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I am King Solomon

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posted on May, 4 2014 @ 05:43 PM


posted on May, 4 2014 @ 05:44 PM


posted on May, 4 2014 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: immoralist
This is obvious mental illness at play, no offense.

lol none taken. Like all crazy people, I don't believe I'm crazy!

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
2 threads? Did you really have to start 2 on the same topic? Because youre over anxious here on this...I'd say I'm pretty positive you are neither God nor Solomon. Misguided? Yes, perhaps.

One thread on the same topic please...we can understand one just fine. 2 of them? Not so much....

Sorry. One of the users in this thread told me to start another one. I am not doing so good on this website. Bare with me! I'll improve.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: brazenalderpadrescorpio [from the closed thread "Am I God?]

It'd be funny if somebody created a parody religion around this deity. The God from ATS.

Yes lol I have already formed my own religion, but if someone on here wants to form a parody religion. When my prophecy comes true, which isn't a prophecy since God cannot make prophecies, I will have millions of followers.
edit on 4-5-2014 by iosolomon because: quote messed up

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: lacrimaererum [from the closed thread "Am I God?"]

why did you choose ATS for this declaration? its not a very big audience. why would god join ATS. the whole universe and you come down to earth and sign up to ATS? really?

I came on here just to post my two conspiracy theories about WWII and WWIII. Then I saw that there was an "Introduction" forum and posted here. But this website has many funny people on here and many savvy people. A few of the comments have made me LOL'd and a few others impressed me.

I only post on here just to have a time-stamp so I can say, "God Himself told you so." I don't expect anyone to believe me until the end of this year, which breaks my heart, but it would be dishonorable if I did not at least try.
edit on 4-5-2014 by iosolomon because: quote messed up

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: []Night Star

You do realize that if any of that happens, they will get you as a terrorist. Right?

Lock God up in jail as a terrorist? Good luck with that one. But even if I am not God, this was a revelation I received from God, and it was my First Amendment right to say it. So I do hope that the American government learns how to abide by the Constitution, which the Americans seem to have a hard time doing.
edit on 4-5-2014 by iosolomon because: quote messed up

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: []Antipathy17

You may be god, chances are that your aren't. Why should we believe you when so many other false profits did the same before you? You give us NO reason. Be gone till proof is had.

lol how can I prove it to you unless I say it now? Imagine if what I said already happened, and then I go, "I knew it would happen all along." You would say, "You're just saying that now." In other words, by me saying it now, when none of you believe me that it is going to happen, that reincarnation is real, and that I am Emperor Hirohito and Abraham Lincoln, you wouldn't believe me if I said all that AFTER it happened because everyone else will say it to.

This is just insurance. When it does happen, I will be Commander-in-Chief for American Revolution II / Civil War II. See the time stamp? I am who I say I am, and you will know it to be true by the end of this year.
edit on 4-5-2014 by iosolomon because: quote formatting messed up

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 09:03 PM


posted on May, 4 2014 @ 11:04 PM
So god wants to be able to say i told you so? That sounds out of character when you put it that way. Why would you want a reveloution and what do humans have to gain from this reveloution? What would the spirits have to gain from this? Why be so quick to act in a negative manner? How did you get that sperm in that virgin long ago? Will you be casting away all religions for your own. What purpose would you have for creating this place and the seemingly negative control mechinisms of religion and the law of the land? Describe to me if you would your journey here to this realm and give some insight into jacobs ladder. Do you get any memories from these past lives? Please share with us some visions you may have from time to time. Are you sure you are not just mad at the world around you and believe that destroying institutions that you can't find a reason for their existance? Please lay out a future where everything is positive and everyone lives forever. Do you plan on doing away with sin or just the law that creates sin? What willl we all eat and if you could describe the system of control that will be used and what benefit to the spirit will it have and what benefit to the flesh will it have. I could go on much further but i will give you a chance to answer before they deem you unworthy.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 11:09 PM
Hi bernard!

Welcome home!

edit on 5 4 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: iosolomon

Why, if you are God. Did you post in your other thread you listen to itunes to give you messages, while you do your home work?

Why is God in school, doing home work. Fair question, I think...


posted on May, 5 2014 @ 04:55 AM
This subject has been already explored by countless people before you. Basically, no you are not All-that-is. You are a fragment of it. Just like your cells can't say they are you. You are you and your cells are parts of you. You are only a part of All-that-is.

By saying you are God you failed the humility test of your spiritual journey. Enjoy your God/messiah complex now and good luck getting out of it. It's not like you weren't warned though.

