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Leo XIII vision of 100 years reign of Satan pass in Summer 2014?

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posted on May, 18 2014 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: 2012newstart

How that relates to the vision of pope Leo 13 of a period of time 75-100 years controlled by Satan? Does it mean we approach its end this Summer? Please feel free to post any other Catholic and Christian prophecies, as well as your own views and comments on them.

Well well well, what an interesting thing you have stumbled across here 2012Newstart. I presented the below in this thread not longer after I joined ATS. It was virtually ignored, but is a mirror of the Pope's vision (which I've never heard of either) and was given to the visionaries of Medjugorje

"Excuse me for this, but you must realize that Satan exists. One day he appeared before the throne of God and asked permission to submit the Church to a period of trial. God gave him permission to try the Church for one century. This century is under the power of the devil; but when the secrets confided to you come to pass, his power will be destroyed. Even now he is beginning to lose his power and has become aggressive. He is destroying marriages, creating divisions among priests and is responsible for obsessions and murder. You must protect yourselves against these things through fasting and prayer, especially community prayer. Carry blessed objects with you. Put them in your house, and restore the use of holy water."

I have always speculated when the start of the century is, but according to Mary, the secrets of Medjugorje have to come to pass for Satan's reign to end. I have often wondered if it is actually around the time of WW2, not WW1.

Here's why; WW1 was a huge war, absolutely no doubt about that. But in between the 2 wars we had the Fatima event. One of the dire predictions of the Fatima event was that if the world did not change it's ways a second, much worse war would come and it would be preceded by a great sign

Germany annexed Austria on 12 March 1938 (well before the 1939 death of Pius XI), in an uncontested military invasion that was met with cheering pro-German crowds. Shortly before this annexation, the "great sign" allegedly appeared on 25 Jan 1938, as reported in The New York Times of that day: "Aurora Borealis Startles Europe; People Flee in Fear, Call Firemen." The aurora borealis is caused by solar flare activity, yet there was none reported in the previous day.[citation needed] The celestial display was seen from Canada to Bermuda to Austria to Scotland, and short-wave radio transmissions were shut down for almost 12 hours in Canada. RCA reported it was the second-most powerful electrical disturbance in 100 years. The lights were not seen over the Pacific Ocean, and radio traffic was uninterrupted in that region.

Wikipedia link

If we want to discuss this part further I'll provide newspaper clippings from the time - I've seen them online before.

World war 2 was an occult war as well. WW1 was a human revolution. Hitler had the Vril society trying to contact all sorts of entities and german scientists even claimned they were 'helped' to develop technology that was considered to be about ten years ahead of the allied forces.

So, my theory is that the century starts around WW2.

posted on May, 18 2014 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: ReturnofTheSonOfNothing
a reply to: 2012newstart

Sounds like the poor guy had a stroke or something. No wonder he had visions..

Having watched my 7 year old son drop like a fly, a friend fall into the arms of catchers like a rag doll and myself going down like a ton of bricks while being prayed over (not touched or pushed) I think this would be more likely akin to being slain in the spirit. Yeah, I've seen it faked, but it really does happen.

I find it interesting that it happened on October 13th, the day that 33 years later the miracle of the Sun happened in Fatima, Portugal.

I am ready when you are, Lord.

Thanks OP I will read your link right now.

posted on May, 18 2014 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
I don't think bloodshed and war and hate are going to vanish in July.
Nor did I think Comet Ison was going to be 'it'.
Nor did I think a few weeks back Garbandal was going to happen.
I don' t think trying to second guess ever works out.

Yes, pinning things down to an actual calendar date never pans out. EVER.

I think it is fair to say though that we are somewhere in that century, probably toward the end of it due to what Mary said at Medjugorje.

Should Medjugorje prove to be authentic, then as the secrets begin to happen it will herald the end of the century. The visionaries are just a little older than me, so if any of this is true it will all happen and the century will come to an end in my lifetime (assuming I don't get hit by a truck or something that is)

posted on May, 18 2014 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
many contemporary people, including religious, are ignorant of the Soviet and Russian culture and forget the fact the Cod War was won without a shot thanks to the cultural domination of the West and other factors not the least economy. But not only the economy as many think. The end of the Cold War was not a military victory of the Western over Soviet missiles, and one can speculate how much it was a collapse of USSR economy rather than ordered retreat from Kremlin. One may remember Gorbachev-era Soviet writers, art and music masters who were inspired also by the West, even by the Bible. In a secular society today shaped by other values that is completely ignored. Too bad!

