and UFO alien related. The earth is stirring with evil. It's like a lord of the rings lowly 9-5 robots are the hobbits that must slay the orks represented by evil unseen and their human collaborators. It's not easy and it will be one hell of a crazy and long ride.
edit on 22-1-2015 by Mehmet666Heineken because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2015 @ 04:06 AM
His username is tbyars87 I'm assuming that means he was born in 1987! I think this guy is actually the Taylor Byars involved in this case. Why is he wearing devil horns when his best friend was found dead near Devils Gate and Devils Heart in that park? I hope David Paulides reads this. Byars has such a smug looking smirk on his face with those horns on his head looks absolutely terrifying id never go camping with him oh hell no.

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