posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to:
You are Welcome Swanne! And as far as am I ok? Yes. Thanx. However as seen in My Post, a sideline to the story, kinda I guess, That is what I and CC
and someone went through Christmas Night! Very late mind You and after a LOT of liquid refreshments, of which all 3 of Us are not really used to
anymore, things went south, as they say. The only thing I did NOT include is where the guy who found My ID, also found 100 bucks, and voiced it
loudly, never gave that money back to Me! After I flipped out my front jeans pocket contents with My Id,(When they asked Me for ID and I told them I
had to get it out of My front Pocket, and they said ok to that,) and a couple other cards as they threw Me to the ground and pounced on Me like I was
a Freakin wild Animal!! Really F'd up My already messed up back!!! Also, One LEO said This to My Wife, "Don't worry, We'll fix those." When She
mentioned videos that were surely shot of the entire incident with those LEO's!!! I mean really?!?!? WTF!!??? Right!???
It just makes Me sick...... I was given NO pain meds, tylenol only, or high blood pressure pills that I need to maintain function.
So I guess how's that for "Fact is stranger than Fiction!" Right? LOL!!!
edit on 28-12-2014 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)