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Just wrote a new book on Skinwalker Ranch happy to answer any questions you may have here.

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posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:51 PM
I am not sure why everything double posted but of course it did.

My brother in law became obsessed with Bottle Hollow and Skinwalker ranch after the first time up there.

He would not go up alone and insisted on taking people who had never been.

He began drinking heavily and taking painkillers at this time and would insist that the only thing that would calm him down was to drive him there so he could settle his mind.

Mother's Day, 2011

He flips out at my sister and she begs me to take his keys. So I drove over to where he was at and coax him in the car. He was a mess. 3:30 pm

I drive him around for a few hours to try and sober up. When starts getting on evening, he fixates on skinwalker ranch. He begs me to go for hours and shows no sign of settling down or sobering up.

Finally, at 7, I agree if my friend and sister in law agrees to go. I drive over, explain the situation, and she eyes him from the driveway.

We decide there is no way he is settling down. So at 7:30 pm, we set out. It is a 30 minute drive.

We get there at 8 pm and turn off onto the loop. It is a 1/2 mile loop that goes around the lake. Darkness is falling.

We figure that we will drive the loop and get back to the highway and take him home. He becomes more excited and manic.

At this point, we are feeling very watched and chased. Also it is 9 pm and we still have not made it back to the highway. We have not stopped driving. Or turned around.

There are weird lights starting to move under the water. Disk shaped that are about 6 feet across. Cyan colored and yellowish. Sometimes purplish.

9:30 pm
We continue driving. Decide that maybe we have taken somehow a wrong turn even though we have not changed direction or turned off.

We turn around, in the middle of the highway and start heading back the way we came.

9:45 pm-10ish.
A deer walks across the road in front of us. Only it doesn't move like a deer. Not. At. All.

It moved like it was controlled by wires. It did not bound like a deer. It moved like a puppet. And it felt like hate was boiling off of it. So much hatred.

It stopped and stared at us. More hatred. Started to walk towards the car. I hit the gas and drove past as fast as I could.

My brother in law smiled. And relaxed. Super creepy. I realized this was what he had wanted to do all day. Feed us to these things. He did not say another word for the rest of the night. Not one.

We drove. And drove. We drove into camping areas that had skinwalkers in them while we thought we were on the same road. We almost drove into the lake going 65 miles per hour. There is no possible way it could have been there.

Black giant winged things flew at the car, bouncing off of it. Shadowy men wolves impossibly tall and impossibly fast chased us.

We drove constantly. It wasn't until 2:30 am that we found the highway again. We were lucky to be alive.
edit on 05/31/14 by rowansilverfox because: Double post

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: rowansilverfox

originally posted by: BO XIAN
Reformatting with added paragraphing for older eyes and most folks who simply will not read walls of text. Also adding my usual bold and color emphases. Also some minor punctuation and corrections of some run-on sentences.

Thx much for your robust reply.

The time by Red Fleet when we discovered a 15x15x10 foot pile of bones and then had to leave our campsite and gear when we were surrounded by eyes? and malevolent feelings and almost didn't make it out, drove all night feeling chased. Came back with the morning to find our tent shredded into two inch pieces and the poles snapped into three inch pieces, all other gear, packs, cooking equipment gone.

Any more details on that one? Were there NO believing, authentic, practicing Christians in your group with enough spiritual authority to stop those goings on?

Red Fleet Reservoir inlet ---
Ok, so the wonderful Red Fleet camping trip. I was 18 at this point. 1998.

We got to the inlet and set up camp in the afternoon. We decided to go for a hike. When we had been hiking around for about an hour we came across this huge pile of bones. 15 feet tall, ten feet wide.

Literally thousands of bones. All different types of bones. Big ones, small ones, stacked tight. Way past where you could get a truck and not safe for an 4-wheeler. Up on the cliffs.

You would have to drag carcasses for years and years to do this. By hand. Animals don't do this.

And only the most insane person in the world with a bone fetish and a wicked hunting streak would. And even then, why?

It felt horrible. Unease would not even cover it. It was still bright daytime. About 3 pm.

