posted on May, 6 2014 @ 05:10 PM
By now, I'm sure everyone has had a chance to participate in our new polling system from PollDaddy (from the same company as Word Press).
I picked PollDaddy because their privacy policy was compatible with ours, and the flexibility available to also include their polls in our FaceBook
page (among other things).
Our general strategy will be to do 2-3 polls per week that are aligned with the hottest topics that rise to the surface here on ATS. But sometimes,
there may not be an issue or topic that works well as a poll. In that case, we'll fall back on general ATS topics that have always been hot items,
and would have interest among our non-member visitors.
So this thread is for any feedback on the polls/surveys, as well as have one place where our members can suggest new polls for those times that hot
topics aren't an ideal fit.
So… sure, we'll do one on chemtrails soon…
What else would you like to see in our polls or surveys?