Not a shot was fired, who are you trying to kid.
The USSR and the US were at war in Afghanistan and the US won that war, destroying the Soviet war machine.
The US collapsed the Soviet economy using Afghani soldiers

We call that history

posted on May, 18 2014 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

there are similarities around the world to the Biblical stories...
the global satanic system uses Babylonian template everywhere to counterfeit God.

Read The Two Babylons, A. Hislop pdf"

posted on May, 18 2014 @ 09:19 PM
all these prophecies of end times tell the same story.

When everybody is running around being an idiot and not taking care of the businesses and responsibilities it takes to run a large civilization things fall apart.... whats so godly about stating that? whats so prophetic?

so when everybody is being irresponsible and not reproducing and catching STD's and doing drugs all the time and not working responsibly and PAYING TAXES and not up keeping your homes and up keeping this life we have it all falls apart??


you can break those big long magical prophecies down into little "morals of the story"

if you dont handle your business responsibly you will suffer in one way or another.

if you dont Repopulate your civilization enough with responsible young people who is to ever run things responsibly?

idk it all just seems so very vague and self fulfilling. OF COURSE things are going to drastically change if most of the things in ANY of these prophecies came to pass.... thanks captain obvious's!

idk you guys get what I'm saying? its like saying "One day soon in your life will come a time when the bills are forgotten and your voice is very loud and heard by many often and your income is nigh and when this time comes soon after you can expect life as we know it to end! YOU CHARIOT WILL BE REMANDED TO A CAGE IN HELL and your communication will be for naught cause your voice will be stripped from you from one on high"

see what i mean... i predicted that if you neglect your bills and dont have an income your car will get repoed and your phone won't work. pretty easy and obvious prediction.

posted on May, 18 2014 @ 11:42 PM
I found this eye witness account by Father Domenico Pechenino of Pope Leo's vision. Apparently, he did not faint.

It is noteworthy that the account makes no mention of the 75 to 100 year arrangement between God and Satan. I am wondering if this is only a legend. I have heard it repeated often enough, but maybe it was merely embellishing the story.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

I appreciate that, and I await Medjugorje to be approved too.

But in terms of prophetic timeline, isn't it 2039 too far away in the future? Or 2033 (2000y of Jesus' death and resurrection, although the historic date should be 2029). Many of us won't be alive, and the generation that saw Israel established would pass away, if nothing happens between.
edit on 19-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: borntowatch
I am not that sure about Afghanistan. You have it as example even today. USSR withdrew troops, it wasn't beaten to defeat by Talibans etc. And that was unprecedented for USSR, having in mind the examples of Budapest 1956 and Prague 1968. Rather a new policy introduced by Gorbachev, that included Afghanistan too. Also, Afghanistan wasn't a direct clash between NATO and the Warsaw pact although the weaponry were. I wouldn't praise the end of the cold war on Afghanistan. There were a score of proxy wars before in the Cold War and they didn't mark any end of any blocks.

The News come that China evacuates 3 K personnel from Vietnam. Could it be the first big regional war to mark the already described prophecies, in Asia between countries who have so many people and soldiers that don't really value the significance of each individual?

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 01:50 AM
If you listen to some Pakistani politician today (was he the chief of intelligence) it were THEY who defeated the Soviets in Afghanistan and "gave them graceful exit". It were THEY who defeated the Americans in Afghanistan and were ready to give them "graceful exit too". Quite ambitious for a neighbor country who pretends to be neutral in the war of Afghanistan and even an ally to USA. The interview was online sometime ago.