So we get freaked out and decide to head back to camp. We cook dinner, start a fire all that jazz.

After dinner, it was dark. About 9 pm. We start seeing glowing greenish yellow eyes. Like mountain lions. Only larger. And way higher up then mountain lions.

9-10 feet tall. We were surrounded. There was a distinct malevolent feeling.

Then the wind started to whip. Out of nowhere, clear skies still, rain started to pour.

We grabbed our sleeping bags, hauled butt to the car and fled. Fire still going, left all our gear, packs, shoes. Hundreds of dollars of gear.

As we were driving the 1/4 mile to the highway, the car killed 5-6 times. Something was trying to push us off the road. I was driving and I had to use all my strength to hold the wheel.

I drove all night, we didn't want to go home because whatever they were, were chasing us and we did not want to show them where we lived. Or stop.

They ran at incredible speeds. I never saw more than tall shadowy grey shapes and horrible glowing eyes. They didn't stop chasing us until dawn.

We went back to camp to gather our gear at 7 am. There was nothing left but broken bits of tent poles and small shreds of tent.

Our pads were gone, as were our packs, cast iron cooking pots, shoes, cooler, everything. And no, there wasn't a flood. The ground wasn't even still wet.

I don't think that these things were skinwalkers. I don't know what they were. And absolutely, being Christian wouldn't have repelled them.

The time when the Red Hand Skinwalkers(not the same things, so much worse) drifted to the ridges of the town like something out of Lord of the Rings and just floated there for over a week before drifting towards Colorado. Thank god they didn't do anything. Nothing could have stopped them if they decided to.

Can you be more detailed in your description about the differences between the "Red Hands" and the other types? How are they more powerful? What manifestations are different?

I have never come across anything so evil as the Red Hands. They are so old, ancient and so evil that I am not even sure they knew they were in a town.

They float. They sizzle. They cause dizziness and confusion when they are within 15 miles of a place.

They just drift and are so powerful that I don't know if there is anything in this world that could oppose them.

I have some Native friends that recognized what they were and told me that they had a name for them. Red Hands.

They were created when the world was a much more horrible place than it is now and I can't even imagine how it was done because I think I would have nightmares for the rest of my life.

I am not sure if they were ever human. They just drift from place to place. And sizzle.

Regular skinwalkers--most in this area are still alive. They age, but don't die.

They change shape, more often if they are pissed. The only one I ever saw without an assumed shape was out in the wastelands between vernal and dinosaur.

He looked like the oldest person in the world with extreme radiation poisoning. His skin ran like wax.

A few long strands of hair clung to his skull. I drove by, and he opened his mouth impossibly wide and it looked like he hissed.

The times I have been up by bottle hollow and something ran at my car that was bigger than it.

I gather that was invisible? Or not? How did you know it was bigger than your car, if it was invisible? What shape, texture, character etc. did it have, if it was visible?

2011. It looked like a giant wolf. Black. Glowing red eyes. Shaggy. Bigger than my car. I swerved and popped my speed up to 90 to get to the top of the hill.

Officer Yazzie BIA pulled me over at the top in Howdy's Hilltop Tavern's parking lot. He asked me what my problem was.

I stammered that something ran at my car and I swerved and sped up to dodge it. I asked him if he ever saw anything weird out here.

He smiled at me and said nothing for a few seconds. Then told me not to worry about anything out here.

Officer Yazzie died last year. He was 32. He died in a car accident with nothing, going the speed limit, on a stretch of road that he had driven thousands of times.

The lights under the water at the lake. The howls and screams at these places. I could go on and on.

Do you still experience such goings on? How about poltergeist stuff in your home?

Yes, there is all sorts of going ons all the time here. As far as stuff in my home, nothing stays for long. I chase it out, and smudge the house if anything comes. Nothing ever comes back twice.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 03:42 AM

originally posted by: rowansilverfox

Oh man. So much typing. Lol.

Ok, here goes. First off, being Christian absolutely doesn't help. No more than firing guns at these things does.

