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Russia Quietly Tightens Reins on Web With ‘Bloggers Law’

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posted on May, 7 2014 @ 11:34 AM
No. That is not why. lmao

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: Xcouncil=wisdom
This is because Putin is a Christian, and knows his prophecies
(Daniel 2:31-34) 31 “You, O king, were watching, and you saw an immense image. That image, which was huge and extremely bright, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was terrifying. 32 The head of that image was of fine gold, its chest and its arms were of silver, its abdomen and its thighs were of copper, 33 its legs were of iron, and its feet were partly of iron and partly of clay. 34 You looked on until a stone was cut out, not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of clay and crushed them. . .
The feet are the last kingdoms that stand before the the final destruction coming to mans kingdom's

Describing the mixture of iron and clay as one “kingdom,” The clay,therefore, “the offspring of mankind,” or the common

The common people undermine the ability of the World Powers to act with ironlike strength.

Therefore, they must not be allowed to communicate freely, kinda like at the tower of babel: (Genesis 11:6) . . .“Look! They are one people with one language, and this is what they have started to do. Now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be impossible for them. . .
We have one language once again, the internet has put the common man in a postion as never before

And Putin knows to keep his power, he must control it.


Ummmm..... shouldn't this go somewhere else on ATS. Seems a little off topic
We're discussing Russian censorship. Not Christian end times mythology.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: Kronzon

I concur, this thread seems to be derailed by LGBT and religion, two of the subjects I most despise talking about.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 01:13 PM
Sadly, this is not much different than the "Journalist protection laws" People like Fienstien are trying to get passed here in the states.

Applying first amendment protection to people the Government LICENCES as having the right.

How sad, when OUR laws start to look like Russian ones.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: flammadraco

I have a Idea. lets check the IP of both of them to make sure.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: Xcouncil=wisdom

Never fails. No matter what the topic is, someone always has to try and wriggle religion into it somehow.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 05:12 PM
Ohh how fantastic so this new law say you can't lie only putin and his mafia can...

Wasn't he caught lying over a dozen times recently concerning Crimea


What ever next Mr Putin

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: RadiationAndCancer
So then, is it fair to say you don't believe a government would or could manipulate a law for the purpose of controlling information in some form or another? FYI, I have no dog in this fight. I'm just curious.

When you're not too busy, could you answer the above question for me. I really am curious.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: BMorris
Oh noes! Having to take personal responsibility for the accuracy and veracity of the information in your blog! PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! The end of the world!!!

Lets face it, if you are honest, and your information is accurate and factual, as it SHOULD be, then this law won't cause any problems anyway. The people who are objecting to this law, I worry about, because.. Well, are you posting inaccurate informations?

Like all of the inaccurate information and speculation all over ATS?

In Russia, you would be arrested for daring to criticize the government, whether you're on the street or at home writing a blog. If you really think this is about preventing lies and false information you are extremely naive.

How do you also explain away the new laws also coming in banning the use of any "offensive" language in media in Russia? Let me guess, you'll try to find a way to defend that too, with some equally amazing mental gymnastics.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 08:49 PM
I guess the 'no bad words" part of it I don't get.

or is that added by west prop?

Who Really knows except Putin and those under who might have said that or those in the west who added that in ....
edit on 5/7/2014 by Chamberf=6 because: 3 words

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:49 AM

originally posted by: Kronzon
So then, is it fair to say you don't believe a government would or could manipulate a law for the purpose of controlling information in some form or another? FYI, I have no dog in this fight. I'm just curious.
When you're not too busy, could you answer the above question for me. I really am curious.

I have time now, sorry to keep you waiting, I had to sleep and watch a little TV LOL

I am going to assume that you are fairly intelligent, and instead of one liners and dogmas give you a full answer.

Everything is connected, in a game of cause and effect, action, reaction, and subsequent re-reaction and so on.

If a country is under attack, you have no choice but to defend yourself. For example 9/11 was CIA and Mossad work, but most of the government HAS NO CLUE, and they are trying to defend the United States from Terrorism, so bunch of laws changed to supposedly protect Americans from people in turbans etc.

Russia is Also under attack, Western Bankers are evil, but they are also very intelligent, they have been trying to destroy Putin government not because they hate them or care about people, but because Putin government wants to be king of their own little hill, they don't want to surrender sovereignty to this Global World Order run by Private Central Bankers.

Putin doesn't want to be just a gear in the machine, he wants Russia to be a complete machine, not just a part.

Because Russia is under attack in sublime ways, attempted color revolution by western financed NGOs, continuous propaganda on western side. Russian government is fighting back, with their own propaganda, AND TRYING to make life difficult for western financed bloggers.