Pakistan rises as unpredictable nuclear power armed to teeth with more than 100 warheads that could reach the Middle East. Will it be Pakistan and not Iran to fulfil prophecies of old? You know, at the time of the Persian empire all of that land was controlled by the Persians. Pakistan is the only confirmed Muslim nuclear power today and it already has potential customers for its nuclear tech - Saudi Arabia wants to buy ready nukes. Could you imagine a bigger nightmare for "civilizations' clash" predicted by John Paul 2?

India - Pakistan war is just one possibility of many, that will draw China in. China built the highest paved way in the world thru Himalaya to Pakistan. China, India and Pakistan are 3 very distinct cultures who had wars in the past, who have diverse interests, all nuclear armed and who are unpredictable. We may not necessarily have East-West conflict to fulfill prophecies.

WW2 started quite early in Asia. Japanese aggression started back in 1905-1910 in Koreas and progressed all the time until the full WW2 started in Europe. What are two separate events in Europe, is actually one conquest in Asia that never stopped. Even after the end of WW2. Mao came to power not before 1947. And that is not the end of the story.

Now we have a giant China second only to USA in economic terms without match in the Asian region. Will there be anybody to stop China if tomorrow it decides to invade Hanoi and to demonstrate to the world Asia is its area of control? Philippines already signed treaty with USA so it is less likely China to start its conquest with the Philippines. Once reaching Singapore, China may declare victory and de facto control the vital lines of supply to East Asia. You may build upon that scenario with involvement of other powers. Will USA risk WW3 to restrain China? Or will it be India after being together with China in BRICS? China will expand in one direction because of its internal problems. But which direction will it be first? Not continental USA and not Australia, they are too far, Chinese navy is not that strong. Not Russia, for now they are "friends" for how long?) Remains either Pakistan and the oil fields of the Middle East, or SE Asia. For now it seems China goes to SE Asia and may be Japan.
edit on 19-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
a reply to: markosity1973

I appreciate that, and I await Medjugorje to be approved too.

But in terms of prophetic timeline, isn't it 2039 too far away in the future? Or 2033 (2000y of Jesus' death and resurrection, although the historic date should be 2029). Many of us won't be alive, and the generation that saw Israel established would pass away, if nothing happens between.

I see where you are going with this. You're using the 'This generation will not pass until all these things pass' argument.

Be careful with that, the Jehovah's witnesses have fallen into that trap many times and falsely predicted the return of prohpets and Jesus a number of times now as but one example of the peril of trying to pin things to an actual date.

The Watchtower Society has a long history of making prophecies and then changing them after they proved false. Dozens of references could be quoted and documented, but a few will suffice to prove the point. For example, the 1920 booklet Millions Now Living Will Never Die, declares, ...we may expect 1925 to witness the return of these faithful men of Israel from the condition of death, being resurrected... Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old. -- pages 89-90 This failed to come true, of course. Starting in the mid-1960's numerous discussions in the Society's publications pointed to the year 1975: This seventh day, God's rest day, has progressed nearly 6,000 years, and there is still the 1,000-year reign of Christ to go before its end. (Rev. 20:3, 7) This seventh 1,000-year period of human existence could well be likened to a great sabbath day. . . . In what year, then, would the first 6,000 years of man's existence and also the first 6,000 years of God's rest day come to an end? The year 1975. -- Awake! October 8, 1966, page 19


As for Medjugorje, it's never going to get approved until something concrete comes out of it i.e. after one of the secrets is announced and it comes to pass. In other words, it may not even get approved in our lifetimes.

I have been to Medjugorje and have heard Ivan, Mirjana and Vicka all speak. When asked about 'dates' for the secrets to come to pass, they were very specific in saying that there were no calendar dates, rather things were set by events. In this thread I presented some very interesting information about Mirjana. - She says that she was given all the secrets on a peice of parchment that she has to this day

I will venture out a little bit and say that the ordination of Pope Francis was a sign of God's power starting to return to earth. Many are condemning him for his 'liberal' stances, but actually Jesus was condemned for exactly the same thing by his contemporary Jewish peers.

This year we have also seen Sister Cristina become a worldwide phenomenon with her singing. I have dreamed for many years of a woman being able to heal people through her voice when singing. I believe Sister Cristina to be this lady in my dreams as I have seen what she did to J-Ax in her blind audition and I have felt it myself. Others on various websites have made mention of 'feeling blessed' when listening to her too.