I believe, generally speaking, that your assertion is inaccurate.



has instructed a number of Native American Christian Congregations in the spiritual warfare necessary--quite successfully. It does appear that the Christians need to be authentic INTRINSIC Christians and not shallow, phony, inauthentic, EXTRINSIC pseudo-'Christians.'

1.1 On that score, I'm reminded of the following NT passage:

ACTS 19:
11 God gave Paul the power to perform unusual miracles. 12 When handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and evil spirits were expelled.

13 A group of Jews was traveling from town to town casting out evil spirits. They tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus in their incantation, saying, “I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!”

14 Seven sons of Sceva, a leading priest, were doing this. 15 But one time when they tried it, the evil spirit replied, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” 16 Then the man with the evil spirit leaped on them, overpowered them, and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and battered.

2. Guy Malone has more than 400 cases in his and an associates file wherein such spiritual warfare strategies DID stop "ET" type abductions cold . . . and even stopped it in cases where such goings on had followed family bloodlines down for generations.


Some of the older(not Ute) but Fremont or even older practices do work. The only Christian that could probably make a difference is this guy I know in SLC who is most likely a living saint. The priests and clergy in the local area might be able to temporarily run something off but it will be back.

WHEN authentic Christians walking in God's Holy Spirit's power and guidance declare their boundaries of their physical home, business etc properties--and their group congregational boundaries as well--which can extend to a community depending on various factors--

WHEN they cleanse their home of occult objects, repent of any dabbling or associations with same etc. . . .

THEN such entities--ALL SUCH ENTITIES--must respect those boundaries AND WILL . . . . as L.A. Marzulli and groups which have received instruction from him have demonstrated repeatedly.

These beings are not in their paradigm. They don't have a reference or a ritual for them. Most of them are very much alive. There are angry spirits around, and the very occasional demon or imp thing and they could chase that off but 95% are not those things.

That does NOT matter. As L.A. Marzulli and groups associated with his teachings have repeatedly demonstrated.

Christ won all such battles on THE CROSS and the empty tomb. His Blood and Name CAN be quite effectively applied against all such entities.

Turf is a bit more complicated. Those having ownership/authority over the geographical turf have to be the ones exercising the spiritual authority. And, those owners, those in such authority, IN ORDER to exercise such spiritual authority successfully--particularly against high ranking evil forces--MUST be in right standing with The Lord; walking in His Will; prayed up--perhaps fasted up and perhaps involving a group of spiritually potent prayer warriors--THEN success can be achieved and lastingly maintained.

It is not a ritual thing. It is a spiritual authority thing.

The Uintah Basin has what I call thin spots. I am of the belief that these areas are weak areas that allow the passage of things that are not usually found in this world. This is a very old belief and has been documented through several Native cultures. Bottle Hollow is an outright tear.

There are certainly regions where evil entities of various types have more 'spiritually legal' access to come and go from evil spiritual dimensions into this time/space dimension. This can relate to blood sacrifices and other evil rituals done on that turf. It can relate to generational associations with the human families (at least some of whom have engaged in occult practices) associated with that turf.

These creatures are not necessarily all bad, but obviously not from here and also some of them are very angry, or simply used to hunting. Think Alien vs. Predator. If you have enough willpower, no matter what deity/deities you have faith in or a relationship with, although it does help, you can stand down a regular skinwalker.

Will power can relate to faith. And The New Testament affirms that "according to your faith, so be it unto you." However, with entities of a certain rank, it has to be faith IN THE LORD JESUS THE CHRIST or the entities will merely laugh derisively and perhaps attack ruthlessly an unprepared, corrupted person trying to exercise spiritual authority they don't really have.

Maybe even two. Some of the creatures that walk here will respect a strong will as well. But there are some that shred anything in their path like mini tornados. Trees, cars, animals, whatever they come across. Some have been here for eons and have made it into tribal lore and history. Maybe they were always here, I certainly won't be able to find that out for sure.

What I wrote above still applies in all such situations and with all such entities.

Massey's Meadows-Dry Fork Canyon.
One of the main antagonists there, and she vanished last fall when that trapped skinwalker down below at the cemetery finally got free and went rampaging up the canyon. I think she got eaten. At any rate, she was a woman in white spirit or something very much like that.

