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Family is dead in America, greed and lust for power have destroyed it..

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posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: totallackey

The need to conserve resources and make wise decisions with the money available is exactly the reason WHY the nuclear family (father, mother, children) won't remain together for a longer period of time. The core nucleus (father, mother) will only think of themselves, with their children as liabilities on the expendability of the money. Therefore, the children will be left to fend for themselves at an earlier age leading to criminalistic behavior.

There will be no roles to play because the parents will be so spiteful at the children that it literally will be Running Man.

This is going on in every city in America right now, with fewer and fewer exceptions.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:27 PM
Wanna know why families are disintegrating? Take a look at this thread that has broken down into
snarky comments followed by a hostile rebuttal. Everyone with an opinion all wrapped up in ego.

Just one big happy familly...........

perhaps that's why I spend so much time here; it's so familiar!
edit on 16-6-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: ArchPlayer
a reply to: totallackey

The need to conserve resources and make wise decisions with the money available is exactly the reason WHY the nuclear family (father, mother, children) won't remain together for a longer period of time. The core nucleus (father, mother) will only think of themselves, with their children as liabilities on the expendability of the money. Therefore, the children will be left to fend for themselves at an earlier age leading to criminalistic behavior.

There will be no roles to play because the parents will be so spiteful at the children that it literally will be Running Man.

This is going on in every city in America right now, with fewer and fewer exceptions.

That has nothing to do with the "nuclear" family and everything to do with selfishness and lack of accountability and responsibility.....

The "nuclear" family w their roles did well for thousands of years until peoples inability to think beyond themselves and their own instant self gratification and selfishness took over...

Just becaues you have had a bad experience with people who dont seem to have any family values to take care of each other doesnt mean it doesnt work...

My whole family is like this, and has been this way since before my great grandfather...

We take care of each other...

I work, my wife works, and we take care of our a whole, cousins uncles aunts , all of us look out for each other, because each one of our smaler family units hold those values sacred, that you take care of people...whether they are blood or not

Edit to add: sorry if my reply sounded curt it wasnt meant to be
edit on 6/16/2014 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: sdcigarpig

One of the things that is seen and sadly lacking is personal responsibility. It is easy to say my life stinks, I had a bad childhood, and my siblings did this or that to me. Yet that is just an excuse, it does not matter what your parents do to you, or your brothers or sisters, or family. The only one responsible for your actions is you. And you see it a lot in the news, society and court cases.

Not true. People are not privy to the life they are born into and are only allowed opportunities within that existence. If you are born in knee deep poverty it becomes a way of life for you. It's not an excuse, its a reality of this country's denial of a quality of life for ALL people. While you have personal responsibility to a degree, its limited to the environment you are in. Poor people want a quality of life and if it means selling crack on the corner to some dependent person for a come up they WILL DO IT because its easier than begging some corporation for a minimum wage job and being taxed to death by this government for the privilege.

People suing or complaining that fast food makes them fat, yet no one ever stops and thinks that maybe no one forced a person to eat that hamburger, get the extra-large size or serving. No one thinks that there is a correlation between what goes in and what happens to the body. Yet everyone knows that fast food is not so healthy. The same goes for smoking any other item that people have been told and warned about, from the first day of school to adulthood, such is bad, yet people make a choice. And this has been going on for years, starting back in the 1950’s with the baby boomers.

Have you stopped to think people are being forced to eat that hamburger off the dollar menu because ITS CHEAP? People are eating what is cheap, which these days it is cheaper to hit the dollar menu and get a 99 cent double cheeseburger than trying to get salad stuff that can cost you $$$$. People in inner cities are in FOOD DESERTS and the corner store is all they can access and the cheaper items are chips and pop. Smoking is an entirely different discussion; it was branded into American culture through the advent of television. You can't expect 30 years of smoking sponsors bringing you the likes of Lucy and Desi and think you can convince the populace to turn it off when its been the cool thing to do in motion pictures since day 1.

The next issue is that parents are not allowed to be parents. Spank a child and if someone sees or the child complains, the parent gets into trouble. Children lie, when combined with an over eager investigator, tends to create a nightmare situation. Point in case would be the Kern County case, where it was a case of prosecutor misconduct and where the children were prompted to lie about what had happened.

I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY with this but don't forget the new trend of let your parent be your bestie bull#.

But there is something else and that is a change in society and mindset. Once it was consider being a great social scandal for a woman to have a child out of wedlock, without so much as having a husband involved. Yet there number of children having children has steadily increased. Combined with single parents, where the mother has 2 or more children by more than one father, or men who go out and indiscriminately have children without considering the ramifications of their actions.

