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NASA scientists reveal 3D model of warp drive ship that can get to Alpha Centuri in 2 weeks 8| *pics

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posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 06:30 PM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: TiM3LoRd

I'm not trying to burst your warp drive bubble. What I'd like to know is how to circumvent the problem, and catastrophic results, of hitting things at that speed.

The image is, as I'm sure you've seen, a fleck of paint that nearly pierced the windscreen of the space shuttle some years ago.

Kind Regards

that's the whole beauty of it, when you succeed in creating the warp (bubble) and like he said the space behind the craft is contracting as the space in front is expanding ,you are basically in a protective bubble (picture a golf ball moving between two bed sheets on top of each other). so as the space expands in front it pushes any debris away from the craft . in theory

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 07:17 PM
Its all theoretical stuff. When one must bend space and travel through it and around it, one must first know what space is, what this guy is doing is just running tests to gather what space is, when he gets there well then bending space to make a protective bubble around a ship he hopes comes next. At one point there was "space" and there was "time" the two were kind of the same but not really, and everybody in this world thought of them as separate, now a days the accustomed wording is "spacetime" and in that they have made progress.

As in the spacetime continuum. I listened to his vid, and its kind of kiddish I cringed on his explanation on compressing a table with your thumb, and the reason why it could not be done is because you do not have enough chemical energy in you muscles to do that. Why sure, but only if you come from krypton and your cellular structure were totally alien could metabolize solar radiation and have a big "S" on your chest, but if you reduce the strain size to a nanometer you might be able to do it and reduce the energy required. I mean sure, but its kind of like saying if man had wings like a bird he should be able to fly, now maybe if man had hollow bones and the body weight and muscle ration of a bird somewhere around 100 pounds he could glide with those wings for some period of time before succumbing to fatigue because the human body and hands cant even hold two 30 pound dumbbells arms out side by side for more then a minute and then they would have to have some serious strength and train for years, the average person gets tired holding a footplate arms out side to side in a few seconds, but to fly like a bird you must be in the shape of a bird as well as be in the same space and time, which is why man build airplanes. But if he could fly like a bird in body, at which point he is not a man anymore but a bird in both body and mind.

There is one problem with this whole thing, it requires a lot of things which have not been discovered or been created, a whole lot of exotic matter which just may not exist. So ya you create a space time bubble around your spaceship, but before all that...A simple question, what is this space time bubble shield made of, and can you at least show a simple example of it? I mean it does not have to be big like a space ship, I mean can you make one around a penny or a small engine? Or anything really.

But hey far be it for me to be a partypooper, and I do think that spam in a can in space which we call spaceships are kind of hilarious, so ya why not. I am totally for space travel, however what there going on about wont work, and they are not strong enough to reach into the aether to make it a reality, they can make all the math they want, all the theories they want, all the data they want, they can even make everybody on the planet believe that it works, and all the gadgets they want, however that just may not be enough. This ain't something as simple as talking through some waves to somebody on the other side of the planet, or even the other side of the galaxy, or something simple as that, it will require a bit more then that. Nor do I really think no matter how hilarious that having a bunch of humans in space or in alpha centauri would be all that desirable. However the idea and theory can work, but not for a while as its got so many holes in it that it just may be swiss cheese, not to saying that the whole concept or idea is impossible because it isn't, just saying wont work like that, and i agree with some other member on here that said the whole q-thruster may be a better thing to better spend time and energy on as its more likely and more practical with the tech and understanding we have of spacetime right now.

The other stuff, while that pic of that spaceship is cool looking, its just a model made on a computer you can see many much better modeled models in many videogames, its images only, and it will still be a while before they even figure out how we all stick on to this rock which is going what thousands of miles per second around a sun which it itself and this whole milky way is spinning around this corner of the galaxy at somewhere at hundreds of miles per second. And in all that we dont fly off the planet. What I am saying is we still dont really know what gravity is, or what space or time is, and most people still think time exists outside of an observer. I do believe that is called getting a bit ahead of yourself. Again not to be accused of being a partypooper but there obviously doing it wrong in a lot of areas.
edit on 7pmThursdaypm122014f4pmThu, 12 Jun 2014 19:22:47 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: paradiselost333

I can get my head around avoiding small bits and pieces.

