posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 11:44 PM
Hi all,
Jeez I have been working sooo much I have neglected alot of things I love to do. Coming here on the top of the list.
Well, I finally got the whole outside area raked and blown. Holy Crap, I never realized how much work this is, especially doing it alone. ( My
loving and caring children, blew me off on this one.) Oh well, the exercise is good for me.
Tonight we are having our first "winter storm watch" so far I have got about an inch on the deck. We have been forcasted to get 3 to 4 in.
So here is my deliema, salt or not???? My thought is not. We have got some nasty winds coming off the lake and the wind is really getting strong.
Curse the ones who told me that weather was the same in chicago. Bull sh...... !
So I am now wide awake, watching this weather and deciding when and if I should go out and shovel and salt or leave it alone. I don't want to create
a ice layer.
I haven't had a chance to go back and read whats been going on so I will do that now.
I hope everyone is safe and warm.