Are some people going to fall though the crack like you suggested, and be arrested while NOT being part of western propaganda. Yes I am sure it will happen to some people.

IN FACT I MYSELF COULD BE ARRESTED this summer when I go to Russia, St.Peterburg. Maybe I will be seen as western spy, or agitator, maybe I will be followed, maybe my hotel will be bugged, WHO KNOWS.

But I understand Why they are doing it, I understand that they won't let Sly and Smart western agencies destroy them.

This is war, this is full blown slow motion war.

And in war people die, and people get hurt,

The aggressor here is not Russia, but US and NATO directed by western private central bankers.

No matter what you think of Russia, and I assume you don't think nice thoughts, they don't care what you think.

They will defend themselves, and I too wish I could defend myself and my rights, from GMOs ChemTrails, unfair taxes, surveillance etc.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: RadiationAndCancer

That is the first post in this thread that you make a valid argument and I actually agree with most of your points.

And a star for not using the Gay Agenda as part of your response

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 04:45 AM
Not sure if this has been posted yet so .... Russia may be looking to keep bloggers truthful but what is the US wanting ?

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: RadiationAndCancer
Just wondering from what you said in your post,

what is your view then on the Chechens and also the Georgia , um ...(let's call it --instead of invasion and takeover) "thing" during the last summer Olympics (wonderful misdirection btw..could have worked with Sochi too, but the Ukraine problem may be taking longer than expected).

Just curious.

edit on 5/8/2014 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: RadiationAndCancer

Like flamma wrote, I do agree with some of what you said. Unfortunately you still didn't answer my question. Yes, you admitted that people will fall through the cracks. However that doesn't answer my question; my question was very specific. Please give yes or no (without one liners and dogmas of course
. And don't go into a long explanation whereby you claim you gave an appropriate answer when you didn't. If you choose not to actually answer the question, but instead dance around it, just don't and save our time. Here, I'll even re-write it to make it easier: "do you believe a government would enforce and manipulate laws to selince opinion(s) they don't agree with?" Yes or no.

Moving on. You really type as if America and Israel are evil. As if all the worlds problems come from us. That seems like a nonsensical stance. Yes, capitalism run a muck is not a good thing. Socialism run a muck isn't either. Nor is communism. Yes western banks can 'be' evil as well. But make no mistake, Russian and Chinese banks are just as corrupt. Sometimes they even take part in the fun the west instigates, profits all around. To say that Russia is in the state they're in because of the west and NOT their own dicessions seems a little ridiculous. At the same time, we did have a hand in their demise. Only thing is, they were trying to bring us down too. They played games and so did we. However, if I'm taking your words out of context I apologize. It just appears you can find no fault with Russia. Everything they do is excusable. Not the same for the west.

And as far as assumptions go when it comes to me, you really shouldn't do that. You know absolutely nothing about me. So please don't assume anything. Personally, I dig Russia. Personally, I believe Putin sees the west weaker than it's ever been and he's going to exploit that. Good for him! I have no fear of Russia or Putin in anyway. I'm set. That said, I wonder wich country it's easier to get thrown in jail for government protesting, US, China or Russia. Oops, should have started a new thread for that question. Lol. Anyways, war or no war, people should be allowed to express their opinions no matter how right or how wrong. Instituting a law like that never turns out well for the populace. Hell, look at the PATRIOT act. Sure, it doesn't target bloggers or journalists per say, but it does make it possible for the government to wreck your life whenever and however they see fit. I'm against any law that can clearly be used to oppresses free speech, however ludacris that speech may be.

Lastly, can we use DC when referring to the US government. Using US seems to lump us all together. America as a whole is a good place to live. However, this is Washington DCs government as far as I'm concerned. And in all honesty, I despise Washington. The government festers. Not the people or the city in general. Just wanted to make that clear.
edit on 8-5-2014 by Kronzon because: Still getting used to this

edit on 8-5-2014 by Kronzon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: Kronzon

That said, I wonder wich country it's easier to get thrown in jail for government protesting, US, China or Russia. Oops, should have started a new thread for that question. Lol. Anyways, war or no war, people should be allowed to express their opinions no matter how right or how wrong. Instituting a law like that never turns out well for the populace. Hell, look at the PATRIOT act. Sure, it doesn't target bloggers or journalists per say, but it does make it possible for the government to wreck your life whenever and however they see fit. I'm against any law that can clearly be used to oppresses free speech, however ludicrous that speech may be.

sorry used spell check on your quote.

Disregarding the format, I understand what you said. May not agree with it all, but understand what you said.

BUT (just for an example) how many ATS members have you noticed disappear for expressing their anti-government views?