I cannot get my head around how to dodge a planet/blackhole and the like. Particularly at warp factor 10.

Kind Regards

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 07:54 PM
And we are suppose to believe aliens who could have billions years woth of advancement on us can't possibly visit earth because of the distances??

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: libertytoall
And we are suppose to believe aliens who could have billions years woth of advancement on us can't possibly visit earth because of the distances??

I think this is all part of a slow indoctrination into the fact that we are not alone in the universe.

Its more for the sheep than those with an open mind.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: TiM3LoRd

I'm not trying to burst your warp drive bubble. What I'd like to know is how to circumvent the problem, and catastrophic results, of hitting things at that speed.

The image is, as I'm sure you've seen, a fleck of paint that nearly pierced the windscreen of the space shuttle some years ago.

Kind Regards

The ship would be inside the bubble. Everything inside the bubble would be protected by space-time itself.

Don't think of this as going faster than the speed of light, but bending space around you to seem as though you are. Presumably any micrometeoroids in non-warp space would be bent around the warp bubble.

If it works.....and that's a big if. As of now, warp drives are still sci-fi until a small scale (think 2 atom wide) warp bubble can be created.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: libertytoall
And we are suppose to believe aliens who could have billions years woth of advancement on us can't possibly visit earth because of the distances??

The question has never been whether they could. It's whether given the vast amount of space they would choose this one tiny part of it to visit.

There are billions of planets like Earth in our Galaxy alone. You have to have a very good argument for why aliens would spend the resources to get here.

Interstellar travel will not be a trivial thing like driving across a country, even to a species billions of years more advanced than us. That judgement is based on math and energy.

If you argue for alien visitation of Earth you have to have a very good reason why they would expend that kind of energy and resources to get here rather than one of the other 50 billion Earthlike planets.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: myselfaswell

Well planets and even blackholes are easy to dodge, you can kind of see them coming from light years away, there kind of big and hard to miss, and so just dont be in there way when you get to there point/place in space and time, after all plenty of space, out there in space, to make maneuvers. But a pebble of floating in space hitting you at warp factor 10 would light your spaceship up like a million million firecrackers in the sky, and there a bit more harder to see coming.

However even moving at that speed and mass would in itself even the kinetic energy alone move anything smaller then the mass you would generate and move them out of the way, kind of like how a incoming wave moves seaweed and dead wood and anything in the water or directly bellow it away from it and along its trajectory, or how a speedboat or big ocean cruiser would move all that floats on the water out of its way merely by the waves it would generate in front of it at those speeds, any floating debris would literally part ways on the waves it would generate directly in front of it like there hitting an invisible shield and bouncing off long before they would reach the ship.

Now space being a bit more tricky and complicated surviving and being at those speeds and mass, that would be more of a trick then sitting on the bow of a ship and watching the waves part in front you while the cool breeze hits your face. What I think there trying to say using all that star trek lingo is, that if they somehow go at those speeds and had some ship or shielding that they could generate it may have the same sort of effects as a speedboat zipping in the marina, you know minus the whole icky part were going at those speeds your tiny ship may just weigh as much as a small moon, and the closer you would get to light speed the closer you would get to hitting a cosmic brick wall it would be like a car made of paper were to hit a concrete wall going 200 miles per hour, which is why cars are not made of paper, because being mass-less while it sounds cool and all, it kind of does not work like they think it does if your trying to generate propulsion and maintain speeds at that proportion and those propulsion's.

You ever wonder if like on earth here with the atmosphere if there are any sonic booms or there equivalent in space for every time some ship hits warp drive? I bet you they have not either, they may want to look into it, after all what is space after all? It cant just be a whole bunch of nothing in between a few rocks/planets stars and galaxies of gas now and then for long stretches of eons, the nothingness of space for all intensive purposes just may be made of something this thing we call nothing and sometimes when convenient for our purposes we like to call it the spacetime fabric as if its made of something. An apt analogy yet not completely full of holes, however not completely flawed either.
edit on 8pmThursdaypm122014f4pmThu, 12 Jun 2014 20:33:36 -0500 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: JadeStar

originally posted by: libertytoall
And we are suppose to believe aliens who could have billions years woth of advancement on us can't possibly visit earth because of the distances??

The question has never been whether they could. It's whether given the vast amount of space they would choose this one tiny part of it to visit.

