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MCdonald's...? Walmart....? When did they start forcing people to...

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posted on May, 21 2014 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

I guess you never read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

Point is, EVERY employer should pay at least enough to where people are not on public aid for help

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 10:25 PM
Ffs, this is the problem you get when you have 7 billion people on this earth, and no where near enough jobs for all the ones able to wprk.

The only system that makes any kind of sense is one which divides work evenly between the individuals with the skills/talents to do so, and then are givin the things that are needed and wanted in life. No I'm not talking about communism. I'm talking about an entirely new system, one in which there is no such thing as money, you learn what you like to do, and do it two or three days of the week to benefit everyone. Can you imagine what the world would be like if we just worked together instead of bickering over stupid things like resources and religeons. The earth is here for all humans, and there is enough for everyone. I say it's time we started acting like it and made things enjoyable in life.

Just because things have been the way they are for so long does NOT mean this system would not work. I guarantee if one country just tried it, people would soon come to see that life these days is a giant scam, created by those with the greed and ego to think they deserve more than any other human being.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 01:01 AM
Don't need a silver spoon, or to work at WM and MD. There are plenty of jobs out there, that are slightly better, and available. I wasn't given anything, but I earned my way to this pay grade through hard work. There may be exceptions, but I think most these people are lazy, and now miserable, poor, and lazy. a reply to: dollukka

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: TDawgRex


If I had enough money for a bus or train ticket, and a fair chance at a good job elsewhere, I would surely take that chance and make that move. But that assumes that I would have enough money to do that. If I had no money to make that journey then I would be buggered. My life is a finely balanced thing, and I am never more than a gnats whisker from disaster financially speaking, despite doing my level best at all times, and in all things.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: buster2010

originally posted by: theyknowwhoyouare

originally posted by: buster2010

originally posted by: theyknowwhoyouare
...Work for them?

I see a lot of people whining about the wages places like Mcdonald's and Walmart pay. I didn't realize these whiny people were being forced to work for these companies. What are they blackmailing them? Are they threatening to murder their families or something?

Okay so seriously, if you don't like what a company offers as far as salary and benefits, why not just find another job? It sickens me that people take a job they know without a doubt pays in pennies, then whine because they are only earning pennies. It's called entitlement. Go find a real career if you want to go make more money. You knew how much money that company paid from the start. Mcdonalds is cheap for a reason. Partially bc they serve garbage pretend food, and partially they pay their employee's garbage.

So why is this an issue? I personally don't understand how some people think...

You obviously have never lived in a small town. When you have companies like Walmart move in and kill off all the small businesses then there is no place left to work. Also unless moving suddenly became free people can't afford to just pack up and move to a new town. Believe it or not there isn't enough good paying jobs to go around there is truth in the saying the world needs ditch diggers too. These companies make hundreds of millions and in Walmarts case billions in profits it wouldn't hurt them to pay their employees a decent wage. And it's because they don't pay them a decent wage it is costing the taxpayers billions in subsidies for their employees.

Actually I am from Bradford county PA. Doesn't get any smaller than that.

You know what I did? I moved!

Change sucks... Having to suffer through hard times while making those changes sucks.... Having to leave friends and family behind to get where you want to be in life sucks... But if that's what it takes then so be it. If you don't lie your situation then change it.

So you were able to afford to move not everyone has that luxury.

BS There may be an exception now and then, but nearly anyone can move if they set their mind to it. The truth is, you "can't" move by being lazy about it.

Oh please. Try looking at the cost of moving. Just the cost of fuel, deposit for renting an apartment, the payments for turning on utilities and so on if a person has been working minimum wage they don't have enough left over to afford the cost of moving.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

There may not be any other jobs, or the person may not be qualified for other jobs so in order to pay the bills they have to work. People are forced to work and companies who make billions in profits not paying the people who work hard and bring those profits in for them should get a better share of those profits instead of having to sign up for food stamps to get extra help or to get a 2nd or 3rd job. A person should be paid at the minimum enough to live basic. Greed is a crime against humanity.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 01:45 PM
Supply and demand is the nasty side to capitalism....

Simply put, for every worker that wants to quit McDonalds or WalMart, there are plenty more in line to take that crappy job.

Anyone expecting to make a living working SOLELY at McDonalds or WalMart is sadly lacking in judgement. For starters, the pay sucks, but then add to this that you probably won't be working full time hours either. No, you do like others of my generation did, and work TWO or more jobs to pay the bills, until you could get a better, sole job to do so. Even if these companies DID raise pay slightly, the resulting price hike in goods would make it meaningless (perhaps even more of an increase than the salary increase), so in the long run, these folks are actually protesting themselves to getting LESS disposable income (should they succeed).

Then again, what do you expect from folks only qualified to work at these kinds of jobs, but also have plenty of available time to protest?