Hate to break this to you, but this was never a scandal within the black community. This has been the core foundation of black families since slavery. Even having children at young ages like eleven.

You see it when say a child commits a crime and what do the family and friends say? It isn’t their fault, they are a victim.

And children commit crimes because they learn early on they want the good life; media brands them from Sesame Street and onwards wanting more than their families can give them and they have been indoctrinated by devices to get that life by any means necessary.

People aren't lying to themselves. People are indulging in selected vices made readily available to them.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:40 PM

How much this factor weighs, when considering the many others at play, is yet to be seen. Another thing I failed to mention in my prior post about bad families, was drug addicts in the fam. There's always been drugs, but the amount of designer drugs is just nuts, and they are novel in our species history. I think we're more addicted now as a nation, from the sum total of legal and illegal drugs, than perhaps any other time in our history. We've had lots of drunks, and morphine freaks, but you see more people on something to ease the pain/depression now than not. Not sure it's ever been than high of a number.
a reply to: pl3bscheese

Its no secret that crack coc aine was dealt by our government and flooded into black communities for the sole purpose of destabilizing the black family constraint and it worked. Yes, designer drugs are all over the place and even in water supplies now from it, but isn't this what a dictatorship country does? Nixon got this strategy from Mao back in the 1970s.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:45 PM

We have always had our problems , but who the hell had the "Knock out Game" when they were kids? Its things like this that are just getting worse and worse......
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Well, the gangs when I was growing up in the 1980s had this and worse. They had the "shoot a random civilian" game and you're in.

The cult of violence has escalated in the advent of digital techology and the expansion of cable. No longer is violence apart of the "story" versus the new development of it being the "star".

Until America goes back to quality storytelling (which I doubt due to budget constraints) you will find more and more shows that promote a subliminal and conscious programming to making people numb to violence. Let's be real here, there is a difference in Barney Miller and Law and Order pick a version. Big difference between Charlie's Angels and CSI pick a version.

There is a channel called ID that shows murder porn 24.7. That is where the inspiration for Knock Out Games comes from.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: OrphanApology

I will remember this next time I see a 2 year old on their Iphone.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

Please don't come back with the "physical strength" argument. Women fighting have been working for guerillas in Vietnam, Angola, East Timur, and even El Salvador in the 1980s. That is irrelevent in today's army. Between the designer drugs and trying to make the super solider, both genders are getting their bodies torn up through experimentation.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: ArchPlayer

I'm sure their tactical gear is just as heavy as a US soldier's.

Please don't tell me you're serious.

I can see it now:

Please don't come at me with the "Pullup requirement" argument. I mean, who needs pullups, anyways?

Marine Corp Struggles Challenge Making Women do Pullups

Soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan routinely carry between 60 and 100 pounds of gear including body armor, weapons and batteries.

The heavy loads shouldered over months of duty contribute to the chronic pain suffered by soldiers like Spc. Joseph Chroniger, who deployed to Iraq in 2007.

Twenty-five years old, he has debilitating pain from a form of degenerative arthritis and bone spurs. "I mean my neck hurts every day. Every day," he says. "You can't concentrate on anything but that because it hurts that bad."

Like many soldiers and Marines, Chroniger shouldered 70 to 80 pounds of gear daily.

Strength and muscle characteristics were examined in biceps brachii and vastus lateralis of eight men and eight women. Measurements included motor unit number, size and activation and voluntary strength of the elbow flexors and knee extensors. Fiber areas and type were determined from needle biopsies and muscle areas by computerized tomographical scanning. The women were approximately 52% and 66% as strong as the men in the upper and lower body respectively.

So the men are having issues, but women having about half the upper body strength, and two thirds the lower, and good to go... just to satisfy an ideal that has no reality... right? Not wise, man.
edit on 16-6-2014 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: olaru12

I wouldn't call this a hostile snarky commentary. The ATS family tends to be passionate about certain subjects and its hard to show you have no animosity behind a keyboard.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I did not find your rebuttal to be curt; I deeply enjoy your insights Mask and welcome them.

It still though resolves around the nuclear family (and I do talk about accountability in another thread I was just responding to that particular post).

The nuclear family roles did very well for thousands of years until COLONIALISM expanded and Europe went after women through condemnation and supression of sexuality. Let's not forget the legacy of slavery and the complete eradication of tribal and cultural values that were outlawed on the African transplants. Also lets not forget the complete annihilation of the Native Indigenous peoples around the world, from America to Australia that had entire civilizations based on matriarch family based cultures that were erroneously washed out under patriarch religions. This just didn't happen yesterday. So yes, I agree with you but the selfishness that we see today is glorified from government to media and that should be taken into account over the influence of people.

