posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to:
nah send them all up to Canada. at least that way they will still be easily available to be used to help out the US in times of need. and Canada is
well known for buying other country's "garbage" and "scrap" for their military, like those nuclear subs from Britain. at least the a-10 would be
a reliable piece of equipment.
i rather suspect getting rid of the warthog (as they keep trying to do) is all a part of the "universal" aircraft BS. and as anyone with a brain can
tell you when it comes to equipment
universal means it "might" be able to do everything, but not well and often not at all. having one crash
or shot down is just a convenient excuse. after all have they killed every other aircraft because of a crash or being shot down?
the a-10 is a majorly specialized role aircraft for a reason. it is all about ground attack and tank busting. it doesn't need to be supersonic for
it's role (like is needed for just about every other role). but it does need to be able to fly very close to the ground, have weapons capable of
taking out heavily armed things like tanks and bunkers. it needs to be a stable aircraft at very low speeds and very low altitude (things most
"supersonic" aircraft are incapable of). it needs to be heavily armored against ground fire due to being easily in range of ground fire due to it's
mission. etc. anyone think this new
"multi-role" boondoggle they are having constant problems with can be capable of almost any of the above?
i don't think so. if it is about pilot "safety" then there is an easy solution, just turn it into a remote control aircraft.
it's almost ironic that they don't want this aircraft, i rather suspect they never wanted it to begin with, just like it's predecessor the bell
p-39 airacobra (yet another uniquely designed aircraft compared to all the others of it's time), that they hated so much they sent it to the Russians
who loved it and actually were the ones who started to use it in it's tank busting role. wonder if that has any bearing on their feelings? knowing
they are using something developed by the Russians.