posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:40 AM
Some possible poll topics for the future ....
Some possible answers for those topics.
UFOs - organic star trotting aliens? Inter dimensional critters? All homegrown high tech made by humans? Time travelers from our own future?
Demons? A combo of the above? All imagined? None of the above? Other?
Gov't and UFOs - Some higher up elected officials know and are covering. The gov'ts don't know and aren't covering. The gov'ts know but are
scared and can't control/deal with the aliens at all. There are agreements between elected gov'ts and certain alien races about visiting and
abductions/experiments. Elected officials don't know, it's all covered up by shadow gov't. There are agreements between a shadow gov't and
certain alien races about visiting and abductions/experiments. A combo of the above? None of the above? Other?
How do you think aliens, if they exist, see humans? - 'To Serve Man'. As an inferior breed to study but not interact with. Tribal and dangerous
and put in quarantine until we die off. As having potential. As a species that requires help so they help when they can do so without being
detected. A combo of the above? None of the above? Other?
Ghosts - human spirits in an after-life? other dimensional visitors or cross overs? Residual energy repeating? Thought forms and/or psychic energy
from humans come to life? All imagined? A combo of the above? None of the above? Other?
Nessie - Lake monster? Lake critter that is overblown in proportion? Imagination? Tourist Scam? A combo of the above? None of the above?
Big Foot/YETI - Wild creature that roams remote places? Half man and half beast from hundreds of thousands of years ago who is still alive?
Imagination? Scam by hoaxers? There were some not too long ago but they've died out now? A combo of the above? None of the above? Other?
Mothman - Inter dimensional entity crossover? Organic Earth creature we know nothing about? Organic creature stranded here from space? Malevolent
spirit playing or tormenting humans? Immature spirit playing with humans? All imagined? Tourist or book selling scam? A combo of the above? None
of the above? What's a mothman? Other?
Jersey Devil ... basically same questions as mothman and bigfoot.
Princess Di - Killed in drunk driving accident? Killed by combo drunk driver and photogs chasing the car? Set up for death by the Palace? Set up
for death by others? We won't ever know for sure but however it happened, the Queen and Charles werent' too choked up about it. A combo of the
above? None of the above? Other?
JFK - Lee Harvey Oswald lone shooter? Lee Harvey Oswald as part of a team of shooters? Other shooter and Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy? Set up by
LBJ? Set up by the mafia? Set up by communists or Russians? (had to put that in, it was a theory of the time that floated around). A combo of the
above? None of the above? Other?
The major source of this worlds problems? Overpopulation? Pollution? Bankers? Corporations and their owners? Politicians? Despots? Shadow
governments and organizations like Bilderbergers? Religious extremists or religions in general? Ignorance and lack of education? A combo of the
above? All of the above? None of the above? Other?
There are TONS of polls that can be done.