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Have You had Contact with an Alien?

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posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: draknoir2
Same thing that qualifies a Ph.D in theoretical nuclear physics to be an expert on conspiracies, Thanatology, Ufology, Parapsychology, and Cryptozoology.

What qualifies this person is his learned skills in data analysis. Things he had to know for the nuclear physics...apply to a wide variety of thing.

After that...his basic scientific skill set, and actual involvement in those areas...(not so)instant "expert".

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 12:01 PM
I have an anthropology degree but when it comes to cultural and archaeological stuff in ufology etc there's a strong sentiment that "mainstream archaeology" is just pulling wool over everyone's eyes, therefore any qualifications are automatically invalid and possibly even worse than nothing. So, credentials can be a double edged sword in this field.

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 12:01 PM
I guess I would like a conversation and a getting to know you period so they can help ME too(How about some PAINKILLER there,technologically advanced beings?)if you can cure me ,do so I am AGREEING to help you after all we are a gracious people if you would like us to help.
How about these BS rules of contact get scrapped and we JUST TALK.

Never have seen a thing by the way ,EXQUISITELY read on it though.

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: conundrummer
I have an anthropology degree but when it comes to cultural and archaeological stuff in ufology etc there's a strong sentiment that "mainstream archaeology" is just pulling wool over everyone's eyes, therefore any qualifications are automatically invalid and possibly even worse than nothing. So, credentials can be a double edged sword in this field.

Only in the mind of an idiot!

I would think you could probably lend great insight to the ancient alien visitor my book that has significant value.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: Alfred2012

Why is that?
Because we have a certain imagination what possibly could happen. This is based for example on stories, movies and dogmas. For many people this leads to fear.

When i initiated delibareted telepathic contact to an ET for the first time, i was very, very unsure and yes, i felt a little fear, i admit. But i learned a lot and i've a different perspective now...

Interesting; I too have had contact with an 'alien mindset' - But the question is how do we know that we are not just channeling aspects or our own minds? A Zen Buddhist view of the world might indicate a universe which is in fact an all encompassing mind - we all may be part of one mind. That said, and if that is true, can you and your telepathic friends be sure that you and them [including me] are not just 'creating' an alien illusion which has the appearance of being real - but is in fact only 'real' to the minds so creating it? Are we sure that we are communicating with
'real beings' who have an 'independent consciousness' ? And what criterion could we use to prove to those ever present skeptics the validity of our claims

edit on 7-6-2014 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: AlienView
a reply to: Alfred2012

Interesting; I too have had contact with an 'alien mindset' - But the question is how do we know that we are not just channeling aspects or our own minds? A Zen Buddhist view of the world might indicate a universe which is in fact an all encompassing mind - we all may be part of one mind. That said, and if that is true, can you and your telepathic friends be sure that you and them [including me] are not just 'creating' an alien illusion which has the appearance of being real - but is in fact only 'real' to the minds so creating it? Are we sure that we are communicating with
'real beings' who have an 'independent consciousness' ? And what criterion could we use to prove to those ever present skeptics the validity of our claims

Yes, this is a very important point.

The "expectations" we have during a telepathic communication (supported by "visualizations" and "emotions") have significant impact.

From my experience the major barrier for a clear telepathic communication is to stay in a "passive mode" during reception. Since communication basically means switching between "sending" and "receiving" this becomes a little bit challenging, because "sending" means that you evaluate and think about this what you intend to "send".

And this means you mainly work with the left brain hemisphere in that stage. For receiving you then need to go back to passive listening mode i.e. focus passively to the right brain hemisphere.

We can imagine telepathic communication as a continous toggle between left and right hemisphere when communicating with an other mind/consciousness.

Being in the passive listening mode - i call it "attentive listening" - means that you're not thinking in this mode, you "empty your thoughts".

What you're describing (the creation of reality with our own mind during telepathic contact) is absolutely true and can be of great help during communication.

So i very often visualize a scene - for example a beach - when inviting a decedant for a conversation. Then the communication takes place in this "set" where I and the decedant show up like actors. It is like a real world for both of us during this conversation.