As you can see, a couple of fairly big events have happened that have made very positive changes in a church that has been rocked to it's core by scandals of the most dire sort. I have also watched a video on KGB infiltration into the vatican. Yes, the KGB actively tried (and probably succeeded) to infiltrate the vatican itself via 'honey traps' - they set priests up with sexual temptation then bribed them to do their bidding to keep their secret safe. But it would seem that the tide is turning now and God's grace may be returning to the ranks of the truly faithful - the ones who did not abandon the church in her darkest days.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

good to know, thank you, but I am not after the Jehovah's witnesses. The Last Generation doctrine is preached by most youtube preachers. And has a logic inside, btw.
edit on 19-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
a reply to: markosity1973

good to know, thank you, but I am not after the Jehovah's witnesses. The Last Generation doctrine is preached by most youtube preachers. And has a logic inside, btw.

I only made mention of JWs to highlight the peril of dating future events. Yes, the 'last generation' theory is biblically sound if you take Jesus literally. What I am saying, is do not fixate on dates. Look for signs and trends like the couple that I talked of. There are more than that I could tell you about. The war that broke up the former communist state if Yugoslavia is another.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

As of Medjugorje, I know that, thanks for posting it.
Until we have secrets, we could potentially have EVERYTHING inside. We can't speculate on it. You see what big speculation happened with Fatima - 3. Medjugorje is secret and may remain secret for some time. Even after the era of peace. The seers are quite young and they said the events could happen even after their deaths.
What we have with Leo and other popes and saints, are open prophecies who put the end of the century as a definitive line between the overwhelming power of satan and the power of God, so to speak. Many automatically assumed int was 20th century. Including the Vatican people who were ready to release at least one part of Fatima believing it was a past event. If they were deluded in times, what to say about the common people. We all believed Fatima was done, and most of us realize now it was not. Even Benedict said that, who once as card. Ratzinger said it was over in the past. Everyone can err. That is not a dogma, that is not ex-cathedra. One is not obliged to believe Fatima or other apparition, in order to be a good standing catholic and save his soul, yes?

Still, if the popes and saints have spoken so, and they didn't tel popular stories at the time to increase their approval percentage, for a time no one of their contemporaries would be alive to see how true or false it is,...then I would pay respect to what they have said and written. Perhaps again we know a little portion of that leaked intentionally by their successors.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

If I remember itwas Mirjana who said it was not necessary for her to be alive at the time of the secrets. And that it was not necessary Fr Petar to release them. If he couldn't (or dies) another one would be appointed. It was Vicka who said that Our Lady will choose only one person of them 6 or even someone else who will remain on earth during the time of the secrets. Previously it was widely believed the apparitions would end at the 3rd secret the great sign. Furthermore, was it Vicka or Jacov or both/all to say secrets are not necessarily the SAME for the 6 seers. Only the 3rd is the same, and probably the last ones. So we tak of unknown number of events may be 30-40 and not only 10. How in that situation anyone coul say anything definite about any event to come, even its relative timing? We know nothing. The more the seers speak, the less we know because they kind of contradict their child-time interviews.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 02:54 AM
I have been to Medjugorje too. There is a rich grace there, one can feel that.
But you see, the seers are human vessels. No one is sinless. They are all married people btw, unlike Lucia of Fatima and other seers of old who were mostly religious. That is good for the time we are living in.

But I will not bet my 100% life or eternal life on what a seer says, however good it might seem, of an apparition that is still ongoing and that didn't give the definite great sign as promised. There are contradictions in interviews between the seers now, and between now and the past. Those are not small contradictions if one cares.

In other words, I believe Medjugorje is supernatural but I don't believe the human vessels carry it out 100% or the percent they are supposed to do. Let alone all the trade and unholy priesthood around who sometimes openly deny the claims of supernatural. Yes some of them do that and I heard them speaking like that. It is disappointing for someone hot believer as it was disappointing for myself. Hope Our Lady, if it is She, knows that and will correct that if Medjugorje is meant to be the heavenly gate for the catholic christianity.