There are billions of planets like Earth in our Galaxy alone. You have to have a very good argument for why aliens would spend the resources to get here.

Interstellar travel will not be a trivial thing like driving across a country, even to a species billions of years more advanced than us. That judgement is based on math and energy.

If you argue for alien visitation of Earth you have to have a very good reason why they would expend that kind of energy and resources to get here rather than one of the other 50 billion Earthlike planets.

We have game of thrones...

I cant think of any other reason to visit this wild cacophony of a planet..Actually this planet is a Honey pot for variety and variation on freedom. Extremes of all types inhabit this biosphere. And im just talking about the sentient variety. The weird and wonderful different permutations that life has taken would be worth the visit here.

Think about it like this, if a planet was a movie you cant argue this planet isnt interesting I mean so many contradictions and paradoxes. love, hate, intelligence, stupidity, life ,death. I mean these things could all exist on other planets but not in exactly the same variation as on this planet. Billions of years of isolated evolution creates an unique reality we call life on earth that a sentient life form might find interesting. If I was an alien floating through space and I heard the party going on I would stop in for a quick geeze.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 08:56 PM
what bull!
"nothing can go faster than the speed of light"
they say.

um! the big band and this ship can ! !
Scientists are full of it!
they make it up as they go along.

and they say its the truth of mater and the universe.
they are hoping you miss the bit
about Nothing going faster than light.

what Next!!!

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:11 PM
Awesome. The things man can achieve is just truly incredible, but still there are various different factors which will make this become probably more distant. Achieving a height like this will for sure have its problems and for sure consequences.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: buddha
what bull!
"nothing can go faster than the speed of light"
they say.

um! the big band and this ship can ! !
Scientists are full of it!
they make it up as they go along.

and they say its the truth of mater and the universe.
they are hoping you miss the bit
about Nothing going faster than light.

what Next!!!

The ship would not be travelling faster the the speed of light.

Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, but space/time in theory can be bent in such a way that the distances covered are shorter, thus giving the illusion that the ship is travelling faster than light but in reality just the space around it is.

For practical purposes the ship would be covering the same distance as if it were travelling faster than light but within space/time it would never be travelling even close to the speed of light. Warp bubble would be making it seem like it is.

That probably makes no sense to you. I tried.
edit on 12-6-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:26 PM


a reply to: eManym


Dreams, my friend. Dreams.

Man has ever been a dreamer. Some good. Some bad. Some nightmares. But dreams, never the less.

Whether this works in the future, or not, it feeds other dreams that just might.

Without dreams, you don't have that computer keyboard to comment. Without dreams, man doesn't now fly across the oceans in mere fractions of the time it takes to walk twenty miles...

Who hasn't looked up at the stars twinkling so charmingly on a muggy summer night? ...and possibly dreamed of going to see what's Out There? I have.

For anything to be possible, it needs to be dreamed of first.

Man has always been, at heart, an explorer. A pusher of horizons. This is the next great, perhaps the final, horizon. This is where our destiny lies.

...and this dream, and dreams like it, will enable it.

That's why. Dreams.

Will the reality match the dream? God alone knows right now, but maybe someday, we'll know too.

To get there, though, we need dreamers. Science is, ultimately, about making dreams concrete reality.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: TiM3LoRd

originally posted by: JadeStar

originally posted by: libertytoall
And we are suppose to believe aliens who could have billions years woth of advancement on us can't possibly visit earth because of the distances??

The question has never been whether they could. It's whether given the vast amount of space they would choose this one tiny part of it to visit.

There are billions of planets like Earth in our Galaxy alone. You have to have a very good argument for why aliens would spend the resources to get here.

Interstellar travel will not be a trivial thing like driving across a country, even to a species billions of years more advanced than us. That judgement is based on math and energy.

If you argue for alien visitation of Earth you have to have a very good reason why they would expend that kind of energy and resources to get here rather than one of the other 50 billion Earthlike planets.

We have game of thrones...

I cant think of any other reason to visit this wild cacophony of a planet..Actually this planet is a Honey pot for variety and variation on freedom. Extremes of all types inhabit this biosphere. And im just talking about the sentient variety. The weird and wonderful different permutations that life has taken would be worth the visit here.

