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NASA scientists reveal 3D model of warp drive ship that can get to Alpha Centuri in 2 weeks 8| *pics

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posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: TuEsIncredibiliterStultus

Thx for the still... that is exactly what I mean.

Star for you my friend..

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: big_BHOY

A nerd responds:

Space craft in Star Trek do not travel through planets. They have complex navigational computers which can tell what objects are coming up from light years away, and offer guidance to helm operators to prevent craft from intercepting a vast array of objects, from black holes, to stars, and a whole host of other things.

The only scenario in which space craft in the Star Trek universe end up inside of other objects by passing through them, is during failed experiments into alternative cloaking technologies.
Topic specific response:

But you are absolutely right about the warp bubble effect that is being studied at the moment. In the model currently being worked over, a craft suspended inside a warp bubble, is traveling in a small area of normal space time, surrounded by warped space, so although the bubble is travelling through space at extreme speed, the craft and the space within that bubble are isolated from the insane acceleration and the dangers related to it.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: rickymouse
Alpha Centauri in two weeks? So how would we actually know if they got there or not.

All trips into deep space (outside our solar neighborhood using some kind of exotic "FTL" or warp drive) are one-way. Even if a ship was somehow able to implode into itself and vector off to some nearby star, the trip might seem "instantaneous" to them, but time is going to chug right along for us.


if you botherec to read into it there is no time dilation. Its not traverling the speed of light, in theroy its not moveing.
Times passes the same on board for those on the ship as it does for those on earth.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: TiM3LoRd

It is odd that he never talked about how the ring was supposed to withstand Warp speed. The ring surrounding the ship would create the condition for the ship. But what will create the wright conditions for the Attached surrounding rings to fallow the ship and not break off?

The Whole thing would need the same conditions to Reach byond light speed.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

If you pay attention it is only the clocks that are the same. The clock on the ship is the same as on Earth. That does not mean there is no time dilation.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 01:49 AM

originally posted by: spy66
a reply to: TiM3LoRd

It is odd that he never talked about how the ring was supposed to withstand Warp speed. The ring surrounding the ship would create the condition for the ship. But what will create the wright conditions for the Attached surrounding rings to fallow the ship and not break off?

The Whole thing would need the same conditions to Reach byond light speed.

Again the ring and the entire ship is encapsulated WITHIN the warp field. Does the crust of the earth sit out side the earths electromagnetic field? No...same principle.

The ship generates the field, the field is LARGER than the ship. or there would be no point.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: spy66

No, the implications of this are that a two week travel to another star system would take two weeks for both those in the craft and those left on earth - they would both experience time at the same rate. They are circumventing relativity by making it irrelevant.

In fact, I am at a loss as to what you think is happening. Are you supposing that inside the bubble, it would take them two weeks, but outside the bubble it would appear to take much longer? If so, you haven't availed yourself of full story.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: stumason
a reply to: spy66

No, the implications of this are that a two week travel to another star system would take two weeks for both those in the craft and those left on earth - they would both experience time at the same rate. They are circumventing relativity by making it irrelevant.

In fact, I am at a loss as to what you think is happening. Are you supposing that inside the bubble, it would take them two weeks, but outside the bubble it would appear to take much longer? If so, you haven't availed yourself of full story.

Time dilation is only a Mathematical theory, it has not been tested or proven to take Place With light speed.
That is my take on time dilation.

But theoretically it should take Place. Because at the speed of light the particles inside the ship should slow Down and seam Equal to the motion of particles in space surrounding the ship. This means that the particles inside the ship are Equal to the motion of particles outside the ship. Because the particles outside the ship do not accelerate With the ship. The ship accelerates up to the motion of particles which is light speed. On Earth the matter and particles would change at the same rate as it always have. If the particles inside the ship slow Down at light speed, the motion of the clock inside the ship would slow Down as well. And would no longer fallow Earth time.

If the ship is to travel a distance for a week at light speed With the clock inside the ship. Years would have passed by on Earth before the week is up inside the ship.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 11:50 AM
It's too bad its not ready yet, sure would like to get off this rock.

So is this backwards engineered technology or is that off topic?

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: spy66
Time dilation is only a Mathematical theory, it has not been tested or proven to take Place With light speed.
That is my take on time dilation.

No, time dilation is a real thing - it has been proven through various different tests, from sending super accurate clocks in space missions (where even the relatively low speeds in orbit affect the passage of time) to how GPS works - it has an in built system to compensate for time differentials caused by the orbiting satellites.

EDIT: Learnificate yourself on the subject....

originally posted by: spy66
But theoretically it should take Place. Because at the speed of light the particles inside the ship should slow Down and seam Equal to the motion of particles in space surrounding the ship. This means that the particles inside the ship are Equal to the motion of particles outside the ship. Because the particles outside the ship do not accelerate With the ship. The ship accelerates up to the motion of particles which is light speed. On Earth the matter and particles would change at the same rate as it always have. If the particles inside the ship slow Down at light speed, the motion of the clock inside the ship would slow Down as well. And would no longer fallow Earth time.