Creations of our mind during telepathic communciation can also help to open the focus of the consciousness of decedants which are caught in the "ghost belt" (astral level).

Sometimes i deliberately use mind creations to change some aspects of their reality they're caught in (which then lead very often to a process of irritating/rethinking and finally releasing their strong focus).

I try to use visualization as much as possible during telepathic contact also with ETs because it helps to remain in the right brain hemisphere.

There are some things we can do to validate our perceptions. So i observe emotions transmitted with information. Feelings, emotions are a very strong indicator. Another indicator are observed sensory perceptions. These perceptions can include any sense you can imagine (smell, sound, sense of balance, etc.).

One of my personal favorite "tool" is to ask my telepathic partner to ask me a simple question during the conversation.

What i mean is the following:
If for example my telepathic partner asks: "What is the yield of 3*6/9?" and I'm not able to compute the yield then this would mean i'm still focused in the right brain hemisphere (which is good).
If i would be able to answer (the number "2" in this case) then i would have used my left brain hemisphere indicating possible impact (distortations) of received telepathic information created by my own mind.

Well, unfortuneately this is not so easy because of one very fundamental point:

We all, from the first breath on we take as a baby, we begin to experience our world. We collect all kind of information over senses, learn from others and internalize dogmas. All this helps us to understand the world we're living in and more than that, we feel safe.

The more people have a similar view of the world the stronger is my own view of the world i.e. the more safe i feel.

It is like a puzzle where i have many pieces which fit together. It represents my view of the world.

What happens now is that there are some new pieces (of the whole puzzle) which absolutely do not fit to MY "view of the world" puzzle.

In this metapher the new pieces i'm confronted with would be "Telepathy", "NDE", "MIND OVER MATTER", etc for example.

I would need to break my existing puzzle trying to put in the new pieces. But for this i would need to give up my current view of the world, the world as i understood it, the world i feel safe.

Therefore for many people there is a big resistance to change or extend the own view of the world.

The point is: Everybody has VERY, VERY GOOD arguments for his own view of the reality. All are right from their perspective!

As long as they do not make their own significant experiences (like a "NDE" for example), it is much easier to take such a new and exotic piece (of the puzzle) and put/store it away.

So what we can do is to give impulses to others.

I see this kind of struggeling sometimes when i have psychic sessions with people who like to get into contact with deceased family members. Even they make the first step in expanding their view of the world they ask for evidences that i'm really in contact with the decedent.

It is funny sometimes to communicate with the decedants and asking for a further "evidence" because the first information i passed on was seen as "accidential". I remember one session where i had to ask the decedent mother for three different evidences to convince the daughter.

A very interesting option to validate our claims of telepathic communication is to run telepathic sessions with pet owners.

If we telepathically communicate with the pets then we can receive information we can immediately validate with the pet owners. Pet owners know their animals very well in detail so this is a very good option for validation of claims to sceptics.

I also had a very good experience in validation of our claims of telepathic contact with ETs during a workshop i run with appx. 50 people.

Most of them had an excellent first contact with different ETs but the interesting thing was, that eight participants independently had contact with the same ET and received the same message (a special and comparable complex image).

There was a lot of discussion afterwards on that experience - they all were very excited.

A few participants were somewhat sceptic before the workshop but finally must admit, that this could't be experienced by accident.

edit on 7/6/2014 by Alfred2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Alfred2012

When i had my first ET contact during an OBEE in August 2011 i was very irritated and overwhelmed. During this OBEE i visited a spaceship, met human looking ETs and received some information related to the history of mankind.

The number of contacts with ETs increased afterwards but contacts switched more and more to a telepathic communication in waking state.

Aside from just using the word OBEE, which is not the only limits, for they use all contact methods, from OBEE to Mental Projection, to physical checkups and contact, but otherwise this is very similar pattern to my own experiences

First sightings, and we had many even chased by choppers. So again, a physical component along with physical checkups. But also I've been pulled to the experiences,craft and station, at least that's how I perceived it. They could be taking you physically when your perceive OBEE, because how would you know?