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 02:10 PM
I think a lot of people seem to be thinking that everyone is as able as they are. I know people who have little education and low IQ, they can not succeed at college, they can not become an executive, the best they can do is work a menial job and try to make the best of it.

They should be allowed to make a living wage, not everyone is resourceful, clever, and intelligent.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Elton

Even in that case, they still aren't going to get full time hours (typically) at a WalMart or McDonalds. It's how they skirt benefits, etc. So they'd need to work more than one such job.

If you're working 40-50 hours a week (like the rest of us) even at minimum wage, you'll be able to live on it (not well, but live). If one job isn't doing it for you, need to have more. Better yet, get a room-mate or two and live much better. It isn't rocket science.

Or, do like my kids did, and go live with your parents, pay cheap rent, and still eat well.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Gazrok

I can only speak for what I have seen or experienced but

Min Wage is around 7.50 / hour I think

So at 40 hours / week that is $300/week before taxes so around $250.00 after taxes.

Cheap rent in Denver is $550.00 for 1 bedroom apartment, add $50.00 for minimal electricity use.

So $400.00 per month left for transportation, food, phone, clothes, etc...

Sounds tough to me, glad I was able to go to College and get a good job but I certainly have empathy for those who can not.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: Elton
I think a lot of people seem to be thinking that everyone is as able as they are. I know people who have little education and low IQ, they can not succeed at college, they can not become an executive, the best they can do is work a menial job and try to make the best of it.

They should be allowed to make a living wage, not everyone is resourceful, clever, and intelligent.

This is exactly the point that I'm tryin' to make.

Nobody is getting paid what they should be, and laws need to be put in place to keep the Wall Street bunch from speculating inflation to off-set any minimum wage pay raises, or any other pay raises, for that matter. The business owners should take home less of that fortune. And the thing is, they wouldn't even notice that they are taking home less! THEY'RE STILL GONNA BE MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES!

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: Gazrok
a reply to: Elton

Or, do like my kids did, and go live with your parents, pay cheap rent, and still eat well.

Yeah......go live with your parents or other poor people and band together while the billionaires reap record profits.

This is why I will have no pity for the rich when they start getting hunted and targeted.

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 12:28 AM
Bradford County Pa. Pop. 62,622 Area Total 1,161 sq mi

Where I am from

Trinity County Ca. Pop. 13,786 Area Total 3,207.54 sq mi

Where I am currently at

Lewis and Clark County Mt. Pop 63,395 Area Total 3,498 sq mi

I scoff at your comment

Actually I am from Bradford county PA. Doesn't get any smaller than that.

Sounds like a pretty happening place given the density of the population in such a small area.

Please know that your thread has caused an extremely hard worker and persistent job hunter to feel suicidal. There is enough guilt already over having to sell off the kids bikes and all the beds to afford the gas money alone to move. Can't afford a u-haul. No way to bring most anything we own. Not enough money for first last and deposit on a place. Credit ruined just trying to eat. Not to mention the transmission is going out on my car.

I clawed my way up from less than nothing, turned 18 in debt because my mother sold my S.S.number for a bag of dope. Fought tooth and nail to make a good life for myself only to lose it all because my first husband decided to go go off and have a kid with a younger woman. Fought tooth and nail to recover from that and get off welfare, which being on cause plenty of mental scars.I worked hard to build my credit. 10 year later all the hard work of doing "every thing right" according to society has all gone down the drain. I am tired I am exhausted. I have worked my ass off. I don't think I can do it anymore. There is only so much fight a person has in them.

When someone has done all the things you say, and it doesn't work out, then what? Please tell me, because honestly, I am a little to old for prostitution. 3 months ago, life was good. My husband lost his job, and I still, despite making it a full time job to look for work, am unemployed. (What the hell is wrong with me that I can't even land a job at wal-mart?) I can't work in fast food because of food allergies, primarily wheat (husband won't even let me walk down the baking isle at the grocery store due to flour in the air, which WILL trigger a reaction)
Now we don't know what to do. There isn't much left to sell, because we moved here for work with our beds ( for 5 people) being the only big furniture we took, because we could only afford the smaller size u-haul.

My husband lost his job because they found someone with less experience that they could pay less to cut costs after practically begging my husband to take the job.

I may not kill myself tonight, but damn, after reading your post, it sure is on my mind. And by the way here, we are talking about people with college degrees here.
edit on 24-5-2014 by calstorm because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-5-2014 by calstorm because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: calstorm

Hey, chill out with that. There's nothing in this world bad enough that you should kill yourself. Look around, the beauty is everywhere for you, and it's free. I understand how hard it is to make it, believe me, my wife and I went through it, we still do, but things will get better. I'd rather hang around and expose the people who're making people unhappy/poor. I'd rather be a thorn in their side than to let them win and force me out of this life, because you know what? The next sucker is lined up to take your place. Your death won't matter. Your life does matter. Put it to good use and step off this train of thought for a while.

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