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Directed Energy Weapons Revealed - How America is Crushing it's Citizens with Fascism.

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posted on May, 4 2014 @ 12:35 AM
US Navy to use lasers to shoot down aerial drones

How many times have the many of the general public complained about the use of Directed Energy Weapons known as DEW which contain electric and electromagnetic frequencies. We are suffering a genocide right here in the great land of the free, the United States of America. Since the Navy is brazen enough to release info of such weapon machinery, I urge them to tell us Targeted Individuals "Why?"

The answer lies between Religion and Patriotism. For some unknown reason, I, the brightest of my graduated class, have been tortured by Directed Energy Weapons and Microwave weapons for close to five years. Jesse Ventura calls it "Slow-Kill". I emailed my Federal Government Badge when I was first was assaulted to hundreds of individual and had the FBI come to my door (no assistance through). This may have kept me safe. We have an non-policed space and nefarious individuals whether in the military, private sector, or maybe even a simple ordinary citizen with enough just capital to purchase these weapons of mass destruction and use them.

Nazi America began with Project Paperclip which I plan on linking to the phrase "Gangstalking" which most of the targeted individuals report the crime.

Our freedoms and liberties are being taken away every day by us just handing them off like lemmings. Our Fourth Amendment has been theoretically breached on such a massive scale, it is telling whether or not it exists. So is our entire constitution.

Get it off my head or else!

That's to the Navy and their Project Artichoke Team if you were wondering.

Mind Control - The Ultimate Terror
Targeted Individual - Blog Spot
Mind Justice
Mind Control With Silent Sounds and Supercomputers

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: Teetotaler

OK, I've read numerous gang-stalking and targeted individual threads and have never believed any of them. Of all the ones I've read each person came off as a paranoid personality. Sure that fits the conspiracy as well but look at this from the perspective of someone not being targeted.

What is it specifically that makes you important enough to have people attacking you with slow-kill technology instead of say a Michael Hasting exploding rocket car?

Yes the Constitution is under attack but that seems irrelevant to the topic.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 01:03 AM
Actually just a normal everyday laser pen can render a drone useless, drones are only as effective as the camera they have and those CCD sensors do NOT like having lasers on them, a short blast will down it temporarily, but a focused blast can actually disable it permanently.

The USA is on the cusp of actual drone surveillance and being from the UK this means we are about 5 years behind and i am NOT having drones watch me everyday. Be sure im going to down as many of these little #ers as i can. We already have literally millions of cameras as it is, i will not be watched all day everyday from the air as well.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: Teetotaler

A big laser isn't of much use for 'mind control'. So the Navy talking about that doesn't apply.

If you think someone's chasing you around with microwaves, there might be a more likely down-to-earth explanation.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: Bassago

I am not going to lie to you. This may put me in the schizophrenic category which, as you say, non-believers or those who have not been attacked would indeed classify me under.

The murderous scheme's foundation is to change a person's ideal or, the same, place a direct threat against an individual's belief system. You may be skeptical to believe this, but it is my opinion with the limited people on Earth (seven plus million), the goal is to strategically win a war of idealism through invasive means and to minimize free thought. And the only way this will work is to either attack all Americans and persons from other countries. There are many more citizens that do not pose a threat to this "brain-net" war due to passiveness and prone to persuasion and yet are lower level targets.

If you read "The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind" that came out in January 2014, it explores the realities of the possibilities of the quantum mind. He discussed a possible brain net where functioning can take place between human brains. I can attest to this since I've been harassed for five years. I have the Claims for Injury, Damage, and Death Document from the Department of Defense that went to Norfolk Virginia in January 2011 to serve as proof. The fight is for the future like the scenario of the last man standing and the measure is morality. With all of the information being recorded by the NSA and other spy companies, it comes down to "first blood" that will win this war over idealism. This future fight is to last past our earthly life times and into the quantum age. Though I don't think the government to get that far based on the sheer number of Targeted Individuals.

Discovery of quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' inside brain neurons supports controversial theory of consciousness

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: Bedlam
a reply to: Teetotaler

A big laser isn't of much use for 'mind control'. So the Navy talking about that doesn't apply.

If you think someone's chasing you around with microwaves, there might be a more likely down-to-earth explanation.

You must be kidding, do your research. That article is evidence. In Project Paper Clip, the American Nazi's were said to create "unusual microwave weapons".

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 01:42 AM

originally posted by: Teetotaler

originally posted by: Bedlam
a reply to: Teetotaler

A big laser isn't of much use for 'mind control'. So the Navy talking about that doesn't apply.

If you think someone's chasing you around with microwaves, there might be a more likely down-to-earth explanation.

You must be kidding, do your research. That article is evidence. In Project Paper Clip, the American Nazi's were said to create "unusual microwave weapons".

It's evidence of lasers. Quite the jump to "thus apocryphal microwave mind control".

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: Teetotaler

I was subjected to this bastardry from 1998 to 2010 I even gave the government a treatise on psychotronic warfare methodologies and capabilities I was labelled crazy for that I dont discuss it much especially on forums where you will be poo poo-ed and ridiculed ,the truth will out eventually I suppose but I have so low an opinion of my fellow citizens it will just be the as long as its not happening to me Nazi Germany routine

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 02:44 AM

a reply to: Teetotaler
For some unknown reason, I have been tortured by Directed Energy Weapons and Microwave weapons for close to five years.