I've had it start out with a meditation, sense the craft, then perceive in a way that made me think it was being pulled, or they were accessing me astrally? But, it was a physical checkup and focused on a female fetus being created, a child. And though I perceived my bed, only it was a hard cold slab and despite piles of blankets and sweaters or housecoat, I was freezing.

They can really alter perception. But lets say some of them are geniune OBEE's and there are areas that aren't. After you start to believe and can be contacted telepathically, they do tend to prefer that method and it becomes that method most of the time

I was stubborn and it took over a year, close to two before the sightings slowed down, when I finally gave up and realized I couldn't sit on the fence about this being real or not, and was kind of forced into the realization that every time I had "telepathic" contact, they would bring the craft afterwards that my son and I witnessed, or nearly. And I just kind of gave up, and so they don't need to be chased by choppers , I guess, would imagine its their preferred method.

While messages do get through, and downloads, I still don't commit to a session, or ask questions, don't seek it , because I always think there is some group that might misrepresent themselves.

But I find your posts amongst the most interesting, because you bring up valid patterns and seek real information.

Another pattern, though not sure if the information is the same, its similar. I had a rather long download/telepathy session with a couple, man and woman I say alpha centauri, and that they have a connection to the moon and greys there, (along with the US Navy and what I call nazi's), because during the communication, that's what kept coming, I felt I knew they were from there. And it was about upgrading this system and akin to showing their work as a UN organization, but a good one, and an advanced scientific medical team, upgrading third world gangster run facilities, witnessing terrible things, but doing the upgrade and not engaging in any war, and though interfacing with the gangsters, ie the navy or nazi's or any human group here for example, they're on assignments way over their heads and not alligned with them, instead its akin to a sting operation or a test for them too. Because this upgrade is from very high levels. Its that time for humanity.

And after that contact, that evening had a real sighting of a rose colored twiggy grey and then dreams of quite an interesting "abduction", it was an abduction for my father, brother who was living over an hour away and my son, but it was voluntary for my oldest son and me. I was invited aboard to fill out a questionaire, and all I wanted was my family back. And the outcome was to write down the experience, and that they are not in time at all, and that this contact/abduction had taken 9 days. "this day took 9 days to complete".

From 1 hour roughly of telepathy to a real sighting and abduction.

Anyway, I no longer need sightings, just sense a craft, or greeting. But that day's message was similar to what you wrote about them upgrading those in the amazon.

Seems to be what this is.

edit on 7-6-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:10 PM
originally posted by: tanka418

That is the only easy question; None...for the most part these "debunkers" and "arm chair" skeptics have no real education; no degree in anything, with the possible exception of "Master's" degrees in "knee jerking".

I see it in almost all debunker types; they set up their own artificial standard, without any care for convention (scientific or social)and attempt to "rule" from this...non-existent place of authority.
My point is that going for, and actually getting a Ph.D. changes a person in ways that someone without said "Ph.D." can never understand. it changes the way One thinks about the world, how One expresses themselves. It alters the application of logic, and the very nature of that logic. It changes our perception of data, and the processing of that data.

Be careful.... Your statement seems to be a spin on the believers "scientifically-minded" voice of reason, Stanton Friedman-
"If one can't attack the data, attack the people".

If you want to use education, or lack thereof, as part of your argument, why not address the scientific community actually involved in what you speak of. PhDs and all... I think Dr.< look a Ph.D. in Astrophysics! Seth Shostak of SETI said it best in a recent interview:

Interviewer- Where is the science community on the topic of UFO's... is there a clear-cut definitive answer, yes there are UFOs, no there are no UFOs...
Shostak- You know, the scientists that I talk with are all skeptical... They're overwhelmingly skeptical that we are being visited because they feel if that were true, then the evidence would be stronger evidence. Most of the evidence is witness testimony and as it's been pointed out many times, witness testimony isn't very good when it comes to science. You don't decide on science, or the laws of science, on the basis of witness testimony. Or even the discoveries of science on the basis of witness testimony. So, I think that if we were being visited and somebody were to say look here's some physical evidence and we could really look at this carefully, that would be considerably more interesting. Some people in the UFO community will say, 'Yes, there is physical evidence'. I've never seen any that I found compelling. That's my take on it and have to say that's the take of most of the scientists I know.


