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Crop circles 2014

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posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: RifRAAF

To me this looks like the Earth and moon, the small dot being the moon... I have no idea what any of the other iconography is... you mean the smallest dot which seems to be orbiting the larger interior circle, or the middle sized dark circle on the outside connected to the inner large circle?

Maybe the inside circle represents the Earth, the one dot which looks like to be orbiting could be the moon, and the larger one on the outside could be the Sun?

Or maybe this is a representation of some kind of interaction between molecules or atoms of a type we are not familiar with?

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE
Yeah that dot is the moon and is rotating around the Earth, thats what I how I'm looking it as.

I dont think the outer dot with the circle around it is the sun, its too small I think, maybe Mars?

My guess is as good as anyones

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 09:30 AM
sure would be nice if someone would take investigation seriously, put up some cameras on the fields that are notorious for crop circles and prove it out once and for all. Personally I dont believe aliens are doing this, I would hope it was true but Ive just got such a hard time buying into the notion that ET would still be carving symbols into our fields.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
Typical growth node of bent stalk characteristic of "real circles", not found in "hoaxers" circles:

This is a point consistently made on some websites supporting the crop circle industry. All very persuasive, but misleading.

To those who live in the country and have actually walked by the side of a wheat field e.g. down a footpath, where wheat is damaged by walkers this "bent growth node" is common. It is where the stem has broken at the node and regrown at an angle. Therefore, even in "hoaxer" circles you will get "bent nodes" if the wheat is still growing and has not been completely snapped. In other words, it's all down to technique and time of year, when creating the circle.

Just trying to dispel a myth.

edit on 15/6/2014 by paraphi because: typo

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 10:12 AM
Here's a classic crop circle thread that discusses a possible connection between crop circles and cymatics. Imho cymatics will be a key factor to solving this mystery.


posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

I thought the same...

The innermost large circle being the Sun
The next closest circle, being Earth (as it is the 3rd 'orbit' from the center)

The furthest our circle though... must be a body of significance?

Maybe the square inside the large circle represents a barrier or some kind? Kuiper belt?
Maybe another significant barrier in space, we have yet to understand?

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
Typical growth node of bent stalk characteristic of "real circles", not found in "hoaxers" circles:

This is a point consistently made on some websites supporting the crop circle industry. All very persuasive, but misleading.

To those who live in the country and have actually walked by the side of a wheat field e.g. down a footpath, where wheat is damaged by walkers this "bent growth node" is common. It is where the stem has broken at the node and regrown at an angle. Therefore, even in "hoaxer" circles you will get "bent nodes" if the wheat is still growing and has not been completely snapped. In other words, it's all down to technique and time of year, when creating the circle.

Just trying to dispel a myth.


Your premise is quite easy to disprove. A stalk of wheat is not that different from a stalk of grass, stem of a flower, stem of a weed, twig of a tree etc. Go ahead and break one from a live plant and tell me what happens. On none will you see a growth node at the bent part the next day. In fact I will go outside now, break some stalks/twigs stems on some living organisms, and watch for the growth node tomorrow. Will post results next time I'm online, which may be a few days as I have a busy week ahead.

So that IS what's so distinctive about the non-hoaxer circles, the growth node on the bent part of the stalk the next day, which science cannot repeat.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: seentoomuch
Here's a classic crop circle thread that discusses a possible connection between crop circles and cymatics. Imho cymatics will be a key factor to solving this mystery.


Cymatics, first time I've heard of that! Certainly those crop circles match well to the pics in the OP of that thread you have linked, will study further, thanks for the info!

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: AlphaHawk

You still are not quite grasping my question. It's not about the maths and the practice drawing.

I am talking about the practical logistic of doing it in a field at night and doing a complex drawing accurately under those circumstances.

For me, drawing a complex geometric drawing (or folding as in origami) my measurements and lines are just a tad off and as I add to the drawing the error increases for each iteration. Sure I can do a perfect drawing on a computer and print it out and its accurate in all its measurements and angles, but I cannot do that my hand. The level of difficultly in doing in with the precision I seen in many crop circles, over an uneven field (even slightly), in the dark, in a short period of time with just a string and board (s) is one I can't imagine.

I looked at the early circle in this years season and many of them display these types of inaccuracies. Angles not idenical, variable spacing between elements and they look slopier then what I could do with pencil, straight edge and compass on paper. Those are man made and I can see how it is done within the parameters of time and tools.

Some crop circles look just as precise as a computer drew them and unless there is some giant crop plotter that no one knows about I don't see how.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: leolady
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

I'm interested.

First we need a catalog of all known crop circles 2014. We may even need to go as far as referencing the time/date and place of each circle. Then we can begin deciphering what we see and put together our best guesses at each of their meanings and what they may represent.

Is there an easy way to do this? It would take a bit of time doing the research as there is no one source to pull this data from. It is all scattered all over the place right now. It would take a lot of time and commitment to do such a project, however the results will be rewarding.