I'd like Mirjana to give only one date of anything miracle or event, and it fulfilled, instead of talking hours for how we should convert to God. We know that! Those who listen to her probably all have already converted or ar eon the way of their personal conversion to God! What good to know the atheists the unbelievers are all around, as she usually speaks about, and we have to pray them out of hell? Isn't it better to confirm the believers in first place who lose ground in the belief because of the things I already mentioned and those not mentioned? Isn't it better to confirm the small flock that nearly dispersed by wolves in crisis never seen since WW2? Seems Mirjana's agenda is not my agenda. I wonder if Mirjana's agenda is our Lady's. Or are there 6 agendas or may be a hundred if we count all OL apparitions that are claimed today on the globe. Then are we talking of one only OL or someone else appearing. May be not evil one, may be a good one, may be from God too, but someone else. I want a proof such as was expected since Garabandal, Medjugorje, and after all since Fatima. No proof has been given so far.

And let mention again the so called Great Warning. if someone would have warned someone, isn't it better to be warned before, not after the chastisement?

Chastisement canceled? That sounds good but may be doesn't respond to the reality. We have been chastised on personal level each day. And it is called "time of grace" by seers who made their rich living out of the words of Our Lady! I don't mind to have their lifestyle of grace and to preach and testify what they do. But I do mind to take the other lot instead. We are speaking of millions who are mostly poorer, ill, elderly, who support those apparitions. Not the young, healthy and rich ones. Does it mean God doesn't help the believers of the apparitions but heps those who are farther away for any reason?

The same could be said about the Church. And I don't want to hear responses of "carrying one's cross" and that God punishes those whom He loves. It is quite a bit enough of it on the side of the preachers, in a time when they should lead and help the God's people. We all know how rich they live.
edit on 19-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

You have highlighted part of the problem of the Medjugorje phenomena. It is being criticised more and more as time drags on with this event. It could easily go the way of Garabandal and be condemned for all I know. Thing is though, I've been, and something supernatural is going on there.

A large part of why I am still a believer and resonate with catholicism despite the fact I am gay is because of how I was touched by personal events there. i.e. despite all the terrible things Christianity has to say about me as a person, I cannot, will not ever shake the belief that God is real and that there is hope while I am still alive.

Marian visitations though are a big part of the 100 year thing. She herself has said that when Medjugorje ends, she will not be around so much. If you look at some of the big events (not all catholic approved I must warn) you start to see that there is a concentration of them since the 1960's

We have;
Zeitoun in Egypt that stopped a Christian slaughter by the Muslims - there have been multiple events after the main one in 1968 - 70
Garabandal - condemned and falls under the Satan being on earth and trying to fool us category
Rwanda - The prediction of the sickening massacre of a million or so Christians (Jesus was said to have appeared in these visions too)
Akita - dire warnings to the world
Medjugorje - the mac daddy of all Marian apparitions so far. Yet to have it's supernatural origin discerned as being from God or not.
Agboville on the Ivory coast - helped calm a nation on the brink of civil war

There are literally about 10 -20 more minor apparitions that I could also mention. The point however is that whether these events are proven to be God or Satan, they are falling within this century thing as well. Mary has appeared since about the year 40 AD, but never ever has she been so busy - practically popping in to see us every day it would seem.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 03:07 AM
I do not deny Medjugorje or any other apparition, unless it is proven false. I can name a few but let skip that part. The problem is they do not materialize in the real life, even for those who believe them. I can say more, but let the reader make his own conclusions and may be share his own experiences!
edit on 19-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: markosity1973
I cleared the mountain built upon the sexual issues, because I don't intend to enter a topic different from the intent of this thread that you mentioned. I intentionally restrict this topic to earthly prophecy/politics and for example do not involve the non-earth beings, for the purpose of more people to participate in discussion who cannot accept that otherwise. So why should I enter into any sexual-related matters? I did enough on my part. Let someone else do theirs.

edit on 19-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

*Rolls eyes*

You have just made a mountain out of one sentence that was intended to be a byline in a post about my unshakable belief in God.

Adversity is part of the human experience. I am open and honest about my failing as a human being, don't focus on it. I don't.

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