posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 05:33 PM
For all the people in this thread, banging on about race, and party politics, and the so called issues...
Aren't you all missing the point? It's impressive, but not at all productive. The trouble with politicians, is that they can all speak, and they
can all write, and those things are usually wonderful. The problem with politicians, is that for all their talk, when they get within a gnats fart of
some significant power, their words become worth many times less than someone would pay, for the carbon dioxide that they expel while speaking
NONE of your representatives give a God damn for any one of you, and you may ask how I can know that. For an answer, look at where they are, the
building they work in, the perks of their jobs. Look at how none of them struggle to stay solvent, now none of their children were prevented from
getting a college education, purely because of financial concerns. Look at how even those of them with the least of what makes the world go round,
live in relative luxury. These are people who are OUTSIDE the normal society, people who do NOT face difficulties in the normal things in life, people
whose problems boil down to who they owe a favour to, rather than who they owe a mortgage payment to.
The politicians who are allowed to wield power, are those who have proven themselves furthest from the masses, those who have flourished at the right
dinners, made the correct noises in front of the right donors, greased the correct palms, and have immersed themselves in the rarefied environment and
culture of the political establishment.
One does not retain ones understanding of the plight of the common person, once one ceases to actually BE a common person. In Britain, common merely
means, anyone not born into royalty or nobility. I think that description has become outdated in the extreme, because both here, and in the US, and in
all the nations that I have read of in the last seven years here on ATS, and my whole life independent of this community, the least common people are
the most powerful.
It does not matter a brass plated damn, whether your President is a Democrat, or a Republican, or an independent, or a total pants on head basket
case, because the one thing that sets the President, and every single politician in the WORLD apart from his fellow human beings, is the fact that
politicians, by default, are asking people to give them power.
NO ONE WHO WANTS IT SHOULD EVER BE ALLOWED TO HAVE IT! This Trey Gowdy is no better or worse of a human being than Obama, or Charles Manson, or any
other power seeking bastard. The entire mess of them, politicians of every creed and nation, they all suffer a delusion, that they are worthy of being
considered to hold power. None of them ever are.
Human beings everywhere need to start thinking about things with this in mind. My attitude therefore, to this video, and to all political discourse
undertaken by politicians, as opposed to discussion between the people, is that as nice as it sounds to hear someone speak with a voice of reason, it
does not mean that their motives are pure, or even a little bit honest. It just means that the politician in the limelight, has found a way to receive
brownie points from a cross section of the electorate. That is what they do, that is how they get along.
These people are draining your country dry of resources, allowing a situation to exist where for every dollar in existence, there are two dollars of
debt, no matter how little money the government spends, they are allowing your liberties to be eroded from under you, they are allowing party politics
to prevent the business of government being done, ALL OF THEM, NOT JUST OBAMA, AND NOT JUST THE REPUBLICANS!
You are being set up. Most of you even KNOW that, and yet you STILL cannot put aside your differences and unite against this situation. I am no one
to brag, things are the same in my country. I still cannot stand the Conservative party when it comes to voting day. But the thing is, that in almost
every other way, I recognise that there is no representation for the common person, as long as uncommon people ( the new definition, not the old one
involving nobility) continue to wield power.
Wise up. The debate that might sprung up around this video might be interesting, but it is not getting anyone anywhere because to debate it as an
extension of the wider discussion had in that chamber, is to let the wool go down over your eyes, and not bat an eye. All of you are better than that,
I know it.