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3 Months Since Legalizing Marijuana, Here's What Colorado Looks Like

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posted on May, 17 2014 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Visitor2012

Are you just making up words?

Oh yes. We shouldn't question the authority of the new clergy, oops, I meant scientists.

Is that what I said? NO it's not. What I said was that as long as it was GOOD SCIENCE, which isn't that hard to figure out if you do some research of your own, then trusting them isn't an issue.

Are you against intellectualism and science? Are you that paranoid that you think that every single study and every single scientists somehow has some nefarious agenda in mind?!

It's disturbing that you would place the power of such a determination in the hands of people who are not involved in the business of making you feel healthy or making your life better whatsoever.


The vast majority of research done on MJ is by people who have an active interest in making it legal and available so that they can treat disease and illness? What you think they do this for fun?

You have a very poor understanding of the scientific community and how things work if you have such a jaded outlook on science and research.

That's falls in the category of being a sheep.

I think that throwing aside all knowledge gleamed from proper study and research is far more ignorant than attempting to understand it.

I apologize if you have nor the time, patience or willingness to inform yourself properly and make your own decisions regarding what information is good and what information is bad, based on FACTS, but some of us don't.

I can't take you seriously if you honestly think that science is bad.

edit on 5/17/2014 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

Best be ready to surrender your 2nd amendment rights though, something I am obviously never going to do.

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

Isn't that the problem these days, is that we are far more interested in opinions than facts?

You're talking about so called 'facts'. Any 'Facts' worth mentioning, should be ones that lead to and support solid conclusions. There has yet to be any conclusive study which confirms the social, or overall psychological impact of this stuff. So what are these facts your siding with?

edit on 17-5-2014 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Visitor2012

You're talking about so called 'facts'. Any 'Facts' worth mentioning, should be ones that lead to and support solid conclusions. There has yet to be any conclusive study which confirms the social, or overall psychological impact of this stuff. So what are these facts your siding with?

I linked 15 pages of studies in a previous post. There are dozens of on going studies currently in the works. The lack of research stems from the fact that it's been illegal and demonized for so long.

There are also 4 decades of studies from Europe regarding their legalization efforts. Just because you don't know they exist, doesn't mean they don't.

I don't understand your argument. You tell me that I'm a sheep for reading and understanding studies, and then say I'm wrong because I haven't been reading or understanding studies?

Which one is it?

edit on 5/17/2014 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: WAstateMosin
a reply to: InTheLight

Best be ready to surrender your 2nd amendment rights though, something I am obviously never going to do.

Well, sure, we all know how well guns and alcohol go so good together. We've all seen old western saloon scenes featuring cowboys totin' the both. I'm sure guns go well with prescription medications as well. Nothing like the old six-shooter and a prescription of hillbilly heroin to round out a weekend. Pot is for pacifists, incompatible. Is that what the government is trying to sell us?

edit on 17-5-2014 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: tothetenthpower
a reply to: AfterInfinity

But by comparing alcohol to MJ you are removing it's legitimacy. There are far BETTER arguments for legalization and study then " alcohol is worse".

That argument is moot in comparison to the medical, economical and social aspects.

Which all require further study since there are unknowns regarding those above. We already know the facts of alcohol vs MJ, and we have for like 50 years.


I don't think you understand what I'm driving at. Why is marijuana illegal and alcohol legal? At what point does a chemical compound become too dangerous for regulated distribution? How did alcohol pass that check but marijuana doesn't?

Yes, we are aware of the contrasts between alcohol and marijuana. And yet, only one has been treated like the threat it is made out to be. My point here is simple: double standards.
edit on 17-5-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

I never said science is bad. But when it comes to MJ, I doubt you're going to hear any ultimate truth about it. At least nothing that hasn't already been said by people who have personal experience with it. Outside of the physical side affects, there is another element scientists have yet to even recognized within themselves, let alone within the chemical interactions of THC.
edit on 17-5-2014 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: AfterInfinity

Yes, we are aware of the contrasts between alcohol and marijuana. And yet, only one has been treated like the threat it is made out to be. My point here is simple: double standards.

