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Ice Cream Trucks ... ( Another Form Of Racism ??? )

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posted on May, 13 2014 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Well, you can't copyright a chord progression, but you can copyright a melody, and get sued for it, because there is much more variety inherent in melody (chord tones and rhythms, passing notes..)

So if you play the chords to happy birthday, it could be any old song, but if you hum the melody of happy birthday, not one person familiar with the song will miss what it is.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: VirusGuard
a reply to: FarleyWayne

You what ????

Sounds like someone has too much time on his hands

if it's not commies under the beds it racists in the kitchen

As far as I can tell on ATS, it's also guys who got nothing better to do than be snippy. There be no commies under his bed, no racists in the kitchens, but ATS is hells-a-popping with trolls.

I believe the OP was referring to the article being little more than race-baiting garbage, trying to make us feel bad for liking the ice cream truck song when we were children.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 08:41 PM
I have heard "Turkey in the Straw" thousands of times. I have never heard those lyrics with it. Much ado about nothing.

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

No offence, but it all seems a bit Pollyana-ish to me. It seems you put alot of faith in the human race. I don't. I haven't seen much that leads me to believe humans are going to end up any differently than the dinosaur or the dodo.

Simply stop teaching your kids to be racist is a good step.

Believe it or not, racism can be learned. Think about it, if nobody is born racist, then why is there racism?

And who is going to decide what is racist and what isn't? If I say the N-word am I "racist"? How about if I sing it in a song? Is it only offensive if I'm white and I say it (apparently so)? Are white people the only ones that are allowed to like fried chicken and watermelons without it being "racist"? I have a picture of an old plantation home with some black folks picking cotton, I guess that's racist too? etc etc.

Perfect example is a buddy of mine who moved down here from northern Arkansas last year. There is no black folks there and there's some pretty big ghettos here. I asked his wife how she got along with black folks. She said she was not racist at all and she did not see color. I said OK well thats good for you then. Six months later she completely changed her attitude when she was going to leave the grocery store and a couple black guys stole her groceries out of her buggy while she was turned around strapping her baby in the carseat. There were other incidents that changed her mind other than that. Like when she was heading home from the pecan festival and decided to take a shortcut down MLK and was yelled at to "get the f**k out of here you damned white bitches"! by a 350lb black guy while she was sitting at a red light with her daughter.

edit on 14-5-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 03:52 AM

Why are they or any body else in fact sure its based from the racist version of the song? The lyrics arent spoken. So, how do they or anybody else alive know its not based off of 'Turkey in the Straw'?

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: FarleyWayne
The ice cream truck jingle is the sound of innocent childhood summers and also the melody to the most racist song in the history of the United States.

I believe that MANY variations of Lyrics COULD be applied to MANY Melodies ... ( which could then be considered "racist" ).

Oh my! One must have slipped passed the race police. Be sure and call the Southern Poverty Law Center and the NAACP right away as they will want to get on this before anyone gets hurt.

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: Chickensalad

Why are they or any body else in fact sure its based from the racist version of the song? The lyrics arent spoken. So, how do they or anybody else alive know its not based off of 'Turkey in the Straw'?

You know the rules salad. This sort of thing must be cleared by the ministry of "truth". They say lyrics don't have to be spoken. You want some more time with the rat?

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: Cancerwarrior
a reply to: SaturnFX

No offence, but it all seems a bit Pollyana-ish to me. It seems you put alot of faith in the human race. I don't. I haven't seen much that leads me to believe humans are going to end up any differently than the dinosaur or the dodo.

Simply stop teaching your kids to be racist is a good step.

Believe it or not, racism can be learned. Think about it, if nobody is born racist, then why is there racism?

And who is going to decide what is racist and what isn't? If I say the N-word am I "racist"? How about if I sing it in a song? Is it only offensive if I'm white and I say it (apparently so)? Are white people the only ones that are allowed to like fried chicken and watermelons without it being "racist"? I have a picture of an old plantation home with some black folks picking cotton, I guess that's racist too? etc etc.

Perfect example is a buddy of mine who moved down here from northern Arkansas last year. There is no black folks there and there's some pretty big ghettos here. I asked his wife how she got along with black folks. She said she was not racist at all and she did not see color. I said OK well thats good for you then. Six months later she completely changed her attitude when she was going to leave the grocery store and a couple black guys stole her groceries out of her buggy while she was turned around strapping her baby in the carseat. There were other incidents that changed her mind other than that. Like when she was heading home from the pecan festival and decided to take a shortcut down MLK and was yelled at to "get the f**k out of here you damned white bitches"! by a 350lb black guy while she was sitting at a red light with her daughter.

Where to begin
First, it is in our nature to fear the unknown and unfamiliar. Yes. through exposure and education, you become less fearful and accept it.
As far as what constitutes racism, well intent is a big thing. a black guy singing some rap song and using the n word, while distasteful and definitely "ghetto", its not racist, because he isn't using the terms with superiority or meaning to offend. A white person using it is unlikely to go over well due to historic considerations that is still in the global consciousness.
As far as you having some framed picture of cotton picking black people on a plantation, yeah..thats a pretty bad pic to have. would you also have a pic of a bunch of jews in a concentration camp hung in your german house?

As far as your friend...her issue is with poor culture and criminal behavior..and racism by the lowest common denominator. I personally find the whole ghetto culture disgusting and a huge disservice to the community...this is currently overwhelmingly black youth, but white people, Spanish, etc..all colors displaying this disgusting behavior are equal here.
The entire black community didn't steal her groceries, some jerks did..the entire black community didn't disrespect her, some jerk did. The easiest thing to do is to generalize.
Something she may consider. the people who did this too her..probably also men..does that mean she finds all men a bunch of rude disgusting people..or they all had hair on their head, isn't a skin tone that did that, it is a crappy culture.