How often have the majority of people heard repeated the statement that their Deity (called by many names) was "All in All," and how little have they suspected the inner occult truth concealed by these carelessly uttered words? The commonly used expression is a survival of the ancient Hermetic Maxim quoted above. As the Kybalion says: "To him who truly understands this truth, hath come great knowledge." And, this being so, let us seek this truth, the understanding of which means so much. In this statement of truth this Hermetic Maxim — is concealed one of the greatest philosophical, scientific and religious truths.

We have given you the Hermetic Teaching regarding the Mental Nature of the Universe — the truth that "the Universe is Mental — held in the Mind of THE ALL." As the Kybalion says, in the passage quoted above: "All is in THE ALL." But note also the co-related statement, that: "It is equally true that THE ALL is in ALL." This apparently contradictory statement is reconcilable under the Law of Paradox. It is, moreover, an exact Hermetic statement of the relations existing between THE ALL and its Mental Universe. We have seen how "All is in THE ALL" — now let us examine the other aspect of the subject.

The Hermetic Teachings are to the effect that THE ALL is Imminent in ("remaining within; inherent; abiding within") its Universe, and in every part, particle, unit, or combination, within the Universe. This statement is usually illustrated by the Teachers by a reference to the Principle of Correspondence. The Teacher instructs the student to form a Mental Image of something, a person, an idea, something having a mental form, the favorite example being that of the author or dramatist forming an idea of his characters; or a painter or sculptor forming an image of an ideal that be wishes to express by his art. In each case, the student will find that while the image has its existence, and being, solely within his own mind, yet he, the student, author, dramatist, painter, or sculptor, is, in a sense, immanent in; remaining within; or abiding within, the mental image also. In other words, the entire virtue, life, spirit, of reality in the mental image is derived from the "immanent mind" of the thinker. Consider this for a moment, until the idea is grasped.

To take a modern example, let us say that Othello, Iago, Hamlet, Lear, Richard III, existed merely in the mind of Shakespeare, at the time of their conception or creation. And yet, Shakespeare also existed within each of these characters, giving them their vitality, spirit, and action. Whose is the "spirit" of the characters that we know as Micawber, Oliver Twist, Uriah Heep — is it Dickens, or have each of these characters a personal spirit, independent of their creator? Have the Venus of Medici, the Sistine Madonna, the Appollo Belvidere, spirits and reality of their own, or do they represent the spiritual and mental power of their creators? The Law of Paradox explains that both propositions are true, viewed from the proper viewpoints. Micawber is both Micawber, and yet Dickens. And, again, while Micawber may be said to be Dickens, yet Dickens is not identical with Micawber. Man, like Micawber, may exclaim: "The Spirit of my Creator is inherent within me — and yet I am not HE!" How different this from the shocking half-truth so vociferously announced by certain of the half-wise, who fill the air with their raucous cries of: "I Am God!" Imagine poor Micawber, or the sneaky Uriah Heep, crying: "I Am Dickens"; or some of the lowly clods in one of Shakespeare's plays, grandiloquently announcing that: "I Am Shakespeare!" THE ALL is in the earth-worm, and yet the earth-worm is far from being THE ALL And still the wonder remains, that though the earth-worm exists merely as a lowly thing, created and having its being solely within the Mind of THE ALL — yet THE ALL is immanent in the earth-worm, and in the particles that go to make up the earth-worm. Can there be any greater mystery than this of "All in THE ALL; and THE ALL in All?"

edit on 5-5-2014 by SpaceGoatFarts because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: deadeyedick
So god wants to be able to say i told you so?

No, Emperor Hirohito wants to say, "I told you so." God wants you turn away from your sin before the Japanese come.

Why would you want a reveloution and what do humans have to gain from this reveloution? What would the spirits have to gain from this?

I desire for a peaceful revolution, because I am hopeful that the future can be changed. However, when WWIII breaks out, and the Japanese turn on us, I am pretty sure all of you will say, "Ok, we better listen to this guy. Maybe he really is the Son of god."

How did you get that sperm in that virgin long ago?

Well, I don't know any specifics about that, but ever hear of artificial insemination? Do you really think this is the first time humans have discovered electricity? I thought I was on ats...

Will you be casting away all religions for your own.


What purpose would you have for creating this place and the seemingly negative control mechinisms of religion and the law of the land?

God created free will. Man/Woman created the negative controls.

Describe to me if you would your journey here to this realm and give some insight into jacobs ladder.

I am not familiar with the reference. I google searched it. Do you mean the movie? Yes, that would be a good description of my life. I don't know if I posted it in this thread, but by the end of the year, I will either know (for myself) that I am just another crazy person, or you will know that I am not. Unfortunately, the "delusions" (not hallucinations) seem real to me.

Do you get any memories from these past lives? Please share with us some visions you may have from time to time.