Are you gone? Are those who continually express disdain for the Govt. getting yanked or mysteriously disappearing for expressing more of their opinions on ATS that are anti-govt. or TPTB or w/e
(some times constantly--hell it IS a conspiracy site from it's founding)??

IMO Congress is the biggest problem, because they are SO divided (even the right, with tea party against the rest of the party)

No doubt, there are big problems that have been made very public with some govt. actions.

What about the other governments that are not under the eye ( or now redundant) voice of Snowden?

just some opinions and questions.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: Chamberf=6

Sorry if the typos/format bug you. I'm blasting through on my iPad trying to save as much time as possible.

Ok, never once have I thought the government or MIB of some kind were snatching people up who post and or voice their political opinions. Never did I once say or allude to Russia doing the same to its citizens. Of course that doesn't mean that it hasn't or wouldn't happen. My point is that laws such as the one being discussed here are a slippery slope to go down. It's NEVER wise to grant or allow a globally powerful group of people, whether government or not, to institute laws which could be used against you. We keep granting world governments more and more power over us. I believe that might not turn out well. That's my main point on this whole issue. I could care less where people want to point a finger. The DC, Russia Chinese, Indian, Israeli, etc, etc, etc are ALL just as corrupt. I don't believe that was always so, however I do believe this is the case now. And everyone to blame.

As far as congress goes, I agree with that sentence 100%.

Snowden? Lol. I haven't thought about him in months. Who cares. He traded one tyranny for another. He took info that really wasn't that important and gave it to the Russians. Not sure what you're really getting at with that one.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Kronzon

You again voiced concerns that people should be able to voice opinions, and they can do that in Russia freely. But they can't slander without evidence. You CAN say that in your opinion Putin is Satan and you CAN say exactly WHY you think Putin is Satan.

But you CAN'T say that you Know For A Fact that Putin is Satan, if you do, you need pictures, you need papers, you need witnesses, you need to be able to prove your slander if you are going to slander.

You mention USA and Israel, these two are in fact QUITE EVIL, and I can prove it to you.

What is the body count in the last 15 years? Lets compare it to Russian caused body count. You know Wars ???

Lets count the dead, shall we.

As for Russia, here is what their parliament looks like, notice the colors and multi party system.

Compare it to Red and Blue system of so called Free World US of A

EDIT :: Oh by the way, just a day ago ATS thread showed a parent arrested at school meeting for voicing his concerns about Pornographic novel given to his 9 year old to read in school.

So forgive me for not being impressed with freedom in United States.

And ironically, such a novel would not be given to kids in family oriented Russian Federation, assuming you care about development of minds of future generations.
edit on 8-5-2014 by RadiationAndCancer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

Silly Putin , all he had to do was repeal net neutrality then allocate 1kb download speeds to those sites he doesn't agree with and no one would know any better. Get with the times Putin.

I wonder if the Real Russia blogger will comment on this? He does a lot of videos on how the suppose Real Russia is.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: RadiationAndCancer

Not sure if it's my iPad or ATS or the fact I'm new and haven't figured everything out yet, but no pic showed on your post nor did it link me somewhere.

Ok, so Russia China good guys. Very little bad about them. US Israel evil. Very little good. At least, according to you, the US is far more evil than Russia. Gotcha. If I felt that way about the US I'd be gone. Living somewhere else. And I'm serious about that. My wife and I have plans to move out of country. If the worlds going to crap, I'd at least like to watch go to crap from a villa in France. But I don't hate it as bad as you seem to, based off of what you said.

I believe they're all just as good and as bad. I believe Russia is no more 'evil' than DC. Two sides of the same coin if you will.

Wars!? Wars!? You say? Hahaha that's funny. More Russians and Russian speaking people have died in wars over the past 80 years than any other country. 30,000,000,000 in WW2 alone. Not to mention the 10s of thousands of Arabs they killed during the Cold War. Which, America did have a hand in. I know, I know, you typed 15 years, that's a very short amount of time to judge a country. It's wise to at least go back 100, but I'll stick with just 80. Again, I'm not actually taking side here. Just pointing out the facts.

Oh yeah, I love how you through in a story I know nothing about, then made it seem I don't care about future generations if I don't agree with you on the matter. Lol. That's funny. You're a pretty funny guy. I'm sure I'll read the story at some point and find out the dad just didn't want his child learning about good literature. Or he's a crazy right wing Christian. I'm willing to bet he doesn't care about future generations. I joke I joke, I kid I kid.

Would you like me to post links regarding people in Russia arrested for freedom of speech, j/k again! That would never end. We'd be back and forth for days.

Oh, yeah I almost forgot, could you please still answer my original question?
edit on 8-5-2014 by Kronzon because: Correcting typos

edit on 8-5-2014 by Kronzon because: Same

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