Through my experiences and from what I could see, she was a Native American girl 16-17 with two children. She lived at the bend of Ashley Creek there and some men, trappers I think, killed her with a rock. Beat her in the head with it. I don't know how the children were killed or what happened but I am sure it was horrible. At any rate, she was furious and was very certain nobody was going to come near her home if she had anything to do with it. People have said that there is a skinwalker living in Massey's Cave and/or souls of people that were killed in there. I am out room. Continuing...

Hmmmm . . . doesn't sound like she was wise about her own safety.

Thanks for your elaborations and more detailed posts.

posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 03:50 AM

originally posted by: rowansilverfox

Massey's Cave--Dry Fork Canyon
At any rate, I was never foolhardy enough to go into Massey's cave with a possible skinwalker. It takes a special sort of stupid for that.


As teenagers, we went up to hike around Massey's. There was a immediate feeling of unease. We all separated for no reasonable reasons at all. I thought I saw a (ha ha at my teen self) a nazi swastika painted clear up the mountain, so I got upset and hiked away from the group to check it out. This happened with everyone. We all saw something different. Something out of place that we had to investigate.

Once we were all separated, my pregnant friend began screaming. She had started to get blistering burns all over her body.

We hiked down as fast as we could and were chased to the mouth of the canyon. The burns keep occurring the whole way down. Very evil feeling. I suppose she was offended by one of the guys that went hiking with us that day.

He was an offensive jerk that could piss off the Pope. But why attack my friend, I don't know.

Curious. Can you think of any aspect or factor that may have made her more vulnerable than the rest of you?

Dry Fork Cemetery---I grew up in Dry Fork, now the thing you need to understand about Dry Fork is that it is filled to the brim with creatures, critters and all manner of spirits. By the cemetery, not on it, there was three spirit/creatures that I always saw right there when I was growing up. There seemed to be a boundary that was trapping two of them.

One of them was this nasty, very angry skinwalker that would charge the boundary and audibly snarled and gibbered at me. I was 11 or 12 and once I figured out it could not get to me, I would, from a reasonably safe distance of 30 feet away, taunt it and stick my tongue out at it. It would get angrier and rapidly change forms. Sometimes up to once a second when it was really pissed.

NOT WISE AT ALL. Certain actions, attitudes, statements, etc. on the part of humans in such situations can provide a spiritually legal justification for the entities escaping such boundaries and attacking anyway.

Another one was something we called a Buffalo Bear. It was immense and looked like a cross between a buffalo and a bear. It had red eyes and it looked like it had flames coming from its hooves. It would charge down the mountainside and charge the boundary. But it didn't seem angry, just territorial. Very Native American.

The third was sort of a very tall, somewhat humanoid guardian type creature that hung out on the mountain behind the cemetery that was not trapped and not mean. Also seemed very Native American.

Anyway, last August, from what I figure, the buffalo bear and the walker joined up or one ate the other and escaped that barrier, went rampaging up the canyon, tore up a bunch of huge trees from their roots, and ate everything in their path.

Interesting. Sounds frightful enough!

Several creatures that I saw the whole time I was growing up simply disappeared. Including that very angry spirit. There was a white mist that could be seen from town pouring out of the canyon. Like what you would see with a bad blizzard but it was late August. 90 degree weather without a cloud in the sky and it felt awful. I went in the house and inspected the damage a few days later. It was substantial.

Hmmmmm. Wow.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:52 PM
Excellent thread! s&f

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:19 AM
Respectfully BO XIAN how much fieldwork have you OR L.A.Marzulli done? He isn't "claiming" any on the bloglink you provided. He is however an author! Can't say without a "proven track record " of him working Native Sites with Native Americans I'd be applying his material to a Native American site.

Your recommendations smack of "privilege" by ignoring RSF's comment's that the Fremont people and some Ute Elders DO have ways to address this phenomena in this specific area.

I'm in no way dismissing your beliefs, just pointing out they don't apply in every paranormal situation despite what you've been told, or believe. Finding the best solution for a "place" trumps ideology.