I come from major city, and have had my fair share of experiences with people of all type. But one thing growing up in a gang torn northern city will teach you is TO WATCH EVERYBODY regardless of whether they have wronged you. Family values has nothing to do with it. You don't want to be caught off guard, family or otherwise.

I'm glad your family like each other, but this is really an anomaly. My family can only get together at funerals, and that is a 45% turn out rate. And let me tell you something, there is always a fight, a shooting, SOMETHING at these events, and its been that way since my great grandmother's time.

The majority of American families just don't give a rip about each other. They only care about themselves and self-interests.

I am very guarded on who I let in my circle. I generally don't like people; had it not been for ATS I would have probably turned into a full time hermit. My significant other knows I am very leery of other people. Case in point, in all the years I had a house, some 10, a total of seven people knew where I lived. None of those were my relatives. Not that they cared to come by my house.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

Doesn't seem to me that women are the ones having problems with fitness. rld/national-security/2012/12/08/13d2e444-40b8-11e2-ae43-cf491b837f7b_story.html

Don't tell me YOU ARE SERIOUS?

Just wait until the gender benders get in on the action. Women, formerly men and vice versa. Your argument is going to collapse like sand.

I know 25 chicks right now can bench 300 and I grew up with female gang bangers that could outshoot and outfight any man.


edit on 16-6-2014 by ArchPlayer because: Hot Rats

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: ArchPlayer

Wow! Talk about being highly illogical. I must have struck a cord. First, there is NO indication that this is limited to men. There isn't a single discussion I saw which spoke of women or men specifically, however there was discussion on weight being the key issue. Are you suggesting females are less in the categories of overweight and obese?


Over half for each gender.

Now, are you going to address the gender specific military article, and journal I posted above?

originally posted by: ArchPlayer
a reply to: pl3bscheese

I know 25 chicks right now can bench 300 and I grew up with female gang bangers that could outshoot and outfight any man.


You're lying.

How Rare is a 300lb Bench Press

Here is the women's world record in bench press raw. A few do get over 300 but they are the larger weight classes. To think you know 25 world class bench pressers, yet have only let 10 people in your house? You've been called out. Get lost.

edit on 16-6-2014 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: onequestion

I'm a baby boomer and a teacher, so I've observed a lot of generations over the years. These are the changes I've observed...

-Lack of respect for parents, the elderly, teachers and those in authority

-Inconsiderate of other peoples feelings

-Self=centered and the feeling of being entitled

-More girls are engaging in physical fighting

-Lack of motivation - Laziness

-Increase in the use of vulgarity in public places

-Girls are now as vulgar and engage in inappropriate conversations as much as boys

-Girls are more motivated academically than boys

-The youth are less physically engaged in athletics (thanks to computer video games)

-Education isn't taken seriously anymore, a lot of students just don't care

-Lack of problem solving skills

-Difficulty following simple written and verbal directions

-Children have less consequences for doing something wrong

-Parents have less rights than their children

-Vulgarity is used in every sentence

-No self-discipline

-Many more children are obese or overweight

-Being rude and having no shame

-Increase in incompetency

-The need for police in schools

-School shootings

-More children are easily exposed to pornography at an early age

-Increase in teen pregnancies

-Increase use in highly addicted drugs like coc aine and heroin

-Teacher Hugs for a job well done is a no no

-A majority of parents no longer discipline their child at home if they've misbehaved in school or disrespected a teacher.

-Cell phones, texting, video games are a students priority

-Vending machines in school hallways, food and soda allowed in classes

-High school fads are more permanent (tattoos and piercings) and last longer than the 10 year average - (the sagging pants fad has been around for over 20 years).

-Poor athlete and celebrity role models and displays of poor morality on reality shows and MTV

-More couples are living together at a younger age than waiting until marriage.

-Vulgarity in music

-More whining and less back bone

-Poor work ethics

-Dumbing down of education

Yeah, the morality in America is on a steady decline. I'm genuinely concerned about the future of our country and the leaders of tomorrow.

edit on 17-6-2014 by WeRpeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: onequestion

Do you have some theory on why? I do, but I'd like to hear yours, if you have one.