If the ship is to travel a distance for a week at light speed With the clock inside the ship. Years would have passed by on Earth before the week is up inside the ship.

You misunderstand how this warp drive is theorised to work. The ship, the space and anything else in the bubble doesn't move - it shifts space around the ship by warping it. Time passes at the same rate inside the bubble as it would on earth, so a journey of one week inside the bubble means one week has passed on earth and in two weeks they can be back home, telling their families how freaking awesome it was.
edit on 15/6/14 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 04:27 PM
I think we're going to see an unmanned version first.

that is if any funding could be gotten for this.

the test-vehicle would move like a killometer and probably have to have very large solar panels or something.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: NonsensicalUserName
I think we're going to see an unmanned version first.

that is if any funding could be gotten for this.

the test-vehicle would move like a killometer and probably have to have very large solar panels or something.

why does it need solar panels?? Apart from providing electricity to the ship.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: spy66

originally posted by: stumason
a reply to: spy66

No, the implications of this are that a two week travel to another star system would take two weeks for both those in the craft and those left on earth - they would both experience time at the same rate. They are circumventing relativity by making it irrelevant.

In fact, I am at a loss as to what you think is happening. Are you supposing that inside the bubble, it would take them two weeks, but outside the bubble it would appear to take much longer? If so, you haven't availed yourself of full story.

Time dilation is only a Mathematical theory, it has not been tested or proven to take Place With light speed.
That is my take on time dilation.

But theoretically it should take Place. Because at the speed of light the particles inside the ship should slow Down and seam Equal to the motion of particles in space surrounding the ship. This means that the particles inside the ship are Equal to the motion of particles outside the ship. Because the particles outside the ship do not accelerate With the ship. The ship accelerates up to the motion of particles which is light speed. On Earth the matter and particles would change at the same rate as it always have. If the particles inside the ship slow Down at light speed, the motion of the clock inside the ship would slow Down as well. And would no longer fallow Earth time.

If the ship is to travel a distance for a week at light speed With the clock inside the ship. Years would have passed by on Earth before the week is up inside the ship.

I'm fairly confident that time dilation has been proven and conclusively. Satellites have self correcting software to compensate for this very phenomenon. I think the problem as stated by another member here is that you are misunderstanding of the theoretical technology being discussed here.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: TiM3LoRd

because whatever this warp drive is going to be doing is probably going to require a lot of electricity.

its not going to be a starship; rather the test-article will simply move a very short distance through warping space.

the alternative is a RTG as a power source..

baby steps.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: TiM3LoRd

The exotic matter sounds like the Beryllium sphere from Galaxy quest.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: NonsensicalUserName
a reply to: TiM3LoRd

because whatever this warp drive is going to be doing is probably going to require a lot of electricity.

its not going to be a starship; rather the test-article will simply move a very short distance through warping space.

the alternative is a RTG as a power source..

baby steps.

The article goes into more detail about the type of energy to drive this and is not electricity

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Jukiodone

The basic premise of warp travel is that it's instant, therefore no time passes no matter how far you travel. At least, that's how I understand it. Whether or not we will ever find this out is doubtful, but who knows.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: Sharted
a reply to: Jukiodone

The basic premise of warp travel is that it's instant, therefore no time passes no matter how far you travel. At least, that's how I understand it. Whether or not we will ever find this out is doubtful, but who knows.

Then you understand it wrong. Time passes just like it would on earth. You're traveling at warp 10, but it would still take around 2 weeks (they say) to get to the nearest star. So two weeks you'd be at warp, and then when you got out, two weeks would have passed, and when you took the return trip home, it would take another 2 weeks etc, but the earth time and your time would remain the same. No time dilation beings you're not really going anywhere, just moving the space between you and the destination.

originally posted by: zatara
a reply to: TuEsIncredibiliterStultus

Thx for the still... that is exactly what I mean.

Star for you my friend..

No problem. It only took a couple seconds. Thanks for the star.

Oh and btw, there are stupid questions, lol. Watch the stand-up from Chris Porter: Ugly and Angry if you can. It's on Netflix if you have it. He goes over some stupid questions and it's hilarious.
edit on 17-6-2014 by TuEsIncredibiliterStultus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: TuEsIncredibiliterStultus


It does highlight that quite a lot of people don't read the OP articles around these parts - it does say as much in said article.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: stumason

I don't read articles about a theoretical concept, no. I will read the articles when warp actually exists :p Also, I think their concept is just straight out of Star Trek. My understanding of alien tech, just as speculative as our warp capabilities, is that it can traverse any distance instantly. I'm probably wrong, yes, but until it's proven otherwise I'll stick with it. My main reason for thinking this is that we never seem to see any ships flying in space (and countless evidence suggests they do), so they probably aren't using space to travel at all. Since warp isn't governed by normal laws of physics there's is no concept of time, at least that's what I think for now.
edit on 18-6-2014 by Sharted because: (no reason given)

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