See how your argument of "education" falls flat on it's face in the world of reality? This is with someone with the education, knowledge, and desire to find intelligent life. I think you need to stick to your own personal belief and bubble you've created and not speak on behalf of the educated. You only come off... uneducated.

Just for some context. Are these still some of your "educated" beliefs?
1- You think you can summon UFOs at will or predict where they will be.
2- You believe the 'Starchild' skull could be alien.
3- You believe alien abductions could actually be happening.
4- You think aliens could be exact matches and indistinguishable from humans.
5- You think aliens have already addressed the U.N. G8 and G20.

Are you still up for providing skeptics and debunkers with a date, time, and place where you can summon UFOs at will?

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: AlienView
I had some sort of an encounter when I was a kid. I can't remember too many details anymore. I woke up in my room one night and heard voices, so I got up to look around. My parents bedroom door was closed, but I could hear their tv; that wasn't it. I remember looking down the hall where I saw to men! They where some kind of pale white (actual white-ish; not regular person white). I can't remember if there was a glow to them, but it was interesting... From what I recall they didn't look like what tall whites are described as. They looked relatively normal. I'm not sure what they were wearing, but it seems like their clothes were pale whiteish too. that's all I can remember. I can explain why, but I'm about 100% that it wasn't a dream. Sorry for any bad spelling or grammar... I'm on a cheap phone at the laundry mat. Anyway, I always presumed they were angels.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: Ectoplasm8

See how your argument of "education" falls flat on it's face in the world of reality? This is with someone with the education, knowledge, and desire to find intelligent life. I think you need to stick to your own personal belief and bubble you've created and not speak on behalf of the educated. You only come off... uneducated.

Just for some context. Are these still some of your "educated" beliefs?
1- You think you can summon UFOs at will or predict where they will be.
2- You believe the 'Starchild' skull could be alien.
3- You believe alien abductions could actually be happening.
4- You think aliens could be exact matches and indistinguishable from humans.
5- You think aliens have already addressed the U.N. G8 and G20.

Are you still up for providing skeptics and debunkers with a date, time, and place where you can summon UFOs at will?

Your characterization above is unwarranted and rather offensive.

Now... 1. "summon", and "predict" ufo sightings...ya know slim...I've done that. recorded it publically.

2. Yes the "starchild" skull may not be quite terrestrial...

3. In as much as I spent fro the age of 4.5 to around 47 being abducted on a semi-regular basis; yes absolutely some abductions are real.

4. Actually; I know this for a fact, and, with enough resources I could prove it.

5. I personally know just such an extraterrestrial.

I find it interesting; that many skeptic types and debunkers try to avoid the subject of education, and other indicators of expertise, and yet, many believers, and experiencers welcome the "educated opinion". Just an observation...

edit on 7-6-2014 by tanka418 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 09:45 PM
I've not read all the details of this thread and was hesitant to participate but figured why not. A lot of what goes on the overlays of reality can't be so easily grasped by the mindset of the imbalanced dominance of the left brain alone in these matters. You first have to go beyond the body ID believe systems in which the body tries to maintain it's dominance to your reality as that is all it knows and many people tend to allow that command to override their internal awareness. For the body ID mindset this information will challenge that belief for control and harbor resistance.

I've had numerous experiences with ET contact, mainly in the dreamtime which I actually prefer as I'm better able to bypass the filters of my physical body. We are souls having an experience while in human bodies. I have seen craft while with other people in the physical on various occasions but most of my experiences have been through soul travel. Its not been on the abductee level or anything like that but I've seen a little of that going on for others. Lots of various beings and odd creatures, strange and remarkable abilities, telepathy, other locations, etc.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 09:48 PM
No one to date has ever had contact, apart from the mentally insane.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 12:57 AM

originally posted by: MarsIsRed
No one to date has ever had contact, apart from the mentally insane.