And I get that, but it's a poor argument in comparison to the other ones I listed above, that's all I'm driving at.

If the argument is poorly framed then those who are against it have an easier time of making it seem like it's a worthless cause if you know what I mean.

We need to re-define the argument of pro-marijuana legalization and taxation as well as study if we want to have real progress.

Colorado and Washington were won based on an economic argument and a social argument, not one about liquor or the double standard of other drugs etc.


posted on May, 17 2014 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

Colorado and Washington were won based on an economic argument and a social argument, not one about liquor or the double standard of other drugs etc.

Oh, so that's the part where we just ignore all the dangerous chemicals we're ignoring in our haste to ban dangerous chemicals.

...See how stupid that sounds?
edit on 17-5-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: Visitor2012

I think I understand what you're saying a bit more.

I think the research in the next 10 years will be far more eye opening, perhaps both on the positive and negative side than we both think.

Personally I've worked in the medical MJ industry for over10 years, I've seen with my own eyes it's benefits in hundreds of patients, suffering numerous ailments.

Poor substitute for a study I Know, but now we have two states in the US who can study it at their leisure and they certainly are.


posted on May, 17 2014 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

The only way for a scientists to truly understand it, is to..
Oop, 404 territory.

Buck stops there...

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: Visitor2012
a reply to: tothetenthpower

The only way for a scientists to truly understand it, is to..
Oop, 404 territory.

Buck stops there...

I see what you mean, yes, T&C violation.

I'm more interested in it's medical applications in all honesty. Especially concentrated doses of Oil as my friend Rick Simpson has been doing.

Check out the phoenix tears group I linked earlier for some incredible info and research on that.


posted on May, 17 2014 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: Erongaricuaro

originally posted by: WAstateMosin
a reply to: InTheLight

Best be ready to surrender your 2nd amendment rights though, something I am obviously never going to do.

Well, sure, we all know how well guns and alcohol go good together. We've all seen old western saloon scenes featuring cowboys totin' the both. I'm sure guns go well with prescription medications as well. Nothing like the old six-shooter and a prescription of hillbilly heroin to round out a weekend. Pot is for pacifists, incompatible. Is that what the government is trying to sell us?

Yeah, and we all know how 'real' the Hollywood portrayals of the 'wild' west are! Somebody mistook Drama class for History!

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: lme7898354
As I've said many times, your not going to stop the use of any of these illegal drugs so the next best thing is to legalize them and generate a stream of tax revenue. The byproduct is it takes another tool out of the hands on criminals.

My guess is you'll see many more states adopt the same policy, especially in the wake of cash strapped governments who would welcome the additional money.

But not only the revenue stream from sales is in play.

The real money comes from the savings.

Not having to Police Cannabis will save millions for each state that grows up (pun intended).

Not having to drag people into court, will save millions in legal costs and free up the system to operate better.

Not having to throw people in jail for a non-crime will save millions in prison costs.

Not having to pay higher welfare to the families of those who will no longer lose their job, or not get thrown in jail for a non-crime or cannot get a job after leaving jail...will save millions in welfare costs.

The associated industries will make millions...feeds, specialist growing euipment, farming equipment supply, workers to plant, maintain, harvest and package the produce will also make a lot of money and provide ancillary jobs...and save more welfare.

But the real benefit, apart from the huge amounts of money, will be in freedom..grown up (no pun this time), adult choices being honoured as they should have been all along.

Freedom...with a huge slice of profit attached, what on Earth could BE more American than that?

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: MysterX

originally posted by: lme7898354
As I've said many times, your not going to stop the use of any of these illegal drugs so the next best thing is to legalize them and generate a stream of tax revenue. The byproduct is it takes another tool out of the hands on criminals.

My guess is you'll see many more states adopt the same policy, especially in the wake of cash strapped governments who would welcome the additional money.

But not only the revenue stream from sales is in play.

The real money comes from the savings.

Not having to Police Cannabis will save millions for each state that grows up (pun intended).

Not having to drag people into court, will save millions in legal costs and free up the system to operate better.

Not having to throw people in jail for a non-crime will save millions in prison costs.

