posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 10:28 AM
Or: it simply means that maybe there are no such things as accidents, at a subconscious level.
And that sometimes it is someone's time to die.
There are many things humans have done for millennia, and should be able to do healthily, but due to issues with physical or psychological health (or
both) don't. Like a mother sleeping through rolling over on her infant or something. Nobody should be that messed up health-wise. Some people are.
Well, we'd all probably get a lot more out of the innate survival-instinct of physiological precognition except that for most people, not only does
health probably play some interference role, but a culture-wide life-long knee-jerk disbelief in psi's possibility probably does too.
I've had a ridiculous number of precognitive events in my life, from dreams to simply awareness of something just before it occurred. Most were
pretty boring to be honest. But there's been enough, repeatedly, to convince me there's probably something to it. And there's been enough, when I
became aware just the moment before something was happening and was also aware that some part of me was intentionally ignoring it, to convince me
there's probably many underlying reasons why not everyone is aware of things, even threatening things.
And from the larger philosophical corner, most people don't want to know. Nobody wants to be responsible for what is in their life. Everyone wants to
believe that everything is an accident, and has no meaning and no relationship to them, and bad things just fell out of the stars onto them for no
reason whatever and they were helpless. Nobody wants the kickback of responsibility for one's reality that you get when you realize that "on some
level" you KNEW what was going to happen seconds before it did -- and hence could have prevented it.