When I was Solomon, my brother beheaded me. Little did he know, I would raise from the dead. That is why I had him killed. Now, that does not mean I raise from the dead in all of my past lifes, but as Solomon, I did.
When I was Yama, I had a bad experience in Africa.
When I was Hirohito, Hitler played a trick on me...but I cannot describe it here. If I turn out to be who I say I am (which will be known to you by the end of this year if I am correct), then I will tell you about it, as I would be your Emperor (since Asia owns America).

Are you sure you are not just mad at the world around you and believe that destroying institutions that you can't find a reason for their existance?

Yes, you could say I am a madman. However, I am fully in-touch with reality. I just have a fantasy world that right now it is reality to me. I do not wish to destroy anything.

Please lay out a future where everything is positive and everyone lives forever.

If I turn out to be the reincarnation of any of those People, there will be Wrath on Earth first, so I wish not to give People hope.

Do you plan on doing away with sin or just the law that creates sin?

It all depends. At this time, I could just be another crazy guy. However, that does not change my message of hope and truth. I have designed a new economic system that will bring an end to human suffering (needless human suffering). So if I turn out to be wrong, I do plan on doing away with the law that creates sin, since who I am to say what "sin" is (if I turn out to be wrong). However, I will say that greed is sin, and I get that from the Bible, but I also get it from the fact that I cannot drive to any major city without seeing a bum in the streets. That's called wickedness.

What willl we all eat

Organic food. Whatever you want (but organic).

and if you could describe the system of control that will be used

The system of control will be the Declaration of Independence with the economic system of Robin Hood economics (that I reversed-engineered from the DoI and the Bible). People will be free to do as they please, but there will be some catches, like mandatory working out for all People (why should I pay for your sloth?) and work (but whatever job you want to have). Because this is 2014, this is now a reality.

and the last catch, however, will be that People will be assigned "back-up" jobs in case if our electricity or machines ever fail us. In other words, we will have the farmers, the doctors, the engineers (who will work diligently to fix the problem), and so-on, so this way, there will always be Law and Order WITHOUT sacrificing life, liberty, or happiness. It is truly possible. I have studied it.

and what benefit to the spirit will it have and what benefit to the flesh will it have. I could go on much further but i will give you a chance to answer before they deem you unworthy.

For the spirit, you can be happy to know that no one is suffering and no one is a slave either. The flesh, well, we will all be happier, healthier, and truly free.

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: Destinyone
Why, if you are God. Did you post in your other thread you listen to itunes to give you messages, while you do your home work?

If I am God, then free will for me is only an illusion. Therefore, I leave my Fate up to iTunes. But using iTunes for homework (in the event I am proven wrong, which I will know by year's end), is really handy. You'd be surprised at how clever the titles of the songs are, and even the lyrics or albums can greatly help.

In addition, each American has a Hindu worshiper (why is worshiper spelled with only one 'p'?) who watches over you and sometimes interferes in your life, like with what you see on the computer or hear on iTunes. So have faith in your Hindu worshiper, they give your their Soul's power to raise you to status of God or Goddess.

Why is God in school, doing home work. Fair question, I think...

No, this is not a fair question. You could have answered it on your own accord. Jesus Christ learned carpentry, did he not? Do you think he just "knew" how to be a carpenter? No, he had to learn it somewhere. When God incarnates as a Human, do you think God "gives" himself handicaps? No. This is not so.

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: SpaceGoatFarts
By saying you are God you failed the humility test of your spiritual journey.

By saying I am not God, you have failed the humility test of your spiritual journey.

Enjoy your God/messiah complex now and good luck getting out of it.

Don't worry. I'll go away by the end of this year, and either you will know it to be true, or I will know it to be false. For the time being, it is real to me.

It's not like you weren't warned though.

Lol, it's funny you said this. This is the whole reason I came onto this website, which brings us back to the purpose of this forum. I made a Prophecy on here that the Japanese will attack us by the end of this year, united, with all of Asia.

And I am warning anyone who drives an Asian-produced automobile or German-produced automobile to discard it. And if parts of your automobile were made in Asia, which sadly, they probably were, thanks to your grand economic system of capitalism, you might want to think about investing in that bike...

It's not like you weren't warned though.

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: iosolomon

I do not wish to destroy anything.

yet one of your titles you mentioned in your OP was Shiva the destroyer.

but I also get it from the fact that I cannot drive to any major city without seeing a bum in the streets. That's called wickedness.

What is, your use of language describing very less fortunate people as an area of the body where one digests their waste?