I see this every now & then ....the most likely reason is because you will indirectly effect the Time-Line in some undesirable way ,through no fault of your own.,causing a chain reaction in the future.

try not to physically effect the Time-Line beyond your genetic associations ,if that is possible, and generally they will desist their slow-kill operations...

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 02:52 AM
A bit to add here.

1: Microwaves, they are everywhere if you happen to be sensitive there doesn't need to be a "conspiracy" against you, as long ago as five years ago the birds down in Phx were awake all night, my guess is cell phones but i'm no expert...

2: GMO, Chemicals... there is such a myriad of chemicals in use no one person could ever keep track or even begin to have true understanding of what exactly might be causing them issues, one can only eat au natural try to avoid as much junk and artificial crud as possible, over time negative effects are discovered but not until they have done damage for 20-40 years

3: stress.... more than ever, nuff said.

What i'm saying is... I highly doubt 99% of people who say they are "targeted" are... The cornucopia of possible reasons beg looking into first on any symptoms of anything, I mean... damn, autism, dementia... and so many people with depression...

Really look at what and how the average person is exposed to toxic crud...

wake up, not enough sleep

Drink a stimulant, usually coffee

Eat lets say ...almost anything, a breakfast burrito, meat with hormones, a variety of chemicals, gmo's via the grain the animals were fed from crops grown in nutrition-less soil

commute, breathe air that's not really the air your designed to breathe along a highway, carbon monoxide, various chemicals again... cell towers the whole way, microwaves through your head, the drive itself is...a serious stressor, touch and go, police, lets face it the drive is a life risk, your body knows that...

work, take orders, stress, your survival is at stake if you don't obey, your under artificial light in artificial air, you get no sunlight, no vitamin D, likely your work isn't fulfilling

Lunch, your confined to what's available, machines, fast food, repeat breakfast... chemicals, GMO's Hormones

work ditto as morning

home, ditto as commute... your now on 11 hrs of absolutely nothing good for you, half the year you haven't even seen the sun...

post work, TV or internet, more radiation, advertising, sex, violence... adrenaline, dopamine release before bed NOT healthy, if you are lucky the one in 5 someone might have cooked you a real dinner... does it help much, mostly NO, it's a steak sure, usually meat glue, maybe the potato and veggies weren't washed call it a side of pesticide, your bulbs are no mandated what? Oh more fluorescent, hope one doesn't break that's a bit of mercury, mercury you got anyway chewing that steak from your fillings

so... it's 11:00, 7 hrs before you need to be up... again, the wife if your lucky want's sex... you probably don't even want to but loose that hr so you don't get divorced, drain some energy, have that smoke, take the midnight snack of more garbage... sleep, restlessly, no rem, 3 am rolls around that junk you ate... indigestion, get up for a pill, sleep again

next day...4 hrs sleep, wash rinse repeat

No one needs anyone to "target" them lol... to be sick, have add, unknown ailments, migraines... etc, etc et al... you just need to be alive right now.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: Bassago

Paranoid? Then you'll love this.

I went ahead of the 2009 Armed Forces march in Gloucester, England, carrying a sign bearing the web address for Intelligence Officers For 9/11 Truth. A little over 24 hours later I was shot through the back with some kind of directed energy weapon. I thought I'd die that night and gave my last message, "Tell Captain Eric May I died for your sins." I can't resist a joke even when I'm gasping my last.

If Annie Machon reads this thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve my people in this way.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: Kester

Yes Ive had that a few times too in absolute agony and it takes you about 20 minutes to move again and that falling to the centre of the earth sensation.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: khnum

I had to lie on a pick axe handle and lever it into my back to relax enough to breathe. You don't see that in the first aid books. The next morning I walked 10 yards doubled over in agony. After three days I could stand up straight and after ten days or so the worst of the symptoms had passed. I've never fully recovered and I expect it has shortened my life.

You don't have to wear a uniform, follow orders, or get paid to be shot serving your country.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: Kester

Just be grateful you didn't get Her Royal Heinouses Occult secret services on your ass,my sin was to develop spiritual capabilities not sanctioned by the evil that runs this rock ten years of hell that would if told even stretch the imagination of an avid science fiction fan.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: khnum

My condolences.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: Biigs

After the floods you will be aware how many drones were in the air, most of the aerial videos were from drones. They just came out of nowhere, yet it was not so long ago that the police were not allowed to use them.
edit on 4-5-2014 by smurfy because: Text,

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Teetotaler

They're probably in control of your computer as well.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: smurfy

Gasp! No! Tell me it isn't so! (Computer crashes at critical juncture yet again.)

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: Biigs

I had one fly up to my window in the middle of the night here in sunny Glossed Toe Shire. I heard the motors, flung open the window and heard the motors rapidly retreat.

They'm scared of us boy. Get on top of it.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Kester

These technologies are used in conjuction with advanced black magic and the demonic definately does do electronics Ive had my radio and television taken over,flashing lights,blown phone lines,weird languages or scrip on my computer.The internet often is overwritten when a timeline collapses sometimes you can if your diligent still find old timeline information for example plug Billy Graham obituary into google and you'll find it(but beware of trojans)

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