An idea for consideration is that individual places are keyed to specific vibrations. By addressing them in a manner not consistent with their history, you are most likely not getting to the root of an issue and only muddling the waters so to speak. Trust and believe when this happens someone will have to go back in and unmuddle it, and that kind of mistake isn't generally appreciated. ( speaking generally you understand)

Keith Basso worked with the White Mountain Apache for his book "Wisdom Sit's In Places"

It's similar to Paul Devereux's work on the Ley Lines in the UK, but it outlines their landscape here in the US. I will assume the Ute also have "mapped" their land within their oral history.

Something NO ONE's looking at is that from Vernal UT straight down to eastern Arizona is rife with many of the same reports of various entities. That's like what? 1000 miles of "the weird"? How does this go unmentioned?

I would suppose that you have one big giant honking negative Ley line running thru there and maybe stop fixating on individual places and start working the line. From the rt.191 apparently is the USA's longest paranormal highway, yet no one is calling it such. There's a much bigger picture here and it's a shame it goes unnoticed.

Another thing people don't discuss is that some places are supposed to be negative, you have no balance otherwise. Can a place go too negative? Probably.

edited to add, purchased Mr.Skinners book and am looking forward to it's delivery!

edit on 13-7-2014 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Caver78

I've discussed such things with L.A. Marzulli face to face.

I've discussed such things with a number of the Dineh face to face . . . a few of whom have taken to heart and practice L.A.'s instructions and coaching in terms of how to deal with such entities and banish their manifestations and acting out within the turf/spheres of the families and church body concerned.

We don't share the construction on reality that you describe. The construction we share has proven effective at predicting and managing life's events on such scores and on a list of other scores.

I'll trust my assessment on such scores, at this time.

I am aware that the whole region is plagued in many localized areas with such goings on. I had suspected that the Eastern side of Utah down through the Dineh Reservation was a relatively hot area. My sources do not cover that WHOLE large area, though.

edit on 13/7/2014 by BO XIAN because: accuracy

edit on 13/7/2014 by BO XIAN because: added

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:09 PM
I would be surprised if anyones sources cover that much area, it's massive. I'd be curious to know if it ran down into Mexico and compare reports with them?

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 09:58 PM
Ok, having faith and your deity at your back does help, if, IF, you are active in your faith, and have a real relationship. Most people are asleep as far as that goes. At least most of your run of the mill Christians. They go to church because it is what they are supposed to do and recite. If you have your deity or deities there, sometimes it is the only thing that will save your a**. Certainly the only thing that has saved mine.

a reply to: BO XIAN

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 10:02 PM
Well, I know, but I was twelve. Twelve year olds are stupid.

My buddy was pregnant, nineteen, fresh out of an abusive family, and an even more abusive relationship. Defenses pretty thin.

a reply to: BO XIAN

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 10:06 PM
As far as being wise about her own safety, who knows. It was a bloodbath on Indians back then. And the horrible imagery I got is that there were two men, one girl. Two children. Pretty easy to overpower her.

originally posted by: BO XIAN

originally posted by: rowansilverfox

Oh man. So much typing. Lol.

Ok, here goes. First off, being Christian absolutely doesn't help. No more than firing guns at these things does.

I believe, generally speaking, that your assertion is inaccurate.



has instructed a number of Native American Christian Congregations in the spiritual warfare necessary--quite successfully. It does appear that the Christians need to be authentic INTRINSIC Christians and not shallow, phony, inauthentic, EXTRINSIC pseudo-'Christians.'

1.1 On that score, I'm reminded of the following NT passage:

ACTS 19:
11 God gave Paul the power to perform unusual miracles. 12 When handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and evil spirits were expelled.

13 A group of Jews was traveling from town to town casting out evil spirits. They tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus in their incantation, saying, “I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!”

14 Seven sons of Sceva, a leading priest, were doing this. 15 But one time when they tried it, the evil spirit replied, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” 16 Then the man with the evil spirit leaped on them, overpowered them, and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and battered.