Some families are still strong, though. It's far less common these days, but some are doing alright.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 02:02 AM
I actually want to distance myself from my own family. Only because of what I have been through with them. Divorce.... a sister who was scared coming out of college to find out a degree in history teaching, especially just a bachelors degree doesn't guarantee a position in teaching. My fagher owes a few hundred thousand dollars to his own mother and my mother's brother. Then my mother trying hard to be independent but is unable to marries another person interested in porn. My sister married to an illegal from el Salvador. She divorces after having 1 boy witb him... after spending thousands to get him his green card and citizenship. Then gets another boy friend and has an accident... or otherwise Still born baby girl. Then my nephew is having a hard time growing up and is beginning to show signs of my childhood growing up.... yeah.... there are a lot of problems in my family that I just don't want to #ing hear about anymore.

I am cutting off all of my ties to my family tomorrow. Finally my mission of achieving true peace is near. I just have to wake up before they notice that I have disappeared.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 02:11 AM
To the OP and other's with bad life experiences.

Don't judge other families on the basis of your own experiences. Just because you have had a crap time does not mean that everyone else has. From what I can see from the American side of my family, they have solid family structures.


posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 03:05 AM
I love how women get blamed for the breakdown of the family, you would think that men play absolutely no part in it.

"Yeah im just a man, my only role is to return home after 6pm five days a week so i can call myself a man, other than that all i really do is eat and fix things... yano.. like a man. The family thing is all to do with women, im not taking any responsibility when it comes to that sh!t, my penis forbids me."

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 05:43 AM

You're lying.
a reply to: pl3bscheese

You will be surprised what testosterone shots can do for a woman. You can also be surprised if you happen to go to Chicago and go up to some of the south side high schools and see the female football players benching. Or to the boxing gyms. Just because it isn't "reported" doesn't mean it isn't happening.

I think you are lying simply so you can prove your weak ass argument women are biologically inferior.

Can a man push a baby through his ass? No. Women are capable of strength with training, same as men. I've seen it.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

Be honest in the analysis of where the change comes from.

Parents, elderly, and most teachers, and especially those in authority have no respect for the students.
Everyone in the collective has been inconsiderate of other people's feelings. Starts at home.
The narcissism and self centered self entitlement comes from the babyboomers. Sorry. Started with them.
Don't know where you are from, but back in the 80s girls were fist fighting in the street with dudes, more than them.
Lack of motivation comes in the breakdown of this test score based curriculum. Teachers were fazed out.
Don't know where you are from, but back in the 80s we all cursed in the 1st grade. Some were openly allowed via parent.
What do you consider inappropriate conversation for girls? Sex has been on the brain for both generations since forever.
Girls outnumber boys these days in America so they would be more academically accelerated.
The youth are less physically engaged in athletics because playing tag now gets them arrested.
Education isn't taken seriously anymore by the administration and teachers can't do their jobs.
Lack of problem solving skills comes from lack of teaching critical thinking, see above post.
Difficulty following simple written and verbal directions comes from desocializing and focusing only on test scores.
Children have prison to look forward to for doing something wrong. Ask Texas.
Parents gave their rights over so they could have safety nets like no child left behind.
Vulgarity has been used in every sentence around every adult I know, even as a kid. There was no censorship.
Self discipline cannot exist without some of the aforementioned changing.
Children are obese or overweight from all the GMO and hormones in the food.
Children emulate rude and no shame from their parents.
Increase in incompetency comes from being plugged on a cpu all day and encouraged to surrender independence to it.
There is no need for police in schools, that is an administration decision that creates a School to Prison pipeline.
Hate to tell you but in the North, kids were shooting in school all the way back to the 1960s.
Children have always been easily exposed to pornography at an early age, its just more widespread via internet.
Teen pregnancies have always existed in the black community since slavery, this is nothing new.
The high increase in coc aine happened in the 1970s, crack in the 1980s, weed in the 1960s and again in the 1990s.
Teacher hugs can't exist because of the administration's lack of balls on the subject.
Parents can't discipline their child at home because the kid can call and lie and get them arrested.
Cell phones, texting, video games are a students priority because its enforced all around them as normal.
Vending machines in school hallways, food and soda allowed in classes is administration policies for extra revenue.
High school fads being more permanent have existed since the teens of the 1950s wanted to be cool and have gangs.
Poor athlete and celebrity role models and displays of poor morality on reality shows and MTV has existed since their mediums were created.
More couples are living together at a younger age because who wants to be bothered with the legalities and cost of a marriage.
Music has always had vulgarity. Roll With Me Henry by Etta James. Little Red Rooster by Howlin Wolf ring a bell?
More whining and less back bone is because critical thinking is not implored.
Poor work ethics is due to the dependency of electronic devices.
Dumbing down of education has been going on since the 1950s. Century of Self by Edward Bernays.

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