If they were all man made we would probably be able to see patterns emerge, such as a theme in the crop circle they have chosen to make if it is from the same group of crop circle makers. If they are alien in origin then we may start to see a clear message form following the patterns and documenting them as they appear.

I'd be willing to do it with other members that are interested.


posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: seentoomuch
Here's a classic crop circle thread that discusses a possible connection between crop circles and cymatics. Imho cymatics will be a key factor to solving this mystery.


Thanks for the link. Cymatics would make sense as crop circles are only found where ground water is close to the surface and in certain types of soils. And it also would support my theory of Collective SELF/self communication. The means by which the collective human SELF is trying to communicate.

edit on 15-6-2014 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 03:14 PM
All depends what sort of information you downloaded into the Genetically Modified Organism i guess.

But but but....Steve Quayle is a Quack right? No wonder they don't have to classify some things anymore or kill as many (suicided or accidented ) loose ends anymore

Its just all a bunch of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories right? Deny

Richard Rockefeller, great-grandson of John D. Rockefeller, dies in plane crash

edit on 15-6-2014 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

1st one had to have been made by humans...sloppy...and says NO MORE WAR in morse code

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 10:22 PM
I don't dispute the possibility that not all crop circles were man made however I have yet to see a crop circle that couldn't be made by humans, hell give a group of us architecture students a night and we could replicate the majority of theses circles, we don't sleep anyway.

What I really wan't is extremely accurate measurements of the crop circles before I can come to my own conclusions as to who, or what made then and what they are trying to convey.

Cymatics is an interesting concept as well, or maybe a mad scientist released a fleet genetically modified Chinch bug which get sporadic barley cravings and run in circles as they eat due to magnetic interference. It looks like I'm ripping into Cymatics, but I was just having a brain fart, it's an area which I'm going to research now.

On a side note, I really want to run a summer workshop making crop circles now, brand it an:
ARC 001 Exploring duality of Cartesian-Western perspective in a Non-Euclidean universe, the field study.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

if that spiral of dots and dashes were Morse Code, it would read


does that mean anything to anyone ?

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: MasterKaman

oh sorry PlanetX you are right E NO MORE WAR !!

BTW where IS "planetX" nowadays ?

seems to have disappeared off the Infra Red radars

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

This may have been posted, but I'm up past my sleepy time and can't read the whole thread.

Your top picture is obviously man mad. It is morse code and says "no more war"!

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
Yes, some are definitely man-made, however, thousands have not an ounce of evidence to prove that they are.

Actually, there is not a ounce of evidence to show crop circles are not all man made...

So, for me the important questions are:

1. What message(s) are the real circles attempting to convey to human kind?

What makes you think there is a message in them?

2. Why do some go out of their way to deny that some circles are not made by humans,

A much better question is why do some people go out of their way to try and deny that they are all made by humans?

but I'm not going to debate the fact that some crop circles are of non-human origin.

As you know for a fact that you would lose that debate, as they are all man made!

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 12:27 AM
I remember a few years back a circle formation appeared on a frozen river, the ice was not thick enough for anyone to walk on and nothing above to be suspended from. Unless the makers had use of a silent helicopter then there does appear to be something unusual going on, not all circles or patterns are formed in crop fields. There are reports of them in trees, snow, vegetable patches and other places, some of the crop formations are truly amazing in design, how they weave these formations and bend them without breaking them, is a huge achievement for any hoaxer given the time scales involved.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: micpsi

I'm not trying to debunk you here, and can't answer the issues you raise about swelling of nodes and explosion of steam etc, but to say there are NO stalks showing any sign of being crushed or broken is plain wrong. I've been to loads of crop circles. I live in North Wiltshire, and me and my dad use to regularly drive down to crop circle sites at the weekends and have a mooch about - this went on every summer for years during the early nineties and then again in early 2000s. I can assure you there's plenty of signs of crushed and broken stalks, in every circle I went to. From the air the circles look perfect, but close up there are plenty of signs that they are man-made, including regular indentations at the bottom of the 'walls' of these circles, which are evenly spaced and consistent with a foot stepping onto the corn every other step and plenty of broken and crushed corn inside. (Of course I'm not a researcher, and have no evidence for this other than I've seen it with my own eyes, regularly) I went from really wanting to believe they were something otherworldly, to reluctantly accepting they were probably just man-made...

...on the other hand, there are still quite a few unexplained stories that, living in these parts, you sometimes hear about the crop circle sites, so I'm not a complete disbeliever. Lights, noises, and a very weird story about some kind of sugary resin that was found in one of the circles that played havoc with electrical equipment at the lab. This last story I remember reading in our local paper, must have been back in the 90s. I must admit I've not kept up on crop circle stuff for ages - people round here don't tend to get too excited about them anymore, but maybe I should if there's lots of new evidence (as you say, about swelling of nodes etc).

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