2. Guy Malone has more than 400 cases in his and an associates file wherein such spiritual warfare strategies DID stop "ET" type abductions cold . . . and even stopped it in cases where such goings on had followed family bloodlines down for generations.


Some of the older(not Ute) but Fremont or even older practices do work. The only Christian that could probably make a difference is this guy I know in SLC who is most likely a living saint. The priests and clergy in the local area might be able to temporarily run something off but it will be back.

WHEN authentic Christians walking in God's Holy Spirit's power and guidance declare their boundaries of their physical home, business etc properties--and their group congregational boundaries as well--which can extend to a community depending on various factors--

WHEN they cleanse their home of occult objects, repent of any dabbling or associations with same etc. . . .

THEN such entities--ALL SUCH ENTITIES--must respect those boundaries AND WILL . . . . as L.A. Marzulli and groups which have received instruction from him have demonstrated repeatedly.

These beings are not in their paradigm. They don't have a reference or a ritual for them. Most of them are very much alive. There are angry spirits around, and the very occasional demon or imp thing and they could chase that off but 95% are not those things.

That does NOT matter. As L.A. Marzulli and groups associated with his teachings have repeatedly demonstrated.

Christ won all such battles on THE CROSS and the empty tomb. His Blood and Name CAN be quite effectively applied against all such entities.

Turf is a bit more complicated. Those having ownership/authority over the geographical turf have to be the ones exercising the spiritual authority. And, those owners, those in such authority, IN ORDER to exercise such spiritual authority successfully--particularly against high ranking evil forces--MUST be in right standing with The Lord; walking in His Will; prayed up--perhaps fasted up and perhaps involving a group of spiritually potent prayer warriors--THEN success can be achieved and lastingly maintained.

It is not a ritual thing. It is a spiritual authority thing.

The Uintah Basin has what I call thin spots. I am of the belief that these areas are weak areas that allow the passage of things that are not usually found in this world. This is a very old belief and has been documented through several Native cultures. Bottle Hollow is an outright tear.

There are certainly regions where evil entities of various types have more 'spiritually legal' access to come and go from evil spiritual dimensions into this time/space dimension. This can relate to blood sacrifices and other evil rituals done on that turf. It can relate to generational associations with the human families (at least some of whom have engaged in occult practices) associated with that turf.

These creatures are not necessarily all bad, but obviously not from here and also some of them are very angry, or simply used to hunting. Think Alien vs. Predator. If you have enough willpower, no matter what deity/deities you have faith in or a relationship with, although it does help, you can stand down a regular skinwalker.

Will power can relate to faith. And The New Testament affirms that "according to your faith, so be it unto you." However, with entities of a certain rank, it has to be faith IN THE LORD JESUS THE CHRIST or the entities will merely laugh derisively and perhaps attack ruthlessly an unprepared, corrupted person trying to exercise spiritual authority they don't really have.

Maybe even two. Some of the creatures that walk here will respect a strong will as well. But there are some that shred anything in their path like mini tornados. Trees, cars, animals, whatever they come across. Some have been here for eons and have made it into tribal lore and history. Maybe they were always here, I certainly won't be able to find that out for sure.

What I wrote above still applies in all such situations and with all such entities.

Massey's Meadows-Dry Fork Canyon.
One of the main antagonists there, and she vanished last fall when that trapped skinwalker down below at the cemetery finally got free and went rampaging up the canyon. I think she got eaten. At any rate, she was a woman in white spirit or something very much like that.

Through my experiences and from what I could see, she was a Native American girl 16-17 with two children. She lived at the bend of Ashley Creek there and some men, trappers I think, killed her with a rock. Beat her in the head with it. I don't know how the children were killed or what happened but I am sure it was horrible. At any rate, she was furious and was very certain nobody was going to come near her home if she had anything to do with it. People have said that there is a skinwalker living in Massey's Cave and/or souls of people that were killed in there. I am out room. Continuing...

Hmmmm . . . doesn't sound like she was wise about her own safety.

Thanks for your elaborations and more detailed posts.

edit on 05/31/14 by rowansilverfox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 10:22 PM
Look guys, after I posted all my posts, I started to feel the Skinwalkers' attention. I ignored it.