Think about it like this, if a planet was a movie you cant argue this planet isnt interesting I mean so many contradictions and paradoxes. love, hate, intelligence, stupidity, life ,death. I mean these things could all exist on other planets but not in exactly the same variation as on this planet. Billions of years of isolated evolution creates an unique reality we call life on earth that a sentient life form might find interesting. If I was an alien floating through space and I heard the party going on I would stop in for a quick geeze.

Well if your scenario was worth spending all of that energy, don't you think it would make more sense logically to just send some nanoscale probes which could remotely monitor us like the cameras on a reality-tv show rather than waste tons of resources building macro scale warp ships to visit in person?

Advanced aliens would be at least somewhat logical or else they would likely not have invented the means to get here in the first place.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 09:31 PM
umm... I don't get it. Just because somebody is working on this tech, doesn't mean we're even close. This is just as exciting to me as someone showing me a model they built of the Enterprise.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: stopbeingnaive
umm... I don't get it. Just because somebody is working on this tech, doesn't mean we're even close. This is just as exciting to me as someone showing me a model they built of the Enterprise.

The difference is that they are actually conducting experiments to see if a warp drive is even possible with this approach.

Its more like someone showing you a little model car 50 to 100 years before the first steam powered automobiles.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: JadeStar

originally posted by: TiM3LoRd

originally posted by: JadeStar

originally posted by: libertytoall
And we are suppose to believe aliens who could have billions years woth of advancement on us can't possibly visit earth because of the distances??

The question has never been whether they could. It's whether given the vast amount of space they would choose this one tiny part of it to visit.

There are billions of planets like Earth in our Galaxy alone. You have to have a very good argument for why aliens would spend the resources to get here.

Interstellar travel will not be a trivial thing like driving across a country, even to a species billions of years more advanced than us. That judgement is based on math and energy.

If you argue for alien visitation of Earth you have to have a very good reason why they would expend that kind of energy and resources to get here rather than one of the other 50 billion Earthlike planets.

We have game of thrones...

I cant think of any other reason to visit this wild cacophony of a planet..Actually this planet is a Honey pot for variety and variation on freedom. Extremes of all types inhabit this biosphere. And im just talking about the sentient variety. The weird and wonderful different permutations that life has taken would be worth the visit here.

Think about it like this, if a planet was a movie you cant argue this planet isnt interesting I mean so many contradictions and paradoxes. love, hate, intelligence, stupidity, life ,death. I mean these things could all exist on other planets but not in exactly the same variation as on this planet. Billions of years of isolated evolution creates an unique reality we call life on earth that a sentient life form might find interesting. If I was an alien floating through space and I heard the party going on I would stop in for a quick geeze.

Well if your scenario was worth spending all of that energy, don't you think it would make more sense logically to just send some nanoscale probes which could remotely monitor us like the cameras on a reality-tv show rather than waste tons of resources building macro scale warp ships to visit in person?

Advanced aliens would be at least somewhat logical or else they would likely not have invented the means to get here in the first place.

Sure you could watch life in 4k ultra HD but there is nothing like actually experiencing it in the flesh so to speak.

And how do you suppose those nano probes are going to get here?

Regardless depending on the civilization and what they hold valuable how they experience or interact with us will be unique.

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 01:43 AM
Re: forcefield problem:

I did a bit of private warp field research and **actual experiments** back in 2004 for use in deep space exploration applications. My setup is scaled down but is scalable to any size as desired and permitted by resources.

My version of the warp drive also produced force-field effect ahead of the direction of travel...

But it's not technically a shield since it seemed to move things in one direction so it would "suck" things behind the direction of travel.

So if a ship using my warp drive took off in a desert, it would take some of the sand with it, behind it, producing a trail... ...And as a consequence of it, an ordinary ship could tag along the warp ship at relativistic speeds if it stayed close enough.

I figure any warp-capable ship would demonstrate similar capabilities so no need for a separate "force field" since the warp drive actually doubles as propulsion and a frontal force field (akin to Start Trek's "deflector dish")

Ironically, the real warp drive principles and the engine itself + deflector is a lot simpler (and cheaper) than what is depicted in Star Trek series.