Not having to pay higher welfare to the families of those who will no longer lose their job, or not get thrown in jail for a non-crime or cannot get a job after leaving jail...will save millions in welfare costs.

The associated industries will make millions...feeds, specialist growing euipment, farming equipment supply, workers to plant, maintain, harvest and package the produce will also make a lot of money and provide ancillary jobs...and save more welfare.

But the real benefit, apart from the huge amounts of money, will be in freedom..grown up (no pun this time), adult choices being honoured as they should have been all along.

Freedom...with a huge slice of profit attached, what on Earth could BE more American than that?

Not to mention all of the cloth, rope and paper which could be made from the plant fiber! I want to see it legalized across the country as it was when this country was founded, and then maybe we can get rid of the petro-produced synthetics which have caused so many problems since their introduction.

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: MysterX

originally posted by: lme7898354
As I've said many times, your not going to stop the use of any of these illegal drugs so the next best thing is to legalize them and generate a stream of tax revenue. The byproduct is it takes another tool out of the hands on criminals.

My guess is you'll see many more states adopt the same policy, especially in the wake of cash strapped governments who would welcome the additional money.

But not only the revenue stream from sales is in play.

The real money comes from the savings.

Not having to Police Cannabis will save millions for each state that grows up (pun intended).

Not having to drag people into court, will save millions in legal costs and free up the system to operate better.

Not having to throw people in jail for a non-crime will save millions in prison costs.

Not having to pay higher welfare to the families of those who will no longer lose their job, or not get thrown in jail for a non-crime or cannot get a job after leaving jail...will save millions in welfare costs.

The associated industries will make millions...feeds, specialist growing euipment, farming equipment supply, workers to plant, maintain, harvest and package the produce will also make a lot of money and provide ancillary jobs...and save more welfare.

But the real benefit, apart from the huge amounts of money, will be in freedom..grown up (no pun this time), adult choices being honoured as they should have been all along.

Freedom...with a huge slice of profit attached, what on Earth could BE more American than that?

After all that, we will still need sit ins and protests to ensure the government allocates those monies appropriately because they will all have their hands in the mj cookie jar, so to speak. Wait...and so it begins. (Shakes head back and forth in disbelief)

edit on 17-5-2014 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-5-2014 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

After all that, we will still need sit ins and protests to ensure the government allocates those monies appropriately because they will all have their hands in the mj cookie jar, so to speak. Wait...and so it begins. (Shakes head back and forth in disbelief)

I hear you, i really do...but in fairness, at least they 'claim' to be targeting it in the right places.

They say the money will be used for detecting drivers under the influence (like as in drunk / stoned drivers), which i happen to agree shouldn't drive while drunk or stoned or under heavy pharma drugs.

They also 'claim' they will launch programmes intended to rehabilitate Youths addicted to drugs (NOT Cannabis, as anyone that knows anything about cannabis knows it is not physically addictive and has no withdrawal symptoms) like meth, coke, ajd the rest...which again, is a good thing as far as i can the kids, don't arrest them and lock them up..fine.

BUT...what they claim, and what they actually do with the money remains to be seen...but if they are legit with their plans for the money, good for them.

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

Agreed tenth...making a comparison is a bad idea on many levels, even if it is to highlight the shocking disparity in stats about the two.

It virtually invites the 'two wrongs don't make a right' statement..even if that is in itself a juvinile and ridiculous statement to make, considering the lack of parity i mentioned above...but it still comes anyway.

It is valid in the sense that Cannabis use tends to result in people who are much calmer, more receptive to discussion, more willing to listen instead of flying off the handle and are much less violent, compared to alcohol use tends to result in exactly the opposite from people.

Apart from that, and the obvious statistical disparity of harm between the two, there is no difference

edit on 17-5-2014 by MysterX because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 05:20 PM
Quiet night tonight.

Come can't all be out on the booze surely!

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 05:36 PM
MysterX, It may save some people money, but its going to cost some others. Lawyers and police don't make money by not putting people in jail. Our legal system is a for profit racket. That's the main reason marijuana is illegal. Lots of people do it, that means there's lots of people open to be extorted by the local police. That's why they spend big bucks lobbying against legalization.

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