One of my acquaintances that keeps getting pulled back there( it is part of how they hunt and she lives way too close and she is a mess so is vulnerable) decided it would be a great idea to drive up there at night and go swim in that lake.

She showed up at my house, and let's just say she wasn't herself. I got her out of my home, and drove around with her for a bit.

After 20 minutes she finally told what she had been up to. I didn't get her out soon enough. She left a 'present' from them. The children were dizzy and disoriented.

But they are 'my' children so instead of lying down, they took a shower. When the dog started going absolutely crazy, my teen, instead of putting him outside, or trying to calm him, immediately lit incense.

I brought her back to the house, kept her outside, which was difficult because she kept trying to get in, got my sage and my fan and smudged her. It took 40 minutes to clear it.

I also turned her tea to holy water. She left as herself. These things hunt this way. They tag people, and control them.

I knew I was taking a risk talking about them. I just wanted to warn you guys.

If anyone has further questions, go ahead and message me. Please don't if you are going to be a creep. I really have no tolerance for it.
edit on 05/31/14 by rowansilverfox because: (no reason given)

edit on 05/31/14 by rowansilverfox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 10:22 PM
Ok so lets have the 1st annual Ghoul round-up at the Skinwalker Ranch and bring in thousands and thousands of people,make it a concert and a festival,I am sure the Ghoulies will NOT leave dodge for the weedend.

All we see are small efforts which do not have the numbers of paralell witnesses needed to put the issue to bed for once and for all.

Call it the Skinwalker Crusade,and hit social media up for support.

If we really want the answers they are not hard to get if we use numbers to make the points.

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: rowansilverfox

I can imagine that her defenses were very thin! Yikes!

What a vulnerable situation!

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: rowansilverfox

I encourage you to remove your phone number.

You don't need the hassle.

You don't need misc. jerks copying it for whatever reasons in the future.

If it's too late to remove it by edit, ask a mod to remove it for you.

It is NOT WISE to leave your phone number up

by any means for any reason.

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 10:38 PM
I see I have wasted my time and endangered my children for nothing. Awesome. Thank you for reminding me why I don't interfere. a reply to: one4all

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: rowansilverfox

I encourage you to remove your phone number.

You don't need the hassle.

You don't need misc. jerks copying it for whatever reasons in the future.

If it's too late to remove it by edit, ask a mod to remove it for you.

It is NOT WISE to leave your phone number up

by any means for any reason.

Yeah, you are completely right. I wish people could behave but they can't.

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: rowansilverfox

Can't is probably the operative word for some.

Most are too immature, imperceptive, uninformed, arrogant, selfish, rebellious, contrary . . . etc. etc. etc.

and simply WON'T.

Thanks for removing your number. That was concerning me a lot.

The world has gotten a LOT LESS SAFE the last 60 years.

And the freaky stuff and critters are a significant part of that . . . but only part of that.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 10:28 AM
Telling people to stay clear of an area has never worked, but I appreciate your efforts in trying to give people the heads up on the dangers of this place. JMO but most people suffer from a bad case of "terminal uniqueness " refusing to believe they are indeed unprepared for paranormal repercussions.

Call me jaded, but at this point I think they should get what they are asking for & just get it over with.
This is why I won't put place locations or heck, even my experiences online.

Ignorance may not be bliss, but in many instances it's enough to keep some people safe.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:57 PM
Thank you. I suppose you are right. But these 'ghost hunters' ought to know what they are dealing with. Especially when they are used to going to a cemetery and snapping pictures. I guess if they wander in there, they can catch a Darwin Award.

originally posted by: Caver78
Telling people to stay clear of an area has never worked, but I appreciate your efforts in trying to give people the heads up on the dangers of this place. JMO but most people suffer from a bad case of "terminal uniqueness " refusing to believe they are indeed unprepared for paranormal repercussions.

Call me jaded, but at this point I think they should get what they are asking for & just get it over with.
This is why I won't put place locations or heck, even my experiences online.

Ignorance may not be bliss, but in many instances it's enough to keep some people safe.

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