posted on May, 4 2014 @ 02:52 AM
A bit to add here.
1: Microwaves, they are everywhere if you happen to be sensitive there doesn't need to be a "conspiracy" against you, as long ago as five years ago
the birds down in Phx were awake all night, my guess is cell phones but i'm no expert...
2: GMO, Chemicals... there is such a myriad of chemicals in use no one person could ever keep track or even begin to have true understanding of what
exactly might be causing them issues, one can only eat au natural try to avoid as much junk and artificial crud as possible, over time negative
effects are discovered but not until they have done damage for 20-40 years
3: stress.... more than ever, nuff said.
What i'm saying is... I highly doubt 99% of people who say they are "targeted" are... The cornucopia of possible reasons beg looking into first on
any symptoms of anything, I mean... damn, autism, dementia... and so many people with depression...
Really look at what and how the average person is exposed to toxic crud...
wake up, not enough sleep
Drink a stimulant, usually coffee
Eat lets say ...almost anything, a breakfast burrito, meat with hormones, a variety of chemicals, gmo's via the grain the animals were fed from crops
grown in nutrition-less soil
commute, breathe air that's not really the air your designed to breathe along a highway, carbon monoxide, various chemicals again... cell towers the
whole way, microwaves through your head, the drive itself is...a serious stressor, touch and go, police, lets face it the drive is a life risk, your
body knows that...
work, take orders, stress, your survival is at stake if you don't obey, your under artificial light in artificial air, you get no sunlight, no
vitamin D, likely your work isn't fulfilling
Lunch, your confined to what's available, machines, fast food, repeat breakfast... chemicals, GMO's Hormones
work ditto as morning
home, ditto as commute... your now on 11 hrs of absolutely nothing good for you, half the year you haven't even seen the sun...
post work, TV or internet, more radiation, advertising, sex, violence... adrenaline, dopamine release before bed NOT healthy, if you are lucky the one
in 5 someone might have cooked you a real dinner... does it help much, mostly NO, it's a steak sure, usually meat glue, maybe the potato and veggies
weren't washed call it a side of pesticide, your bulbs are no mandated what? Oh more fluorescent, hope one doesn't break that's a bit
of mercury, mercury you got anyway chewing that steak from your fillings
so... it's 11:00, 7 hrs before you need to be up... again, the wife if your lucky want's sex... you probably don't even want to but loose that hr
so you don't get divorced, drain some energy, have that smoke, take the midnight snack of more garbage... sleep, restlessly, no rem, 3 am rolls
around that junk you ate... indigestion, get up for a pill, sleep again
next day...4 hrs sleep, wash rinse repeat
No one needs anyone to "target" them lol... to be sick, have add, unknown ailments, migraines... etc, etc et al... you just need to be alive
right now.