The system of control will be the Declaration of Independence with the economic system of Robin Hood economics (that I reversed-engineered from the DoI and the Bible). People will be free to do as they please, but there will be some catches, like mandatory working out for all People (why should I pay for your sloth?) and work (but whatever job you want to have). Because this is 2014, this is now a reality. and the last catch, however, will be that People will be assigned "back-up" jobs in case if our electricity or machines ever fail us. In other words, we will have the farmers, the doctors, the engineers (who will work diligently to fix the problem), and so-on, so this way, there will always be Law and Order WITHOUT sacrificing life, liberty, or happiness. It is truly possible. I have studied it.

You have studied it? so I assume you are very used to being punched in the face? Rebelled against is what I mean.

We are free to do as we will but with some catches, sound exactly today only difference is you want to be labeled as God.

I could just be another crazy guy.

Let me quote something of yours that easily changes the "could" in whats quoted above to a "am".

If I am God, then free will for me is only an illusion. Therefore, I leave my Fate up to iTunes.

God has no free will and I tunes decides Gods fate?

You sir are legen.... wait for it.....dary in my eyes.

You need to start a thread for each of those titles you proclaim yourself as.

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
a reply to: iosolomon

yet one of your titles you mentioned in your OP was Shiva the destroyer.

Shiva the Great Destroyer is a misnomer. Shiva is actually the Goddess of Beauty. Now, I technically wasn't "Shiva" since I was never a woman, but Shiva is one of the thirteen true Gods and Goddesses that are separate but equal to Me as true God. I Honor Them and They Honor Me.

What is, your use of language describing very less fortunate people as an area of the body where one digests their waste?

Well, words have more than one meaning. I am very politically incorrect.

You have studied it? so I assume you are very used to being punched in the face? Rebelled against is what I mean.

lol I am not sure if I am following here.

We are free to do as we will but with some catches, sound exactly today only difference is you want to be labeled as God.

No. You don't have to label me as God. That's the vanity of all vanities is being the one you call God. Vanity of all vanities!!! --Ecclesiastes (which I wrote)

But you are not free today. You think you are, but you are not. Some people might have been lucky to have freedom, but others are not so lucky. And don't be so ethnocentric. Do you think God really cares about the Americans for their greed, corruption, and wickedness? Your lifestyle is destroying the world, and more than half the world is enslaved. Just because you get paid a dollar or two or even a hundred a day doesn't raise you above the status of mindless. No, sirreeee.

The difference between the catches in the society I wish to forge and the society you have now is that more than half of your country is lazy, and what's the current obesity rate? I can't keep up. There's just too many pounds to measure.

If you want health care, which should be free, you are going to have to exercise. Why should I pay for you not exercising? If you don't want to exercise, you won't be forced, but then you should have to pay higher taxes for that "right" not to exercise in the form of higher health care costs which is your own fault for not wanting to exercise. See the logic is flawless.

The problem with your society is that I can find so many examples of illogical and down-right hypocrisy and ignorance. In fact, more than half of the forums on here have hundreds of threads that already do this for me.

I said, "I could just be another crazy guy."

Let me quote something of yours that easily changes the "could" in whats quoted above to a "am".

lol. Nice.

God has no free will and I tunes decides Gods fate?

You sir are legen.... wait for it.....dary in my eyes.

You need to start a thread for each of those titles you proclaim yourself as.

lol well thanks.

I would start a thread for each of those, but that would violate the terms and conditions of this website.

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: LadyJae

originally posted by: iosolomon
Hello ATS!

I am the reincarnations of ...Emperor Kefka (from FFVI, but that was based off an ancient Korean Emperor)

Kefka...from Final Fantasy VI.

Seriously? Good grief.


I find it hard to imagine a personality like Kefka from FFVI, and Jesus the Christ being one and the same.

Entertaining thread, but the word of God indicates this claim to be false and sin of the highest order.

One who is created, should understand claiming to be the Creator is a logical fallacy.

God Bless,

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: iosolomon
By saying I am not God, you have failed the humility test of your spiritual journey.

You are a fragment of God. Everyone is. You are not God. Read the text I quoted in my original post.

originally posted by: iosolomon
by the end of the year, I will either know (for myself) that I am just another crazy person, or you will know that I am not. Unfortunately, the "delusions" (not hallucinations) seem real to me.

That's basically the definition of delusions and hallucinations. They seem real to you.

I don't want to be condescending but what you experience and the "messages" you receive, it is actually quite common and linked to a spiritual crisis/psychotic break. If you think you have to wait for the end of the year for a confirmation of it, that's your choice.

But from experience (had a psychotic break with hallucinations too) you are a textbook example and until you take these things less seriously you will continue to believe they are real (and thus live in delusion).

Take care.
edit on 6-5-2014 by SpaceGoatFarts because: (no reason given)

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