Really? How do you know this MarsIsRed ? Are you an expert on sanity? A psychologist or psychiatrist? - Do you have some credentials? Please tell us what makes you the expert. John Mack was a psychiatrist at Harvard and wrote two books on the subject saying the contactees were not insane or deceitful and were experiencing a strange and possibly alien phenomena. Was he insane too MarsIsRed? Tell us how you know this and what credentials you have to make such a statement. Tell us and the good people who have posted their experiences on this post how you will help them by exposing their insanity - But make sure you convince us of your supposed sanity.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: AlienView

Many years ago .... more than 20 , I worked part-time for a shadowy govt. agency , that
will remain nameless , as an analyst .
On more than one occasion I was introduced to ET visitors , but I won't detail my experiences.

I will , however, describe one race physically .
The two individuals i met were ... very like us

2 metres tall, physically attractive
white skin,short blond hair
pointy ears, large blue eyes
three longer fingers on each hand , with longer opposable thumb
no tongue , communicated telepathically

... and no ,I can't prove this , but you have my word
this happened ." So help me ..." etc

They pose/d no threat , and my role was limited to communication
with those individuals.

I was also shown their ship , which was impressive ,
to say the least . .... maybe another time

edit on 8-6-2014 by radarloveguy because: one day soon

edit on 8-6-2014 by radarloveguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: radarloveguy

Were they friendly? Why does the government keep this information secret? And are you sure you weren't part of some mind control project? - Are you sure the aliens were really beings from other than Earth?

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: AlienView
Yes , they were friendly .
The Government does not have their permission
for disclosure.
No , they never managed to control my mind .
Yes , 100% certain , et origin .

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: radarloveguy

What you're saying is kind of mind blowing and would explain a lot - Another words the so-called government cover-up and lack of 'disclosure' is because they have convinced the government to keep their presence hidden

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: AlienView

in a word ... yes .

their level of technology is such that our cooperation
is necessary to avoid any complications that could arise ,
from our non-compliance.

earth is not ready to join their ranks , but hopefully
one day , this could be achieved on a global scale .

only a small number of people are directly in contact ,
everything is compartmentalised , and the need to know
is a frustrating obstacle .

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: radarloveguy

Thanks for the info. You might be interested in a post I just started here on ATS which is hypothetical but fits the paradigm you have given.

The Philosophy of Aliens

edit on 8-6-2014 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: radarloveguy

Many years ago .... more than 20 , I worked part-time for a shadowy govt. agency , that
will remain nameless , as an analyst .
On more than one occasion I was introduced to ET visitors , but I won't detail my experiences.

I will , however, describe one race physically .
The two individuals i met were ... very like us

2 metres tall, physically attractive
white skin,short blond hair
pointy ears, large blue eyes
three longer fingers on each hand , with longer opposable thumb
no tongue , communicated telepathically

I know this species, though the physical description seems a wee bit 'off'...perhaps intentional?

They have the ability to use speech.

They pose/d no threat , and my role was limited to communication
with those individuals.

I was also shown their ship , which was impressive ,
to say the least . .... maybe another time

like that..."pose/d no threat"...

Firstly...this is the species that attempted to colonize Earth some 8000 years ago, Terrestrials chased them from the Earth. Well most of them...they went on to cause some damage to the Terrestrial gene- pool, and become the "shadow" government we all talk about. The official stance of their government is that Earth is a territory of theirs. Not unlike the US was a territory of Britain back in the day.

They are perhaps the most uncooperative species in local space (within 150ly).

Their technology, while it should be thousand of years more advanced than Earth, winds up being only a couple of hundred years...Terrestrials are actually very fast learners!

Their ship should be no more impressive than any space craft of Terrestrial design and manufacture.

Friendly is the wrong work to use in reference to them; try 'diplomatic'.

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