Not sure what "pollyana-ish" means..sounds like a term before my time, but I think I get the jist.
I have travelled a big part of the world and have noted some things. People are pretty much the same everywhere, and I have far more smiles and good will than negative. I don't let the negative paint my view about the whole...because simply put, the good people far outnumber the rotten apples.

Only issue is, the rotten apples tend to become politicians and run things...I guess it requires a certain degree of ruthlessness, but in the end, politicians work for the people (typically) I don't feel my view on our future is doomed. its simply not set in stone and could go many different ways.

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: FarleyWayne

You've been listening to Foxhole on Sirus XM?

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

As far as what constitutes racism, well intent is a big thing. a black guy singing some rap song and using the n word, while distasteful and definitely "ghetto", its not racist, because he isn't using the terms with superiority or meaning to offend.

What if he uses it in other ways? I've heard the N word spoken by black guys/girls in all sorts of contexts. Most of the time its not in a friendly way, or a snoop dogg song. So that tells me that its not the word that's offensive, they choose to get offended only if a white person says it.

As far as you having some framed picture of cotton picking black people on a plantation, yeah..thats a pretty bad pic to have.

People that aren't from here don't understand. Scenes like that are part of the culture here. Everyone here (black and white) has pictures and decorations like that. My mother in law has a ceramic black boy eating a slice of watermelon in her garden. My neighbor has a ceramic statue of Aunt Jemima in her kitchen. Hell even my black mechanic guy who lives across the lake has the same picture as I have in my living room. Is he racist? None of them hate on blacks or go to klan rallies or anything like that. I guess some folks would get offended and call "racist" those plastic statues of black santa all over the ghetto at christmastime. I don't see how having a picture/statue/whatever like that is racist.

As far as your friend...her issue is with poor culture and criminal behavior..and racism by the lowest common denominator. I personally find the whole ghetto culture disgusting and a huge disservice to the community...this is currently overwhelmingly black youth, but white people, Spanish, etc..all colors displaying this disgusting behavior are equal here.

That is just one person of many I have known like that over the years. I have known many more like her that moved here from somewhere there were no ghettos. She is not the only one to adopt this view after living here, after 3-6 months all of them keep on their side of town. Maybe where you are at all colors express ghetto behavior but around here it is by far the black folks who act like that, it got way worse after Katrina and the New Orleans ghettos moved north.

Not sure what "pollyana-ish" means..sounds like a term before my time, but I think I get the jist.

Pollyana is an old disney movie about a naive young girl. Yeah its kinda old.

Only issue is, the rotten apples tend to become politicians and run things...I guess it requires a certain degree of ruthlessness, but in the end, politicians work for the people (typically)

Not to derail the thread, but I would disagree and say that the politicians serve the will of the special interests and corporations that finance their election campaigns. They have not served the "will of the people" in a long while. I believe you can take an honest man and put him in politics and within a year he would be a corrupt POS. You have to be to play the game the way it is.
edit on 14-5-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 06:40 AM

originally posted by: Cancerwarrior
a reply to: SaturnFX

Perfect example is a buddy of mine who moved down here from northern Arkansas last year. There is no black folks there and there's some pretty big ghettos here. I asked his wife how she got along with black folks. She said she was not racist at all and she did not see color. I said OK well thats good for you then. Six months later she completely changed her attitude when she was going to leave the grocery store and a couple black guys stole her groceries out of her buggy while she was turned around strapping her baby in the carseat. There were other incidents that changed her mind other than that. Like when she was heading home from the pecan festival and decided to take a shortcut down MLK and was yelled at to "get the f**k out of here you damned white bitches"! by a 350lb black guy while she was sitting at a red light with her daughter.

Same thing happened to a friend of mine who moved to Fort Scott, Kansas. She was 1 of the 5 black people that lived in that town. She had no racist views or animosity towards white people, until she moved there. She went to Wally world and as soon as she got out of the car a big huge truck sped by and someone shouted out the window DIE N WORD DIE!

They have a community rec center in town too, called Buck Run. She was told on multiple occasions by several towns people that BUCK was a slang term for a black person. And like your buddy she no longer feels the same way about people (whites).

Messed up world we live in isnt it?
edit on 14-5-2014 by KU785 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-5-2014 by KU785 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 08:59 AM
So forget the REST of the history of this tune which is stated

The original song was brought to American shores by Scottish and Irish immigrants who settled along the Appalachian Trail.
And ignore this fact:

That song was directly spawned from another composition often performed in blackface called 'Zip C***' - which in turn lent its lyrics, but not the tune to the Oscar winning popular song, 'Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah.'
While we're at it, penalize children for singing the scout song "Do your ears hang low..." because it follows the same tune. Maybe we should all quit eating watermelon because it was considered the black's fruit. See how stupid that is.

Americans can't get away from the facts of the terrible treatments of black Americans but trying to change every single thing that may have been related to the racist activities is utter ridiculousness. We can only move forward and try to be better people to each other.

posted on May, 14 2014 @ 04:04 PM
Right in the childhood.....

Not so much. Pretty sure the next time my 23 year old self sees an ice cream truck, I'll be more jealous that I don't have a couple bucks on me for an ice cream sandwich, instead of imagining all of the terrible subliminal messages that we're corrupting our poor children with.

posted on May, 15 2014 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: KU785

Yes it is. As long as there are homo sapiens on the planet you are going to have the tribal mentality. Although I must say, most of the time when I have met a black person from up north where they might be the only black person or family in their town, they always tell me that its alot like being a celebrity or something because everybody knows you.

So Buck can mean black person? Oh my, I guess I better watch out and not say that I'm "huntin for a trophy buck" next deer season. I might offend a Canadian.
edit on 15-5-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

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