Lastly, my warp drive also violated Newton's 3rd Law of motion even after taking into account any existing "exhaust" which is none since it operates purely by electricity (The experimental setup also eliminated all possibilities of ion exhaust). The thrust also exceeded 10x, the calculable maximum thrust - if it were using all the power to generate radiation at 100% conversion efficiency in one direction like a rocket....

In other words, it is 10x more energy efficient in converting energy to thrust than a theoretical ship using anti-matter in a classic rocket-style Newtonian propulsion.

It is calculated to be less efficient than a conventional rocket at low speeds... But in reaching the speed of light, it is 10x more efficient than even a rocket using anti-matter in a classic Newtonian style propulsion.

I figure, to solve the low speed efficiency "problem" the warp ship must spend a little time as possible accelerating in the low-speed regime... In other words, it must accelerate to relativistic speeds in only a matter of seconds.

I figure the problem could be solved if the drive could be designed to safely, efficiently, and instantly harness the energy released by a low-yield nuclear explosion - since a large banks of high-energy capacitor would be prohibitively large - weight is not a problem in warp-drive mechanics, but size since a warp drive is akin to antigravity also - it negates the mass... ...It is but pure acceleration. That is why no matter how heavy an object is, it falls at the same speed. The warp drive actually makes its own gravity. But enclosing a bigger ship require a lot more energy so if you make a ship as small possible while retaining its mission functionality, the better.

Since my drive makes direct use of electric fields, it might be entirely possible to harness the intense ionization effects of a nuclear explosion. The nuclear explosive itself had to be specially designed to emit as much ionizing radiation (including alpha and beta radiation) and as little blast and fragmentation to eliminate damage to ship or anything near it. For best results, I think antimatter is the best source of instantaneous incredible amount of ionizing radiation.

I think Star Trek got it pretty close, the specific use of anti-matter (warp core) as the heart of the warp-drive itself, the instantaneous acceleration to relativistic speeds, and the direct use of warp plasma. The only difference in my concept is the lack of "plasma conduits" in Star Trek (mine is a direct feed, it cannot use plasma conduits like in Star Trek, else, it will blow the ship apart!). The warp drive wraps around the "warp core" itself which could be energized by nuclear explosives (until we safely and economically figure how to manufacture and store antimatter) - for extreme space time warping for instant acceleration - to save energy.

The only possible bad thing about my warp drive concept is that if excessive energy is used and there is enough debris or matter nearby, it could be sucked in by the intense warp field and the debris turning into a "micro black hole". The warp drive itself can also launch a ship off a planet from the surface but extreme care must be taken, else, the launching platform could be transformed into a black hole (which could destroy our planet!!!). For such function, it's probably ill-advised to use nuclear explosives but an energy source than can be precisely throttle, which is obviously anti-matter.

I think I've already let out too much of my secrets, lol! I just want to get my "baby" out. I'm only a private researcher, hoping someone a lot more capable and funded than me (with access to restricted, cutting edge nuclear devices) could pick up some of my ideas for warp flight.

This technology must not fall into the wrongs hands though. As useful as it seems, it may capable of generating a sizeable black hole that is big enough not to evaporate (as per Stephen Hawking) if infused with matter from the environment and slowly consume and ultimately wipe out an entire planet with all its inhabitants. I've had repeating nightmares of it when I was three years old. I hope it won't be our fate...
edit on 13-6-2014 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: ahnggk

Can you verify any of these claims??

Because they are mighty indeed.

posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: TheLegend

I think that it is important to note that while the US government will not prove that it has no data on UFO, aliens and so on, by declassifying all even tangentially related files on the subject, nor can Gary McKinnon prove that what he saw is what he thinks he saw, or indeed that he saw anything of any relevance to that wider topic at all, while inside the NASA systems, or those of any of the government departments that he allegedly accessed.

There is little on the face of this planet, which I take on purely face value. This applies to UFOlogy as much as it does anything else. In my opinion,until there is physical, hold it in your hand evidence, that one can test to the Nth degree, study intensely and with rigorous standards, that says categorically that any one of the many tales of encounters, sightings and abductions are true, that we have indeed got UFO locked away in hangars and bunkers in secret places, then I will not believe those tales.

I will however be open minded to the possibility of those things being true, but until I see better evidence that I can interact with personally, I will not be able to form any opinion of greater significance than that, and I think that the habit of doing so is one which actually lessens the value of UFO research in general.

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