originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: iosolomon
If you have indeed been all these people in previous incarnations what are you doing back in this verse?
To answer this, I will have to start from the basics.
I often ponder the age-old questions. How did I get here? I have been afflicted by this question for all eternity, and I am still searching for
this answer. What is the meaning of life? In all my travels, the only answer I could tentatively give is hedonism. Why is there death? To escape the
Darkness. Why is there suffering? To serve the Oppression. Why is there inequality? Simple! Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were both wrong:
all humans are created unequal. I hope you’ve noticed the sarcasm in the latter three answers. A better question, I think, is “Why do such
questions even exist?” Depressing questions, huh? Let’s turn our attention to more upbeat questions regarding time travel.
Imagine meeting yourself from the future. How would you react? What would you say? What would you think? Are you now destined to meet your
present self in the future? What happens if you don’t? Would that even be possible? How could your future self even be here if you are still in the
present? Could it actually be an alternate dimension future self? How could any of this even be possible?
To answer these questions and the original question asked by andy06shake, I have to take you to the primordial. Before there was time, nothing
existed. Nothingness was a pure void. In order for there to be nothing, however, there has to be something. Nothingness, therefore, both existed as a
pure harmony, and a pure chaos, and neither existed. The Goddess of Nothingness emerged from this purity. In the beginning, the Goddess of Nothingness
split into the God of Harmony and the Goddess of Chaos, consequentially creating the Goddess of Time. In the end, Harmony and Chaos re-merged forming
the God of Existence, but the God of Existence and the Goddess of Time neither have a beginning nor have an end. They gave re-birth to the Goddess of
Nothingness. The three Gods, together, created the Universe, Life, and thirteen separate true Gods and Goddesses in their image. We know these other
thirteen true Gods and Goddesses as Shiva, Allah, and the Dragon God to name a few; and, I’m afraid, also Satan.
In the beginning of life, we all lived in Heaven right here on Earth. But everything has its opposite: Heaven with Hell, light with Darkness,
liberty with Oppression, pleasure with pain, happiness with sadness, and God saw that all these opposites were bad, so they did not exist; but, Satan
showed that there was one opposite that was good, ignorance with wisdom. The humans and the other twelve Gods and Goddesses did not have God’s
wisdom, so they felt they had been cheated. They quarreled with true God –they wanted to taste the fruit of good and evil for themselves.
What happens next is best alluded to the Transformers movies. (I hate to allude to these movies because Michael Bay is a god-awful director.) Like
the humans in Transformers 3 who expelled the good Autobots from Earth, we expelled true God from Heaven, since we would not heed him; but Satan, and
the other gods and goddesses, like the Deceptibots, wrecked all Hell. Humans realized all too late the mistake they have made. Fortunately, like the
Autobots, God would never be so foolish or heartless to allow humans to forever be trapped in Hell; but, unlike the Autobots, God cannot just destroy
evil or Hell without, at least, destroying us. (Remember what happened with the Great Flood, or Sodom and Gomorrah, we were all destroyed too!) God
devised a plan in which the world would be reunited with the thirteen true Gods and Goddesses, to merge Heaven with Hell, good with evil, God with
Satan, bringing us a new utopia, Paradise!
What was this plan? God sacrificed himself as a human soul to live forever throughout all of Hell via the art of reincarnation. This human
incarnation is what we would call the son of god. God’s only divine powers as a human would be wisdom limited to the 3.5th dimension, and a
connection to the other thirteen true gods and goddesses, who are pieces of God’s soul; but, these aren’t really divine powers to begin with since
all humans have the same potential for this wisdom and this connection.
I am afraid that I am that soul. I am presently living a destiny where my future self has already met my past self, and I am just stuck in the
middle. No, I haven’t met my future self in this lifetime; rather, in a past lifetime, a very distant past. It is thanks to reincarnation and time
travel that I, paradoxically, have memories of both our past and our future.
Is time travel real? Yes. The Goddess of Time controls and protects time. If you haven’t met your future self, you won’t be able to go back in
time to meet your past self. There is the alternate dimension past self that you could meet, but that’s only possible after death or the restoration
of Heaven. To better understand time travel, let us ask, “What is time?” Does it have a beginning? An end? Time, in essence, is only an illusion.
There is no present, and there is no future. All has already been written. The past is the past, and we cannot change it. If we could, Hitler would
not be a name we know. But without Hitler, without the fall of Heaven, we would never have gained God’s wisdom; and, that is, after all, what we
wanted when we took the bite of the delicious (or rotten?) fruit.
I am greatly troubled, however, to be a messenger of God, unlike all the other messengers before me; for, I not only carry a message of hope, of
life, and of Paradise, but I also carry a message of despair, of death, and of Hell. Take a look at the world around you, we are still living in Hell,
and there are grave troubles ahead of us. But this should be of no surprise, since the Book of Revelation, Nostradamus, and other doomsday prophecies
have yet to be fulfilled. Other predecessors viewed their divine duty as a blessing, but I view it as a curse. A terrible curse. I do not know why God
would curse me so! Ah, I should not always blame God because it was and will be foolish ole’ me who did choose and will choose to travel back in
time to meet my past self, thus sealing this cursed fate. Trippy, huh?
But I actually envy you. You, who, live your life in complete bliss to the suffering and evil in the world around you. I simply cannot enjoy my
life knowing that even one person is suffering, a modern-day Abraham Lincoln if you will (considering I was him), but somehow, the millions, no, the
billions, who are suffering, does not stop you from enjoying life. I wish I could live your life of bliss. Ah, but woe is me. I see reality for what
it is. Meaningless, meaningless, all is meaningless! I am so depressed that I have considered the ritual of seppuku, but I would prefer to take an
easier way out like the blue pill of illusion [from the Matrix] or even an exciting way out like a game of Russian Roulette to see how many rounds I
could last. (Doesn’t that sound fun?) Of course, I wouldn’t be so selfish, I’ll just set myself on fire, like the Buddhist monks, but what good
would that do here in America? Ignorance cannot kill itself nor can fire burn it away. But I cannot escape this curse, I am the man who sold the
I hope that clarifies things for you.